Walsall Healthcare NHS Trust Grading Outcomes December 2014 - Feedback 1. Better health outcomes for all Outcome Lay Assessors Grading (Dec 2014) 1.1 Services are commissioned, procured, designed and delivered to meet the health needs of local communities Achieving Achieving 1.2 Individual peoples’ health needs are assessed and met in appropriate and effective ways Achieving Achieving 1.3 Transitions from one service to another, for people on care pathways, are made smoothly with everyone well-informed Achieving Developing Achieving Underdeveloped Developing Developing 1.4 When people use NHS services their safety is prioritised and they are free from mistakes, mistreatment and abuse 1.5 Public health, vaccination and screening programmes reach and benefit all local communities and groups For One & All Overall Developing Goal Trust Rating (November 2014) Assessor Feedback Health promotion tailored to local needs. Positive patient feedback of community services. SAP referral document – adequate but could add more individual details such as how they prefer their tea for dementia patients. Positive about the work around dementia. Pockets of good practice e.g. stroke services but unclear if this is consistent for every service. Increase use of volunteers in the community? Felt there was insufficient evidence around incident reporting – would like to see number of incidents and outcomes, broken into the protected characteristics. Are there any trends? How are you targeting the unimmunised? Follow up DNAs? Are colleagues knowledgeable of targets? Page 1 Outcome 2.1 People, carers and communities can readily access hospital or community health services and should not be denied access on unreasonable grounds 2. Improved patient access and experience Developing 2.2 People are informed and supported to be as involved as they wish to be in decisions about their care 2.3 People report positive experiences of the NHS 2.4 People’s complaints about services are handled respectfully and efficiently Achieving Achieving Achieving For One & All Lay Assessors Grading (Dec 2014) Overall Developing Developing Achieving Developing/ Achieving Assessor Feedback Access policy out of date. Not all documents available in different languages e.g. letters for appointments. Developing Goal Trust Rating (Nov 2014) Score based on not full use of systems – communication of processes, education of systems (Choose & Book). Evidence shows an improvement of % of patient responses, more openness for patients to give views. Based on PALS service – feel always available but isn’t timely and patients think that the service is biased as they are employed by the Trust. Page 2 Outcome 3.1 3.2 Fair NHS recruitment and selection processes lead to more representative workforce at all levels The NHS is committed to equal pay for work of equal value and expects employers to use equal pay audits to help 3.3 Training and development opportunities are taken up and positively evaluated by all staff 3. Empowere d engaged and well supported staff 3.4 3.5 3.6 When at work staff are free from abuse, harassment, bullying, violence from any source Flexible working options are made available to all staff, consistent with the needs of the service, and the way that people lead their lives Staff report positive experiences of their membership of the workforce Lay Assessors Grading (Dec 2014) Achieving Achieving Achieving Achieving Achieving Achieving Developing Developing Achieving Developing Developing Developing For One & All Overall Assessor Feedback Would like to see specific reports on the disability profile of the organisation and E&D reporting on all 9 protected characteristics. Satisfied that the national system complies here. Developing Goal Trust Rating (Nov 2014) Would like to see more reporting of non-mandatory training. Would like to see more evidence of communications to colleagues. Pulse Survey – improvement in scores here would provide assurance of the positive impact of policies. Happy with policy, would like to see more evidence of application; how many staff on such terms, number of complaints about the policy. Pulse Survey – improvement in scores here would provide assurance. Don’t ask for E&D details in pulse survey. Page 3 Outcome 4.1 4. Inclusive leadership at all levels 4.2 4.3 Boards and senior leaders conduct and plan their business so that equality is advanced, and good relations fostered, within their organisations and beyond Papers that come before the Board and other major committees identify equality-related impacts including risks and say how these risks are to be managed Middle managers and other line managers support their staff to work in culturally competent ways within a work environment free from discrimination Lay Assessors Grading (Dec 2014) Achieving Achieving Overall Achieving Achieving Assessor Feedback Positive evidence: 360 feedback questionnaire Annual Leadership Conference Inclusive Talent Management Achieving Goal Trust Rating (Nov 2014) Positive evidence: Every document has an equality impact assessment Any issues with a document an action plan will be created Includes strategies, change programmes as well as policy Positive evidence: All evidence in case study, agreed by all. Achieving For One & All Excelling Page 4