Tuesday June 12, 2012 Minutes

WPC Trustee Meeting Minutes
Tuesday June 12, 2012
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Attended by:
Rev. Larry, Kathy Adams, Randy Nelson, Matt Clark, Dick Dodd, Peter Carr, Jaol Jamison, Bob Smith,
Bob Abbott, Christine Schaller
Excused: Kaleigh Suhr, youth representative
7:15 pm Meeting opened with prayer by Reverend Larry
Minutes from May 8, 2012 were approved.
Treasurer’s Report – The Will of church member Evelyn Lutz has left money in the form of
annuities to WPC. There are two separate bequests. It was moved that the church accept these
bequests. A Certified Resolution was proposed and approved. This will be signed by the
Secretary of the Trustees and the church Financial Secretary. There was discussion of how the
money should best be allocated. Mrs. Lutz seemed to have a life-long interest in the maintenance
and upkeep of the church facilities. No decisions were made at this time.
Review of 2011 - 2012 Open Issues list:
083 Tags to ID water & heating valves –an on-going project
269 – Water in conduit box. We may not have to dig up the conduit to fix this. Still under
277 – install fire alarm equipment in sanctuary and office areas of the church – in process
279b - consultation with fire marshall regarding exit routes - in process
286 – Church offices need reliable backup and service plan – in process
288b –rust repairs on flashing – in process
294 - cracks in pillar – Rick Lux still working on this.
296 – Lock box – ask fire marshall before next meeting – Chris Schaller
297 – Vertical seals for insulating doors near Chapel need to be replaced.
301 – Door in dishwashing area does not latch.
304 – Sink in pre-school – needs new faucet – Joel will replace
305 –vermiculite insulation leaking out of bricks in sanctuary306 – Sign out front looks yellowed and aging. (Chris Schaller will ask Signs Now and
Clinton Signs). Larry prefers a sign that can have a changeable message.
307 – Need light outside elevator door on lower level.
308 – Parking lot lights not working
309 – Community donation barrel needs to be replaced
310 – Fans for restrooms need to be cleaned and oiled
311 Exit lights need inspection
Progress Reports and New Business:
Kitchen Stove – Excess piping has been returned. Griddle has been exchanged for a smaller,
lighter version. Oven was left on one day last week. Members will be reminded to turn off
the oven when leaving the kitchen.
Shades for Chapel: Light–filtering solar shades have been installed and have been well
WPC Trustee Meeting Minutes
Tuesday June 12, 2012
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Apron Quotes: Driveway repairs needed - apron at that entrance is disintegrating. Pothole
has been temporarily patched. Bob Smith presented additional information about apron
repairs. A quote for $4436 was received from All County. Bob has reviewed and
recommends bid from All County. Motion was made and approved to accept this proposal.
(as of June 24th, this project was complete).
CE roof Update: Roof has been completed. Total cost was $51,775.66. Trustees originally
approved $60,000 for this project. Invoice from Sunset was presented, but the written
warranty has not yet been received. Sunset will deliver warranty and pick up check in the
next two weeks.
Leak/Issues in North Roof: Peter Carr presented another roof problem. Leaking reported
several weeks ago. He called Spring, who had installed flashing in that area. Peter and
Spring rep (Dean) went up on roof during rain. Major leak was at corner of sanctuary and
small leak behind food barrel. Dean felt wrong shingles had been used. Also found that roof
caulking was dried out and loose. The flashing was also in need of further repairs. Strong
northeastern winds were driving water in. Found widespread rust on metal roof. There is a
roll-on or spray-on sealer that can be applied. Dean took measurements and will prepare
proposal. Bob Smith has discovered another area of roofing that is leaking over the hall
with high windows. Trustees discussed possibility of doing this repair ourselves, or
obtaining pricing from Sunset for this repair. Trustees will investigate.
Janitorial Reviews/Job Descriptions: Bob Abbott presented a current job description for the
church sexton, and there was discussion about the best ways to get this work done in the
future. Bob Thon may consider retirement and the Booths may be unable to continue their
custodial work in the future. A proposed lease with Heritage Christian may also require
increased custodial services for the church. There was much discussion. It may be time to
consider a full-time sexton position for the Fall. This discussion will continue. Current job
descriptions will be reviewed.
Floor refinishing – Bob Abbott presented a proposal for floor refinishing in several areas.
American Janitorial presented pricing for Social Room and lower narthex and basement
classroom. Total price = $1590. Motion was made and approved to proceed with this work.
Portable screen – needs to be replaced. Discussed pull-down screen for room 9/10.
Decided that social room also needs a screen, but that should be part of the Social Room
renovation next year. Motion made and seconded to install one new pulldown screen in room
9/10. Possibly the Memorial Fund would be available to fund this project. Dick McNeary to
be consulted. Dick to be authorized to purchase such screen for an amount not to exceed
$500. Needed by September, 2012.
Heritage Christian Services has requested to set up a Day-Habilitation program to start July
2nd at our church. To serve 5 – 14 clients, with three HCS staff members assisting them with
crafts and other life skills. They request a room which is air-conditioned, handicapped
accessible, and able to accommodate lunch as well as other activities. Also want to have
space for a storage cabinet and file cabinet. Five days per week 8 – 4 each day. Also need
handicapped accessible restroom. Need access to internet, a refrigerator, and a microwave.
Access to kitchen and kitchen utensils also requested. Need access to green space and a
coatrack. Certificate of insurance will be provided. On our part, we will need to provide:
o Snow removal daily
o Utilities – heat and AC
o Custodial services
o New light switch for the area.
o Adequate electrical wiring
o Renovations??
WPC Trustee Meeting Minutes
Tuesday June 12, 2012
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o Lease
o Insurance
o Hold harmless clause (within lease).
$125 - $300 per week would be a fair price. Discussed lease arrangements, cost negotiations,
and need for full time janitorial services for the church. Kathy will contact Fred Denson re:
legal details. Kathy will contact Heritage regarding a second meeting to iron out details.
Randy and Bob will become the subcommittee. At this time, we are favorable toward this
proposal, if all details and negotiations can be resolved to our mutual satisfaction.
Trustee Goals – discussion postponed
Fall Workday will be October 27th or November 3rd or 10th.
No Pathway until September
Lock-up = June – Kathy Adams
Back up = Peter Carr
July = Christine Schaller
Back up = Dick Dodd
August = Bob Abbott
Back up = Bob Smith
Next Meeting: Tuesday August 14th at 7:15 pm. There will be no July meeting.
Respectfully submitted,
Christine P. Schaller, Secretary