Planck’s Constant Activity AP Physics Name: Period: In this activity, we will look closely at the spectrum produced by energized hydrogen atoms. The spectrum produced is quite different from the spectrum of a blackbody and those differences tell us a lot about how atoms work: To capture the spectrum, we will use a diffraction grating. Remember that a diffraction grating has multiple slits that allow incoming light waves to pass through and spread out on the far side. As the spreading waves from different slits meet, they interfere – most of the interference is destructive, but if you look at the right angle the waves undergo constructive interference and you will see a light wave with a particular wavelength at that angle. Materials: Hydrogen Spectrum Tube Spectrum Tube Power Supply Diffraction Grating & Mount Meter Stick Procedure: 1. Place the Spectrum Tube at one end of your table. Align the diffraction grating mount so that it points at the spectrum tube – the end with the diffraction grating should be the far end from the spectrum tube and the end with the meter stick should be close to the spectrum tube. 2. On the diffraction grating, read the density of the lines – the number of lines per meter or the number of lines per centimeter – and record the value. Then convert that number to the line spacing – the distance between adjacent lines, d, and record that value. 3. Measure the length of the diffraction grating mount – from the grating itself to the meter stick where you will measure the lines you see. Record that value as the length, L, between the grating and the line. 4. Turn on the spectrum tube and look through the diffraction grating, down the length of the diffraction grating mount at the tube. Adjust the diffraction grating mount so that you see the spectrum tube at the 50 cm mark on the mount’s meter stick. 5. Moving your eyes, not your head, look to either side of the 50 cm mark and you should see four distinct lines of color that are parallel to the spectrum tube – those lines are the spectra produced by the energized hydrogen gas. In order away from the tube, you should see a dark violet line, a blue violet line, a blue-green line and a red line. (The dark violet line is the hardest to see.) 6. Start with the lines to the right of the spectrum tube. Measure how far out it appears to be from the center of the meter stick – the x value. If you can see the meter stick clearly enough, simply read off the distance from the 50 cm mark. If you can’t see the meter stick, have a partner slide a piece of paper along the meter stick until the edge matches the line and then your partner should be able to read the distance from the 50 cm mark. 7. Repeat step 6. for the lines to the left of the spectrum tube. Ideally, these measurements will be the same as those you just took. If they are not, then your diffraction grating mount is slightly angled. Don’t worry about the angle, by taking the data on both sides, we will average away any measurement errors. 8. Switch positions with your partner and repeat the measurements in step 6. and 7. Record these new measurements as trial 2. 9. Take the average of all your measurements for the position of each line. Use the average value for all of your calculations from this point forward. Planck’s Constant Activity Data line density: line spacing, d: Grating to line distance, L: Line Color Trial 1 (right) Trial 1 (left) Trial 2 (right) Trial 2 (left) Mean Value (x) Dark Violet Blue-Violet Green-Violet Red Analysis: Part I: Light Waves Our first task is to find the wavelength and frequency of the light waves that make up the hydrogen spectrum. This involves applying our understanding of diffraction. We are looking for constructive interference between waves spreading out after they pass through the slits in the diffraction grating. Constructive interference means that the crest of the wave coming through one slit meets the crest of the wave coming through the other slit (or, equivalently, the trough of one wave meets the trough of the other). Because the waves are moving the same speed, this means that one wave has to travel a distance that is exactly one wavelength further than the other wave travels (it could be two wavelengths or any integer number, but we are looking at the first order maximum). Although the two waves coming through different slits do have to travel at slightly different angles to be able to meet up, the difference is so small that we can consider the two waves to be going parallel. This makes it easy because then the extra distance that one wave travels just depends on the distance between the slits and the angle (see picture). To meet up just right for constructive interference, the extra distance that one wave travels (which equals d·sin) has to be equal to a single wavelength, so = d·sin. Use this fact and some basic trigonometry (see the picture at the top of the page) to fill in the following table: Diffraction Results Line Color Dark Violet Blue-Violet Blue-Green Red Angle () Wavelength () Frequency (f) Part II: Bohr’s Theory When people originally observed the bright line spectra given off by excited gases, they were baffled by them. They very quickly understood two important ideas: 1) light to come from vibrating charges (which is not wrong); and 2) in order to emit a light wave, the atom had to lose energy by moving its electron into an orbit closer to the nucleus. However, neither of those ideas put any limits on what kind of light waves could be created by the atom. It wasn’t until Planck and Einstein brought the idea that light was quantized into view, that anyone made progress on the question of the hydrogen spectrum. Niels Bohr took the idea of quantization to heart, realizing that if light was quantized into photons, a hydrogen atom only emitting particular wavelengths of light meant that the hydrogen atom could only emit photons with certain amounts of energy. Since the energy came from the electron in the hydrogen atom moving into orbits that were closer to the nucleus, that suggested that only certain orbits were allowed and the lines we see as the hydrogen spectrum come as the electron jumps from one allowed orbit to another allowed orbit – losing just the right amount of energy to produce one of colors of the spectrum. Bohr’s analysis suggested that the electron’s energy in any orbit had to be: -13.6 eV 2.176 x 10-18 J En = = n2 n2 We will apply Bohr’s theory to our data. The visible part of the hydrogen spectrum is produced by the electron jump from a higher orbit (third through sixth) into the second orbit. Use your knowledge of how photon energy varies with frequency to deduce which line is produced by an electron starting in which orbit. Fill in your results in the table below. Once you know which orbits are involved, use Bohr’s formula to calculate the amount of energy that the electron has in each orbit and fill in your values in the table below. The find the amount of energy that the electron loses as it drops from a higher level orbit into the second orbit. Record your results in the column labeled Ejump. All of the energy lost in the jump must go into the photon produced and the energy of the photon is equal to Planck’s constant multiplied by its frequency (Ephoton = hf). Solve for the value of Planck’s constant that fits the data for each line and record the result. After solving for the individual values from each individual line, take the mean value your data gives for Planck’s constant. Applying Bohr’s Theory Line Color Frequency (Hz) Dark Violet Blue-Violet Green-Violet Red Average ni nf Ei Ef Ejump h 2 2 2 2 . Questions: 1. a) Make a graph of the energy the electron gives up against the frequency of the light emitted. Find the equation for the graph’s line of best fit. b) Where do you find Planck’s constant in the equation for the graph? Why? c) What value does your graph give you for Planck’s constant? 2. a) Find the percent error for the two values of Planck’s constant you have found: the one from the average value in the data table, the other from the equation for your graph b) Which method gave you a more accurate value for Planck’s constant, taking the average of individual points or graphing them? 3. What are the biggest sources of error in this experiment? 4. How do you calculate the energy of any spectral line? 5. Why does the hydrogen spectrum contain so many visible lines (called Balmer lines) even though the hydrogen atom only contains one electron? 6. As the wavelength decreases, what happens to the distance between the Balmer lines? Why?