Minutes of the AGM Tuesday 30th October 2012

Saltford Lawn Tennis Club
Minutes of the Annual General Meeting held on Tuesday 12th November 2013
in the Kelston Room, Saltford Hall
Present :
Stuart Holt, Martin Smallwood, Mo Smallwood, Sally Hunter, James Meredith, Kate Lamb,
Judith Townsend, Jon Pressey, Emma Brooks, Francis Hazelwood, Guy Muggleton. Joyce
Pickard, Rachael Tonkin, Diane Harding, David Perryman, Jayne Hitchen, Bronwen Havers
Apologies: Christine Thompson, Dudley Bartlett, John Sweet
Minutes of the AGM Tuesday 30th October 2012
Correction – Mo and Sally did stand down at the AGM. Elections were held at the following
committee meeting and Sally agreed to stand and was elected as Chairman and Kate was
elected as Secretary. Other than that the minutes were agreed and signed by the Chairman
and Secretary as a true record of that meeting.
Matters Arising
Any issues raised will be covering within the Agenda of this meeting.
Chairman’s Report
Sally thanked all on the committee particularly Kate, Jon, James, Emma and Francis for their
continued work, David for setting up the website, Mo/Martin for continuing
Sunday/Wednesday sessions, Judith for grounds and Rachael for representing us on the
Saltford Hall committee and her cake baking. Sally also expressed her thanks to Bronwen
for her continued support despite not being able to play.
Roles – although no-one is actually standing down, more help is needed. The following
have offered to help with some of the tasks to reduce the overhead by the key committee
Secretarial assistants have volunteered (to include maintaining posters/noticeboards –
Jayne Hitchen, Julia Norris, Helen Pearson
Purchasing officer – Jon
Publicity/Communications - John Sweet
Welfare/DBS officer – Francis Hazelwood/Joyce Pickard
Website Administrator – David Perryman
Grounds people – Judith to continue, helped by Guy
Public access to courts – Judith/Jon daytimes.
Head coach – Fran to continue
Social secretary – Bronwen with help from Emma
Junior co-ordinator – Emma/Teresa Whittaker.
Captain James/Emma to continue
Junior Captain – Fran will consider the appointment of a junior captain, to be changed on an
annual basis
There has been much discussion within the committee and with the LTA regarding who
needs DBS checks (which have replaced the CRB). These were previously free and held by
most committee members, but now incur a charge. The LTA have confirmed that only
coaches or anyone having regular contact with juniors/minis require them so there will be no
need to renew those for general committee members as they expire.
Sally paid tribute to Russ saying what a tragic loss his death in the Spring was to the club as
a coach and a member. The club have instigated the Russ Simmonds Tournament and cup,
have dedicated our first court to him and received a very generous donation from his
parents. The club plan to use the donation to help with the junior section of the club e.g. by
helping to allow other juniors to play and train as coaches. We have also received a
donation from Francine Haberling (local councillor), which, along with some of the money
from Russ' parents has enabled the purchase of new nets and score boards.
A taster day was held in festival week, which was well attended despite competing with a
number of other events.
The club is having on-going discussions with BANES regarding the lease and resurfacing.
We have concern regarding the surface of the courts and BANES would resurface but only
with a huge increase in our rent and are trying to increase the rent even if we agree not to
resurface. The club believes this cannot be done legally under the current terms of our
lease and we may need to access to legal services to fight this. In the meantime, BANES
will give us proper treatment to kill weeds etc, which should be included in the rent being
Coaching - Fran is continuing as head coach for the club. Sally is going to meet with
Wellsway/Bath University/LTA to see how we can work together to develop these links and
work with Fran to develop the junior and mini sections of the club.
Clubmark - our accreditation for Clubmark was due for renewal earlier in the year and Kate,
James and Sally have taken some time to put all the information together ready for a follow
up meeting with the LTA next Monday.
Clubhouse – the committee recognise that it is quite a state of disrepair now and we are not
sure how long it will last. Sally and Guy are looking into replacement Clubhouses. Francine
is offering £600 (possibly more), and there may be some more money available from Sport
England, which we can put in bid for. We will not be able to progress this further without
such money. The clubhouse has benefitted from a nice new kitchen this year - thanks to
Chris Thompson for the donation and Guy for the installation.
Treasurer’s Report
Jon presented the end of year accounts for year ended 31/3/2013. At present, we have just
over £9K in our bank account today. 2 payments of £500 been repaid for the loan for the
lights, we still have £9K to pay.
Income from memberships is just below last year at present. We currently have around 29
down on last year, (total around 100). However, as we have less juniors but a few more
adult members the total income from membership is not as significantly reduced as the
number of members.
The Skipton account was closed and funds withdrawn to one account.
Last year showed a surplus of £7K but this was mostly due to £5K in grants for the lights
Jon thinks the cost of electricity for the lights will be around £550 per year.
Stuart queried why we had £9K in our current account with no interest – this has been
investigated but as a 'clubs and society' account there are very limited options for savings
accounts and it is not felt at present with current low interest rates that it would be of much
benefit to the club to move some of the money.
