Long Reef Surf Lifesaving Club Incorporated (Y 07311 – 44) ABN : 78 012 537 376 P.O. BOX 214, COLLAROY NSW 2097 Telephone: 9971 7387 Fax: 9984 0240 longreef@optusnet.com.au Web: www.longreef.com Email: SLSNSW 2004 & 2005 ‘Club of the Year’ Nomination for Ross Matthews Life Membership Surf Life Saving NSW Name: Ross Matthews Born: 10th November, 1945 Address: 37 Hillier Ave, Blackheath, NSW (Blue Mountains) Organisation: Long Reef Surf Life Saving Club Joined club: 16th November, 1961 Organisational background: Long Reef SLSC was founded in 1950 and is one of 21 other surf life saving clubs located on the Sydney Northern Beaches. Long Reef SLSC advocate the SLSA Future Directions 2000-2010 plan. ‘Working with the Community and government to provide safe beaches and aquatic environments around Australia.’ Long Reef has a very strong, loyal and passionate membership base which are very proud of the small clubs achievements. Long Reef SLSC is one of the most professional lifesaving clubs within NSW, providing high levels of lifesaving services in line with world standards in water safety. Long Reef SLSC has very strong leadership which positions the club well to handle any challenge which may face the club, particularly in this time of change influencing most other volunteer organisations. Such development has seen Long Reef SLSC in recent seasons be named as the 2004 and 2005 Surf Life Saving, NSW ‘Club of the Year’ and the 2005 National Australia Bank, Volunteer Organisation of the Year, ‘Emergency & Safety’. Such success can be attributed to the hard working membership base of over 700 members over 56 years and also the direct input that Ross Matthews and other older members have put in laying the foundations of our club to set-up and develop the frameworks that we now have. The Life of the beach Ross Matthews direct involvement with Long Reef SLSC. Year joined Long Reef SLSC & Organisation: 16th November, 1961 Awards gained: Bronze Medallion 18/2/1962 (Proficiency in Reel, Line & Beltwork) Instructors Certificate 18/12/1965 Examiners Certificate 18/4/1972 Advanced Resuscitation Certificate 1975 Radio Operators Certificate 1978 Advanced Life Saving Certificate 1985 First Aid Certificate 14/9/1985 Silver Medallion IRB (Inflatable Rescue Boat) Drivers Certificate 16/11/1986 Defibrillators Certificate 2005 Certificate II (Public Safety) Aquatic Rescue 2006 Long Reef SLSC Committee Positions Held : 1965-66 1966-67 1971-72 1972-73 1973-74 1974-75 1975-76 1977-78 1978-79 1979-80 1980-81 1882-82 1982-83 1983-84 1984-85 1987-88 1988-89 1989-90 2001-02 Social Secretary Social Secretary Branch Delegate Chief Instructor Club Captain Club Captain Club Captain President President President President Vice President President President President President President Branch Delegate Vice President Sydney Northern Beaches Branch, SLSNSW and SLSA positions. 1972 1973 1974 1985-86 1986-87 1988-89 2 years Secretary Board SNB Board of Examiners Secretary Board SNB Board of Examiners Secretary Board SNB Board of Examiners Deputy Superintendent Superintendent. Competition Director. District Supervisor. Joined the Board of examiners in 1971 with 35 years continuous membership of the Sydney Northern Beaches Board of Examiners resulting in sitting on numerous educational panels and various committees including: 2 Life Membership Committee, Meritorious Awards Committee, Judiciary Committee & Constitution Committee 15 years as Carnival Referee for Sydney Northern Beaches in late 80’s and 90’s. Over 12 x Branch Championships as Sectional Referee. 2 x Branch Champions as Carnival Referee 6 x Metropolitan Championships as Sectional Referee 7 x NSW Championships as Sectional Referee & 5 x Australian Championships as Sectional Referee, Surf Board Riding. Various SLSNSW committees in relation to Surf Sports over 10 years as Referee and reviewing rules and regulations in relation to competition. Similarly several years on Surf Life Saving Australian (SLSA) committees in relation to Surf Sports and carnival organisation in the 1970’s and 1980s. Surf Life Saving Awards Gained Long Reef SLSC 5 Year patrol badge Long Reef SLSC honour blazer Long Reef SLSC Life Membership 1982 SLSA 10 & 15 year patrol award 10/4/1985 SLSA 25 year patrol and membership award 5/5/1987 Sydney Northern Beaches Branch Life Membership 1992/93 Other information in relation to Ross Matthews surf life saving contributions: Ross is Long Reef’s longest serving club President and is described as a man who is like a small child with an Attention Deficit Disorder. He just never stops and is just so involved in the community that he continues to serve something that he started in 1962, 44 years ago. Ross receiving his club honour blazer October, 2005 from Hon Bronwyn Bishop M.P 3 Over the years, as can been seen