ECTS Faculty of Advanced Technologies and Chemistry course

Faculty of Advanced Technologies and Chemistry
ERASMUS – lecture proposal
Materials Engineering / Chemistry
Inorganic Chemistry and Materials
Chemistry of Explosives
Synthesis of Liquid Crystals
Functional Materials for Optoelectronic
Image Processing
Hazardous materials detection technologies capabilities and limitations
Spectroscopic Methods of Organic Structure
Measurements in chemistry
General physics
Chromatography Analysis in Organic
Modern Methods of Organic Synthesis
Selected Problems of Physical Chemistry
Fundamentals of Chromatography
Selected Problems of Semiconductor
Technology and Measurements
Optical Fibers and Their Applications
Inverse Gas Chromatography as a Tool for
Testing Solid Materials
Written and oral presentations on Science and
Polymer materials
Dielectric spectroscopy
prof. Sławomir Neffe
dr hab. Stanisław Cudziło
dr Przemysław Kula
prof Janusz Parka
Ist degree
dr Jarosław Szulc
60=28 l +16 lab+16 sem
dr Bartłomiej Jankiewicz
60=26 l +18 ex +12 lab+4 sem
dr Jarosław Puton
dr Wiesław Borys
dr Przemysław Kula
60=16 l +10 ex +20 lab+14 sem
60=30 l +16 ex +14 lab
60=14 l +2 ex +34 lab+10 proj
prof. Józef Mieczkowski
dr hab. Henryk Grajek
prof. Zygfryd Witkiewicz
dr Paweł Madejczyk
60=30 l +20 ex +10 sem
60=40 l +12 ex +8 lab
60=35 l +10 ex +15 lab
60=6 l +24 lab+30 sem
dr Paweł Marć
dr hab. Henryk Grajek
60=20 l +12 lab+28 sem
60=38 l +10 ex +12 lab
dr Wiesław Borys
60=60 ex
dr hab. Marzena Tykarska
dr hab. Paweł Perkowski
60=28 l +16 lab+16 sem
60=26 l +12 ex +12 lab+10 sem
Lecturer’s name
IInd degree
Time account
60=30 l +10 ex +20 sem
60=16 l +24 lab+20 sem
90=20 l +2 ex +60 lab+8 proj
60=20 l +12 lab+28 sem
Ist degree studies (February – June)
1. Inorganic Chemistry and Materials
ECTS: 6 (prof. Sławomir Neffe)
60 h = 30 h lectures +10 exercises +20 seminars
Characterization of physicochemical changes of matter. Types of chemical reactions and processes. Gaseous state and gases. Condensed phases and phase
transition. Chemical equilibrium. Chemical kinetics. Hydrogen atom and fundamentals of quantum mechanics. Many-electron atoms and chemical bonding.
Coordination complexes and their application. Chemistry of hydrogen. Prospective of hydrogen as a high quality fuel. Chemistry of oxygen and its
application. Chemistry of water. Water as chemical reagent, raw material and environmental medium. Inorganic chemistry of carbon and silicon. Materials
based on carbon and silicon. Chemistry of halogens. Application of halogens and their compounds. Chemistry of metals. Inorganic chemical processes:
production of sulfuric acid, nitrogen technologies, production of building materials, advanced in production of high purity inorganic materials. Environmental
aspect of inorganic chemistry.
2. Chemistry of Explosives
ECTS: 6 (dr hab. Stanisław Cudziło)
60 h = 16 h lectures +24 labs +20 seminars
Classification of explosives and basic terms. Nitration – methods and mechanisms. Nitration agents. C-nitration of aromatic and aliphatic compounds. Synthesis
of nitrate esters (O-nitration) and nitramines (N-nitration). Other methods of synthesis of explosives. Structures and properties of basic explosives TNT, RDX,
HMX, Nitroglycerin, DGDN, PETN, Nitrocellulose. Preparation of the explosives on a laboratory scale. Novel high-energetic explosives – HNIW, DADNE,
NTO, TEX. Unconventional explosive compounds – without nitro group, explosive polymers, high-nitrogen compounds, explosives with reduced sensitivity.
Practical preparation and characterization of NTO, DADNE and TEX samples. Synthesis and properties of primary explosives – fulminates, azides, tetrazene,
lead styphnate, furoxane derivatives, complex salts, peroxides and others. Practical preparation of basic primary explosives. Non-regular (home made)
explosives – compounds and mixtures.
