Group 1: +962797004567
Group 2: +962797315788
Group 3: +962795732745
List of Actions/Emails
1430 - 1500
Reports are coming in of the first instances of looting and of a woman being shot defending her home. Her neighbours report her 6 children were watching. She is divorced and it is not known where the father of the children is.
Government Media Report
The Government "welcomes and is open to all kind of assistance, including help from foreign troops, to assist in the disaster zone," the President told The Associated Press.
NGO Report
A major NGO has reported on CNN that within 4 hours, it will have several planes in the air with relief supplies and that it can supply 10,000 people with clean water.
Media helicopters are broadcasting views of hundreds of people swimming or wading through deep water to get to safer places. However, once there, people are congregating in large crowds with no where to go.
Large numbers of children appear to be unaccompanied or dazed, on the edges of the crowds.
OPSCEN Report —Situation Deteriorating
OPSCEN is receiving reports that the security situation may deteriorate rapidly in the country, even in stable areas. Looting has begun and the communication and electricity, never really stable, is becoming sporadic. Please provide a map of all staff residences soonest. Please respond to simulation base.
The Representative of the office (a flamboyant character with poor communication skills) calls an emergency meeting. Email below:
Dear colleagues, an emergency meeting will take place in the rep office in 10 minutes time. Please make your way to Room XXX
15:00 - 1600
WFP: Warehouses Flooded
WFP has just called to report that its warehouses have been flooded. It may take at least
2 days before they can get into them to learn what is useful and what is destroyed.
Weather Forecast
The weather services are forecasting continued strong rains for the next several days.
RPEm: OCHA Situation Report No. 1
OCHA has pulled together the following assessment based upon local contacts in the affected region.
Cholera Fear
WHO reported that several suspected cases of cholera had been reported in several rural communities prior to the latest deluge —but were not confirmed. The prior rains had flooded some sewer systems and WHO believed contaminated water had passed into the drinking water. WHO is very concerned that a major cholera outbreak could be looming along with dysentery outbreaks from drinking contaminated water. Noted the
WHO representative: This is the season when we expect cholera outbreaks in the region and we have not been surprised. However, the rate of infection may increase dramatically with this situation.”
The Humanitarian Response Unit is fearful of a serious measles outbreak in this situation. The Humanitarian Response Unit (EMOPS) would like the following information and your views within the next hour (please send to simulation base):
What are your measles vaccination rates per age group through-out the country?
When was your last measles campaign and coverage of age specific groups?
Confirmed measles cases last year? Ages?
What has been the measles mortality rate by age group?
You have limited resources (funds and personnel) and know you will need to make choices. Do you undertake a measles vaccination campaign or not? Prepare your logic for your decision.
Air Traffic Control-Flights Turned Back
Due to unusual strong upper air turbulence (that also caused the deluge), high winds are forcing all flights to turn back. Meteorologists report that the high winds could continue for at least another 3 days. This is unusual air turbulence, but not unknown, as it happens at least every other year. It is just that right now the impact on the delivery of relief by air will be enormous.
AFP Report
Jean Baptiste & Eveleine and their 4 children swam and walked holding onto each other until they reached a safe area. They report they lost their farm animals--five pigs and five cows in the storm. They report that almost all the livestock drowned in this battered region leaving the countryside eerily quiet. "The animals were what we used to pay the school fees for the children," Eveline says, looking at the ground. "When we had nothing else, we would sell one." With the harvest destroyed, the family doesn't know what lies ahead. Most of their tools have disappeared along with their livelihoods.
But worst of all, their nest egg for the future - $2,000 painstakingly saved by a sister working in the United States - is gone too, the cash washed away in the flood. "When that money was lost, I lost my hope," Eveline says.
Visibility Materials
HQ communications wants to know if you have enough visibility materials (caps, t-shirts, badges, armbands). What do you have in stock?
