Oxford Hockey Club Constitution and Rules 1. 2. The Club and Affiliations. 1.1. The Club shall be known as Oxford Hockey Club (the Club). 1.2. The Club shall be based in or near to the City of Oxford, in the County of Oxfordshire. 1.3. The Club shall be a non-profit making organisation. All profit and surpluses will be used to maintain or improve the Club’s facilities or activities. No profit or surplus will be distributed other than to another non-profit making club or association with a similar aim and objectives. 1.4. The Club will be affiliated to Oxfordshire Hockey Association, the appropriate Regional Hockey Association and England Hockey National Governing Body. The Club will affiliate to any other appropriate County, Regional or National Associations. 1.5. The Club will join appropriate Leagues and any other body, as determined by the General Committee, which may help to achieve the aims of the Club. 1.6. The organisation of the Club will allow for partially self-governing sections which will report to the General Committee. These sections will: 1.6.1. Run Men’s, Women’s, Mixed and Junior hockey, 1.6.2. Develop the Club, communicate with the Club, run Social Events, manage resources and undertake other activities that will benefit the Club. Aims 2.1. 3. 21st June 2015 The Club aims are: 2.1.1. to promote and encourage participation in the game of hockey for all ages and abilities, 2.1.2. to provide opportunities for players to receive coaching and play hockey whatever their ability level, 2.1.3. to provide a friendly environment where players, coaches and umpires at all levels are encouraged to develop as far as possible in hockey, 2.1.4. to encourage and promote the attendance of members at hockey umpiring and coaching courses, 2.1.5. to develop the Club as far as possible at all levels, 2.1.6. to ensure that all hockey played by the Club is subject to the disciplinary codes of conduct required by the governing bodies, 2.1.7. to foster links with local schools, colleges and universities, 2.1.8. to foster links with other clubs locally and beyond, 2.1.9. to field as many teams as appropriate to the membership. Child Protection 3.1. The Club recognises that issues of Child Protection are paramount. It will follow the regulations and guidance of the National Governing Body. It will actively develop and 21st June 2015 Oxford Hockey Club Constitution and Rules.doc Page 1 of 6 disseminate policies and procedures, which will seek to ensure that the interests of children training and playing under the auspices of the Club are kept to the fore. 4. 3.2. The Committees of the Club will ensure that relevant policies and procedures are developed and maintained to provide managers, captains, coaches, umpires and volunteers with the necessary Child Protection information at all times they are working under the jurisdiction of the Club. 3.3. The General Committee has, as an elected member, a suitably qualified Child Welfare Officer with full responsibility to monitor, deal with and take action on any child welfare issue across the Club. Equity 4.1. 5. 6. The Club is committed to ensuring equity in its membership, development, recruitment and operation. It will follow the regulations and guidance of the National Governing Body. Disciplinary 5.1. The General Committee shall appoint a Disciplinary Officer and Deputy in accordance with the regulations of the County, Regional or National Governing Body Disciplinary Code. 5.2. The Club will adopt the current disciplinary procedures as laid down from time to time by the National Governing Body. Membership 6.1. Membership of the Club shall be open to anyone interested in the sport of hockey, regardless of sex, age, disability, ethnicity, nationality, sexual orientation, religion or other beliefs. However, limitation of membership according to available facilities is allowable. 6.2. All Members will be subject to the regulations of the Club’s Constitution and Rules, and by joining the Club will be deemed to accept these regulations and codes of conduct that the Club has adopted. 6.3. Membership of the Club shall be proposed by an existing member of the Club, and shall be subject to ratification by an appropriate Operational Committee. 6.4. Membership may only be refused, for good cause, including conduct or character likely to bring the Club or hockey into disrepute. An applicant may make an appeal to the General Committee. 6.5. 6.6. Members shall be enrolled into at least one of the following categories: 6.5.1. Adult playing member 6.5.2. Junior playing member 6.5.3. Coach 6.5.4. Official 6.5.5. Volunteer/Helper 6.5.6. Social 6.5.7. Vice President Members shall only acquire the rights of membership upon the acceptance of a membership form and the payment of the relevant annual subscription if required. 21st June 2015 Oxford Hockey Club Constitution and Rules.doc Page 2 of 6 7. 8. 9. 6.7. Playing Members who have not paid a subscription after a date determined by the General Committee render themselves ineligible for selection. 