Martin queried whether we should have a better business plan to present to the council, e.g.
there is a clause in our lease to prevent advertising, should this be re considered.
Coaching Report
Fran reported that it has been a good but difficult year with loss of Russell. There has been
a good level of interest from Saltford Primary and Wellsway, but better links should help.
On Tuesdays, Fran is now running a performance group – 2 or 3 come for Orange balls
performance, then open ball junior. Fran then stays for the start of club night to provide
adult coaching.
Saturdays groups are going well, but we really do need to get more of them signed up as
Mini members.
Joyce asked what about links to other feeder schools to Wellsway? We should also be
linking to Chandag, St Johns, Marksbury – this could be a secretarial role. Di volunteered to
use her links with the schools when we have information to send round (e.g. notices to put in
school newsletters).
All agreed we must get Minis to sign up as members – we must have them as registered as
BTM members and then get RCJ results sent in (RCJ=regularly competing junior). Jon
agreed to submit RCJs to LTA. This is vital to ensure our continued Clubark accreditation
which was a condition of our loan for the lights.
Fran has entered u14 winter league for boys – this was a group that Russ had set up and
worked hard with so Fran is keen to encourage these players to continue. Hopefully, some
of the players would be suitable to play in the mens teams next Summer. Fran hopes that
some of the Minis will be able to enter for leagues next year.
Two of the junior/student members (Jamie and Mark) are doing Duke of Edinburgh voluntary
work regularly helping with Juniors and Fran expressed his thanks to them.
Fran thanked the committee, especially Kate, Sally, Mo/Martin and also expressed his
gratitude for the work Russ has done.
Emma is to try and get a group of girls playing, possibly a new group could be run on
Saturdays after the others.
Club Captain’s report from James
James paid tribute to Russ and the good he had done for the club. James also expressed
his hopes that all Russ' work with the juniors will soon come to benefit the men's teams.
Earlier in the year, James played a 'tennis-a-thon' in memory of Russ. This was well
supported throughout the day by players and also sponsorship.
Summer League
We entered three mens teams and two ladies teams into the summer leagues.
Unfortunately, we were unable to fulfil fixtures for the mens third team. However, the final
standings for the other teams are as follows :Men’s 1st team - 4th in div 2
Men’s 2nd team – 5th in Division 9
Ladies 1st Team – 3rd div 6
Ladies 2nd Team – 4th in Division 7
James thanked Fran, Kyle, Saq and Tom who have played regularly through the summer.
The winter league is on-going – at present we are narrowly loosing each match, thanks to
those who have played
The in-house club tournament has been played again this year, the results are as follows :Men’s Singles: James
Men’s Doubles : James and John Sw
Mixed doubles : James and Hannah
Ladies Singles : Emma
Ladies Doubles : Emma and Sal narrowly beat Judith and Helen – this is one of the best
matches ever seen at Wedmore road!
Secretary’s Report
Kate explained how taking on the mantle of secretary has been a difficult act to follow, after
Mo's efficient years in the post, Hopefully, with the additional of some secretarial assistants
the workload will not seem quite so overwhelming next year.
Kate's personal high-light of the year was the in-house ladies doubles match
Much of the current paperwork load is sorting out the Clubmark information, but hopefully
this will be completed soon.
Social/ Business Report
The next tennis club quiz will be run joint with Saltford Hall, the split of profits is to be agreed.
Bronwen will help Sally with organising this.
A committee post Christmas meal at the Thai is booked
All agree we should run another taster day in early summer.
Rachel said that SCAN are wanting more editorial content which may be a good forum for
promoting the club. Sally will talk to John Sw and we should also consider using the 'Weekin'. Rachel will let John know the deadline for the next SCAN.
Ground Committee Report
Judith reported that the maintenance day was well attended again. The courts are looking
very green at the moment. The top of the hedge has not been done for a while – we will
contact BANES in the Spring to remove top.
Election of Officers
Discussed earlier
Any Other Business
Membership Fees
Jon has researched other local clubs e.g. Fry's full membership is £95 (offering 2 Floodlit, 2
other courts), Hanham, £98, concessions £73, junior £43, family package £196
Jon proposed the following membership structure which was voted for with the majority of
people present in favour:
full membership - £90 adult £10 surcharge for late payment – passed
concessions, over 60 on 1st April, plus low income - £70 with £10 surcharge for late payment
young adult 16-21 living at home - £55
young adult – studying away from home - £35
Gate members – to be removed as a class of membership
Juniors - £40
Minis - £7
Family membership - £200 plus surcharge £20
Couple (2 adults at same address) - £160 plus surcharge £20
Non playing member - £15 plus £5 for key
This will be further discussed at the next committee meeting.
Christine asked the club to discuss Club nights and how to get people down – this will be
discussed at the next committee meeting.
The idea of a generation tournament was proposed – juniors would be invited to play with an
adult (parent/aunt/uncle etc). This will be considered for next year.
Finally, Sally thanked all members for attending the meeting.
Sally Hunter
Kate Lamb