OCHA Situation Report no. 2
OCHA has just provided an updated rapid assessment of the situation from its contacts in the region:
Infrastructure Destroyed
The infrastructure of the largest city, Kingsdown (and elsewhere), already weakened by years of instability and chronic underdevelopment, is now almost destroyed. The municipal drinking water system is certainly destroyed.
The First Reports
The Red Cross who reached the region is reporting widespread destruction and a tremendous lack of basic medicines such as antibiotics. Its volunteer doctors are speaking of appalling conditions as they try to help the storm survivors in hurriedly thrown-up makeshift clinics.
Amputations have been carried out under primitive conditions and many people have horrible wounds from the racing waters. The doctors report already observing diarrhea in young children. "There's no clean water. There are no resources," Dr Jean Paul Sartre told AP.
Armed Gangs
An armed gang was observed roaming the flooded street. At least one person was shot in their search for food and loot.
Mud five feet (1.5 metres) deep is in a village street where unclaimed dead bodies stick out, reports AP.
Mother’s Account (interviewed by UNICEF staff)
"We don't know if the water is good, but we have to use it - if we don't cook anything my children are going to die," said Joanna, a mother of six.
Afraid to Leave
BBC has spoken with families afraid to leave their rooftops because of the looting and rampaging.
Health Supplies in Stock?
HQ-Health wants to know what you currently have in stock in country in oral rehydration salts, water purification and flocculation tables, water contains and plastic sheeting.
Please respond soonest to simulation base.
Desperate People
Every truck that is getting through, whether full or empty is being mobbed by survivors desperate for aid. Women are being pushed aside by men.
Health Supplies?
HQ-Health has heard through BBC that many health centres are damaged, leading to a significant loss of medical equipment and drugs. What supplies do you have available to replace these items in storage now? If you don’t have this available, what specifically will you need? Respond to simulation base soonest.
Do You Need to Scale Up the Response?
HQ has been receiving media reports from AF, BBC and CNN. Do we need to scale up the response? Is the bottom beginning to fall out? What is the extent of the deterioration in the situation? Respond immediately to simulation base.
German natcom wants inf ormation to start fundraising…
Email from UNICEF Germany:
Dear communication officer,
I hope you are surviving and not too overwhelmed by the emergency. It must be incredibly difficult for you all. I hope you don’t mind me writing at this busy time, but we are very keen to start a fundraising appeal and are desperate for some basic facts about the situation. Please take a look at the attached form and fill in as much as you can and then send it to me.
Greetings and best wishes from Cologne
Children in Hardship
Children are clearly in hardship as a result of this disaster. Many are reported to have drowned during the flash flooding, or in its aftermath after being left untended while their parents left in search of food.
Harvest Buried Under Mud
CNN has reported that hundreds of acres of cereals ready to be harvested are under mud or the fields are covered with water. Families, in desperation, are going into the fields and trying to harvest what they can, by pulling it up through the mud and water.
Dead livestock is observed floating in the fields.
Dengue Fever and Malaria
HQ-Health expects malaria to explode. What will you do? Also dengue fever had been reported last year. What can you do to control an outbreak? What specific supplies will you need? How will you strengthen malaria case management? HQ in discussion with potential donors on health needs. Respond to simulation base soonest.
1600 - 1645
A landslide engulfed part of another village moments ago. Three children, eight women and six men were missing in the tide of mud that buried 21 houses. Seven people were injured.
Television footage showed houses buried in mud and earth flowing like a small river.
Critics have blamed deaths in similar landslides in the past on poor construction standards and inefficient measures to stop people building on river beds.
Many Killed
The local news is reporting that many people were assumed killed when the torrential rain sent water, logs, rocks and mud cascading down rivers or hillsides onto homes and villages. Others died trying to cross flooded roads with strong currents and were swept away or swimming to safer areas
Schools Destroyed
The International Federation of the Red Cross (IFRC) is reporting that many schools are submerged under water in the affected areas. If not submerged, they have had extensive water damage.
Mine Explosion
BBC is reporting that mines that were planted during the conflict have shifted and moved due to the water. A young boy lost his leg today when he stepped on a landmine hidden by the water.