above, Ross has had a major influence towards the development of Long Reef SLSC and the surf life saving movement in general. He has a passion for the movement and ensuring that everything possible can be done to ensure that the community are kept safe in our aquatic environment. Ross has filled many of the main positions within the club management framework as a community volunteer. Nine (9) years as Club President, 2 as Vice President and 3 as Club Captain. He also filled major roles for the Sydney Northern Beaches for several years as the Superintendent (or Director of Rescue Services as it is known these days) looking after each of the 21 clubs on the Sydney Northern Beaches to ensure their lifesaving voluntary lifesaving services run smoothly. Ross is a man who will do anything for anybody. Be it his closest friend or a complete stranger. He is always ensuring that everybody around him is ok, always putting others before himself. Such an example was seen at an Australian Championships when Surf Australia were struggling to find a replacement for him as the Carnival Referee in Tasmania. At the time Ross was to be attending his honeymoon. With a desperate plea Ross was asked to attend the Australian Championship to help run the carnival as the Referee in charge of board riding. Ross stepped up yet again attending Tasmania, telling his wife they were going away for their honeymoon. Upon arrival Ross informed his new bride that he had a few other responsibilities during the day to ensure the smooth running of the carnival and would catch up with her later in the evening. Ross was also a big supporter when many others doubted women being brought into Surf Life Saving as full patrolling members some 25 years ago. Ross supported this as President of Long Reef at the time and this support along with several other key President’s and organisational members has seen women in Surf Life Saving grow to be a major strength in the organisation we see today. Ross was always very keen on ensuring that club members were professionally trained and able to cope with any given situation they may be faced with on patrol. Certainly times have further progressed and the expectations placed upon patrolling members has become even greater along with greater beach attendances and new technologies which change the face of lifesaving. Ross in his day was a very skilled, qualified and educated man in all areas associated with lifesaving and is now just as proactive in ensuring he keeps abreast of new changes affecting the Life Saving movement. Ross became an Instructor on 18th December 1965 and from that date trained and educated many club and external club lifesavers. On 18th April, 1972 after 7 years of instruction Ross then became an examiner and member of the then Manly Warringah Board of Examiners. In those days the Bronze exam was completed in two parts, the first was called the OK and was conducted at the candidate’s club usually during the week. This involved Ross as one of only a few examiners who were able or prepared to travel to other clubs within the Northern Beaches to conduct ‘ok’ examinations. This role was usually left up to the several Beach Management Supervisors of which Ross was one. Around that time from what I am told nearly every member in Collaroy & Dee Why SLSC who sat for an ‘ok’ exam were examined by Ross or another Long Reef member Peter Clarke. Ross and Peter then backed up time and time again year in year out to do the main part of the Bronze Medallion examination at either a central venue or a particular individual club. This examination was usually on a Sunday mornings. Ross sees his most memorable moments in Surf Life Saving when he became a Life Member of Long Reef SLSC and when he was nominated for Life Membership of the Sydney Northern Beaches Branch. This award was also special as he was the first and still is the only Branch Life member from Long Reef. Ross’s Life Membership was presented at the SNB Branch Championships held at LONG REEF in 1993. Ross recalls standing out in 4 the middle of the beach at Longy with all the Club members, club supporters and other Clubs watching, a very emotional and memorable day for him in Surf. In the late 90’s the Sydney Northern Beaches were having great difficultly with one of its clubs, South Narrabeen SLSC who were having troubles keeping their club operating due to lack of membership and various administration issues. Membership numbers were well down after years of trouble. The Sydney Northern Beaches looked at the situation and saw no alternative but to place an administrator into the club to manage the clubs finances and also attempt to bring its membership back and re-instate lifesaving services otherwise the club may be forced to close. Ross’s experiences in lifesaving, strong leadership