Title - Cambridgeshire and Peterborough NHS Foundation Trust

Appendix two – Meeting the Trust’s objectives
1. Role of communications in achieving objectives
The objectives for 2012-13 are:
1. To provide safe and effective care which provides an excellent customer experience
measured by:
 Full compliance with the CQC Essential Standards for Quality and Safety in any Trust
 95% of care plans across the Trust sustainably achieving the 7C care planning standards
 80% of inpatients and 74% of community service users recommending CPFT to their family
and friends
2. To provide an estate and IT infrastructure that is safe, modern and fit for purpose
measured by:
 All premises achieving at least four stars against our five-star environmental standards.
 85% of staff describing IT response times as either good or very good.
Communications supports objectives 1 and 2 by ensuring progress is celebrated, by
supporting drives for compliance with standards and helping to embed a quality culture.
3. To provide services through empowered staff with the right skills, attitudes and
behaviours and who are engaged with the vision, values and key objectives of the
Trust measured by:
 85% of staff stating that they are able to make the changes that they feel necessary for
excellent patient care.
 The number of our people who state that they will recommend CPFT to family and friends
as a place to work achieving the national upper quartile
 95% of staff will have completed their mandatory training.
 85% of staff will state that they are aware of and understand the Trust vision, values and
key priorities
Communications supports this objective through promoting and helping to embed the vision,
values and objectives of the Trust and communicating positive messages about the Trust and
its activities across staff, stakeholder and public-facing channels.
To meet our financial obligations as an NHS Foundation Trust
Plan to achieve a Financial Risk Rating of two in Year 1 and 3 in subsequent years
Planned deficit in Year 1 of £0.6m with breakeven in subsequent years.
Deliver savings to achieve efficiency targets of 4.0% in FY13, and 5.0% in FY14 and FY15,
reflecting both the Operating Framework and Monitor’s Planning Assumptions guidance
 Invest in estates and IT developments
Communications will support any CIP initiative, including driving the behaviour change needed
for many of these (such as energy saving and reducing mileage).
Any budget delegated to the communications team will be managed rigorously and
transparently, with the objective of achieving year-on-year savings for like-for-like activities.
5. To develop a culture and system of sound governance, personal accountability and
earned autonomy measured by:
 Implementing in full the recommendations of the PWC and DAC Beachcroft Governance
 All staff will know what is expected of them and how well they are performing through clear
objectives and targets and performance appraisal
 85% of staff will state that they believe poor performance is addressed and good
performance rewarded in CPFT
Communications supports this objective through clear communication of the requirements and
responsibilities of staff, explaining the value and importance of effective governance to the
quality of services we deliver.
6. To develop a reputation as a good and responsible organisation to do business with
measured by :
 85% of GPs will describe CPFT as a good organisation to do business with
 85% of commissioners will describe CPFT as a good organisation to do business with
Communications proactively promotes positive achievement and success across the Trust
and defends its reputation in the event of adverse incidents or negative media coverage.