6.8. Non-members may be invited to assist the Club at the discretion of a relevant Club Officer or Captain, in consultation with the relevant Officers or Captains. No nonmember may be invited to play if he or she has previously been refused membership, has been barred from playing, banned by a relevant Association or League or if the player is under suspension from another club. 6.9. Members will accept that the Club shall not be liable for personal injury howsoever caused whilst a member is participating in any of the Club’s organised activities. Vice-Presidents 7.1. The General Committee may appoint as an Honorary Vice-President any person who has given outstanding service to the Club. The appointment of an Honorary VicePresidents will be made permanent at an Annual General Meeting. The General Committee shall have the right to remove an Honorary Vice-President in exceptional circumstances. 7.2. Two of the Vice Presidents, one female and one male, shall be appointed annually by the General Committee to be the Presidents of the Club. Breach of Rules 8.1. If any member is accused of any misconduct or breach of the Constitution and Rules, the General Committee shall have the power to convene a meeting to consider a resolution to order the member to be removed from the Club, suspended for a stated period or dealt with in such manner as the General Committee shall think fit. 8.2. Such meeting shall be held not less than twenty one days after notice has been given to the accused member, who shall at such meeting and before the passing of such resolution have the opportunity of giving orally or in writing any explanation that he/she may think fit. 8.3. The General Committee shall ensure that any such decision is notified to all appropriate parties. 8.4. The member so dealt with under this rule may appeal to the appropriate County Hockey Association in the first place, in the second place to the Regional County Association and thereafter to the National Governing Body. In the case of such appeal the appellant may be required to deposit a sum of money, as determined by the appropriate Association. This amount shall be returned in the event of an appeal being successful, but if the appeal is unsuccessful the body hearing the appeal may, at its discretion, return all, part or none of the amount. Officers 9.1. The Officers of the Club shall be the Chair, the Vice-Chair, the Club Treasurer, the Membership Secretary, the Director of Hockey, the Communications Secretary, the Social Secretary, the Junior Section Chair, the Junior Section Development Officer, the Ladies Club Captain, the Ladies Section Chair, the Men’s Club Captain, the Men’s Section Chair, the Mixed Section Chair and the Club Welfare Officer. 9.2. The Officers of the Club shall constitute the General Committee to govern the Club. 9.3. The roles and responsibilities of the Officers shall be determined by the Chair. 21st June 2015 Oxford Hockey Club Constitution and Rules.doc Page 3 of 6 9.4. Any Club Officer may form an Operational Committee to help execute their roles and responsibilities. Membership of these Committees is subject to ratification by the General Committee. 9.5. The Officers of the Club shall retire at the Annual General Meeting but shall be eligible for re-election. 10. General Committee 10.1. The shall have responsibility for the overall direction and good management of the Club. 10.2. For Club insurance purposes, all General Committee members are defined as the clubs “Key Decision Makers”. 10.3. The General Committee shall have the power to fill any Officer vacancy which may occur. 10.4. The General Committee shall have the power to co-opt members as it considers necessary. These members shall have no voting rights. 10.5. The day to day management of the Club shall be the responsibility of the Operational Committees. 10.6. Operational Committees may nominate Members to attend any General Committee meeting. Such attendees will have no voting rights. 10.7. Any member of the General Committee shall have the right to attend the meetings of any Operational Committees of the Club. 10.8. The General Committee shall meet on at least three occasions a year. 10.9. A meeting of the General Committee may be called at any time by order of the Chair or Vice Chair or by agreement of three of the Club Officers, subject to seven days notice. 10.10. At all General Committee meetings six Club Officers shall form a Quorum. 11. Annual General Meeting 11.1. The Annual General meeting of the Club shall be held no later than 1 August each year. 12. Extraordinary General Meeting 12.1. Two thirds (or more) of the General Committee may call an Extraordinary General Meeting at any time for any special purpose 12.2. An Extraordinary General Meeting must be called immediately upon the requisition in writing to the Club Chair by at least twenty five members. Such a requisition shall state the purpose for which the meeting is required. 