3. Synthesis of Liquid Crystals
ECTS: 6 (dr Przemysław Kula)
60 h = 20 h lectures +2 exercises + 60 labs + 8proj
Main classes of liquid crystals (LCs) and their properties. Display and non display applications of LCs. Correlations between structure and properties. Typical
structures of nematic and smectic mesogens. Fluorinated organic compounds - the concept of fluorinated liquid crystals. Synthesis of main intermediates for
LCs. Synthesis design of modern LCs. Synthesis of nematic and ferroelectric mesogens (lab). Synthesis design of the new liquid crystal with desired properties
4. Functional Materials for Optoelectronic Image Processing ECTS: 6 (prof. Janusz Parka)
60 h = 20 h lectures + 12 labs +28 seminars
The aim of this lecture is discussion about properties of different type of functional materials for flat electronic image devices, like LCD, TFT LCD, PDP,
OLED, Electroforetic, etc., Physical background and technological problems for chosen materials and display devices applications will be described and
discussed. Relation display – human imagination will be presented. 3 advanced laboratory set-ups for students connected with electro-optic properties and
characteristics of LCD are proposed in the program of the lecture.
5. Hazardous materials detection technologies - capabilities and limitations
ECTS: 6 (dr Jarosław Szulc)
60 h = 28 h lectures + 16 labs + 16 seminars
This course covers detection and identification technologies for hazardous substances, organisms and objects, existing and under development. It discusses the
principles, instrumentation, and context for applying a wide range of methods and technologies. Methods such as colorimetric chemistry,
immunochromatography, immunoassays, polymerase chain reaction, spectroscopy, methods based on ionization and activation of materials, chromatography,
mass spectrometry and ion mobility spectrometry as well as bulk detection technologies will be reviewed. Sampling problems and methods will also be briefly
The major emphasis of this course is on raising awareness of the capabilities and limitations of the technologies which is essential for a proper selection of a
technology for a particular task as well as for correct interpretation of the results obtained.
6. Spectroscopic Methods of Organic Structure Determination ECTS: 6 (dr Bartłomiej Jankiewicz)
60 h = 26 h lectures + 18 exercises + 12 labs + 4 seminars
This course covers modern and advanced methods of elucidation of the structures of organic molecules, including NMR, MS, IR and UV-Vis (among others).
The fundamental physical and chemical principles of each method will be discussed. The major emphasis of this course is on structure determination by way of
interpreting the data (generally in the form of a spectrum or spectra) that each method provides.
7. Measurements in chemistry
ECTS: 6 (dr Jarosław Puton)
60 h = 16 h lectures + 10 exercises + 20 labs + 14 seminars
Properties of measurement instrumentation. Definition of measurement. Parameters of transducers and measurement instruments. Static and dynamic models of
transducers. Measurement errors and uncertainty. Precision and accuracy. Sources of errors. Systematic and random errors. Independence of variables.
Correlation coefficient and scatter graphs. Error propagation. Measurements of electrical quantities. Definitions of electrical quantities. Basic laws. Current and
vol-tage sources. Simple electric circuits – estimation of current and voltage. Characteristics of alternating current circuits. Input and output impedance. Signal
amplifiers and precision measurements. Gain, feedback and amplifiers. Operational amplifiers in basic systems. Instrumentation amplifiers. Charac-teristics of
noises in electrical circuits. Problem of frequency band and S/N ratio. Computers in measurement systems. Analog and digital signals. Digital notations used in
data transfer. A/D and D/A converters. Microcomputers for measurement applications. Digital acquisition cards and modules. Systems for data transfer.
Examples of software used in computer-aided measurements. Sensors used in chemical laboratory. General characteristics of sensors. Temperature sensors and
principles of temperature measurements. Measurements of pressure and flow. Sensors for determination of material composition. Measurement data processing.
Selected operations on experimental data collections. Regression methods and approximation. Principles of data presentation. Introduction to chemometric
methods. Response matrix – important object of chemometrics. Similarity of objects and variables. Principal component analysis – general remarks. Matrix of
8. General physics
ECTS: 8 (dr Wiesław Borys)
60 h = 30 h lectures + 16 exercises + 14 labs
Introduction. Mathematical rudiments of physics. Motion along a straight line and in a plane. Causes of motion. Newton’s laws of motion. Circular motion and
gravitation. Impulse and momentum. Work and energy. Rotational motion. Periodic motion. Mechanical waves. Elasticity. Fluid mechanics. Heat and thermal
properties of matter. Thermodynamics. The electric field. Capacitance and dielectrics. Current, resistance and electromotive force. Magnetic field and
magnetic forces. Electromagnetic induction. Electromagnetic waves. Relativistic mechanics. Photons, electrons and atoms. Quantum mechanics. Atoms,
molecules and solids. Nuclear and high-energy physics.
