Town Hall,
Fore Street
EX12 2LD
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Tel: 01297 21388
Town Mayor: Cllr Ms G Sedgwick
Clerk to the Council: Mr M Neale
Minutes of Youth & Recreation Committee Meeting held on Monday the 19th August 2013
All Committee Members present : Cllrs Mrs G Sedgwick (Chairman)
Mrs Bruce
Mr M Fisher
Mr B Palacio
Mrs D Squire
Mr S Williams
275. Apologies – None
276. Declarations of interest – None
277. To confirm Minutes of Meeting held on 15th July 2013
Minutes confirmed and signed.
278. To discuss and note feedback on summer activities to date (Cllrs Mrs Bruce and Mrs Squire)
Segway activity well-attended with ticket income received covering the cost of the event.
(If figures known by Town Clerk with receipts and payments records, please include the figures.)
Hangar 51 and Body-Zorbing and Climbing Wall – not so well-attended as due to less promotion.Cllr Squire
offered to produce another flyer to distribute during the week. Cllr Bruce offered to produce and put up posters on
the A-Boards. Team agreed to give out flyers on the Saturday.
Cllr Squire proposed that the Council make a payment of £100 for the Bouncy Castles, as footfall had been low and
insufficient ticket sales had been achieved to cover the costs to ‘Jack n Ellas’ Bouncy Castles. Invoice to be obtained
by Cllr Squire. Everyone agreed.
Other Summer Town activities – all well-attended by residents and visitors. Cllr Bruce thanked the Youth Committee
and everyone who came along to support the events, the activity groups and the entertainers. Budget summary
provided by Cllr Bruce.
Cllr Sedgwick thanked everyone for the hard work and success with the Summer activities.
Summer Activities 2014 – to be placed on the next Agenda – Town Clerk and Chairman.
279. To discuss October half-term events (Cllr Mrs Bruce)
Cllr Bruce proposed organising activities on the 26th of October (the first Saturday in the half-term), in Windsor
Gardens. Everyone agreed subject to the weather. Cllr Bruce to check if other activities going on in town on that day.
Cllr Bruce to book date with EDDC Streetscene.
Cllr Mrs Bruce to contact EDDC and activity groups and liase with any other relevant activity groups that might be
taking place on the 26th of October.
Town Clerk and Chairman to include Agenda Item : Summer activities 2014 on next months’ agenda.
280. Seaton Sport Funding
Cllr Sedgwick has received information from Jason Wood of ‘Active Devon’, and subsequently met with him and
Lottie Young from LED. Sport England are offering funding and Seaton has been chosen for a 3 year programme to
host 12 sports activities. The Programme will start Spring 2014. People from Seaton are needed to lead and organise
the activities. Cllr Mrs Sedgwick is contacting local groups to invite them to a Presentation evening on the 24th
September. Please can all Cllrs advise Cllr Mrs Sedgwick of contact details of groups they know, who should be
contacted. Active Devon and LED will lead the Presentation and discussion.
Discussion included concerns that the proposed meeting will conflict with the Youth Forum Meeting on the 7th
Proposal to have Presentation meeting on the 26th of September at 6pm and Youth Forum meeting on the 7th
October, to include an Agenda item of Discussion of Seaton Sport Funding presentation, proposed by Cllr Mrs
Sedgwick, Seconded by Cllr Mrs Bruce, and agreed by Mr Fisher and Mr Palacio. Cllr Mrs Squire voted against.
Cllr Mrs Sedgwick to facilitate the Presentation evening.
281. To discuss and note recent vandalism at the Underfleet Skatepark
To discuss suggestion from Sulina Tullack re S106 money.
Agree next steps.
The Town Clerk has met with Sulina Tullack from EDDC regarding the S106 monies due to Seaton for outdoor areas
and play-areas, from housing developments. Sulina wants to meet with Cllrs to provide further information.
Cllr Mrs Squire proposed that the Underfleet Skatepark work is delayed until the meeting with Sulina has taken place
and that Sulina attends the next Youth & Rec Meeting on the 16th of September to present the information of the
S106 monies including the amounts and the areas in Seaton that it can be spent. Cllr Mrs Squire also proosed that a
meeting takes place between the Skate-park users and some Councillors. Everyone agreed.
Cllr Mr Williams will obtain quotes for temporary Skate-park shelters.
Cllr Mrs Squire will set up meeting with Skate-park users and Cllrs.
Town Clerk to invite Sulina to attend the next Youth & Rec meeting on the 16th of September.
282. Postioning of Fields in Trust Plaque (Elizabeth Road Play Area)
Plaque already received.
Official celebration to co-ordinate with, ‘Awards for All Funding application’ celebrations. Review
October/November meeting.
Cllr Mrs Sedgwick to assess the position, of the plaque on the bank, by the play-area.
Town Council Handyman Craig to lay tarmac or concrete base for the plaque.
283. To note press report on the Axe Valley Childrens’ Centre (Cllr Mrs Squire)
Cllr Mrs Squire proposed to offer the support of the Seaton Town Council to the Seaton Childrens’ Centre, and for a
Councillor to offer to go on the their Governing Board. Everyone agreed.
Cllr Squire to organise.
284. Awards for All funding application up-date (Cllr Mrs Squire)
Cllr Mrs Squire has submitted the application, with quotes from 6 or 7 companies for new play equipment.
The project if agreed must be worked on within 3 months of agreement.
A Public Consultation to be organised.
Cllr Sedgwick thanked Cllr Mrs Squire for her hard work on the application.
285. Confirm plans
This should have stated : To confirm plans for the Youth Forum on the 7th of October 2013.
Seaton Town Hall is booked for the 7th of October at 7.30pm.
Cllr Mrs Squire is contacting all the groups.