39th LEEDS-LYON SYMPOSIUM on TRIBOLOGY Leeds Trinity University College, Leeds, Tuesday 4th - Friday 7th September 2012 “GREAT CHALLENGES IN TRIBOLOGY” FINAL PROGRAMME TUESDAY 4th SEPTEMBER 11.00 – 1430 Registration 14.30 - 16.00 SESSION I Auditorium Paper I (i) "Going No Wear, Fast" by W G Sawyer, University of Florida, USA. Paper II (ii) “The Role of Tribology Research in the Development of Energy Efficient Lubricants” by M N Webster1, T Haque1, D E Deckman2, 1Corporate Strategic Research, 2Products Research and Technology, ExxonMobil Research and Engineering, USA. 16.00 - 18.00 Poster Session KEYNOTE PAPERS Chair: D Dowson Auditorium and Conference Suite (with Tea and Coffee) The list of posters is given at the end of the Programme 18.30 prompt Coaches depart to Conference Dinner: The University of Leeds For Evening Reception and Symposium Dinner After Dinner Speaker Professor Isobel A Pollock, 127th President of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, UK, and Royal Academy of Engineering Visiting Professor in Engineering and Design at the University of Leeds, UK WEDNESDAY 5th SEPTEMBER 09.00 - 10.30 SESSION II Auditorium PLENARY PAPERS 1 Chair: A Neville Session II (i) “A great challenge in EHD lubrication: Toward quantitative predictions based on the actual rheological behaviour of the lubricant” by S Bair1, P Vergne2, 1Georgia Institute of Technology, USA, 2 Université de Lyon, LaMCoS INSA-Lyon, France,. Session II (ii) “Controlling boundary and hydrodynamic friction in silicon MEMS” by T Reddyhoff1, J Leong2, L Tonggang3, S K Sinha2, A S Holmes1, H A Spikes1, 1Imperial College, London, 2National University of Singapore, Singapore, 3China University of Mining and Technology, China. Session II (iii) “Responding to global challenges – development of energy-efficient lubricant for future energy sustainability and environmental opportunities” by S C Tung, G Mazzamaro, C Esche, G Aguilar, M Patel, S Donnelly, R T Vanderbilt Company Inc. USA. 10.30 – 11.00 COFFEE/TEA – Conference Suite 11.00 – 12.30 PARALLEL SESSIONS III to VI 11.00 – 12.30 SESSION III Auditorium Paper III (i) “Friction between human skin and medical textiles for decubitus prevention” by G-M Rotaru1, D Pille1, F Lehmeier1, R Stämpfli1, A Scheel-Sailer2, R M Rossi1, S Derler1, 1Empa– Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Science and Technology, 2Swiss Paraplegic Centre,Switzerland. Paper III (ii) “Friction characteristics for trocars at different instrument velocities in laparoscopic surgery” by R Roshan1, P Culmer1, A A Nodeh1, D G Jayne2, M White3, A Neville1, 1University of Leeds, 2St James’s University Hospital, 3Surgical Innovations Group plc, Leeds, UK Paper III (iii) “Effect of phospholipids on wear of ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene” by Y Sawae, T Morioka, R Oide, Kyushu University, Japan. Paper III (iv) “Tribology of insulation materials within implantable cardioverter-defibrillation leads” by C Wilson, A Himes, Medtronic Inc. USA Paper III (v) “Study of film formation in bovine serum lubricated contacts under rolling/sliding conditions” by M Vrbka, T Návrat, I Křupka, M Hartl, J Gallo, Brno University of Technology, Czech Republic. 11.00 – 12.30 SESSION IV AG100 Paper IV (i) “Comparison of engine oil degradation observed in the laboratory and in the engine by means of chemometrics” by C Besser1, N Dörr1, F Novotney-Farkas2, K Varmuza3, G Allmaier3, 1AC2T research GmbH, 2OMV Refining and Marketing GmbH, 3Vienna University of Technology, Vienna. Paper IV (ii) “Engine oil acidity detection using solid state ion selective electrodes” by M Soleimani1, M Sophocleous1, M Glanc1, J Atkinson1, L Wang1, R J K Wood1, R I Taylor2, 1University of Southampton, 2Shell Research Ltd. UK, Paper IV (iii) “New insight into the relationship between molecular effects and the rheological behaviour of polymer-thickened lubricants” by C Mary1,2, D Philippon1, S Bair3, O Lerasle2, F Jarnias2, P Vergne1, 1Université de Lyon, 2TOTAL CReS chemin du canal, France. 