12.3. No business shall be transacted at an Extraordinary General Meeting other than that specified in the notice of such meeting or incidental thereto. 13. Notice of General Meetings 13.1. At least fourteen days notice of the Annual General Meeting or an Extraordinary General Meeting shall be given in writing or by email to each member of the Club. 21st June 2015 Oxford Hockey Club Constitution and Rules.doc Page 4 of 6 14. Procedures at General Meetings 14.1. The Chair shall preside as Chair at every General Meeting until a successor is elected. If for any meeting he/she is not present within fifteen minutes after the time appointed for holding the meeting, or if he/she is unwilling to act as Chair, the Vice Chair shall preside. If the Vice Chair is not present, or if he/she is unwilling to act as Chair, those present and entitled to vote shall choose one of the Presidents as their Chair, if one or both of the Presidents are not present, or if they are unwilling to act as Chair, those present and entitled to vote shall choose one of their number to be Chair of the General Meeting. 14.2. Voting: 14.2.1. 14.2.2. 14.2.3. 14.2.4. Each attending member, aged thirteen on the date of the meeting or over, shall have one vote. Other organisations may send one or more representatives, at the discretion of the General Committee, but shall have no voting rights. With the exception of amendment or alteration to the Constitution and Rules, all decisions taken at General Meetings shall be reached by a majority of votes given by ballot or by show of hands as directed by the Chair of the meeting. In the event of an equality of votes, the Chair shall have a second or casting vote. No amendment or alteration to the Constitution and Rules shall be made except at a General Meeting of which due notice, accompanied by particulars of the proposed rule or alteration or amendment, shall have been given, and unless approved by at least two-thirds of those present, entitled to vote and voting at such meeting. 14.3. No business may be transacted unless a Quorum is present at the time the meeting opened. Twenty five members entitled to vote shall form a Quorum. 14.4. The Annual General Meeting shall conduct the following business: 14.4.1. Adoption of the Annual Reports provided by the Officers of the General Committee. 14.4.2. Adoption of the Statement of Accounts for the preceding financial year as submitted by the Club Treasurer. The Club Treasurer will give a full financial update, including projections for the next year. 14.4.3. Election of Officers for ensuing year. 14.4.4. Decide on any resolutions properly submitted in writing or by email to the Chair or Vice-Chair in advance of the meeting. 15. Finance 15.1. The Club Treasurer shall maintain budget and accounts on behalf of the Club, and shall allow any General Committee officer to scrutinise these on demand. 15.2. All accounts are to be maintained in the name of the club and all cheques are to be signed by two signatories and all electronic payments authorised by two people. The signatories or electronic payment authorisers shall be appointed by the General Committee. The only exception to this will be transfers between two accounts in the name of the Club at the same bank where one is an interest bearing deposit account. This can be carried out by the Club Treasurer alone. 15.3. The Club Treasurer is to prepare annual accounts made up to 31 May each year to support recommendations for subscriptions and match fees to the General Committee. Annual accounts shall be audited by a suitably qualified person. 21st June 2015 Oxford Hockey Club Constitution and Rules.doc Page 5 of 6 15.4. Subscriptions and match fees will be set annually by the General Committee by 8 August each year. 16. Minutes 16.1. The Chair shall nominate an Officer to maintain a record to be kept of all resolutions and proceedings of all General Meetings and all General Committee Meetings. 17. Payments or Benefits 17.1. The General Committee may appoint paid part-time staff for specific coaching or development projects. Such projects are at the discretion of the General Committee. 17.2. The appointment of any and every paid member of staff shall be reviewed and confirmed on a regular basis, at least annually, by the General Committee. 18. Dissolution of the Club 18.1. If, at any General meeting of the Club, a resolution is passed calling for the dissolution of the Club, the General Committee shall immediately or when specified in the resolution, proceed to realise the assets of the club and discharge all debts and liabilities of the club. The remaining assets will be transferred to another non-profit making club or association with a similar aim and objectives. Amended at the Meeting of the: Oxford Hockey Club on 21st June 2015. Chair (Print Name): Mike Corran Secretary (Print Name): Paul Wilson 21st June 2015 Oxford Hockey Club Constitution and Rules.doc Page 6 of 6