MG Writing Process (Page 1 of 5) Sixth Grade WR-E-4.7.0 Focusing WR-M-4.8.0 Prewriting WR-M-4.9.0 Drafting WR-M-4.10.0 Revising (Content/Ideas) Academic Expectation(s) Program of Studies Proficiency Quest Core Content Version 4.1 Seventh Grade Eighth Grade Connecting to content knowledge Connecting to prior learning and experience Initiating an authentic reason to write Thinking about a subject, an experience, a question, an issue or a problem to determine a meaningful reason to write Selecting/narrowing topic Establishing a purpose and central/controlling idea or focus Identifying and analyzing the audience Determining the most appropriate form to meet the needs of purpose and audience Generating ideas (e.g., reading, journaling, mapping, webbing, note taking, interviewing, researching, writing-to-learn activities Organizing ideas – examining other models of good writing, appropriate text structures to match purpose, various ways to organize information Writing draft(s) for an intended audience Developing topic, elaborating ideas, exploring sentence variety and language use Organizing writing Reflecting to determine where to add, delete, rearrange, define/redefine, or elaborate content Conferencing with teacher or peer(s) to help determine where to add, delete, rearrange, define/redefine or elaborate content. Checking for accuracy of content Considering voice, tone, style, intended audience, coherence, transitions Comparing with rubric criteria and anchor papers/models Considering effectiveness of language usage and sentences to communicate ideas 1.1 1.10 1.11 1.16 6th 7th 8th SLO SLO SLO Additional Resources: National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE) Kentucky Department of Education (KDE) K-8 Portfolio Marker Papers Guide to Grammar & Writing The Write Way Depth of Knowledge DOK 1 DOK 2 DOK 3 DOK 4 Bloom’s Bloom’s & Williams CPE’s Related Assessments MG Writing Process (Page 2 of 5) Sixth Grade Revising Skills Core Content Version 4.1 Seventh Grade Revising Skills Proficiency Quest Related Eighth Grade Revising Skills Assessments Idea Development WR-06-4.10.4 Students will narrow topic for selected writing WR-06-4.10.5 Students will identify topic sentence of a paragraph WR-06-4.10.6 Students will select appropriate supporting details WR-06-4.10.7 Students will identify extraneous/irrelevant materials Idea Development WR-07-4.10.4 Students will narrow topic for selected writing WR-07-4.10.5 Students will identify and compose a topic sentence of a paragraph WR-07-4.10.6 Students will select appropriate supporting details WR-07-4.10.7 Students will identify extraneous/irrelevant materials Idea Development WR-08-4.10.4 Students will narrow topic for selected writing WR-08-4.10.5 DOK 2 Students will identify and compose a topic sentence of a paragraph WR-08-4.10.6 DOK 2 Students will select appropriate supporting details WR-08-4.10.7 DOK 2 Students will identify extraneous/irrelevant materials Organization WR-06-4.10.8 Students will correct sentences that are out of chronological/sequential order or insert new sentences in the correct chronological/sequential position WR-06-4.10.9 Students will apply the most effective transitions WR-06-4.10.10 Students will develop effective introductions and closures for writing Organization WR-07-4.10.8 Students will correct sentences that are out of chronological/sequential order or insert new sentences in the correct chronological/sequential position WR-07-4.10.9 Students will apply the most effective transitions WR-07-4.10.10 Students will develop effective introductions and closures for writing Organization WR-08-4.10.8 DOK 2 Students will correct sentences that are out of chronological/sequential order or insert new sentences in the correct chronological/sequential position WR-08-.4.10.9 DOK 2 Students will apply the most effective transitions WR-08-4.10.10 DOK 2 Students will develop effective introductions and closures for writing Word Choice WR-06-4.10.11 Students will eliminate redundant words and phrases WR-06-4.10.12 Students will choose the most specific word for use in a sentence Word Choice WR-07-4.10.11 Students will eliminate redundant words and phrases WR-07-4.10.12 Students will choose the most specific word for use in a sentence Word Choice WR-08-4.10.11 DOK 2 Students will eliminate redundant words and phrases WR-08-4.10.12 DOK 2 Students will choose the most specific word for use in a sentence Academic Expectation(s) Program of Studies 1.1 1.10 1.11 1.16 6th 7th 8th SLO SLO SLO Communication Skills 1.3 1.4 1.12 DOK 1 Depth of Knowledge DOK 2 DOK 3 DOK 4 Academic Expectations for all Content Areas Problem Solving Skills 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 Connecting & Integrating Knowledge 6.1 6.2 6.3 MG Writing Process (Page 3 of 5) WR-M-4.11.0 Editing (Conventions and Mechanics) Proficiency Quest Core Content Version 4.1 Checking for correctness Language usage Sentence structure Spelling Capitalization Punctuation Documentation of sources Using resources to support