Experts anticipate that this could become a very serious issue taking into account the number of land mines planted in the region of the country.
Vaccination Campaign
HQ – Health is anticipating the need for a massive vaccination campaign. What is your strategy to undertake this? Who are your partners who can do this?
National Committee Wants to Visit
Several National Committees want to visit immediately. Do you authorize this visit? If so, what are the parameters, e.g. number of visitors, accompanying journalists? If not, what are your reasons?
Remember, take into account your logistical capacity, staff availability, political sensitivity. Some governments may not welcome the presence of foreign agencies or journalists. Please respond to simulation base soonest.
If International Staff Should Be Evacuated
HQ immediately wants to know your strategy for how national officers will manage the
CO the situation should the situation continue to deteriorate and if international staff should be evacuated. Please send this strategy soonest to simulation base. Please take into account Operations and Programme activities
Rescue Operations
The International Federation of the Red Cross (IFRC) reports "Rescue efforts are being carried out in difficult conditions." Dozens of rescuers have been dispatched to the stricken area but road blockages and landslides are preventing the transport of heavy earth moving machines.
Water Supply Systems?
HQ-Humanitarian Response Unit wants to know your strategy for rehabilitation and repair of water supply systems. Please provide strategy and specific supplies. HQ in contact with donors who may be interested in funding. Please reply by 15.00.
Government Offices Destroyed
(AFP) A government official has reported that so many of the offices were damaged by water or looting, that it will ‘be like starting over again.’ Furniture, computers, phones, fans, air conditions are all ruined or taken.
Government Offices Destroyed
A major donor has just learned of this situation from AFP news reports. How can
UNICEF help? “A government official has reported that so many of the offices were damaged by water or looting, that it will ‘be like starting over again.’ Furniture, c omputers, phones, fans, air conditions are all ruined or taken.” Please respond soonest to simulation base.
Children Seem Lost
IFRC is requesting UNICEF’s assistance to immediately launch a programme for children who seem traumatized. IFRC is reporting children that seem fearful, startle easy, and simply sitting crying without cause. IFRC also reports that children are begging them for food. Some of the youngest children seem to have no parents nearby.
Worsening Situation Assessment and Food Security
As reports continue to filter in, it is obvious that more villages than anticipated are completely under water and the need will be to find temporary homes for thousands of people and to provide food and medicine.
Major roads in the region are also mostly flooded, hampering access for relief efforts.
Already concerns are being raised about the long-term impact of the floods on the country's food supply. "These crops were almost ready to be harvested, then these flash floods come, so they're all ruined," said MR, an analyst at the UN World Food
Field office report – June 16 2009
Health Officer: Clare Savage.
Assessment of Kingstown
Flew in by helicopter this morning. I saw massive flooding throughout. Lots of people, and houses disappear. Like a patchwork quilt in which water forms the patches and a few houses form the seams -- i.e, far more water than houses
One large shelter visible on peace of dry land. Everywhere people. Children running around on small land surrounded by fields of muddy water. School that have not been damaged appear to be full of people. Tense atmosphere as not enough supplies.
Visited one school acting as a shelter in district of Brent. Terrible conditions. Saw several pregnant women. No running water or electricity. But life is going on in the shelters, apart from the dismal living conditions. An example: two women gave birth today at a shelter in croydon, south Kingsdown. Luckily MSF and PSF (Pharmacists Without
Borders) were there. UNICEF was asked to intervene by providing additional potable water for the births.
Together with WFP we distributed around 10 MT of food and 60,000 L of water, transported by ship, in 3 different shelters in Kingstown. Additional tarpaulin, water purification tablets and hygiene kits were also distributed.
In afternoon took boat to look for stranded people. Found many on rooves, with no food or water. Saw the main hospital which seems to have been damaged by flooding. Roads damaged and pylons down. Urgent needs are safe drinking water, water containers, essential medicines, hygiene kits, cold chain equipment and temporary schools.