Water Vapor and Humidity Main Idea: Water on Earth’s surface and in the atmosphere changes form and affects the weather Water Vapor- water in the form of a gas. o It is invisible, colorless, odorless, and tasteless. Humidity- the amount of water vapor in the air o Two factors determine the amount of humidity 1. water available to evaporate 2. the warmer the temperature the faster the water evaporates. Evaporation- the changing of a liquid into a gas. Condensation- the changing of a gas into a liquid. Relative humidity- comparison between how much water vapor is in the air and how much the air can hold. o Affects how you feel What Happens When Warm, Moist Air Cools? (3) Things can happen 1. Air can cool by being pushed upward over mountains by winds. 2. Heating the air causes it to rise. When sun heats the ground, air above the ground warms and rises. When it rises, it expands (gets bigger) and cools. 3. Air can be pushed up when cooler air and warmer air meet. When they meet, THEY DON’T MIX. The lighter warmer air is pushed over the heavier cold air. Because of this, the warm air that was pushed up into the atmosphere, cools.