syllabus for Biology I at NWCC

Principles of Biology I Lab
Updated Fall 2015
Dr. Darrell D. Barnes
Office: DeSoto 334
Cell: 901-336-9456
Course title:
Principles of Biology I Lab--Biology 1111
Credit hours: 1
Course objectives: To introduce the student to the basics of biological principles: introduction to biology,
chemistry of life, cell structure, metabolism (photosynthesis and cell respiration), mitosis, meiosis,
genetics, and evolution.
Course requirements: The student must adhere to attendance policies, provide texts and student study guides
when required, take and pass all examinations, and accomplish other work as required.
Principles of Biology I Lab, Bio 1111, Northwest Mississippi Community College.
ISBN-13: 978-1-259-37518-7
ABSENCES: Regular and punctual attendance at all scheduled classes is required of all students and is
regarded as essential to course credit. Students are only allowed to miss up to two weeks of scheduled
instruction time per class. If a student misses more than 2 weeks, that student will be automatically withdrawn
from the class with a grade of F. For classes meeting three times a week, the 7th absence will exceed the twoweek limit. For classes meeting twice a week, the 5th absence will exceed the limit. For classes that meet once
a week, the 3rd absence will exceed the limit. Absences due to school-related activities do not count against the
2-week limit. TARDIES: Students are expected to be prompt in class attendance. If students miss 10 minutes
of a class meeting (either by coming in late or by leaving early), they will be marked absent for that meeting.
Three tardies or early departures (less than ten minutes) will count as one absence.
Please place tentative dates and
grades in the chart below:
Lab Test 1:
CH 1-6 in lab manual
Potential Activities: aquarium
funk, cheek cell scrape,
hyperosmotic vs. isotonic plant
cell, plant and animal cell slides,
dialysis, osmosis, videos
Lab Test 2:
CH 7-10, 13 in lab manual
Activities: Mitosis slides, videos
Lab Test 3:
CH 11, 12, 14 and 15 in lab
Activities: Fossil demo, Corn
counting, Punnet squares,
pedigrees, Genetics or dinosaurs
video, evolution videos/discussion
including intelligent design,
irreducible complexity,
1. Written examinations
Library and/or reading assignments as required.
A paper and/or project if required.
Quizzes as announced.
Extra credit stuff, usually.
You may be assigned extra credit which may be added to your final average or to a test.
Attendance will be checked at each meeting. If you miss, bring me a note describing your absence for my
records. If I am absent, a note will be posted on the door. Please give me at least 15 minutes after the appointed
class time to appear. Allow 15 minutes after the appointed class time for my arrival: from time-to-time,
traffic jams and copiers get the best of me.
Please adhere to the school attendance policy. Make sure you get the notes that have been given in class and get
updated on any imminent quizzes, lab practicals or tests for which you need to prepare.
If you are having trouble in my course, please speak with me after the meeting time so that we can develop a
plan for your success. I am here to help. I will be available for individual attention by appointment and shortly
before and after our meetings.
Testing: No tests/exams/practicals will be given out after the first person tested has finished the test and left the
No children or relatives in the class or lab.
No Make-ups. The final comprehensive exam/test/practical without bonus will count twice if one is missed. All
other missed ones will count as zero. Missed quizzes count as zero.
The speaker is opinionated and likes to tell stories to illustrate points.
See schedule bulletin for withdrawal procedures and dates. Hey, if you quit coming and you're still on the roll at
the end of the semester, all of the grades you missed count as zeroes. What does that mean?
Grading Scale:
59 and below
Grading Policy:
You will be given 3 tests. Each will count 100 points. Your tests/exams/practicals will come directly from
the highlighted material from the sections covered. Usually, they will be matching, true/false, multiple choice,
fill-in-the-blank, short answer and sometimes labeling. Please bring a Scan-tron. Itemize bonus in
the “Test record section” and total it….bonuses do not apply to the SLO. Never staple
anything to the Scan-tron.
Test 1: 80
Test 2: 75
Test 3: 85
Total: 240/3 = 80%
The instructor reserves the right to consider extenuating circumstances regarding missed grades.
1. A fire siren is continuous. In case of fire, the teacher will instruct the students to exit the building and head
directly away from the building and meet for a head count. Students should not linger around the exits because
they may block the fire vehicles. Do not use the elevator. Check out the location of the eye wash, shower and
fire extinguishers.
2. In case of tornado, the teacher will instruct the students to go the basement of the building. This may be a
broken siren or announcement by bullhorn
3. In case of earthquake, the teacher will instruct the students to remain in the classroom and to get under a
desk or other sturdy object, doorway, etc.
4. If you have a disability, tell me!
5. Emergency is 911.
6. Assault procedures… and red strips.
Safety rules specific to this lab will be given out and discussed at the first lab meeting. Do not eat or drink in
the lab.
Did you remember to exchange e-mails and phone numbers with a couple of trusted classmates?
Please place cellular/mobile devices on silent and remove them from the desktop.
Test Guidelines:
On a Scantron test, indicate whether a statement is true by marking “A” or false by marking “B”.
Please itemize and total your bonus in the Test Record section on your Scantron.
There is no Bonus on the SLO (if your class has an SLO).
Please write your name on all artifacts….please do not attach anything to the Scantron.
Contact Guidelines:
#1 Responsibility: If you have missed a class, a test or have a simple question outside of class, try to figure out
the solution on your own. Solve the problem by contacting another student…make these connections early so
that you do not feel like you automatically need to contact me for matters that are common knowledge.
#2 Politeness: Please do not contact me 30 minutes before a test or during a test. This causes your panic to
affect me and indirectly the classroom of students who are at the test on time.
#3 Readability: Please space between thoughts as I have done here so that the information is easy for me to
follow. Talk about yourself and try not to relay information from other students to me. Let them take care of
their business.
Finish Strong and be on time to class!
Initial bonus: Google-Dr. Barnes and NWCC, then Click on Dr. Darrell D.
Barnes and his interests. Once you are on my website, click My Links, then
Biology and Anatomy stuff, then Dr. Barnes’ YouTube Adventures.
Click on and watch a video appropriate to your subject area (2 points). “Like” the
video (1 point). Subscribe to my Channel (2 points). (5 points total/expires after
the first test/practical)