ES.3 Review Response

Review Response
Name _________________________________
1. How is a topographic map different from a geologic map?
2. How are hills represented on a topographic map?
3. How are valleys represented on a topographic map?
4. How are steep slopes represented on a topographic map?
5. How is a digital image different from a photograph?
6. A student measures a distance on a map at 5.45 cm. If the scale is 1:24000, how much
ground distance is this? Show your work. If the scale were 1:62500 how much ground
distance would this measurement represent? Show your work. Which map is a larger
scale map (remember, the scale is a fraction)? Which map could potentially show more
detail on an equal sized piece of paper?
7. What is the definition of latitude? What is the definition of longitude?
8. Why is it necessary to have the letters N, S, E, W with numbers representing latitude and
9. Go to the web site and find a topographic map of your school at a
scale of 1:24000. Record the latitude and longitude of your school here, and copy and
paste the map below.
10. Go to the Your Sky website and get a sky chart for your county, for January 5, 2007 at 11
PM (0400 Zulu or GMT), looking due north. Copy and paste it below.
11. Identify the elevations of points A, B, C, marked on the map on the next page. The
contour interval is 20 feet.