MINUTES Minutes of the Sixteenth Annual General Meeting of CHAPTER (West Cheshire) Ltd held on Tuesday, 7 October 2014 at 52 Old Vicarage, Parkgate Road, University of Chester Campus, Chester. CH1 4BJ Commencing at 6.30 PM PRESENT: John Dunkerley (JD) Paul Moores (PM) Emma Rees (ER) Tom Parry (TP) Audrey Williamson (AW) Richard Mottershead (RM) Colin Jones (CJ) Rob Storey (RS) Chair Company Secretary Vice Chair Trustee Trustee Trustee Trustee Trustee ATTENDEES: Anne Piercy Susan Sullivan April Aspin Janice Eastwood Wendy Haywood Rachel Collier Terri Roberts Chief Officer Deputy Chief Officer Admin Officer (Minute Taker) Finance Office Project Worker Youth Project Worker Project Worker INVITEES: Andrew Laycock Angela Rodgers Barrie Jackson Barry Timmins Bruce Burford Ceris Timms Chris Laycock Debbie Fletcher Graham Haslett Hayley Cavanagh Hilda Laycock Holly Ellerton Lauren Selsby Maire Gibson Mike Casselden Nic Davies Nina Landry Pat Griffiths Rachel Turnock Roy Johnson Sam Newton Tom Robinson Item 1 Introduction John Dunkerley (JD) opened the Sixteenth AGM by welcoming all present and commented on how encouraging it was to see so many Service Users and their families. JD informed the meeting that the purpose of the AGM was twofold. The formalities, eg reporting on the Annual Report & Accounts, etc would be dealt with during the first half of the meeting. This would be followed by short presentations from the Chief Officer, Chair, Vice Chair and the Service User Group. The meeting would conclude with the presentation of Certificates to Service Users. 2 Apologies for Absence Formal apologies were received from 25 invitees 3 Minutes of AGM held on 8 October 2013 The Minutes were agreed and accepted as a true and accurate record of the meeting. These were proposed by Emma Rees and seconded by Richard Mottershead. They were then signed by JD and PM 4 Matter Arising JD asked the meeting if there were any matters arising from the minutes of last year’s meeting. There were none 5 Annual Reports Trustees Report– JD reflected on the activities of last year which formed the basis for actions for the current year. CHAPTER has had to deal with a significant turnover of Trustees and it was important to replace those moving on with the expertise to lead the company and support the staff in going forward. It had become clear that there was an urgent need to shore up the support given to staff. The creation of the Deputy Chief Officer role has filled this gap; strengthening the management team which historically had comprised of only one individual. JD went on to say that for a third successive year CHAPTER had seen a significant reduction in its funding levels. The NHS and Local Authorities have seen a reduction in their funding levels which has a knock on effect for all voluntary organisations who are competing for a much smaller amount of funding available. JD then handed over to Paul Moores to present the financial statement. Statement of Accounts for the year ending 31 3 2014 – PM opened by stating that we are still operating in a tough environment. Our income for the financial year was £137.7K with expenditure running at £171.1K. This shows an operating loss of £33.4K which is clearly a significant amount. However, due to the prudent way the business has been managed, together with making some tough decisions to close certain projects, (eg Wood ‘n’ Gardens) it has been able to build up considerable reserves. These currently stand at £154K, down from £188K at the start of the financial year. Crucially, compared to 2010, we have seen a 50% drop in funding for the year 2013-2014 which is clearly a significant amount.. A lot of work has been carried out on the classification of Restricted and Unrestricted funds as it appeared that a large portion of historic funds had been wrongly categorised. Restricted money will now be accounted for fully in the period in which its incurred The current year will continue to be challenging and all small charities are struggling in the current climate. Due to our still reasonably healthy reserves, we can manage to meet CHAPTER’s goals for the next couple of years. However, we have built into our Business Plan a caveat that, should the projection be that reserves will drop below £50,000 in a given year, a closure plan will be instigated. PM formally submitted the accounts to the meeting for acceptance. This was proposed by – John Dunkerley and seconded by Colin Jones A show of hands carried the vote unanimously Chief Officer’s Report – Anne Piercy (AP) opened her presentation by thanking AA for producing the newsletter and went on to report how CHAPTER has adapted in an ever changing environment. We are still managing to provide the same quality service, never losing sight of our core values, and responding to the needs of our Service Users. The Youth Project has undergone a major overhaul, and although it has lost some of its social activities, it is now much more focused. The Garden Project continues to flourish. Clients felt the benefits of the project continuing at a lower cost was very worthwhile and far outweighed the loss of the paid element previously which was previously available Looking at a snapshot of just one day in the year, we are providing a service to over 200 clients. This was made up of 136 “live” clients who were working on Action Plans and Placements, 12 at referral stage, 21 in the induction process, and 23 in the support programme. Demand for our services is as strong as ever. AP went on to introduce all members of the team. As JD and PM had both alluded to, AP reiterated that this is a difficult period in our history but we have met the challenges by offering more opportunities to our beneficiaries, streamlining our services, making better use of technology and re-evaluating roles within the management structure. We continue to offer courses in Confidence, Communication and Mentoring which are all very popular. We have also continued to ensure that robust systems are in place together with a solid Board structure offering support, expertise and specialist knowledge in all areas of the business. AP concluded by providing some quotes from a Quality Survey carried out with our Service Users earlier in the year and also the very encouraging and uplifting feedback we received following the Investors in People review which saw us retain our kitemark for the ninth successive year. In summary, CHAPTER is up to the challenge and looking forward to the future. 