3Georgia Institute of Technology, USA. BIO-MEDICAL 1 Chair: M A Masen ENGINE LUBRICANTS Chair: R I Taylor WEDNESDAY 5th SEPTEMBER Session IV (cont/d) Paper IV (iv) “The influence of SAPS lubricant additives on tribological behaviour of DLC coatings” by I. Velkavrh1, M. Kalin1, A. Cavaleiro2, T. Polcar3, J. de Hosson4, J. Rao5, F. Meunier6, 1University of Ljubljana, Slovenia, 2 University of Coimbra, Portugal, 3University of Southampton, UK, 4University of Groningen, The Netherlands, 5Sulzer Sorevi S.A.S, France. Paper IV (v) “Simulation of coupled oil film lubricated contacts in internal combustion engines” by G Offner, F Diwoky, C Schweiger, W Baier, Advanced Simulation Technologies, Austria. 11.00 – 12.30 SESSION V Room AG 21 Paper V (i) “Shear induced transition of diffusion modes and effect on friction of water molecules confined between graphene sheets” by L Xu, T-b Ma, H Wang, Y-z Hu, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China Paper V (ii) “Tribological characterisation of carbon nanotube added Si3N4 ceramic composites” by Zs. Koncsik, M B Maros, L Kuzsella, University of Miskolc, Hungary. Paper V (iii) “Molecular dynamics simulation of influence of atomic-scale stick-slip phenomenon on energy dissipation and friction anisotropy” by J Shimizu, L Zhou, T Yamamoto, Ibaraki University, Japan. Paper V (iv) “Tribological behaviour of vegetable oil-based lubricants with nanoparticles of oxides in boundary lubrication conditions” by S M Alves, B S Barros, M F Trajano, K S B Ribeiro, Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil. Paper V (v) “Relating friction and adhesion for single smooth contact by means of models and experiments” by M A Yaqoob1,2, M B de Rooij2, D J Schipper2, 1Materials and Innovation Institute, 2University of Twente, The Netherlands. 11.00 – 12.30 SESSION VI Room AF20 Paper VI (i) “Dry elasto-plastic contact of nominally flat surfaces” by A Manoylov, H P Evans, Cardiff University, UK. Paper VI (ii) “How to determine surface asperities for real contact area calculations using deterministic approach” by A. Pogačnik1, M Kalin2, 1I Mehanizmi, 2Laboratory for Tribology and Interface Nanotechnology, Slovenia Paper VI (iii) “Application of smoothed particle applied mechanics (SPAM) to tribological problems involving large deformations” by S Nugent, A Fischer, C Peuker, G Vorlaufer, AC2T research GmbH, Austria. Paper VI (iv) “Effect of inhomogeneity on stress field in contacts between nominally flat surfaces” by L Wang1, Y-z Hu1, W-z Wang2, H Wang1, 1Tsinghua University, 2Beijing Institute of Technology, Beijing, China. Paper VI (v) “Contact behaviour of the hard metals and cermets during monotonic and cyclic loading” by G Sergejev, M Antonov, J Kubarsepp, Tallinn University, Estonia 12.30 – 13.30 LUNCH 13.30 – 14.00 PHOTOGRAPH NANO-TRIBOLOGY Chair: B Beake CONTACT MECHANICS Chair: W G Sawyer WEDNESDAY 5th SEPTEMBER 14.00 – 15.30 PARALLEL SESSIONS VII to X 14.00 – 15.30 SESSION VII Auditorium DLC 1 Chair: M Kalin Paper VII (i) “Understanding low friction of DLC coatings using a novel technique” by F Majdoub1, J M Martin1, M Belin1, J Perret-Liaudet1, M Kano2, K Yoshida2, 1Ecole Centrale de Lyon, France, 2Kanagawa Industrial Technology Center, Japan. Paper VII (ii) “Influence of doping elements on tribofilm formation in diamond-like carbon contacts with the use of different SAPS oils” by I. Velkavrh1, M. Kalin1, E. Oblak1, F. Meunier2, 1University of Ljubljana, Slovenia, 22Sulzer Sorevi S.A.S, France. Paper VII (iii) “Friction and wear mechanisms of the metal-doped DLC in low-saps engine oil boundary lubricated system” by Z Hongyuan, J Lanigan, A Morina, A Neville, University of Leeds, UK. Paper VII (iv) “Friction and wear performance of DLC coatings with laser surface patterning” by P W Shum, Z F Zhou, K Y Li, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, SAR. Paper VII (v) “Hardness effect of DLC on tribological properties for sliding bearing under boundary lubrication condition in additive-free mineral base oil” by N A Masripan1, K Ohara1, N Umehara1, H Kousaka1, T Tokoroyama1, S Inami2, K Zushi2, M Fujita2, 1Nagoya University, 2Daido Metal Co. Japan. 