Circular Letter MEM 01-09 To: All County Managers 30th November 2009 Assessment reports on severe flooding Dear Manager, The Minister for the Environment, Heritage and Local Government, Mr. John Gormley, T.D., wishes to thank you and your staff for the work carried out in relation to the flooding, which has occurred. The Minister noted the good inter agency response and also the community participation during a difficult time. The Minister asks for a report from local authorities which were affected by the flooding on their experiences in relation to this flooding, e.g. what resources were employed, whether the situation could have been handled differently and whether lessons can be learned for future situations. An urgent assessment of the scale of the floods and the ensuing damage and dislocation should also be provided and should include some or all of the following information and any additional information you consider relevant: Chronology of events Date time and duration of the inundation? amount of advance warning prior to activating your response, and how you were warned? Was it necessary to activate your Major Emergency Plan or sub-Plan for dealing with flood emergencies? If so, which Plan and when? What services were involved? What was the contribution of each of the services involved? Give details about their co-ordination. Was there a Regional level response What were the co-ordination arrangements What were the communication channels prior to and after the flooding Details of all road closures including the duration and the extent of the flooding Road and street names if available Details of the locations, number and type of properties flooded and depth of inundation if available (less than or greater than 300mm?): residential ( private and local authority) commercial other, please specify The locations and number of residential properties evacuated The number of people evacuated from residential properties Alternative accommodation provided: by the local authority provided otherwise e.g. relatives The number of people still evacuated and estimated duration of evacuation Was it necessary to evacuate vulnerable people such as elderly, disabled etc. Waterworks affected and the action taken Sewerage systems affected and the action taken Was a 24 hour emergency contact number provided How was the number publicised Was there a known previous history of flooding in all areas that flooded? Suggestions to how your flood response might be improved in the future. General description of the rain storm which caused the flood event Remedial works required (please give details including specific costs). In order to co-ordinate responses as soon as possible, reports should be e-mailed to John Feerick,, in the Fire Services and Emergency Planning Section, by Friday, 18th December 2009. Please note that the Department will share the information received in response to this circular with the Office of Public Works which has the lead agency role in relation to devising and implementing measures to deal with flooding in Ireland and other relevant Government Departments. The OPW would appreciate if your authority could complete a Flood Event Report Form to assist that Office in enhancing their websites and request, to improve communication and/or clarification of any matter in relation the Report Form and flooding in general, if you could nominate an official as a primary contact point in relation to flooding - see Annex to this circular letter. It is appreciated that the compilation of the details sought may take sometime and in the interim a shorter summary report would be useful especially details on urgent remedial works- see final indent above. Yours sincerely, Peter Greene Principal Officer Annex to circular letter MEM 01-09 Office of Public Works- Flooding Information The OPW, to assist that Office in enhancing their flood information websites ( and ) requests that your authority would complete the “Flood Event Report Form” ((preferably in the Excel version of the form) which is available from the OPW website under “ Flood Risk Management” section and under recent publications A brochure explaining the purpose of the data and guidance on completion of the form is also available from the OPW website. The form is focused on information of the flood event and the damage caused. As requested on the Form, it would be helpful if the local authority could provide maps or flood extents in GIS or AutoCAD(dxf) formats and if a Form could be completed for each town or individual areas affected rather than one form for the whole county. The OPW has also requested that the local authority, to facilitate communication and clarity on flood matters, would nominate an official/representative (and a deputy) in respect to matters relating to flooding. The representative (or deputy) will be requested to represent the authority on the regional Steering Groups that are being established for the implementation of the EU “Floods” Directive, which will meet on a six month basis. The name(s) could be forwarded to the person named in the circular and the Department will forward same to OPW or sent direct to OPW. The contact person in OPW is Mark Adamson, telephone 01 6476734, fax 01 6761714 or email .