EVALUATION OF STUDENT PROGRESS Policy Code:3400 Adm. Procedures To facilitate a program for the continuous evaluation of student performance and progress, the board authorizes a formal and structured system for conducting and reporting student assessments that will be communicated to parents and guardians by way of formal report cards and informal progress reports. 1. Meaningful evaluation will include consideration of all activity that has occurred during the particular evaluation period, including (1) homework, (2) projects, (3) reports, (4) classroom work, (5) class participation, and (6) tests and examinations. 2. At those grade levels where letter grades based on numerical averages are used for reporting purposes, the following grading scale will be in effect: A=90-100, B=80-89, C=70-79, D=60-69, F= below 60. Teachers are encouraged to consider other measures of central tendency, such as median grades, or alternate averaging using a four point scale (such as the one used to determine class rank in policy 3450) to help ensure that the reported grade accurately reflects the totality of a student’s work. 3. Formal grading reports using official report cards will be issued for every student at the end of each quarter of the school term. Informal progress reports will be issued for every student at the mid-point of each quarter. Distribution dates for progress reports and report cards will be uniform throughout the school system. 4. Each teacher is responsible for making contacts over and above the required reporting schedule if necessary to assure that parents or guardians are aware of unusual or unsatisfactory student progress or other problems. 5. Parental conferences are a valuable method of reporting to parents. The school calendar will provide time for such conferences at the end of the first and third quarters of the school term. Teachers are encouraged to arrange conferences at other time if necessary to keep parents or guardians informed of their child’s progress. School-level conferences regarding a student’s performance in a particular class will include the teacher of that class. 6. A student’s grade or other assessment report must be an accurate evaluation of his or her academic work. No student will have a grade lowered or be penalized academically for any reasons of discipline or other non-academic considerations. No student will have a grade increased or be rewarded academically because of performance or participation in non-academic activities. 7. At the high school level, all teachers are expected to reinforce basic writing skills by integrating those skills into the teaching of each subject area. To support this concept, the state-mandated 10th Grade Writing Test will count as 5% of the quarter grade in each subject a student is taking during the quarter STOKES COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION POLICY MANUAL Page 1 of 2 Policy Code: 3400-AP Strategic Priorities: High Student Achievement; Strong Family, Community and Business Support (policy 1100) Legal References: G.S. 155C-36, -47 Cross References: Evaluation of Student Progress (policy 3400), Class Ranking (policy 3450), Parental Involvement (policy 4002), Promotion and Retention of Students (policy 3421) Adopted: July 19, 2010 Revised: October 8, 2015 STOKES COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION POLICY MANUAL Page 2 of 2