14.00 – 15.30 SESSION VIII AG100 Paper VIII (i) “Study of the tribological contacts of a piston ring in a squeeze film damper” by A Albers1, S Jäger1, M Klingsporn2, R Blutke2, 1KIT Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, 2Rolls-Royce Deutschland Ltd, Germany. Paper VIII (ii) “Investigations on power losses and thermal behaviour of rolling element bearing – transient aspects” by F Pouly3, C Changenet2, F Ville1, P Velex1, B Damiens3, 1 Université de Lyon, LaMCoS, INSA-Lyon, France, 2Université de Lyon, ECAM, 3TURBOMECA Groupe Safran, France. Paper VIII (iii) “Roller skew analysis in taper-roller bearings - a dynamic approach” by S Jain, H Hunt, University of Cambridge, UK. Paper VIII (iv) “Gas foil bearings behaviour in refrigeration gas” by M Garcia1, B Bou-Said1, J Rocchi2, G Grau2, Université de Lyon, LaMCoS, INSA-Lyon, France, 2LTS, France. Paper VIII (v) “Influence of flange waviness on metal sealing” by A Tlili1, A Beziat1, F Ledrappier2, H Zahouani3, J-M Bergheau3, 1CEA, DEN, SDTC, 2Technetics Group, 3Université de Lyon, LaMCoS, INSA-Lyon, France, 14.00 – 15.30 SESSION IX AG21 Paper IX (i) “Effects of counterface materials and temperature on friction and wear of PTFE composites in hydrogen” by T Morita1, M Nabeshima1, Y Kurono1, Y Sawae1, J Sugimura1,2, 1Kyushu University, 2National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, Japan. Paper IX (ii) “Triboluminescence of polypropylene, polyamide, perfluoropolyether polyoxymethylene – Effects of wear mode and atmosphere” by K Hiratsuka, K Hosotani, China Institute of Technology, Japan. Paper IX (iii) “Effective lubricant supply to high speed PEK-steel contacts” by C J Dyson1,2, M Fox2, W Hopkins1, M Priest2, 1ROCOL Lubricants, 2University of Leeds, UK. Paper IX (iv) “Wear aspects of polymer composites in friction on polished steel surfaces” by L Capitanu1, V Florescu2, Romanian Academy, 2Technical University of Civil Engineering, Romania BEARINGS AND SEALS Chair: G Poll POLYMERS Chair M F Fox and WEDNESDAY 5th SEPTEMBER Session IX (cont/d) Paper IX (v) 14.00 – 15.30 “Optimization of test parameters that influence erosive wear behaviours of GFreinforced epoxy composites by using Taguchi method” by M Bagci, H Imrek, O M Khalfan, Selcuk University, Turkey. SESSION X Room AF20 MANUFACTURING Chair: O Mian Paper X (i) “A sensor for monitoring lubrication in the roll strip interface” by A Hunter, R Dwyer-Joyce, University of Sheffield, Sheffield, UK. Paper X (ii) “Plate-out characteristics and supply behaviours of O/W emulsions for cold rolling” by N Fujita, Y Kimura, JFE Steel Corporation, Japan. Paper X (iii) “Diamond/WC-Co drill bit cutters quality: mechanical performances and material considerations” by M Yahiaoui1, L Gerbaud2, J-Y Paris1, K Delbe1, J Denape1, A Dourfaye3, 1Ecole Nationale d’Ingénieurs de Tarbes, 2Mines Paris Tech, 3Varel Europe, France. Paper X (iv) “Study of mechanical properties and wear resistance of TiWCN and CrMoN coatings for machining tools” by I Rahil1, C Nouveau1, L Imhoff3, A Fabre2, A Iost4, 1 Arts et Métiers ParisTech, LaBoMaP, 2 Arts et Métiers ParisTech, MécaSurf, 3University of Burgundy, 4 Arts et Métiers ParisTech, LML, France. Paper X (v) “Machining with CrAl-Oxynitride coated tooling” by A Pilkington1,2, S J Dowey2,3, J T Toton1,2, E D Doyle1,2, 1RMIT University, 2The Defence Materials Technology Centre, 3Sutton Tools Pty Ltd, Australia 15.30 - 16.00 COFFEE/TEA – Conference Suite 16.00 – 18.00 PARALLEL SESSIONS XI to XIV 16.00 – 18.00 SESSION XI Auditorium Paper XI (i) “Formation of micro-grooves under impact loading in elliptical contacts with surface asperities”by M Kaneta1, F Guo2, J Wang2, I Křupka1, M Hartl1, 1Brno University of Technology, Czech Republic, 2Qingdao Technological University, PR China. Paper XI (ii) “Characterization of film thickness in elastohydrodynamic regime through molecular dynamics modelling for the lubricant properties” by V D’Agostino, V Petrone, A Senatore, University of Salerno, Italy. Paper XI (iii) “Experimental study of artificial features attenuation in rolling-sliding EHL contacts: complementary wave” by P Šperka, I Krupka, M Hartl, Brno University of Technology, Czech Republic. Paper XI (iv) “Transient thermal elastohydrodynamic lubrication analysis of helical gears” by Y-Q Wang, P Yang, P-R Yang, Quingdao Technological University, P R China. Paper XI (v) “The outlet of elastohydrodynamic lubricated line contacts” by V Bruyere1, N Fillot1, G E Morales-Espejel1,2, P Vergne1, 1Université de Lyon, LaMCoS INSA-Lyon, France, 2SKF Engineering and Research Centre, The Netherlands. Paper XI (vi) “On the thermal elastohydrodynamic lubrication of tilting roller pairs” by Xiaoling Liu, Peiran Yang, Qingdao Technological