Accounting I 2011 - 2012 Teacher: Mr. Valanzano Office: N211A (West Top next to Mr. Vogelson’s office) Room: W107 Contact: Introduction This is a full-year (2 semester) course intended to provide an introduction to basic accounting concepts and teach how to manually proceed through the accounting cycle and prepare financial statements. The goal of this course is to teach basic accounting skills that can be utilized in real world, for-profit business situations. The importance of ethics and the impact of unethical accounting on the business world and the individual investor will be explored. The topics that will be covered include: The accounting cycle for service-oriented and merchandising businesses, Cash receipts, Cash payments, Journals for Sales and Purchases, Inventory procedures, Methods of depreciation, and Accounting for uncollectible debts. Course Goals - To develop the use of basic accounting principles and procedures that are applied to accounting records kept for business in the United States. - To explain and appreciate the importance of profit in helping to ensure continued business operations. - To know and understand the three major types of business organizations in a private enterprise company and to explain how accounting procedures differ for all three. - To be able to complete the accounting cycle for a service company and a merchandising company. - To develop an appreciation for ethical behavior in financial matters. - To increase the ability to apply reason and logic to everyday situations. Required Materials Textbook – You will get one to take home and we will have a class set. Workbook Notebooks (Preferably with a folder) Calculator Ruler ~1~ Grading Final Grade: Quarter Grades (20% each x 4 quarters) 80% Final Exam* 20% __________________ 100% *THE FINAL EXAM WILL BE CUMULATIVE! Quarter Grades: Exams 300 points Quizzes 150 points Homework 100 points Class Participation & Attendance 50 points _________________ 600 points YOUR QUARTER GRADE WILL BE DETERMINED BY TAKING THE TOTAL NUMBER OF POINTS YOU EARNED DIVIDED BY 600. - There will be 2-3 exams given each quarter. All exams will be cumulative to that point in the course because accounting concepts build off each other. Each exam will be worth 100 points. - In the event a project is assigned in place of a test, the project will also be worth 100 points. - Quizzes will be given throughout each quarter. They will be worth 25 points each and vary in content and style. Your lowest quiz grade will be dropped, giving you 150 points worth of quiz grades. - Homework will not be given every night but it is expected to be completed when it is assigned. Everyone will start with 100/100 for their Homework grade. If a homework assignment is not completed by the next class period, 5 points will be deducted from this grade. - Attending class and actively participating in class is vital to your understanding and success in this course. If you know you will be missing class, please do your best to notify me ahead of time. - All make-up exams and quizzes must take place within one full week of the date of the missed exam or quiz. Failure to make up the exam or quiz within that time will result in a grade of zero. ***DUE DATES FOR ALL ASSIGNMENTS AND DATES OF EXAMS & QUIZZES WILL ALWAYS BE POSTED IN THE CLASSROOM AND ANNOUNCED AHEAD OF TIME!*** ~2~ St. Francis Prep Honor Code As members of a Catholic community in the Franciscan tradition, we affirm the significance of honesty in all areas of our lives. Honesty fosters a community based on trust, the only atmosphere in which true learning and spiritual growth may occur. Lack of honesty is a major impediment in the pursuit of Truth, the heart of the philosophy of St. Francis Prep. As such, we pledge ourselves to honorable behavior in all we do. Academic Honesty Students at St. Francis Prep commit themselves to honesty in all their academic work. Academic dishonesty (cheating) is taking credit for work that is not one's own. Cheating includes, but is not limited to, the following items: giving or receiving aid on an exam or attempting to do so; copying homework; not documenting sources (including use of the Internet); plagiarism; getting the answers for a test in advance; forgery; misusing calculators. Any behavior that compromises the integrity of a student's work or a teacher's assessment of that work constitutes cheating. Students who misrepresent themselves and their work face serious academic consequences. Individual classroom teachers will explain in detail policies regarding academic honesty relevant to their discipline and course. There are also school policies and consequences for violating commitment to academic honesty. The responsibility of supporting and upholding the Honor Code falls to each member of the St. Francis Prep community. Students are responsible. for respecting and upholding the Honor Code in all their behaviors. Parents and guardians are responsible for supporting the Honor Code. Faculty members are responsible for explaining, clarifying, and enforcing the Honor Code in all their classes and for providing for fair testing and proctoring. The Administration is responsible for providing guidance and support for education and enforcement of the Honor Code. Sanctions First Infraction of the Honor Code: The student automatically fails the assignment involved. The teacher involved will report the offense to his or her Chairperson. The teacher involved will telephone the parents or guardians immediately to inform them of the infraction. The name of the student will be recorded with the Chairperson and the Assistant Principal for Faculty and Instruction. ~3~ Second Infraction: The student automatically fails the assignment involved. The teacher involved will report the offense to his or her Chairperson. The teacher involved will telephone the parents or guardians immediately to inform them of the infraction and that a letter will he sent-home regarding the consequences. The Chairperson and teacher will meet with the student to explain the seriousness of this second offense. The Chairperson will send home a letter (from the Chairperson and the Assistant Principal for Faculty and Instruction) informing the family that the student has been placed on academic probation. The letter will explain the meaning of academic probation. The parents or guardians must sign the letter and return it to school. Third Infraction: The student automatically fails the assignment involved. The teacher involved will report the offense to his or her Chairperson. The student is suspended. The student will remain on suspension until the student and his or her parents or guardians come to school for an interview with the Assistant Principal for Faculty and Instruction. At that time, the Assistant Principal for Faculty and Instruction will explain the seriousness of the student's actions and the possible dismissal following another offense. The parents or guardians must sign a letter explaining the student's change in affairs. Fourth Infraction: The student and the parents or guardians will meet with the Principal to discuss the student's dismissal from St. Francis Prep. At that time, the Principal will review the student's entire school record. The Administration reserves the right to move immediately to the fourth step in cases it determines to be extreme. OTHER IMPORTANT THINGS TO REMEMBER: - It is expected that students show up on time for class. Arriving late is a disruption and a distraction to both the teacher and the other students. Excessive lateness will result in a negative impact on your class participation and attendance grade, and possibly your quarter grade. - Cell phone use is PROHIBITED in the classroom. If I see your phone, it will be confiscated and submitted to the Dean's Office for 2 days. If it happens again, your parent or guardian will have to pick up your phone from the Dean's Office for you. This is the school's new policy. - The school's dress code will be strictly enforced. - Respect everyone and everything in the classrom. ~4~