Tuesday January 10, 2012 Minutes

WPC Trustee Meeting Minutes
Tuesday January 10, 2012
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Attended by: Kathy Adams, Moderator, Bob Smith, Matt Clark, Jaol Jamison, Bob Abbott, Dick Dodd,
Don George, Bob DeVos, Christine Schaller, Randy Nelson, Bruce Wainwright, Kayleigh Suhr, Pete Carr,
Pastor Larry DeVuyst.
Excused: Bob Abbott
1. 7:15 pm Meeting opened with devotions by Pastor Larry
2. Minutes from the Dec meeting were reviewed. Minutes approved as written.
3. Treasurer’s Report:
Don George presented final numbers for 2011. Total income was close to budget. There was an operating
budget surplus of about $31,000, largely due to an open position for the assistant pastor. Approximately
half of this surplus ($13K) was allocated to the Capital Reserve Balance, and the other half ($13K) was
devoted to mission. We were about $10K under budget on maintenance and utility expenses due to mild
fall weather and no copier maintenance expense (bought new copier). Under budget on Capital
expenditures because CE roof replacement was not done in 2011. The church made two prepayments on
the mortgage during 2011 to ensure this loan will be repaid prior to the end of the current term.
There was an unplanned capital gift of $24K during 2011; WPC ended 2011 with $102K in capital reserve.
Trustees spent $4900 on narthex library renovation in 2011 which will be reimbursed from Memorial Fund
during 2012. Including the $19K that was budgeted for 2012 and another capital gift we now anticipate,
we will have about $150K in capital reserve to work with for 2012. Choices: spend all on needed
projects now – or set aside some funds for sanctuary roof replacement in the next five years.
Bob Smith proposed that a portion of the funds be set aside in some low-risk investment vehicle until roof
replacement is needed. Others agreed. Roof life is estimated to be 5-8 more years. A 2010 Bid was for
$90k to insulate and replace. Bob proposed earmarking $75,000 now for future roof replacement.
The new wing mortgage will be paid off in November 2014, freeing approximately $50K in annual
expenses. This will improve the church’s cash position starting in 2015.
Reviewed proposed capital projects for 2012: (See attached Project List dated 1/9/2012)
First Tier: (Highest priority) (stove, CE roof, and narthex ceiling): $67,000
Second Tier (To be Evaluated): $67,000
If we do all the first tier items plus a couple of 2 nd tier projects and put aside $75,000 for a future roof, this
will use up all $150,000 capital reserve in 2012. Trustees reserved final decision.
4. Old Business
Reviewed 2011 Open Issues:
70 – New Closet complete, but still needs doorknob. Summer Festival items have been
placed in a closet under the stairwell that was intended for youth. Trustees will use closet
downstairs (new closet).
83 - tags to ID water and heating valves – in progress – on an-going item.
223 – replace lightening arrestor clamps – will be done with roof project.
269 – water in conduit box – this is a major project – hire contractor. Box needs to be
opened. Bob will call RGE for advice.
276 – Emergency exit lights – installation in progress. Dick is still working on this.
WPC Trustee Meeting Minutes
Tuesday January 10, 2012
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277 – Fire Alarm installation in Sanctuary wing –still in progress. Completion date not
known. Dick Dodd continuing work. Bob Smith and Bob DeVos have volunteered to be
contact persons for fire alarm. Should consider exterior lock box for Fire Department. Dick
Dodd will follow up.
278 – Fire Alarm system operation instructions – not needed. Fire Department will come and
will reset alarm. DONE
279 – Fire Evacuation instructions in each room – completed by Nikki George. These were
reviewed with Fire Marshall during late December. These instructions will be posted in all
rooms. Fire drills to be scheduled when evacuation signs are installed and alarm system is
completed. Instructions will also be given to Sunday school, preschool, and groups using the
church. Chris Schaller will schedule drills.
280 – Painting of chapel – to be scheduled in February 2012. Need scaffolding and
organization. Need color selection and volunteer coordinator.
281 – installation of chapel chair rail – to be scheduled in 2012 after painting is completed.
Hard wood. Stained to match other wood surfaces in the chapel.
282 – remove “stuff” from chapel and drums. Need storage area. Drums are an issue. Also
sand box. Need better storage for bells, tables, and table pads.
285 - Kitchen stove – gas odor – stove and ovens to be replaced in 2012. Research on range
and ovens is continuing. Randy Nelson and Melinda Gaudioso.
286 Church computers need service backup plan – Don George is completing.
287 – Insulate chapel narthex ceiling and ceiling above room 9/10. This area was not
insulated properly when built. Insulation is now falling down in some areas. Cold air comes
directly in. Replacing insulation and adding more. Installing new ceiling tiles. Probably
will cost $1000. Heat Efficiencies will be gained. May payback in 1 year.
288 –More work needs to be done along north wall of sanctuary. Trustees authorized $2500
to complete this work.
290 – repair loose grates over trench at south and north entrances to narthex. DONE.
292 – add fan to choir room – to be done
293 – Add barriers outside North Social Room wall to prevent further damage to exterior
social room wall – Dick Dodd.
294 – Repair cracks in brick pillar near ramp.
295 – Cloud lights in narthex need to be cleaned. Maybe a spring work day project.
296 – Lock Box – Dick Dodd
297 – Vertical seals for insulating doors need to be replaced – Jaol Jamison.
Progress Reports and New Business
 2011 Officers were nominated to continue in 2012
 Roof Flashing – Will need further work on north wall. Trustees approved up to $2500 to
proceed with this project.
 Lock-Up: More volunteers needed.
February: – Don George Back
March: Bruce Wainwright Back-up: Chris Schaller
April: Randy
Back-up: Bruce Wainwright
September: Matt
Back-up: Matt
December: Jaol Jamison
 CE Roof Replacement:
Bids ranged from $50K - $97K. Sunset Maintenance has submitted low bid. Trustee
subcommittee met with Sunset rep. Rick Collins. Checked references and found
favorable. Decided to go with 1/4'” pitch and 25 year warranty. Legal department of
Sunset has approved our contract. Non-union shop. Lower costs. Sub-Committee
recommends Sunset Maintenance.
WPC Trustee Meeting Minutes
Tuesday January 10, 2012
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Bob Smith moved that we accept the bid of Sunset Maintenance for $49,970 plus a
contingency if needed to replace decking. (unknown at this time – until old roof is off.)
APPROVED. Work to be done at earliest availability. Should notify nursery school
ahead of project. Breakdown of bids is attached to these minutes.
Portable projector needs repair. Jay Petrino has repaired. Dick Dodd will purchase
new cable.
Choir Risers are temporarily not in use. Choir requests to be seated with
congregation. Risers need to be stored in a safe area – not the exit hallway. Trustees
will move them 1-10-12.
March Trustees meeting will be moved to March 20th.
Girl Scouts will be meeting in social room all day on a March Saturday. They are
responsible for cleaning at the end of the day.
Pathway –
o authorized roof replacement for CE wing to be done as soon as possible in 2012.
o Narthex ceiling and ceiling over room 9/10 have been insulated
o A small group has volunteered to help with some renovations in room 9/10
o Plans underway to paint the chapel. Volunteers will be sought to assist.
Meeting adjourned 9:15 pm. Next meeting will be Tuesday February 14, 2012.
Respectfully submitted,
Christine P. Schaller, Secretary