Honors/PreAP Algebra 1 - Tuscaloosa County Schools

Student Name____________________________________Class Period_______Date____________
Pre-AP/Honors Algebra I Course Syllabus
School Phone:
Michelle Neighbors Sheffield
Email: msheffield@tcss.net
Website: hillcresthigh.tcss.net
Course Description:
Pre-AP Algebra I is the study of the structure of the real number system with specific attention to algebraic properties and
operations, problem solving, and higher-order thinking skills. Topics of study include variables, expressions, linear and nonlinear equations, inequalities, ratio, proportion, factoring polynomials, graphing on the number line and in the coordinate plane,
properties of slope, and operations involving exponents. This course fulfills the graduation requirement of one unit of Algebra.
Please Note: All course objectives meet Alabama Course of Study requirements, and Stanford 9 requirements.
Glencoe/McGraw-Hill Algebra 1 (2003) is the text for this course. Selection of supplemental materials will be at the discretion
of individual teachers.
Math Supplies:
A (2” – 3”) three-ring notebook filled with loose-leaf paper
Several pencils and pens
A scientific or graphing calculator
Class Rules:
1. Bring supplies to class everyday
2. Do not bring food, drink, candy, or gum into the classroom for any reason
3. Do not ask for a pass out of class for any reason. No passes to restroom, locker, phone, or office
4. Follow all instructions given to you by the teacher
5. You must be sitting in your assigned seat before the tardy bell rings
6. Have good manners and show everyone respect
7. All students must complete a grade sheet and keep up with their own grades
Attendance and Conduct:
 All Tuscaloosa County Board policies, individual school policies, and classroom rules will be followed.
 Students with unexcused absences will be given a zero for any work missed.
 Students with excused absences have 2 days to make arrangements to make up work. It is the student’s responsibility to
find out what he/she missed.
Testing Policy:
 Being absent one day before a test does not excuse you from taking that test along with the rest of the class.
 Calculators may not be shared.
 If you are only absent the day of a test, you will be expected to make up that test on the day you return to class.
 Work must be shown in order to receive credit.
 An unexcused absence or suspension on a quiz or test day will result in a zero on the test or quiz.
Grading Policy:
Students will receive grades on class work, homework, pop quizzes, written assignments, class participation, tests, and group
assignments. There will be at least three of these grades each week but more grades are likely. These grades will make up
80% of the final nine-week average each grading term.
A required nine-week exam (worth 20% of average) will be given at the end of the 9-week grading period. A final exam
is required at the end of the course (worth 20% of the final average). Any student not taking the exam will receive a
zero on the exam and he/she will not be given the additional 0.5 weighted GPA at the end of the semester.
Personal Electronic Devices:
Technology can be a valuable educational resource. Students are allowed to use electronic and technological devices at
SPECIFIED times and ONLY when authorized by the teacher for an instructional purpose. Devices such as smart phones,
laptops, and iPads are items that students can use at the designated time. If a student is using a device inappropriately (not
in accordance with classroom instruction or TCBOE policy), consequences will be enforced as stated in the Code of
Conduct Handbook.
Essential Functions:
To be successful in this class, students must be able to perform the following (at the 9 th grade level or higher).
 Read and comprehend the text and supplemental material
 Communicate in writing and orally using standard grammar, sentence structure, and paragraph structure
 Participate in class discussions and activities
 Take accurate and useful class notes including example problems
 Work effectively and productively in groups and teams
 Keep a notebook of all grades, notes, class work, homework, and graded papers
 Use and apply arithmetic skills presented in grades K-8 and/or previous math courses
Note to parents:
I am always available for tutoring and parent conferences. Please help me help your child by keeping the lines of
communication open. Email is the quickest way to get in touch with me (assuming our internet service is not down) but I am
more than willing to speak to you on the phone or in person whenever you need me. I am looking forward to a wonderful
Michelle Sheffield
Please sign and return:
Student’s signature:_____________________________________________________________ Date_________________
Parent’s signature:_______________________________________________________________ Date_________________
Parent’s email address:_________________________________________________________________________________
Health issues or any other comments or concerns:____________________________________________________________