OBJECTOR SPEECH 9th January 2014 BRETFORTON W/13/01789/OU Madam Chairman, members of the Planning Committee This proposed development site fails to meet Government Building Regulations for drainage, which are legally binding. The high water table on this land has caused the site to flood 3 times in the last 6.5 years. Government Building Regulations clearly state that the water table must not reach the BOTTOM of the proposed soakaways AT ANY TIME. This implies that the water table must be at least 2.5 metres below the surface AT ALL TIMES. This site clearly fails the Government requirement. The developer of this potential site is a relatively new company. Their action of manipulating the Building Regulations submission data may invalidate their PI insurance and they may not have the financial assets to meet potential multi million pound claims, hence the Council will be liable. The Flood and Water Management Act 2010, DEFRA reports and recent Government ministerial statements emphasise that the prime responsibility for Councils and their planners is to ensure new housing developments do not increase existing flood risk under any circumstances. This proposal fails this requirement, and is thus clearly unsound.. The six houses in Fallon Lane are sandwiched between two potentially illegal developments are at high risk of flooding. The site currently under construction (at the rear of Fallon Lane) is flooded, appears to be out of control and is threatening properties adjoining the site. This application (in front of Fallon Lane houses) completes the sandwich and the site is already partially flooded again today at the Northern corner of the field. There are many procedural issues that must be resolved before this application can be properly considered by the Planning Committee. Issues involving Environment Agency investigations of the 2012/2013 flooding of the site and the Zone 1 classification of the site must be completed and are critical precursors to a meaningful Planning Application. We strongly request that you reject or defer this application until professional assessments of the technical, procedural and legal issues are completed and fully analysed. In particular, the outcome of the current flooding catastrophe on the sister site needs to be resolved before the application proceeds any further. We understand that Severn Trent Water are investigating a potential violation of legal regulations if the developer has pumped excess site water into the sewerage system. Whilst we have concentrated on the flooding issues, this has been done in conjunction with the Parish Council and District Councillor and we fully support their objections. Margaret M Dodds