Clinical information for circulated cases

Clinical information for circulated cases.
Liver Transplant Meeting 24th
1. 4823/09
2 years post transplant for NASH cirrhosis and well differentiated HCC.
Clinical information: Transaminitis and weight gain.
2. 16061/09
7 months post transplant for Hep C and HCC
Clinical information: became unwell, LFTs AST 72 ALT 53 ALP 999 GGT 803
?acute cellular rejection.
3. 12032/09
58 F
18 months post transplant for HCV cirrhosis in China
Clinical information: HCV abnormal LFTs ?recurrence
4. 15026/09
6 months post liver transplant for HCV cirrhosis
Clinical information: Elevated cholestatic enzymes, normal U/S. Fibrosing cholestatic hep?
Chronic rejection?
5. 33840/09
58 M
6 months post transplant for Hepatitis C
Clinical information: Itching, deranged LFTs, dilation of intrahepatic bile ducts with anastomotic
6. 4843/09
60 M.
1 year post re-transplant Hep C. This was 4 years after original transplant for hep C
Clinical information: Raised ALT/bilirubin
48 M
11 months post transplant for Hepatitis C
Clinical information: poor cholestatic hepatitis at 2 months post transplant
30 F
Subacute liver failure
Macro images only
52 M
4 months post transplant for Hepatitis C cirrhosis
Clinical information: moderate acute cellular rejection in first week. Follow up biopsies showed
lobular hepatitis. 11 weeks mild acute rejection then cholestasis became a problem. RNA 69
million at 4 months
50 M
3 years post transplant for Hepatitis C and alcoholic liver disease
Clinical Information: Moderate acute rejection in first week. Chornic portal hepatitis (hepatitis Clike) at 9 months. This biopsy at 3 years.
11. 23612/09
21 M
2 ½ years post transplant for fulminant non A-E hepatitis.
Clinical Info: “Acute rejection march 07. CMV disease April 07. recent acute rise in LFT. U/S
normal. Bilirubin 56, ALT 332, ALP 533, GGT 1058.”
12. 23697/09
41 F
2 years post transplant for HCV cirrhosis.
Protocol annual biopsy: ALT 87, other LFTs normal.
13. 29476/09
49 M
5 months post transplant for multinodular focal HCC with active cirrhosis.
Recent increased ALT 70, bilirubin 70, raised alkaline phosphatase 270.
14. 24024/09
Surface antigen positive. Type II diabetes. Previous pulmonary TB treated. Transplanted for
portal hypertension (EPS slide for scanning).