6 Election of Board Members & Officers 6.1 Re-election of Retiring Trustees In accordance with Article 36 of the Articles of Association of CHAPTER (West Cheshire) Ltd, three Trustees were due to retire from office and had been re-nominated for re-election John Dunkerley – (Chair) Proposed By: Paul Moores / Seconded By: Rob Storey Tom Parry – Proposed By: John Dunkerley / Seconded By: Paul Moores Emma Rees – (Vice Chair) Proposed By: Paul Moores / Seconded By: Audrey Williamson The proposals were unanimously approved by the members 6.2 Election of New Trustees There were no new Trustees to be appointed at the moment 6.3 Election of Officers There was no appointment of Officers at this time 7 Appointment of Independent Examiner It was agreed that Robert Hall FCA of Mitchell Charlesworth Chartered Accountants be re-appointed for the year 2014/2015. They had now been with us for 4 years and we have built up a good relationship with them This was proposed by Paul Moores and seconded by John Dunkerley. The proposal was approved unanimously. 8 Service User Group (SUG) JD introduced the 4 members of the SUG (Tom, Mike, Nina and Rachel) and stressed the importance of the strong links between CHAPTER and the representatives of the SUG who keep us all focused and act as an important interface between Trustees, staff and clients. He went on to announce that a second member of the SUG would be joining Mike Morrissey at Board meetings. The theme of the presentation was the progress that had been made in the last 12 months and how important the socialising aspect of the Group was to them in helping to alleviate feelings of loneliness and isolation. A photographic record of some of their trips which included days out at Llandudno and Conwy played in the background. The Group meet formally every couple of months at CHAPTER. There are now around 20 members with approx. 12-14 attending each meeting at CHAPTER. However, the aim is to find a regular base to meet informally about once a month – there is a possibility that Glan Aber could be a potential venue. All 4 representatives felt the support they receive from CHAPTER is fantastic and vital in building their confidence, self-esteem etc. JD thanked the Group for their enjoyable talk and said it’s a reminder to us all to keep working diligently to make sure that people like Tom, Mike, Nina and Rachel continue to benefit from CHAPTER’s services and expertise. 9 Are there Silver Linings in Cuckoos’ Nests? Representing Mental Illness in Literature and Film JD introduced ER who is a Senior Lecturer in English at the University of Chester, focusing on the early modern period, and on literature and film. ER has written extensively on gender studies and representation, contributing chapters to a number of acclaimed academic works. The focus of the presentation was how the media represents mental illness; the gaps between our own experience and what is being re-presented back to us; and how perceptions and beliefs have changed over the years. This was portrayed by depicting the difference in attitudes and treatment regimens depicted in the 2 films – One Flew Over The Cuckoo’s Nest (1975) and Silver Linings Playbook (2012) ER summed up by saying that the stigma surrounding mental health is slowly being removed but there is still a great deal of work to be done. ER then posed 4 questions and opened up the discussions to the floor encouraging the audience to email her with details of films they had seen, how it had affected them and why. 10 Presentation of Awards & Certificates by Emma Rees Sue Sullivan (SS) introduced all students who had participated in various courses and ER presented their certificates and congratulated them on behalf of the organisation, The courses were both accredited through Open Awards and non-accredited, which CHAPTER had run throughout the year. These included Mentoring – this is a 3E’s project – Engage, Empower, Enable which is in its early stages (11 trainees so far), Confidence and Communications. She also went onto to thank Dawn Swettenham of Swettenham Chemists, Tarvin Fisheries and our Trustee, Colin Jones, who had been instrumental in providing fishing and tennis activities for our Service Users. Certificates were presented to the following students by ER – Mentoring 11 Work Experience Sam Newton Confidence Communications Holly Ellerton Barry Timmins Nina Landry Lauren Selsby Rachel Turnock Sam Newton Barry Timmins Nina Landry JD thanked everyone who presented at the AGM this evening and said how much it was appreciated by all. He went onto thank ER and the University for the use of the room and finally, he thanked all staff for their continued hard work their support in making the evening a success. There being no further business, JD closed the meeting at 8.00 PM SIGNED: …………………………….. (Chairman) ……………………………….. (Company Secretary) Date: ……………………….. Date: ………………………