and personal qualities saw Ross selected for the un-enviable role of voluntary administrator for South Narrabeen SLSC. Ross was placed in this position for one season and with hours of hard work, with core existing South Narrabeen members, managed to turn the club sufficiently around for the clubs gates to remain open and for patrols to continue on weekends and public holidays. Thanks to Ross’s involvement membership figures increased and the club is still operating today. Whilst being a leader within the Long Reef club through the club’s membership committee Ross continues to be an inspiration on patrol. Whilst Ross may not be as fit as he was when he was 20 years younger Ross has continued to look after himself and remain as fit as possible. For a man in his 60’s Ross has continued to regularly patrol as an ‘Active Reserve’ patroller. Ross has a very strong belief that if he is not physically fit and unable to perform the same duties as any other member he should not remain on the beach in that capacity and as such continues to work hard to ensure he meets yearly proficiency and physical standards. So much so that as Club Captain I must say that Ross is still one of the clubs stronger patrollers. Ross constantly scans the water, watches members of the public, looks after first aid incidents and it is not uncommon that he will spend his entire 4 hour patrol standing on a flag in the hot sun blowing the whistle and keeping the public within the flags and safe from hidden rips. Already this year, July 2006 Ross has contacted me from the mountains asking about the coming season in relation to changes in resuscitation and ensuring the standards of the clubs two ‘old boys’ active reserve patrols where the average age is in their 60’s is maintained. Ross has suggested that these two patrols have their own special proficiencies this year separate to the rest of the club to ensure they are still up to standard and also making it more of a social learning and fresher professional development day. Ross has volunteered to assist in this training forum. Several years ago in 2002 Ross retired and moved up to the Blue Mountains. Do you think this stopped his involvement in Surf Life Saving? Not on your life! Ross has continued to patrol the beach advising patrol members and the community on the dangers of the beach from his years and years of experience. Whilst much of what Ross has done has been forgotten by many people like the coming of the tide Ross has made such an enormous contribution to Long Reef SLSC and the organisation as a whole, be it through the 1000’s of youth, kids and community members he has educated in surf awareness, first aid skills or water safety. The 1000’s of club members he has examined for various awards over the years or the 1000’s of competitors he has refereed at over 15 years as a State and Australian referee. Many people in Ross’s position are sometimes not liked by others through the tall poppy syndrome. This is certainly not the case in Ross’s position. Ross has been loved by all who have meet him or been fortunate enough to work with him over 44 years. Ross has not engaged himself in any of his lifesaving activities for personal glory but has simply enjoyed being able to help others and engaging in community activities as a volunteer. Ross is very supportive of others and as a leader encourages others to get involved and have a go. This 5 has lead to many others within the club becoming very successful leaders in their own right thanks to Ross’s guidance, support and tutoring. Photograph – Ross Matthews with fellow Life Members of ong Reef SLSC at the 56th Annual General Meeting, August, 2005. Ross could have gone on and on in Surf Life Saving as one of the organisations great leaders and role models but he also felt that it was important to let others younger than him take the reign and become leaders in their own development. Ross didn’t drop out of the organisation however preferred to offer support for those coming through the ranks acting as a mentor. It is without hesitation that I strongly recommend Ross Matthews for Life Membership of Surf Life Saving NSW. Should you have any further questions about Ross Matthews contributions to the Surf Life Saving, NSW spaning over 44 years please don’t hesitate to contact me. During the last 5 years since 2002 Ross has also been very heavily involved with the State Emergency Service. See attached reference. This makes his on-going involvement in SLS even more noteworthy and I believe deserved of recognition through being made a life member of SLSNSW. Yours sincerely Doug Lucas, Club Captain, Long Reef SLSC Bach (Pol Invt) Adv Dip Pol Invt, Dip Bus Mgmt, J.P (NSW) Captain_longreefslsc@hotmail.com 2004 NSW & Australian Surf Life Saver of the Year Friday 20th July, 2006. 6