Minutes of the Planning Committee meeting held on Thursday 19th

7th July 2011
Minutes of a meeting of the Planning Committee of Pershore Town Council held at Pershore Town
Hall, 34, High Street, Pershore on Thursday 7th July 2011 commencing at 7.00pm
Present: -
Cllr D Shaw (Chairman)
Cllr J Grantham MBE
Cllr R Grantham
Cllr C Parsons MBE
Cllr M Payne
Cllr R Speight
Cllr D Watt
Cllr V Wood
Items referred by members of the public
There were none
032. Apologies
There were none
033. Declarations of Interest
Cllr Wood advised members of her ‘dual Membership’ of the Town Council and the District Council, the
statutory planning authority and as a result she would reserve her position on planning applications until
the full facts were available to her in the report to the Planning Authority.
034. Minutes
It was proposed by Cllr Speight, seconded by Cllr Watt and RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting
held on 16th June 2011 be signed as a true and accurate record of the proceedings.
035. Matters arising from the Minutes
The Clerk advised that the resident of 94 Newlands had again been contacted by Highways
following a complaint from the Town Council in January concerning their missing drainpipe. Cllr Shaw
advised that he was endeavouring to ascertain the contact details of the owner of the property who lived
in Birmingham and once these were available he would see whether this information could be passed to
The Clerk advised that a date for a meeting with Rooftop Housing to discuss various
issues was
The Clerk advised that the District Council was in discussion with the owner of the property
previously known as Jo Joes regarding changes to the fascia so that it was more in keeping with the
conservation area.
The Clerk had received a further response from the District Council regarding the use of I. T. at
Planning meetings and had been advised that the District Council were unable to provide I.T. equipment
and had suggested that the Town Council apply for a grant from Awards for All.
036. Planning Applications
Staddlestones, Pensham, Pershore
Installation of 16 x Sanyo 235 WP solar PV Panels onto existing south west facing roof of Staddlestone
No objection
W/11/01208/PN and W/11/01209/LB
21, Broad Street, Pershore (Lloyds TSB)
Installation of green light strip behind two ground floor windows
Decision:Objection as proposal will create an illuminated sign in the Conservation Area against
planning policy on advertising.
W/11/01198/PP and W/11/01197/PP
36, Bridge Street, Pershore
Proposed relocation of cloaks area from approval W/10/02807/PP Provision of Conservation Grade
sunpipe to rear roof slope of property (to provide daylight to ensuite bathroom). Minor alteration to rear
side glazed door with 2 glazed screens as approval W/10/2808/LB to glazed door with single side glazed
panel. Minor alteration to rear folding/sliding doors to solid and glazed panels with French doors.
No objection
W/11/01196/LB and W/11/01197/PP
36, Bridge Street, Pershore
Proposed replacement flat roof with pitched roof and utilisation of roof space as habitable
No Objection
037. Landscape Character Assessment
Members considered the consultation document on the Landscape Character Assessment
and were
pleased to note that the document was looking at preserving historic structures as well as landscapes. It
was agreed the Clerk would respond welcoming the document and drawing the County Council’s
attention to areas around Pershore of importance including Tiddesley Wood, open grass land and the
importance of retaining the character of the entrance to Pershore from Evesham, including the river
meadows. The Clerk will write accordingly.
038. Approvals and Refusals
The Chairman reported on recent approvals and refusals
039. Items for future agenda
It was agreed a meeting of full Council be recommended to consider the implication of the South
Worcestershire Development Plan, to be held in early September with the assistance of a District
Council planning policy officer
Planning implications of Localism Bill – Community Right to Build
040. Items for information
The Clerk advised that various issues had been raised by residents concerning Orchard Farm,
Defford Road.
A planning application was awaited regarding a concrete apron outside a barn for which there was no
planning approval
District Council engineers were monitoring the filling in of ditches on the site
Countryside Service had visited to site regarding the fencing off and planning of public rights of way
without permission
Enforcement at the District Council had also visited the site to assess the possible removal of hedges on
the farm
The Clerk would continue to keep members informed of issues relating to the site.
The Clerk advised members that the wall at 82, Bridge Street had been refused and it was now
probable a fence would be erected under permitted development rights
The Clerk advised that Bloor Homes would appear to be regularly submitted requests for
conditions to be signed off on the Three Springs Road site and to date the planning officers at
Wychavon were satisfied with progress.
The Clerk advised that a Flood risk Assessment for the planning application for the Croome Road
site was available for members’ information and consideration although comments regarding the
application had already been submitted.
There being no further business the meeting closed at 19.25
Date ………………………….