editing (e.g., spell check, dictionaries, thesauri, handbooks) Sixth Grade Editing Skills Seventh Grade Editing Skills Eighth Grade Editing Skills Language Usage WR-06-4.11.13 Students will apply knowledge of subject/verb agreement with both singular and plural subjects WR-06-4.11.14 Students will apply knowledge of present, past, and future verb tenses WR-06-4.11-15 Students will apply knowledge of comparative and superlative forms of adjectives and adverbs WR-06-4.11.16 Students will apply knowledge of special problems in usage(a, an, to, two, too, their, there, they’re) pronoun references and double negatives WR-06-4.11.17 Students will apply knowledge of idiomatic expressions Sentence Structure WR-06-4.11.18 Students will correct sentences that are runons or awkward WR-06-4.11.19 Students will correct sentence fragments WR-06-4.11.20 Students will combine short choppy sentences effectively WR-06-4.11.21 Students combine simple sentences by using subordination and coordination WR-06-4.11.22 Students will correct sentences with misplaced/and or dangling modifiers Language Usage WR-07-4.11.13 Students will apply knowledge of subject/verb agreement with both singular and plural subjects WR-07-4.11.14 Students will apply knowledge of present, past and future verb tenses WR-07-4.11.15 Students will apply knowledge of comparative and superlative forms of adjectives and adverbs WR-07-4.11.16 Students will apply knowledge of special problems in usage(a, an, to, two, too, their, there, they’re) and pronoun reference with subjective WR-07-4.11.17 Students will apply knowledge of idiomatic expressions Language Usage WR-08-4.11.13 DOK 1 Students will apply knowledge of subject/verb agreement with both singular and plural subjects WR-08-4.11.14 DOK 1 Students will apply knowledge of present, past and future verb tenses WR-08-4.11.15 DOK 1 Students will apply knowledge of comparative and superlative forms of adjectives and adverbs WR-08-4.11.16 DOK 1 Students will apply knowledge of special problems in usage (a, an to, two, too, their, there, they’re) and pronoun reference with subjective WR-08-4.11.17 DOK 1 Students will apply knowledge of idiomatic expressions Sentence Structure WR-07-4.11.17 Students will correct sentences that are run-ons or awkward WR-07-4.11.18 Students will correct sentence fragments WR-07-4.11.19 Students will combine short choppy sentences effectively WR-07-4.11.21 Students combine simple sentences by using subordination and coordination WR-07-4.11.22 Students will correct sentences with misplaced/and or dangling modifiers Sentence Structure WR-08-4.11.17 DOK 1 Students will correct sentences that are run-ons or awkward WR-08-4.11.18 DOK 1 Students will correct sentence fragments WR-08-4.11.19 DOK 2 Students will combine short choppy sentences effectively WR-08-4.11.21 DOK 2 Students combine simple sentences by using subordination and coordination WR-08-4.11.22 DOK 2 Students will correct sentences with misplaced/and or dangling modifiers Related Assessments MG Writing Process (Page 4 of 5) Sixth Grade Editing Skills Spelling WR-06-4.11.23 Students will apply knowledge of spelling patterns, generalizations, and rules to commonly used words WR-06-4.11.24 Students will apply knowledge of spelling patterns, generalizations, and rules to plural forms of words WR-06-.4.11.25 Students will apply knowledge of spelling patterns, generalizations, and rules to contractions WR-06-4.11.26 Students will apply knowledge of spelling patterns, generalizations and rules to change verb endings Capitalization WR-06-4.11.27 Students will capitalize proper nouns, days, months WR-06-4.11.28 Students will capitalize the beginning of sentences WR-06-4.11.29 Students will capitalize the pronoun “I” WR-06-4.11.30 Students will capitalize proper adjectives WR-06-4.11.31 Students will capitalize first word in a quote when appropriate WR-06-4.11.32 Student will capitalize the first word and every succeeding main word in a title Academic Expectation(s) Program of Studies Core Content Version 4.1 Seventh Grade Editing Skills Spelling WR-07-4.11.23 Students will apply knowledge of spelling patterns, generalizations, and rules to commonly used words WR-07-4.11.24 Students will apply knowledge of spelling patterns, generalizations, and rules to plural forms of words WR-07-4.11.25 Students will apply knowledge of spelling patterns, generalizations, and rules to contractions WR-07-4.11.26 Students will apply knowledge of spelling patterns, generalizations and rules to change verb endings Capitalization WR-07-4.11.27 Students will capitalize proper nouns, days, months WR-07-4.11.28 Students will capitalize the beginning of sentences WR-07-4.11.29 Students will capitalize the pronoun “I” WR-07-4.11.30 Students will capitalize proper adjectives WR-07-4.11.31 Students will capitalize first word in a quote when appropriate WR-07-4.11.32 Student will capitalize the first word and every succeeding main word in a title 1.1 1.10 1.11 1.16 6th 7th 8th SLO SLO SLO Communication Skills 1.3 1.4 