Kimberly Fisher 1. The overall purpose of special education is to: a

Kimberly Fisher
1. The overall purpose of special education is to:
a. Provide students with special needs accommodations that will represent an advantage to other students
b. Separate students with disabilities from their nondisabled peers.
c. Provide an individualized education for all students.
d. Make it possible for all individuals with disabilities to achieve to their
fullest potential.
2. Rhonda is a student with a learning disability who has difficulty memorizing math facts. Twice each week,
she takes a one-minute timed math fact test. Her teacher collects the data from these tests and makes her
instructional decisions based upon her progress. This procedure is called:
a. Due process.
b. Sequential learning.
c. Assistive technology.
d. Progress monitoring.
3. Individually determined groups of professionals with different areas of expertise who work together to plan
the educational program for students with disabilities are known as:
a. Individualized Educational Planners
b. Related services
c. Multidisciplinary teams
d. Pre-referral teams
4. The term related services may refer to:
a. Speech therapy.
b. Physical therapy.
c. Assistive technology.
d. All of the above
5. One benefit that IDEA provides for family members includes procedures to follow when they do not agree
with schools about the education planned for or being delivered to their children. These procedures are referred
to as:
a. Due process.
b. FAPE.
c. Related services.
d. IEP meetings.
6. The abbreviation IEP stands for:
a. Initial education program.
b. Individual evaluation program.
c. Individualized education program.
d. Initial education plan.
7. LRE may be best described as ensuring:
a. Mainstreaming for all students with disabilities.
b. Individualized service delivery/placement decisions.
c. Exclusion from general education classes.
d. Elimination of special education programs.
8. The first law guaranteeing the rights of students with disabilities to a
free appropriate public education was:
a. PL 101-336, the Americans with Disabilities Act
b. PL 101-476, the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act.
c. Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Acct.
d. PL 94-142, the Education for All Handicapped Children Act.
9. Lever handles on doors allow easier access to people with fine motor problems who might have difficulty
turning a doorknob. While this is helpful to people with physical disabilities, it is also helpful for people with
minor hand pain (arthritis), temporary hand difficulties (broken bones), and people carrying armfuls of groceries
or books. These lever handles are an example of:
a. Assistive technology.
b. Universal design.
c. A Section 504 requirement.
d. The least restrictive environment.
10. When referring to people with disabilities, which of the following is Not
a. Put people first.
b. People with autism are an exception to the rule.
c. Do not make the person equal the disability.
d. The rules will change over time.
11. Considering the discussion of terminology, indicate the most acceptable phrase.
a. Retarded children
b. Mentally handicapped children
c. Children with mental retardation
d. Mentally retarded children
12. Normalization activities include all of the following EXCEPT:
a. Riding the same school bus as the other children.
b. Having a job.
c. Living in community settings.
d. Attending a special school for students with similar educational needs.
13. Which of the following is NOT a high incidence disability?
a. Other health impairments
b. Mental retardation
c. Speech or language impairments
d. Specific learning disability
14. Although Melinda has a hearing loss, she is a skilled lip reader who participates in all aspects of society. She
is married, has a high-paying job, and does volunteer work through several community organizations. According
to what you've learned from your text, Melinda has a:
a. Typical lifestyle for a person with a hearing loss.
b. Deficit perspective of disability.
c. Handicap.
d. Disability.
15. __________, a student of Itard's, is credited for bringing the special education movement to the United
a. Samuel Gridley Howe
b. Thomas Hopkins Gallaudet
c. Maria Montessori
d. Edouard Seguin