University, P R China Paper XI (vii) “Traction characteristics in traction drive of concave and convex roller pair (Cases using traction oils TD22 and SANTOLUBE32)” by K Miyachika, H Tomioka, Tottori University, Japan. ELASTOHYDRODYNAMIC LUBRICATION 1 Chair: P Vergne WEDNESDAY 5th SEPTEMBER 16.00 – 18.00 SESSION XII AG100 Paper XII (i) “An approach to determine the friction power loss of subsystems in a serially produced ICE by combination of measurement and validated simulation” by D E Sander, H Allmaier, C Priestner, F M Reich, Virtual Vehicle Competence Center, Austria. Paper XII (ii) “Influence of lubricant degradation on measured piston ring film thickness in a motored reciprocating engine” by R S Notay, M Priest, M F Fox, R C Coy, The University of Leeds, UK. Paper XII (iii) “Mathematical modelling of piston ring liner tribosystem” by G D Thakre1, M R Tyagi2, 1Indian Institute of Petroleum, 2Graphic Era University, India. Paper XII (iv) “Qualitative discrimination between API GL performance levels of manual transmission fluids through a new four-ball scuffing test” by W Tuszynski, M Szczerek, Institute for Sustainable Technologies, National Research Institute, Poland. Paper XII (v) “Palm and soybean biodiesel compatibility with fuel system elastomers” by S A Alves, V S Mello, J S Medeiros, Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil 16.00 – 18.00 SESSION XIII Room AG21 Paper XIII (i) “Advanced design of hierarchical topographies in metallic surfaces by combining micro metal coining and laser interference patterning under hydrodynamic lubrication” by C Gachot1, A Rosenkranz1, B Wietbrock2, G Hirt2, F Mucklich1, 1Saarland University, 2Institute of Metal Forming, Germany. Paper XIII (ii) “Comparison of the effect of surface texture on the surfaces of steel and UHMWPE” by B Zhang, W Huang, J Wang, X Wang, Nanjing University of Aeronautics & Astronautics, China. Paper XIII (iii) “Tailored friction properties and enhanced run-in behaviour by geometrical interlocking of laser interference patterned surfaces” by A Rosenkranz1, C Gachot1, L Reinert1, M H Muser2, F Mucklich2, 1Saarland University, 2Jűlich Supercomputing Centre, Germany. Paper XIII (iv) “CFD analysis of real-textured surface processed by laser” by Y Oshima, A Nakano, R Tsuboi, S Sasaki, Tokyo University of Science, Japan. Paper XIII (v) “CFD simulation of hydrodynamnic lubrication with surface texturing considering with non-dimensional evaluation” by R Tsuboi, Y Oshima, A Nakano, S Sasaki, Tokyo University of Science, Japan. Paper XIII (vi) “Improvement of friction characteristics on reciprocating machinery by micro dimples” by M Oda1, K Iwamoto1, K Tanaka1, T Fujino2, 1Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology, Japan, 2Nagaoka University of Technology, Japan. Paper XIII (vii) “Study on tribological characteristics of textured nano-multilayer surface” by M Koyama1, S Kato2, R Tsuboi1, S Sasaki1, 1Tokyo University of Science, 2KYB Corporation, Japan. AUTOMOTIVE Chair: M N Webster SURFACE TEXTURING Chair: R W Hewson WEDNESDAY 5th SEPTEMBER 16.00 – 18.00 SESSION XIV Room AF20 WEAR Chair: R Dwyer-Joyce Paper XIV (i) “A mechanism for severe delamination wear” by N Sandaram, Y Guo, S Chandrasekar, Purdue University, USA. Paper XIV (ii) “Fretting wear behaviours in slip regime of laser quenching/nitride layers on 60Si2Mn steel” by Z-B Cai1,2, X Wu1, M-X Shen1, J-F Peng1, M-H Zhu1, 1Jiaotong University, 2Chongqing University, China. . Paper XIV (iii) “Real-time observation and friction vibration analyses of torsional fretting wear for PMMA against different contact bodies” by S Yang, Z B Cai, M X Shen, J Yang, X B Xiao, M H Zhu, Southwest Jiaotong University, China. Paper XIV (iv) “Steel machining chips as reinforcements to improve wear resistance of metal alloys: study of a model Zn-Al alloy system” by P Iglesias1,2,3, A E Jiménez1,2, D Pérez1, M D Bermúdez1, B C Rao2, S Chandrakekar2, 1Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena, Spain, 2Purdue University, USA, 3Rochester Institute of Technology, USA. Paper XIV (v) “Effect of loading system inertia on tribological behavior of ceramic-ceramic, metal-ceramic and metal-metal dry sliding contacts” by M. Antonov, I. Hussainova, E. Adoberg, Tallinn University of Technology, Estonia. Paper XIV (vi) “Combined experimental and numerical approach for wear prediction in feed pipes” by M Varga1,E Badisch1, Ch. Goniva2,3, Ch. Kloss2,3, S Pirker2, 1AC2T research GmbH, 2Johannes Kepler University,`DCS Computing GmbH, Austria. Paper XIV (vii) “Study on tribology properties of ultra-fine alumina ceramics” by W Huang, G Wu, X Zhang, Chongqing University of Technology, China. 