Detailed KS1 Lesson Plan

Activity / Lesson Plan - Key Stage 1
Subject: Science
Year / ability group: Year 1/2 (mixed ability)
Cross-curricular links (including speaking and listening opportunities and ICT)
Links with speaking and listening, working in pairs discussing and questioning.
Use of ICT to revisit and assess learning in the plenary.
Trainee's personal targets: (these should include, where relevant, the points for future action you identified in your
previous lesson evaluation and reference to the QTS standards)
 Timings between different sections of the lesson are appropriate. Q10, Q25d
Transitions between activities are well managed. Q10, Q25d
Ensure classroom assistant knows and understands her role during the lesson. Q4, Q5, Q6, Q32
Learning Objectives : (Remember to make reference to N.C.,
NLS / NNS as appropriate)
To know there are different light sources.
To know that we need light to help us see things.
To know that when it is dark or we cannot see objects, other
senses can help us identify them.
Success Criteria
I can say the main source of light and can
explain how light is needed for me to be able to
see objects.
I can name 4 different artificial light sources.
I can name and use some other senses that
help me identify objects when I cannot see
Key Questions:
Who knows what a source of light is?
Who can name some sources of light?
Who can explain the difference between natural and artificial light sources? How is night time different to daytime?
What light sources can we see more at night time?
What happens when you close your eyes?
Who knows what your 5 senses are?
What other senses can help you when there is no light?
Which parts of the body help you to see, hear, smell, touch or taste?
Key Vocabulary:
Light sources, natural light, artificial light sources, senses (touch, taste, sight, smell and hearing), reflection;
Additional Support: (Identify the specific role of all additional adults in the lesson e.g. Teaching Assistant, HLTA, Parent
Helper etc and the children / groups they will be working with)
Classroom Assistant to work with lowest ability children during independent task focused on ‘feely box’ activity. Trainee to
work with top ability group on carpet.
NB – Before the start of the lesson discuss with Classroom Assistant the lesson
plan and her role during the lesson, how children in her group will be assessed and
when to feedback to teacher.
White Board /
Smart board
Share the learning objectives on the IWB with the children in ‘child friendly language’.
Discuss with them to ensure all children understand what they mean.
RECAP previous work on sources of light. Children discuss with a talk partner and then as
a class. Compare their ideas to pictures / list on IWB. Can we add any more sources of
books with
Classroom assistant to support her identified group of children during the carpet session.
RECAP natural and artificial sources of light. Discuss pictures on IWB, which are natural
and which are artificial sources? Teaching point – most sources are artificial.
Important to stress the main source of light is the sun and that without a source of light we already stuck
cannot see. Need to reinforce the concept that the moon is not a source of light but is a
reflection of light from the sun.
Main Activity – Shared Work
Quickly go over the 5 different senses we have and how / when we use them.
containers for
Children to close their eyes and be encouraged to use senses other than sight to
recognise / find out what is going on around them e.g. hearing – children moving around in each group.
the classroom or in the school corridor, touch – the carpet or their jumper, smell – dinner
Feely bag
cooking, plants in classroom etc. Encourage children to describe their findings and how
with objects
other senses help. Discuss why taste is not the most useful sense in this case.
Go over the independent activity before children leave the carpet – reinforce how to record for all the
their observations.
Share the Success Criteria with the children and point out that we will be self assessing
our understanding / work in the plenary. Ask children to leave the carpet a group at a time
to ensure smooth transitions.
Independent work / task
Average ability groups (2 groups)
Children to work in pairs at their tables. Each table will have numbered sealed containers
with different materials in each. Children will have to use their sense of hearing to try and
identify the contents. Their answers will need to be recorded in their books. Trainee to
support with recording.
Lower ability group
1 table will have a feely box and will work with the Classroom Assistant to try and use their
sense of touch to describe and identify the contents. Make sure there are enough items
IWB game
so each child has at least 1 go each. Children will record each of their guesses in their
Higher Group
The final group will work on the carpet with the trainee (guided group). This group will have
a variety of containers with different items for the children to identify by smell alone.
Children to independently record their answers in their books. Health and Safety –
Careful monitoring / use of these containers, children’s allergies / asthma etc.
Extension Task
Wrapped parcels, can children identify from the shape what will be in each parcel? What
sense are they using when they can’t see in the parcel?
Give children time reminders throughout the lesson so that they are managing to record
their guesses / answers as well as carrying out the investigation.
Remind children about quality and quantity of work expected in their books.
a) At tables - Discuss / share the group tasks and results. Would being able to see
the contents / items have made the tasks easier? Have our other senses helped
us to identify objects?
b) Children to self –assess their learning and understanding against the success
criteria (individual copy of this already put in children’s books before lesson).
Address any misconceptions.
c) On carpet - Use IWB game for children to identify objects from hearing only the
sound they make.
Differentiation: You need to be aware of any SEN children in the class and their IEP targets. (Is there a child /children
in the group/class who may need support or differentiated work to enable them to access learning? What differentiated
support or resources will you use?)
Use of classroom assistant to work with a group of children. Classroom assistant will support BA and CG with recording.
Trainee to work with Higher ability group during investigation and then support average ability tables with recording of
Assessment: (Who? What? How?)
Questioning in all parts of the lesson (open and closed questions).
Guided group – Teacher can assess these children’s understanding and use of their sense of smell in helping to
identify objects.
Classroom Assistant’s group – after lesson discuss / evaluate children’s work with classroom assistant
Self – assessment in children’s books.
Marking of children’s books.
Use of the plenary and IWB game/children’s answers and responses.
Evidence of achievement of personal targets within the lesson: (Give a brief evaluation of how you have worked
towards / achieved your personal targets (above) in this lesson)
Achieve d in this lesson. I have managed the timings of the lesson better today and had the appropriate time for all parts of
the session.
Transitions between each part of the session went well although the carpet session did not go as well as I had hoped as
some children were off task.
I still need to ensure the CA knows what she needs to do and provide a plan before the lesson as well as find time to
discuss children’s learning after the lesson.
Points for Future Action: (To be addressed in subsequent lessons. Relate these targets to ways of improving
the children’s learning.)
 My teaching: - What did I do well
I managed to plan and deliver a practical science lesson.
I had different activities arranged for the class and all the resources were prepared in advance of the lesson and were
ready to support the children’s learning.
The children were engaged during the independent tasks and enjoyed them.
I catered for the different ability groups.
I planned to work with a focus group (guided group) and planned to utilise the CA.
I planned for VAK learning.
I planned to use a variety of assessment strategies.
- How could I improve?
I need to manage the children’s behaviour better during carpet time and stop the same children answering questions
and others shouting out.
I need to discuss my lesson with the CA so she knows how to support the children or leave a more explicit plan for her
to read before the lesson.
I need to make sure I have enough resources for extension activities.
Children’s engagement and learning: - What did the children do well and why?
(refer to specific children and / or specific groups in the class)
Higher group (guided) achieved the learning objectives and were able to record their work independently. They all
managed the extension activity.
The two mixed ability groups managed the activity and with peer / my support managed to record their findings.
The lower ability group (CA) managed to achieve the learning objectives but did not record their work
- How could the children’s learning improve?
I need to discuss in more detail the expectations of the lesson with the CA (or leave plan).
I need to ensure there is time after the lesson to discuss achievement of children working with CA so I am aware of
next steps for that group.
Focused Children’s achievements/targets
Child A
Child B
Child C
Child D