9. Chromatography Analysis in Organic Synthesis ECTS: 6 (dr Przemysław Kula)
60 h = 14 h lectures + 2 exercises + 34 labs + 10project
Gas chromatography. High performance liquid chromatography. Thin layer chromatography columns and stationary phases Mobile phases systems. Detectors.
Principles of mass spectrometry. Ionization methods. Mass spectra interpretation. Sample preparation. Pros and cons of chromatography techniques.
Interpretation of chromatographic data sets of real multistep synthesis and impurity tracking (project). Training of different chromatography techniques inter
alia GC-FID-MS, Direct Inlet-MS, HPLC-PDA-MS(ESI and APCI), TLC (lab).
IInd degree studies (October - February)
10. Modern Methods of Organic Synthesis
ECTS: 6 (prof. Józef Mieczkowski)
60 h = 30 h lectures + 20 exercises + 10 sem
Formation of carbon-carbon single bonds: alkylation of relatively acidic methylene groups; γ-alkylation of 1,3-dicarbonyl compounds; alkylation of ketones;
the enamine and related reactions; umpolung; directed aldol condensation. Formation of carbon-carbon double bonds: β-elimination reactions; the Wittig and
related reactions; stereoselective synthesis of tri- and tetrasubstituted ethylenes. The Diels-Alder reaction: dienophile, diene; intramolecular Diels-Alder
reactions; mechanism of the Diels-Alder reactions. Reduction: catalytic hydrogenation, catalyst: selectivity of reduction; reduction of functional groups;
homogenous hydrogenation; reduction by dissolving metals; reduction by hydride-transfer reagents; Wolff-Kishner reaction. Oxidation: oxidation of alcohols;
oxidation of olefinic bonds; Bayer-Villiger oxidation of ketones.
11. Selected Problems of Physical Chemistry
ECTS: 8 (dr hab. Henryk Grajek)
60 h = 40 h lectures + 12 exercises + 8 labs
The orientation and background. Equilibrium. The properties of gases. The perfect gas and real gases. The basic concepts: work, heat, energy, enthalpy. State
functions, exact and inexact differentials. The direction of spontaneous change. The efficiencies of thermal processes. Standard enthalpy and entropy changes.
The equilibrium electrochemistry. The thermodynamic properties of ions in solution. Applications of standard potentials. Structure. Introduction and principles.
Translational, vibrational and rotational motions. The molecular structure and symmetry. The valence-bond theory. The molecular orbital theory. The
symmetry elements of objects. The electric and magnetic properties of molecules. Intermolecular forces. Change. Molecules in motion (in gases and liquids).
The rates of chemical reactions. The kinetics of complex reactions. The properties of surfaces. The basic surface phenomena. Physisorption and chemisorption.
Adsorption and catalysis. The catalytic activity at surfaces. The surface analysis methods.
12. Fundamentals of Chromatography
ECTS: 6 (prof. Zygfryd Witkiewicz)
60 h = 35 h lectures + 10 exercises + 15 labs
A brief history of chromatography. Gas chromatography. Equipment, columns and stationary phases. Columns selectivity and efficiency. Adsorption and
partition chromatography. Detectors. Retention parameters. Quantitative and qualitative analysis. Examples of application. Liquid column chromatography.
Equipment, columns, stationary and mobile phases. Isocratic and gradient chromatography. Normal and reversed phase chromatography. Detectors. Examples
of separation. Thin layer chromatography. Thin layer chromatography plates. Equipment for thin layer chromatography – applicators, chambers, densitometers.
Visualization and qualitative and quantitative interpretation of chromatograms. Overpressured layer chromatography – equipment and advantages. Supercritical
fluid chromatography. Equipment, columns, stationary and mobile phases. Detectors. Examples of application. Hyphenated chromatographic techniques –
GC/MS, LC/MS, GC/AED, GC/IR. Electrophoresis – micellar electrokinetic chromatography, capillary gel electrophoresis, capillary electrochromatography.
Chromatographic analysis.
13. Selected Problems of Semiconductor Technology and Measurements
ECTS: 6 (dr Madejczyk)
60 h = 6 h lectures + 24 labs + 30 sem
Narrow gap semiconductors. Epitaxial growth technology: LPE, MBE, MOCVD. Acceptor and donor doping in MOCVD technology. Hall effect measurement.
IR Fourier spectroscopy. Carrier lifetime measurements: photoconductivity decay and steady state methods. Dry ion etching. Dielectrical layers deposition in
sputtering process. Surface roughness measurements: Nomarski microscope, IR microscope, optical profiler, laser scatterometer. Photolitography. Photovoltaic
detectors. Current-voltage and spectral characteristics measurements. Capacity – voltage and niose measurements.