18.30 – 19.30 DINNER in Leeds Trinity University College THURSDAY 6th SEPTEMBER 09.00 - 10.30 SESSION XV Auditorium PLENARY PAPERS 2 Chair: M Masuko Paper XV (i) “Influence of lubricant degradation due to seawater contamination on the performance of offshore wind turbine bearings” by F Mubarok, T Nyhus, N Espallargas, NTNU, Norway. Paper XV (ii) “Towards nanomechanics-inspired design rules for developing coatings for dry ultra-high-speed machining” by B Beake, Micro Materials Ltd, UK. Paper XV (iii) “The role of the skin microrelief in the contact behaviour of human skin: contact between the human finger and regular surface textures” by J van Kuilenburg1,2, M A Masen2, E van der Heide2,3, 1Materials Innovation Institute, 2University of Twente, 3 TNO, The Netherlands. 10.30 – 11.00 COFFEE/TEA – Conference Suite 11.00 – 12.30 PARALLEL SESSIONS XVI to XIX 11.00 – 12.30 SESSION XVI Auditorium DLC 2 Chair: A Morina Paper XVI (i) “Comparison of the tribological performance and tribochemical processes in a DLC/Steel system when lubricated in fully formulated oil with different concentration of MoDTC type friction modifier” by S.Kosarieh1, A. Morina1, A.Neville1, E.Lainé2, J.Flemming2, 1University of Leeds, 2Infineum UK Ltd. UK. Paper XVI (ii) “Ultra-low friction of diamond-like carbon (DLC) under oil boundary lubrication” by H A Tasdemir1, T Tokoroyama1, H Kousaka1, N Umehara1, Y Mabuchi2, T Higuchi2, 1Nagoya University, 2Nissan Motor Co, Japan. Paper XVI (iii) “Friction reduction mechanisms in boundary lubricated W-doped DLC coatings” by L Yang1, A Morina1, A Neville1, A Brown2, P Ransom2, 1University of Leeds, Leeds, 2Afton Chemical Ltd, Berkshire, UK. Paper XVI (iv) “Evaluation of transformed layers of DLC after sliding in oil with spectroscopic reflectometry” by K Ohara1, N A B Masripan1,3, N Umehara1, H Kousaka1, T Tokoroyama1, S Inami2, K Zushi2, M Fujita2, 1Nagoya University, 2Daido Metal Co, Japan, 3Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka.. Paper XVI (v) “The effect of Si Interlayers on the adhesion and wear behaviour of diamond like carbon (DLC) coatings deposited on 316L stainless steel” by L Ward1, F Junge2, A Lampka2, M Dobbertin2, C Mewes2, M Wienecke2, 1Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology, Australia, 2Institute of Surface and Thin Film Technology, Germany 11.00 – 12.30 SESSION XVII Room AG100 BIO-MEDICAL 2 Chair: J B Medley Paper XVII (i) “Antimicrobial agents affect polyethylene wear in knee simulator testing” by J M Brandt1, K Mahmoud2, S Koval2, S J MacDonald2,J B Medley3, 1Concordia Hip and Knee Institute, 2 University of Western Ontario, 3University of Waterloo, Canada. Paper XVII (ii) “Biotribocorrosion of metal-on-metal hip replacements: How surface degradation can influence metal ion formation” by J Hesketh, Q Meng, D Dowson, A Neville, University of Leeds, UK. Paper XVII (iii) “A novel wear testing machine design for total hip joint prostheses” by V I Pakhaliuk, O M Poliakov, Y V Pashkov, M I Kalinin, I B Desyatov, Sevastopol National Technical University, Ukraine. Paper XVII (iv) “Fretting Wear-fatigue Analysis for Modular Hip Implant” by T Zhang, N M Harrison, P F McDonell, P E McHugh, S B Leen, NUI Galway, Ireland. THURSDAY 6th SEPTEMBER Session XVII (cont/d) Paper XVII (v) “Fretting corrosion characteristics of fully cemented polished collarless tapered stems in a simulated biological environment” by M Bryant1, R Farrar2, R Freeman2, K Brummitt2, A Neville1, 1University of Leeds, 2DePuy International, Leeds, UK. 11.00 – 12.30 SESSION XVIII Room AG21 Paper XVIII (i) “Study on torsional fretting corrosion behaviours of CoCrMo alloy in the serum solution” by J H Yi1, Z B Cai1, M X Shen2, X Z Lin2, J F Peng1, M H Zhu1, 1Southwest Jiaotong University, 2Sichuan University of Science and Engineering, China. Paper XVIII (ii) “Tribocorrosion mechanisms of Ni-Cr alloys: An electrochemical modelling approach” by N