Weather Factors Vocabulary

Weather Factors Vocabulary
1. Electromagnetic waves- waves that transfer electric and magnetic energy through space
2. Radiation-the direct transfer of energy by electromagnetic waves
3. Infrared radiation- electromagnetic waves with wavelength that are longer than visible light but shorter than
4. Ultraviolet radiation- electromagnetic waves with wavelength that are shorter than visible light but longer than
X rays
5. Scattering – reflection of light in all directions
6. Greenhouse effect- the process by which heat is trapped in the atmosphere by gases that form a “blanket”
around Earth
7. Temperature- a measure of how hot or cold an object is compared to a referenced point
8. Thermometer- an instrument used to measure heat
9. Heat- transfer of thermal energy from one object to another
10. Conduction-the direct transfer of thermal energy from one substance to another
11. Convection- the transfer of thermal energy by the movement of a fluid
12. Convection currents- the circulation of a fluid as it alternately heats up and cools down
13. Wind- the horizontal movement of air from an area of high pressure to an area of low pressure
14. Anemometer-an instruments used to measure wind speed
15. Wind-chill factor- a measure of cooling combing temperature and wind speed
16. Local winds- winds that blow over short distances
17. Sea breeze- the flow of cooler air from over an ocean or lake towards land
18. Land breeze- the flow of air from land to a body of water
19. Global winds- wind that blow steadily from specific directions over long distances
20. Coriolis effect- the change that Earth’s rotation causes in the motion of objects & that explains how wind curve
21. Jet stream- bands of high-speed winds about 10 km above Earth’s surface
22. Humidity- the amount of water vapor in a given volume of air
23. Relative humidity- the percentage of water vapor in the air compared to the maximum amount of water vapor
that air can contain at a particular temperature.
24. Psychrometer- an instrument used to measure relative humidity
25. Dew point- the temperature at which condensation begins
26. Cirrus- wispy, feathery clouds made of ice crystals that form at high levels
27. Cumulus- fluffy, white clouds with flat bottoms
28. Stratus- clouds that form in flat layers of often cover much of the sky
29. Cloud seeding- a method of changing precipitation
30. Rain gauge – an instrument used to measure precipitation