MPA Fall 2006 Foundations of PA Joan Bantz “Public Policy and Decisions Making” I. II. A. B. C. D. 1 Policy is an Imprecise Concept: Course of Action (MacRae)1 Hypothesis (Thompson) 2 Whatever Governments Do (Dye)3 Social Regulatory Policy (Tatalovich and Daynes)4 Guiding Principles behind Laws, Regulations, Programs (Palumbo)5 The Sum of Government Activities, whether acting directly or through Agents, as it has an influence on the lives of Citizens (Peters)6 Typology: Regulatory; Distributive; Redistributive (Lowi)7 1. Distributive: Granting benefits to some portion of the population, paying out of general tax revenues rather than user fees, and 2. Redistributive: Government taxes one group to people to provide benefits to another group (Meir)8 3. Regulatory: Restricts Behavior of Individuals and Groups (Anderson)9 Political Economy “Policy is What Happens” (Dick Thompson) Network Theory (Chisholm10, Knoke 11, O’Toole 12, et. la.) Morality Policies: Legitimacy of Values (Mooney)13 Process of Persuasion (Stone) Discursive Politics and Deliberative Practices (Fischer) Who Makes Policy? (Competing Models) Bureaucratic Processes Rational Actor Political Bargaining Other Models: Interest Group Pluralism (Lowi) Power Elite (Mills)14 Policy Sciences Model MacRae, Duncan and James Widle. Policy Analysis for Public Decision. N. Sciate, MA: Duxbury Press, 1979. Thompson, Frank R. Health Policy and the Bureaucracy. Cambridge, MIT Press, 1981. 3 Dye, Thomas R. Understanding Public Policy. Englewood Cliffs; Prentice-Hall. 1981. 4 Tatalovich, R., and B.W. Daynes. Social Regulatory Policy: Moral Controversies in American Politics. Boulder: Westview Press, 1988. 5 Palumbo, Dennis J. Public Policymaking in America. San Diego: Harcourt Brace. 1988. 6 Peters, B. Guy. American Public Policy: Promises and Performance. Chatham; Chatham House, 1993. 7 Lowi, Theodore. The End of Liberalism. New York: W.W. Norton, 1969. 8 Meir, K.J., Politics and Bureaucracy, Policymaking in the Fourth Branch of Government. 2d ed. Monterey:Brooks/Hale. 1987. 9 Anderson, J., Public Policymaking. 3d ed., Boston:Houghton Mifflin. 1987. 10 Chisholm, Rupert F. 1998. Developing Network Organizations. Reading. MA: Addison-Wesley. 11 Knoke, Davis, and James Kuklinski: 1982. Network Analysis. Newberry Park, CA: Sage Publications. 12 O’Toole, Lawrence J. Jr. 1997. Treating Networks Seriously: Practical and Research-Based Agenda in Public Administration. Public Administration Review 57(1): 45-52 13 Mooney, Christopher Z., The Public Clash of Private Values: The Politics of Morality Policy. New York:Chatham House. 2001 14 Domhoff, G. William and Hoyt B. Ballard. C. Wright Mills and the Power Elite. Boston:Beacon Press, 1970. 2 MPA Fall 2006 Foundations of PA Joan Bantz Traditional Paradigms: Tensions between 1) Rational models vs Bounded Rationality or Nonrational 2) Wholistic vs. Incremental 3) Political vs Technical15 2. Social Construction: Paradox 16 Discursive17 III. Policy Sciences vs Public Administration Policy analysis (a priori), implementation and evaluation A. Roots. 1. Operations Research WWII 2. Systems Analysis 3. Modern Policy Institutes 4. Hich/McKean18 B. Policy Science Vs Public Administration 1. Strategic Planning 2. Performance Management IV. Critiques of Policy Analysis Definition: The use of reason and evidence to choose the best policy alternative (MacRae) A. B. C. D. E. F. G. V. Doesn’t ask the right questions Lack of common sense (Senge)19 Reductionist Thinking; Exclusionary; Limited Time Frame Speaking Truth to Power (Wildavsky)20 Abstract Goals/Values or “motherhood issues Rational Process? Production Model, Causal 1. Can politics be divorced from knowledge? Is there a value free science of knowing? 2. Objectivists (scientists) versus relativists: Social Constructionists/Post modernists/Postempiricists 3. Research Methods: Set of assumptions, ideologies and data selection Importance of Public Policy Analysis/Policy Framing A. Political Strategy B. Facilitate Real World Decision Processes C. Other reasons???? 15 Henry, N. (2004). Public Administration & Public Affairs. 9th edition. Prentice Hall. Stone, Deborah. Policy Paradox; The Art of Political Decision Making. New York: W.W. Norton Company, 2002. 17 Fischer, Frank. Reframing Public Policy. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2003. 18 Hitch, Charles J and Roland McKean. The Economics of Defense in the Nuclear Age. Cambridge: Harvard University Press. 1960. 19 Senge, Peter. The Fifth Discipline. New York:Doubleday. 1990 20 Wildavsky, Aaron. Speaking Truth to Power: The Art and Craft of Policy Analysis. Boston:Little, Brown, 1979. 16