Papageorgiou, A von Bonin, N Espallargas, NTNU, Norway. Paper XVIII (iii) “Effect of lubricants and water on micropitting” by Hui Cen1, A Morina1, A Neville1, R Pasaribu2, 1University of Leeds, Leeds, 2SKF Engineering and Research Centre, The Netherlands. Paper XVIII (iv) “Erosion-corrosion study of coated aluminium alloys for oil & gas applications” by A Algahtani1, T Liskiewicz1, A Neville1, S Shrestha2, 1University of Leeds, 2Keronite International Ltd, UK. 11.00 – 12.30 SESSION XIX Room AF20 Paper XIX (i) “The effect of friction on the usability of touch pad” by K Mizuhara1, H Hatano1, T Washio2, 1Tokyo Denki University, 2Surgical Assist Technology Group, Japan. Paper XIX (ii) “Mixed friction model for rough contacts at high contact pressure” by S Neubert, A Porat, C Hentschke, G Jacobs, RWTH Aachen University, Germany. Paper XIX (iii) “Tribological characterisation of an energetic material under sliding conditions” by R Charlery, A Saulot, Y B, N Daly, Université de Lyon, LaMCoS INSA-Lyon, France,. Paper XIX (iv) “On the impact of machining on the friction behaviour of mixed lubricated contacts” by B Lorentz, A Albers, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Germany Paper XIX (v) “Tribological investigation of packing friction along the stem of a valve” by H J Ho1,3, A Saulot1, M Busquet1, Y Berthier1, A Torrance2, D Hersant3, 1Université de Lyon, LaMCoS INSA-Lyon, France, 2Trinity College, Dublin, 3Electricité de France R&D, France. 12.30 – 13.30 TRIBO-CORROSION Chair T Liskiewicz FRICTION Chair: J Sugimura Lunch 13.45 prompt Coaches Depart for Thursday Trip Roundhay Park or City of Leeds Dinner Weetwood Hall Hotel and Conference Centre, Leeds FRIDAY 7th SEPTEMBER 09.00 – 10.30 SESSION XX Auditorium Paper XX (i) “Complex fluids in tribology to reduce friction: mesogenic fluids, ionic liquids and ionic liquid crystals” by T Amann, A Kailer, Fraunhofer Institute for Mechanics of Materials IWM, Germany. Paper XX (ii) “The effect of the polarity of the lubricant upon capacitance measurements of EHD contacts” by K Jablonka1, R Glovnea1, J Bongaerts2, G Morales-Espejel2, 1University of Sussex, UK, 2SKF Engineering and Research Centre, The Netherlands. Paper XX (iii) “Experimental measurement and modelling of plain bearing wear in start-stop applications” by D Gudin, O Mian, S Sanders, MAHLE Engine Systems UK Ltd, Rugby, UK. PLENARY PAPERS 3 Chair: B Bou-Said 10.30 – 11.00 COFFEE/TEA – Conference Suite 11.00 – 13.00 PARALLEL SESSIONS XXI to XXIV 11.00 – 13.00 SESSION XXI Auditorium Paper XXI (i) “Degradation mechanisms of ammonium type ionic liquids caused by thermooxidative stress and tribological performance of selected intact IL and its altered product” by L Pisarova1, N Dörr1, G Allmaier2, 1AC2T research GmbH, 2Vienna University of Technology, Austria. Paper XXI (ii) “Micro-magnet arrayed surface for ferrofluids lubrication” by W Huang, J Wang, X Wang, Nanjing University of Aeronautics & Astronautics, China. Paper XXI (iii) “Wear reducing effects and temperature dependence of tribolayer formation in harsh environment” by M Varga1, H Rojacz1 H Winkelmann1, H Mayer2, E Badisch1, 1AC2T research GmbH, 2Vautid Austria GmbH, Austria. Paper XXI (iv) “Multiresolution analysis of tribological surfaces: the impact of the lubricant” by D Bianchi1, G Vorlaufer1, H Hunger1, N Dörr1, A Vernes1,2, G Betz2, 1Austrian Center of Competence for Tribology, Austria, 2Vienna University of Technology, Vienna Paper XXI (v) “In situ monitoring of the ingress of a fluid penetrant into a threaded contact” by J R Vail, R S Mills, J T Stephen, R S Dwyer-Joyce, University of Sheffield, UK. Paper XXI (vi) “A novel view on cavitating lubricant flow through sintered journal bearings” by I A Neacşu1, B Scheichl1,2, 1AC2T research GmbH, 2Vienna University of Technology, Austria Paper XXI (vii) “How far does contamination help dry lubrication efficiency?” by G Colas1,2,3, A Saulot1, N Bouscharain1, C Godeau1, Y. Michel2,Y Berthier1, 1Université de Lyon, LaMCoS INSA-Lyon, France,, 2CNES, Toulouse, France, 3Thalès Alenia Space, France. 