GUIDELINES TO MARK AND GIVE FEEDBACK Oral Work Oral work for specialist language courses is marked considering general language skills such as reading and speaking and comprehension and production. Markers judge parameters like a) prosody: pronunciation, intonation, rhythm, tempo, pitch, loudness, suprasegmental prosodic features (syllable, word, phrase, and clause), stress, melodic character, syllable length, and b) content and expression. LANGUAGE I mark oral work for specialist language courses considering language parameters such as a) Prosody: pronunciation, intonation, rhythm, tempo, pitch, loudness, suprasegmental prosodic features (syllable, word, phrase, and clause), stress, melodic character, syllable length, b) Language form and analytical skills: advanced lexical and syntactic structures, innovative use of language, connectors and suprasentential relators, rhetorical devices, and imagery. Markers will be looking for excellence and exceptionality. c) Use of non-verbal communication: body language, voice quality, prosodic features, interpersonal distance MARKING SCALE Features for marking and giving feedback Exceptional 75+ Exceptionally clear control over pronunciation features. There is innovative use of highly advanced prosodic features and lexical and syntactic structures, connectors and suprasentential relators, rhetorical devices, and imagery. Almost native and errorless. Exceptional use of non- verbal communication Excellent 70+ I can find very advanced prosodic and lexical and syntactic structures, innovative use, connectors and suprasentential relators, rhetorical devices, and imagery. Couple of minor errors. Excellent use of Class standard First Class Standard ABSTRACT IMPRESSION Very Good 65+ Feedback: as per Exceptional. I can find advanced prosodic and lexical and syntactic structures, innovative use, connectors and suprasentential relators, rhetorical devices, and imagery. Some minor errors. Very good use of non-verbal communication Good 60+ Feedback: as per Excellent. Not so consistently advanced prosodic, lexical and syntactic structures, innovative use, connectors and suprasentential relators, rhetorical devices, and imagery. Some minor advanced mistakes and a couple of basic errors. Feedback: as per Very good. Upper Second Class Standard non-verbal communication Reasonable 50+ Feedback: as per Good. Quite a few correct advanced prosodic, lexical and syntactic structures, innovative use, less connectors and suprasentential relators, less rhetorical devices, and less imagery. Some minor and some basic errors. No so obvious of non-verbal communication Pass 40+ Feedback: as per Very reasonable. A few advanced but not too correct prosodic, lexical and syntactic structures, innovative use, rather less connectors and suprasentential relators, rhetorical devices, and imagery. An acceptable range of minor and basic errors. Erratic use of non-verbal communication Fail Feedback: as per Reasonable. Very little of the above. Feedback: as per Pass. Lower Second Class Standard Perceptible use of non-verbal communication Third Class Standard Fairly sprinkled advanced prosodic lexical and syntactic structures, innovative use, connectors and suprasentential relators, rhetorical devices, and imagery. Some minor and some basic errors. Below Third Class Standard Very Reasonable 55+ CONTENT Markers are looking for the following features: understanding of questions and instructions, a good title (where appropriate), and development of ideas (knowledge of written tonal system, rhetorical devices, referential system, and punctuation), good comprehension, solid analytical structure, originality, development and elaboration of ideas, structural coherence and cohesion. Markers are searching for excellence and exceptionality. Excellent 70+ The student produces an excellent and solid argument, with some original ideas, some development and elaboration of others’ ideas, and structural coherence and cohesion. Feedback: as per Exceptional The student presents a very clear and obvious argument; there is a very good development and elaboration of others’ ideas, and structural coherence and cohesion. Feedback: as per Excellent The student generally presents a fairly clear argument, Very Good 65+ Good The student produces an exceptionally clear and solid argument, with many original ideas, an excellent development and elaboration of others’ ideas, and structural coherence and cohesion. An exceptional performance. Class Standard First Class Standard Features for marking and giving feedback Upper Second Class Standard Impressions & Mark Exceptional 75 + Pass 40+ Fail Very little of the above. Feedback: as per Pass Lower Second Class Standard Reasonable 50+ Third Class Standard Very Reasonable 55+ some fair development and elaboration of pointers, and a good degree of structural coherence and cohesion. Feedback: as per Very good More often than not the student produces a recognisable argument, very reasonable development and elaboration of others’ ideas, generally structurally coherent and cohesive. Feedback: as per Good The student produces a weak argument, shows some development and elaboration of others’ ideas, and sounds fairly structurally coherent and cohesive. Feedback: as per Very reasonable There’s some argument that can be followed, some development and elaboration of ideas, moderately structurally coherent and cohesive. Feedback: as per Reasonable Below Third Class Standard 60+ Analytical skills Recognisable analytical structure, clear points, rational elaboration. Features for marking and feedback Exceptional ability to deal with abstract concepts and ideas; to perceive different aspects of a problem; to deal with thought systems and articulate them. Excellent ability to deal with abstract concepts and ideas; to perceive different aspects of a problem; to deal with thought systems clearly articulate them. Very good ability to deal with some abstract concepts and ideas; to perceive different aspects of a problem; to deal well with thought systems and fairly articulate them. Good ability to deal with fairly abstract concepts and ideas; to perceive reasonably different aspects of a problem; to deal fairly with thought systems and reasonably articulate them. Very reasonable ability to deal with abstract concepts and ideas; to perceive moderately different aspects of a problem; to deal moderately with Impression and Mark Class standard Exceptional (75-80) First Excellent (70 – 74) Very Good (65 –69) Upper second Good(60-64) Very Reasonable (55 – 59) Lower second thought systems and fairly articulate them. Reasonable ability to deal with abstract concepts and ideas; to perceive different aspects of a problem; to deal with thought systems and articulate them. Modest ability to deal with abstract concepts and ideas; to perceive different aspects of a problem; to deal with thought systems. Below average ability to deal with abstract concepts and ideas; to perceive different aspects of a problem; to deal with thought systems. Reasonable (50 – 54) Pass (40 – 49) Fail Third class Below Third Class