Unit 3 Guide Foundations

Unit 3 Guide: Foundations of Earth Science
Viewing and Exploring Earth and Space
Key Concepts and Questions to Be Able to Explain and Answer:
1. Give characteristics of latitude and longitude lines. Which are parallels? Which are meridians?
Given a map, you should be able to give the latitude and longitude coordinates of a location or use
coordinates to identify a location.
2. What are time zones? How is the Earth divided into time zones? What happens to the time as you
move West? East? Use your knowledge of time zones to determine the time at a given location.
3. What is a topographic map? Describe contour lines.
4. What is slope? Show how both a steep and gradual slope would be depicted on a topographic map.
5. Describe how hills, depressions and rivers are depicted on a topographic map.
6. What is the electromagnetic spectrum? List the types of electromagnetic radiation from longest to
shortest wavelength.
7. Describe relationships between energy, wavelength, and frequency of electromagnetic radiation.
For example, what does an increase in energy mean for the size of the wavelength?
8. Compare and contrast characteristics of reflecting and refracting telescopes.
9. How are optical telescopes different than radio telescopes?
Map Quiz
Unit 3 Test
Date: _____________
Date: _____________
Reading Assignments:
Students will be assigned readings from the following pages in the text book.
Chapter 6
pgs. 160 – 179 (omit section 6-1)
Chapter 22
pgs. 627 - 656
prime meridian
international date line
optical telescope
map key
topographic map
contour line
map scale
radio telescope
space shuttle
map legend
refracting telescope
index contour
space probe
space station
electromagnetic spectrum
reflecting telescope
How to Receive up to 5 Bonus Points for Completing the Unit Guide:
1. Type or handwrite an answer to each Unit Objective Question. Unless stated in the
question, all answers must be given in complete sentences.
2. Define each of the vocabulary terms. Do not just copy the definition out of the book’s
glossary. Use and add on to the definition we developed in class by giving additional
information and examples of each word.
3. Attach completed questions and definitions to your Unit Guide and turn it in at the beginning
of class on test day. Unit Guides will NOT be accepted late. Incomplete unit guides will also
NOT be accepted. You must answer ALL unit objective questions and define ALL terms.
4. Mrs. Froehlich will review your Unit Guide and determine the number of bonus points to be
added to your test. Bonus points will be granted based on correctness and completeness of
answers and definitions.