14. Optical Fibers and Their Applications
ECTS: 6 (dr Paweł Marć)
60 h = 20 h lectures + 12 labs + 28 sem
Principles of operation, parameters and types of optical fibers. Materials and fabrication methods. Characteristics of optical fiber. Reliability of optical fibers.
Applications of optical fibers in telecomunication and sensors technology. Future perspectives.
15. Inverse Gas Chromatography as a Tool for Testing Solid Materials ECTS: 8 (dr hab. Henryk Grajek)
60 h = 38 h lectures + 10 exercises + 12 labs
The essence of partition and inverse gas chromatography. Chromatographic separation simply explained. Zone broadening and measures of efficiency. Sample
handling in chromatography. Determination of retention data and standarisation of them. Qualitative analysis: retention parameters, stationary phase selection
and retention structure relationships, coupled techniques. Quantitative analysis: data acquisition and handling, description of peak profile and measurement of
peak area. Determination of the non-specific and specific contributions of surface free energy of adsorption and the acceptor–donor properties of solids and
plasticisers. Analysis of adhesive properties of solids, polymers and coating additives: antioxidans and ultraviolet absorbers. Determination of polymer solution
and polymer precipitation. The examination of coating films and solids, including polymers. Fingerprint chromatograms and tabulations of pyrolysis.
16. Written and oral presentations on Science and Technology ECTS: 6 (dr Wiesław Borys)
60 h = 60 exercises
English terminology in mathematics, fundamental mathematical operations, differential and integral calculus. Rudiments of general physics. Basic physical
phenomena and their mathematical description. Notions and examples of physical fields. Electric and magnetic properties of media. Properties of
electromagnetic waves. Spectroscopy. General chemistry. Terminology of inorganic, organic and physical chemistry. Lab works and instrumentation.
Instrumental methods in chemistry and materials engineering. Rudiments of materials engineering. Presentations on applied physics, physical chemistry and
general chemistry. Methodology of presentation of research results in the form of a paper. Conference English. Preparation of a conference oral appearance .
Groundwork for a conference poster presentation.
17. Polymer materials
ECTS: 6 (dr Marzena Tykarska)
60 h = 28 h lectures + 16 labs + 16 seminars
Basic information about polymers. Reactions of synthesis. Structure of macromolecules. Structure and morphology of polymers. Mechanical properties.
Thermal properties. Resistivity to solvents. Relationship between the structure, properties and performance. Modification of properties. Additives.
Measurements of properties. Technology of polymer synthesis. Processing of polymer materials. Plastics – classification, properties and applications.
Elastomers – classification, properties and applications. Novel polymers. Liquid crystal polymers. Polymer composites. Recycling.
18. Dielectric spectroscopy
ECTS: 6 (dr hab. Paweł Perkowski)
60h = 26h lectures + 12h exercises + 12h laboratories + 10h seminars
Lectures covers: mathematic background – how to solve ordinary, linear differential equations; interaction of electric field with matter (E, P and D vectors);
electric permittivity () and susceptibility () in DC field; electric energy in capacitor; the behavior of empty and full capacitor; the behavior of RC and RLC
circuits (cut-off f0 and resonance fR frequencies); electric parameters of molecules (dipole moment, electronic polarizability); the principles of molecular
motions and intra-molecular vibrations; different mechanisms of molecular relaxations and intra-molecular vibrations; temperature influence on molecular
motions – thermally activated motions (Arhenius law); limits of dielectric spectroscopy and comparison with microwave and THz spectroscopies; electric
permittivity () and susceptibility () in AC field; real () and imaginary () parts of electric permittivity; Debye model of relaxation; Cole-Cole, ColeDavidson and Havriliak-Negami models of relaxation; the factors which distorts the dielectric spectroscopy; numerical procedures which calculate the
parameters of dielectric modes; molecular and collective motions; ion influence on dielectric measurements; differences between Time Domain Dielectric
Spectroscopy and Frequency Domain Dielectric Spectroscopy; Linear and Non-Linear Dielectric Spectroscopy; liquid crystals as the examples of soft mater
showing different kind of relaxations;
Exercises covers: problems with capacitors filled with different materials; capacitors under DC and AC field; phase shifts between current and voltage in RC
and RLC circuits; energy of electric field; numerical procedures for calculating parameters of dielectric modes.
Laboratories covers: preparation of measuring cells, cells with golden and ITO electrodes characterization, empty cell measurements (4h); the measurements
versus temperature of electric permittivity of nematic liquid crystals, molecular modes characterization in cells with different orientation (4h); collective modes
characterization in different smectic phases versus temperature (4h).
Seminars: every student has to prepare seminar devoted to topic related to dielectric spectroscopy; students have to report their laboratory results and comment