May 2014

Teleconference via Skype
7:00pm EDT, 6:00pm CDT
Monday, May 19, 2014
1. Call to Order (President) – May 19th, 2014
a. Roll Call President
i. President- Audrey Stevens, Ross University
ii. VP- Josie Drayton, University of Minnesota
iii. Secretary- Joseph Masciana, St. George’s University
iv. Education Director – Amanda Isele, University of Tennessee
v. Communications Director – Emily Lobkovitch, Ross University
vi. Webmaster – Tara Hershberger, Ross University
vii. Advisor - Dr. Stamp DVM, MS, DACVECC - Absent
2. Officer Reports
a. Advisor – Dr. Stamp
b. President – Audrey
i. Elections
1. Continuing onto the interview process with our applicants.
2. Finalizing applications and positions at the June Meeting
ii. IVECCS 2014 – Indianapolis, Indiana
1. Get in your volunteer applications!
c. Vice President – Josie
i. Survey
1. We will send out results to the school chapters
2. We will also be editing the facebook group to make its
purpose more apparent. NSVECCS Board will also be
posting on it more.
d. Secretary – Joe
i. SVECCS to VECCS Proposal
1. Still in progress
ii. School Requirements Changing
1. NSVECCS Survey will now be strongly suggested instead
of mandatory.
2. If a school does not complete all of the requirements in 1
academic year, the chapter will go on probation for 1 year.
If the school completes all chapter requirements during the
probationary year then they immediately become an active
chapter for the rest of the year. If the chapter does not
complete the requirements in the probationary year then the
chapter will be marked as inactive and cannot receive any
of the benefits being associated with NSVECCS. During a
probationary year the school chapter will not be eligible for
grants or the IVECCS Stipend.
iii. Internship/Residency/Student Dinner
1. Stickers/ID Tags that separate the Interns and Residents so
that Students can ask them questions about their Internships
and Residencies
2. Looking at honorarium for Interns and Residents that
e. Educational Director – Amanda
i. Grant Application
1. Waiting on confirmation from VIN about continuation of
grant money
2. Application deadline extended to June 15th, 2014
3. Extension will be emailed out to the schools with the
Survey and the newsletter
f. Communications Director – Emily
i. Newsletter
1. Will be going out with the Survey results.
g. Webmaster – Tara
i. Website
1. Will update the Grant application Deadline to the June
2. Website is still under construction.
ii. Case Study Presentations
1. We will be looking into seeing if this will still be an option
for students to submit for 2014 IVECCS.
Motion to adjourn the meeting by President.
Motion seconded by Secretary.
Meeting adjourned at 8:15pm EDT.