1.12 Proficiency Quest Related Eighth Grade Editing Skills Assessments Spelling WR-08-4.11.23 DOK 1 Students will apply knowledge of spelling patterns, generalizations, and rules to commonly used words WR-08-4.11.24 DOK 1 Students will apply knowledge of spelling patterns, generalizations, and rules to plural forms of words WR-08-4.11.25 DOK 1 Students will apply knowledge of spelling patterns, generalizations, and rules to contractions WR-08-4.11.26 DOK 1 Students will apply knowledge of spelling patterns, generalizations and rules to change verb endings Capitalization WR-08-4.11.24 DOK 1 Students will capitalize proper nouns, days, months WR-08-4.11.25 DOK 1 Students will capitalize the beginning of sentences WR-08-4.11.26 DOK 1 Students will capitalize the pronoun “I” WR-08-4.11.27 DOK 1 Students will capitalize proper adjectives WR-08-4.11.31 DOK 1 Students will capitalize first word in a quote when appropriate WR-08-4.11.32 DOK 1 Student will capitalize the first word and every succeeding main word in a title Depth of Knowledge DOK 1 DOK 2 DOK 3 DOK 4 Academic Expectations for all Content Areas Problem Solving Skills 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 Connecting & Integrating Knowledge 6.1 6.2 6.3 MG Writing Process (Page 5 of 5) Sixth Grade Editing Skills Punctuation WR-06-4.11.33 Students will correctly punctuate declarative, exclamatory, interrogative and imperative sentences WR-06-4.11.34 Students will use commas in a series, a date, a compound sentence, and the greeting and closing of a letter WR-06-4.11.35 Students will correctly apply the rules of punctuation for commas in appositives, direct address, and introductory phrases and clauses. WR-06-4.11.36 Students will correctly apply the rules of punctuation for apostrophes in possessives and contractions WR-06-4.11.37 Students will correctly apply the rules of punctuation for periods in abbreviations and acronyms WR-06-4.11.38 Students will correctly apply the rules of punctuation for semi-colons in items in a series and combined sentences WR-06-4.11.39 Students will correctly apply the rules of punctuation for colons in introducing a list and the business letter greeting WR-06-4.11.40 Students will correctly apply the rules of punctuation for quotation marks in dialogue, titles and direct/indirect quotes Documentation WR-06-4.11.41 Students will document use of sources Publishing WR-M-4.12.0 Reflecting WR-M-4.13.0 Core Content Version 4.1 Seventh Grade Editing Skills Proficiency Quest Related Eighth Grade Editing Skills Assessments Punctuation Punctuation WR-08-4.11.33 DOK 1 WR-07-4.11.33 Students will correctly punctuate declarative, Students will correctly punctuate declarative, exclamatory, interrogative exclamatory, interrogative and imperative and imperative sentences sentences WR-08-4.11.34 DOK 1 WR-07-4.11.34 Students will use commas in a series, a date, a Students will use commas in a series, a date, a compound sentence, and the greeting and compound sentence, and the greeting and closing of a letter closing of a letter WR-08-4.11.35 DOK 1 WR-07-4.11.35 Students will correctly apply the rules of Students will correctly apply the rules of punctuation for commas in appositives, direct punctuation for commas in appositives, direct address, and introductory phrases and clauses. address, and introductory phrases and clauses WR-08-4.11.36 DOK 1 WR-07-4.11.36 Students will correctly apply the rules of Students will correctly apply the rules of punctuation for apostrophes in possessives and punctuation for apostrophes in possessives and contractions contractions WR-08-4.11.37 DOK 1 WR-07-4.11.37 Students will correctly apply the rules of Students will correctly apply the rules of punctuation for periods in abbreviations and punctuation for periods in abbreviations and acronyms acronyms WR-08-4.11.38 DOK 1 WR-07-4.11.38 Students will correctly apply the rules of Students will correctly apply the rules of punctuation for semi-colons in items in a series punctuation for semi-colons in items in a series and combined sentences and combined sentences WR-08-4.11.39 DOK 1 WR-07-4.11.39 Students will correctly apply the rules of Students will correctly apply the rules of punctuation for colons in introducing a list and punctuation for colons in introducing a list and the business letter greeting the business letter greeting WR-08-4.11.40 DOK 1 WR-07-4.11.40 Students will correctly apply the rules of Students will correctly apply the rules of punctuation for quotation marks in dialogue, punctuation for quotation marks in dialogue, titles and direct/indirect quotes titles and direct/indirect quotes Documentation Documentation WR.07-4.11.41 WR-08-4.11.41 Students will document use of sources Students will document use of sources Sharing final piece with intended audience Reflecting upon - Progress, growth and goals as a writer - Literacy skills - Who or what has influenced progress and growth - Approaches used when composing (e.g., free-writing, mental composing, researching, drawing, webbing)