First-year Chinese Guidelines

Guidelines for the Honors Project in 039:008 First Year Chinese
The honors project in First Year Chinese is expected to be a substantial piece of quality work
demonstrating individual creativity. The extra assignment will involve additional work beyond the
regular course requirements and it helps a student achieve a higher level understanding of the course
materials and use them for communicative purposes.
1. To develop five dialogs in Chinese characters (each with at least 6 exchanges), or to develop a
skit in Chinese characters with 3-page length.
2. To be a leader of a group working on a skit to be performed in the end-of-semester oral
performance of the First Year Chinese.
First Year Chinese curriculum covers the standard Chinese pinyin system and the Integrated
Chinese Level I part I & II. The honors project will demand additional work and practice on the
language that student learned from the lessons, which allow students to study a topic in greater
depth in order to have a better commend of their knowledge of Chinese. The vocabulary and
sentence patterns learned in the course will serve as an essential base for the student’s creative
project. A detailed guideline for the sentence patterns that can be used for the project can be
obtained from your project instructor. With respect to the speaking performance, one should strive
for accuracy, fluency, and expression.
The steps for the honors project are addressed below. Please discuss with your project instructor so
that a mutual agreement on the deadline for each step can be achieved.
Discuss with your project instructor on the
topics of your project
Create basic storyline (plots)
Develop dialogues and scenes
Edit dialogues and scenes
Turn in written project
Practice pronunciation
Memorize lines
Rehearse the dialog and skit
Give performance (with group)
Guidelines for the Honors Project in 039:009 First Year Chinese
The honors project in First Year Chinese is expected to be a substantial piece of quality work
demonstrating individual creativity. The extra assignment will involve additional work beyond the
regular course requirements and it helps a student achieve a higher level understanding of the course
materials and use them for communicative purposes.
First Year Chinese curriculum covers the standard Chinese pinyin system and the Integrated
Chinese Level I part I & II. The honors project will demand additional work and practice on the
language that student learned from the lessons, which allow students to study a topic in greater
depth in order to have a better commend of their knowledge of Chinese. The vocabulary and
sentence patterns learned in the course will serve as an essential base for the student’s creative
project. A detailed guideline for the sentence patterns that can be used for the project can be
obtained from your project instructor. With respect to the speaking performance, one should strive
for accuracy, fluency, and expression.
You could choose to do one of the following two tasks:
1. To develop five dialogs in Chinese characters (each with at least 6 exchanges), or to develop a
skit in Chinese characters with 4-page length; to be a leader of a group working on a skit to be
performed in the end-of-semester oral performance of the First Year Chinese if such activity is
2. To choose three topics and write three short essays in Chinese. The length for each essay is at
least 150 characters. Please discuss with your instructor about the topics that you would like to
write. Sample topics: Introduce your hometown. Talk about weather in your home town. Talk about
your experience of eating in a Chinese restaurant.
The steps for the honors project are addressed below. Please discuss with your project instructor so
that a mutual agreement on the deadline for each step can be achieved.
Discuss with your project instructor on the
topics of your project
Write up your project
Turn in first draft of your project
Edit your project based on feedback from
your instructor
Turn in your final project