Use of Translators

Translator Contract
Señorita Phillips-Chapman
You are NOT permitted to use a translator, in or out of school for homework, classroom assignments, quizzes,
tests, projects, and presentations.
Translators include but are not limited to:
o Online translators- google, yahoo, etc.
o People translators (exchange students, friends, family, etc).
o Written translation from another student or previous work
o Online dictionaries (unless I specify it’s acceptable to use for a project)
 is the only acceptable online dictionary I will accept and only when I
deem it appropriate. For certain projects you will be permitted to use a written Spanish-English
Using a translator is cheating!
If you choose to use a translator, and I suspect or prove you use one, you will receive a
ZERO on your work, regardless of the assignment, point value or other information in the assignment. Your
parents will be notified.
o Ex: You write a 1 page research project on food and only translate 1 sentence from an online translator,
that is still using a translator/cheating
o Don’t know how to say something? Simplify it so you can say it or ask me!!!
Note: it is very easy for me to tell if you used a translator- don’t risk it. Often students will use the wrong tense,
vocabulary, etc. when they use translators. It is blatantly obvious. This is your only warning- DO NOT USE A
TRANSLATOR in this class.
o It’s better to have incorrect grammar on something you’re unsure of, than to risk getting a zero by
translating- don’t do it!
 However, if I suspect a translator was used and you want to prove you did not use one, you will be given a test on
the information you handed-in. If you can use proper Spanish grammar (written and spoken) and correct spelling
(correct verb conjugations, usage, and tenses), I will gladly grade your paper.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I understand Señorita Phillip-Chapman’s policy on translators/translations and take responsibility for my usage of
translators as stated above. I understand there are consequences to my actions.
Print name _____________________________________________________ class pd. _________
Sign name ______________________________________________________ date _________
Parent’s name __________________________________________________
Parent’s signature _______________________________________________ date __________