11.00 – 13.00 SESSION XXII Room AG100 Paper XXII (i) “Tooth friction losses in internal gear: analytical formulation and application to epicyclic gear train” by J Durand de Givigney1,2, F Ville1, C Changenet2, P Velex1, 1Université de Lyon, LaMCoS, INSA-Lyon, France, 2Université de Lyon, ECAM, France Paper XXII (ii) “Possibility of phase change in anomalous elastohydrodynamic films” by K Yagi, J Sugimura, Kyushu University, Japan. Paper XXII (iii) “A lubricated contact analysis of roller end-flange in tapered roller bearing” by W-Z Wang1, L Hu1, S-G Zhang1, Y-Z Hu2, 1Beijing Institute of Technology, 2Tsinghua University, China. LUBRICANTS Chair: H van Leeuwen ELASTOHYDRODYNAMIC LUBRICATION 2 Chair: H P Evans FRIDAY 7th SEPTEMBER Session XXII (cont/d) Paper XXII (iv) “Stress distributions of coated film with interlayer and substrate under EHL condition – influences of applied loads and surface velocities of ball” by T Fujino1, K Iwamoto2, M Abe1, K Tanaka2, M Oda2, 1Nagaoka University of Technology, 2Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology, Japan. Paper XXII (v) “The EHL analysis of emulsion-lubricated composite plastic bearings” by Y Q Wang, FuE Ren, Qingdao Technological University, P R China 11.00 – 13.00 SESSION XXIII Room AG21 Paper XXIII (i) “Affordable precision measurements in tribology testing accelerate development time and increase confidence in tribometer test results” by D Drees1, S Achanta1, H van Hest1, T Delvigne2, 1Falex Tribology NV, 2DSI Deltabeam, Belgium. Paper XXIII (ii) “Scratch testing of nodular cast iron with steel wire and diamond tips” by R Waudby, P Andersson, K Holmberg, VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland, Finland. Paper XXIII (iii) “Investigation of butterfly and white etching crack (WEC) formation under rolling contact fatigue in 100Cr6 bearing steel for wind turbine gearbox bearing applications using metallographic and focused ion beam tomography” by M-H Evans1, L Wang1, H Jones2, R J K Wood1, 1Southampton (nCATS) University, 2National Physical Laboratory, UK. Paper XXIII (iv) “Numerical estimation of wear in reciprocating tribological experiments” by S Ilincic1, A Vernes1,2, G Vorlaufer1, H Hunger1, N Dörr1, F Franek1,2, 1Austrian Center of Competence for Tribology, 2Vienna University of Technology, 3Wiener Neustadt University, Vienna. Paper XXIII (v) “Determination of particle flux and impact energy in the erosion of X65 carbon steel using acoustic emission” by J I Ukpai, R Barker, X Hu, A Neville, University of Leeds, UK. Paper XXIII (vi) “Tribologically induced surface layers on elastomeric materials” by N V Rodriguez1,2, M A Masen1, D J Schipper1, 1University of Twente, 2Dutch Polymer Institute DPI, The Netherlands Paper XXIII (vii) “Investigation on qualification of the damage induced by friction using X-ray diffractometry” by A Fabre, L Barrallier, S Jégou, Arts et Métiers Paris Tech, France. 11.00 – 13.00 SESSION XXIV Room AF20 Paper XXIV (i) “Preliminary study of tribology of organic-molecule-coated touch panel display surface” by M Masuko, F Ikushima, S Aoki, A Suzuki, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan. Paper XXIV (ii) “Effect of SiO2 and PTFE additives on dry sliding of NiP electroless coating” by D Gutsev1, M Antonov2, I Hussainova2, 1Metal-Polymer Research Institute NASB, Belarus, 2Tallinn University of Technology, Estonia. Paper XXIV (iii) “Tribological and structural characterization of TaN-SiNx thin films deposited on Ti, TiAIV and steel AISI 410 substrates” by M Figueroa1, Er Garcia1, G Ramirez2, S Muhl2, S E Rodil2, A Cavaleiro3, T Polcar4, 1Instituto Politécnico Nacional, 2Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Mexico, Mexico, 3University of Coimbra, Portugal, 4Czech Technical University in Prague, Czech Republic WEAR AND SURFACE TRANSFORMATION Chair: R J K Wood SURFACE COATINGS Chair: A Saulot FRIDAY 7th SEPTEMBER Session XXIV (cont/d) Paper XXIV (iv) “The characterization of the micro pore distribution and the tribological properties of micro-porous titanium carbide” by Y Luo, Li Yang, S Ge, M Tian, China University of Mining and Technology, China. Paper XXIV (v) “Study of cavitation resistance properties CrNiMo stainless steel and laser cladding NiCrSiB coating” by X Zhang, W Huang, Chongqing University of Technology, China Paper XXIV (vi) “Roughness signature of tribological contact calculated by new Curvature Radius Estimation method on fractal surface”, by M. Bigerelle1, J.M. Nianga2, D. Najjar3, A. Iost3, C. Hubert1, K.J. Kubiak1,4, 1 Université de Valenciennes, 2Equipe Mécanique des Structures, 3LML, UMR CNRS, France, 4University of Leeds, UK. 13.10 – 13.30 Dowson Prize Award and Closure in the Auditorium. 13.30 Lunch Poster Sessions – Tuesday 4th September in the Conference Suite 1 “Tribological study and tool live of four commercial drills” by Er Garcia1, M Figueroa1, S Muhl2, 1Instituto Politécnico Nacional, 2Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Mexico, Mexico. 2 “Grinding residual stresses due to thermo-mechanical loading and phase transformation” by S M Shah1, D Nelias2, M Zain-ul-Abedin3, M I Tareen4, 1Balochistan University of Engineering and Technology, Pakistan, 23Université de Lyon, LaMCoS INSA-Lyon, France,, 3Ghulam Ishaque Khan Institute of Technology, Pakistan, 4Asian Institute of Technology, Thailand. 3 “The transient thermal micro-elastohydrodynamic lubrication analysis of seawater-lubricated plastic bearing” by L-J Zhang, Y-Q Wang, Qingdao Technological University, P R China,. 4 “Micro-abrasion study of some dental restorative materials and enamel” by A Peña1, E A Gallardo1, A Moran2, J A Bravo3, M Vite1, 1 Sepi-Esime, Zacatenco, IPN, 2 Universidad Nacional Automona de Mexico, 3 Copilco Universidad, Mexico 5 “Tribological properties of aluminium-12wt% silicon alloy surface-treated with dispersed hard particles during sliding against different steels” by T Nakase1,2, S Kato1, T Kobayashi1, S Sasaki2, 1KYB Corporation, 2Tokyo University of Science, Japan. 6 “Tribological behaviour of functionally graded PVD metal nitride coatings on HSS substrates” by L P Ward1, A Pilkington1, S J Dowey3, E D Doyle1, 1Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology, 2Surface Technology Coatings Pty, Australia. 7 “Tribology and characterisation of CrAl-Oxynitride PVD coatings” by A Pilkington1,2, S J Dowey2,3, J T Toton1,2, E D Doyle1,2, 1RMIT University, 2The Defence Materials Technology Centre, 3Sutton Tools Pty Ltd, Australia. 8 “Crankshaft bearings oil flow prediction tools including CFD” by O Mian1, V Haxha1, S Ferreyra2, 1Mahle Engine Systems UK, 2Mahle Metal Leve, Brazil. 9 “Effect of cylinder liner microstructure on performance of cylinder liner-piston ring” by X Bai, Q Wu, P Liu, C Yuan 10 “An investigative study into lubricant degradation in RNLI marine diesel engines” by M Anand1, M Hadfield1, B Thomas1, S Austen2, 1Bournemouth University, 2Royal National Lifeboat Institution, UK. 11 “A novel study on tribo-corrosion of solar panel under marine environment” by C Yuan, S He, Y Chen, X Zhou, X Yan. 12 “Wear characteristic of the quick gaseous carbonitrided steel as a function of the distance from the surface” by L. Kuzsellaa, University of Miskolc, Hungary. 13 “Impact testing of thermal sprayed coatings” by R.Waudby, VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland 14 “Microstructure and Graphitization Study of W-DLC Coating Lubricated in Model Oils” by L Yang1, Ardian Morina1, Anne Neville1, Alisdair Brown2, Paul Ransom3, 1University of Leeds, Uk, 2Afton Chemical Ltd, UK. 15 “Revising elastic-plastic contact models of fractal surfaces” by C C Ji1, H Zhu1, W Jiang2, 1China University of Mining and Technology, China, 2University of Leeds, UK. 16 “The effect of Si on DLC; a comparison study of Si doped DLC and un-doped DLC” by L Austin1, T Liskiewicz1, A Neville1, R Tietema2, 1University of Leeds, UK, 2Hauzer Techno Coating BV, Netherlands. 17 “Comparison of the tribological performance and tribochemical processes in a DLC/Steel system when lubricated in fully formulated oil with different concentration of MoDTC type friction modifier” by S.Kosarieh1, A. Morina1, A.Neville1, E.Lainé2, J.Flemming2, 1University of Leeds, UK. 2Infineum UK Limited, UK. 18 “Rolling contact fatigue in Rolling element Bearings for wind turbine: a focus on white etching cracks and flaking” A Ruellan1.2, F. Ville1, X. Kleber2, 1Université de Lyon, CNRS - INSA-Lyon, LaMCoS, UMR 5259, France, 2Université de Lyon, CNRS - INSA-Lyon, MATEIS, UMR 5510, France 19 “Rolling Contact Fatigue (RCF) : aiming for the unification of experimental procedures” by P Rabaso1,2, F Ville1, M Diaby2, J Cavoret1, V Baudin1, P-E Dumouchel2, F Dupeu2, 1 Université de Lyon, 2 PSA Peugeot Citroën – France SATURDAY 8th SEPTEMBER Walk in the Yorkshire Dales Hosted by Tomasz Liskiewicz