Research Committee RIIF Seed Fund Overarching purposes of departmental/centre/DRU RIIF Funds 1. The School policy on RIIF Funds1 establish that departmental, centre and departmental research unit Research Infrastructure and Investment (RIIF) funds will be used: 1.1. To support the indirect costs of research associated with the administration of grants (including the employment of support staff where appropriate) 1.2. To develop new research projects and proposals (a seed fund), including buy-out for those developing large and complex grant applications 1.3. To provide match funding for grant applications where required 1.4. To support unbudgeted research-related expenditure (including but not limited to the development of research staff careers, such as the unfunded promotion of soft-funded staff, career-break costs, and bridging funds) 1.5. For any other research-related investments or costs Overarching purposes of the Research Committee RIIF Fund 2. The School policy establishes that the Research Committee RIIF Fund will be used: 2.1. For any of the purposes of the departmental RIIF fund, where departmental RIIF or other funding is otherwise not available (adjudged by the Research Division), including to develop large and complex research projects and proposals. 2.2. At the discretion of the Chair of the Research Committee, taking executive action, for any of the purposes of the Pro Director’s RIIF fund, where the Pro-Director’s RIIF fund is not otherwise available. 2.3. For any other research-related investments or costs. They also provide for the Research Committee to determine its own priorities and distribution process. 3. Research Committee has provided for three funding initiatives – a general fund and two specific schemes: 3.1. The Research Committee RIIF Open Fund 3.2. The Research Committee RIIF Seed Fund (this paper) 3.3. The Research Committee RIIF Bridging Fund 1 Available at 4. Research Committee had delegated to the Research Development Panel responsibility for distributing and managing its RIIF Fund. For each Fund, the Research Development Panel will give priority to the following (in order): 4.1. The quality of the research supported by the proposal, based on value for money (a judgement of the likelihood of the application leading either to high quality research outputs of the sort that might be expected to contribute to a REF submission or to peer-reviewed external funding, and the magnitude of those potential benefits); 4.2. The quality of the proposal; 4.3. Match funding for external research funding; 4.4. Applications supporting research of a novel or transformative nature which may be deemed too risky by traditional external funders; 4.5. Applications designed to support initiatives emanating from the annual reports of each of the major constituency groups on Academic Board (I-V) on major funding opportunities and/or intellectual developments; 4.6. Applications supporting the School’s strategic priorities. 5. In determining its awards, the Research Development Panel will refer to the track record of the individual or department in question with respect to the use of previous awards. 6. The RIIF fund will not be used to displace external funding, nor for applications covered by STICERD grants (Suntory and Toyota International Centres for Economics and Related Disciplines) or other funding sources available within the School. Any proposals which are deemed to support activity for which external funding (open calls) is available will be rejected. 7. The Research Development Panel will not make awards where the department or centres concerned might be expected to support the initiative, whether from their RIIF funds or other available funding, unless there are good grounds. Purposes of the RIIF Seed Funding 8. The principal purpose of the RIIF Seed Fund is to assist individuals and groups to secure large scale funding bids. 9. Pilot studies are eligible for support provided larger-scale funded follow-up research is likely. Seminars, conferences and workshops will only be funded (or part-funded) where a convincing case is made that they make an essential contribution to the proposal. 10. Bids may be submitted by LSE faculty working with faculty in LSE’s partner institutions2, but these bids will not be funded unless the partner institution also agrees to fund at the same level as the LSE Applying for RIIF Seed Funding 2 Columbia University, New York; Sciences Po, Paris; Peking University, Beijing; National University of Singapore; Cape Town University. 2 11. The RIIF Seed Fund operates on the basis of an open call for proposals with permanent members of faculty free to submit proposals in any field or interdisciplinary initiative. The RIIF fund is not available to staff who are not members of the permanent academic faculty.The Research Development Panel, supported by the Research Division (particularly the Research Development Managers and the Grant Application Managers) may initiate applications and will in all cases steward the awards to support external grant applications. 12. Applications should be made using the form below (Annex A). 13. The Seed Fund operates with an indicative upper ceiling per award of £30,000. Larger awards may be made only in deserving cases. There is no lower limit. 14. Funding will be provided to successful applicants through a specific research account set up by Research Division for which the applicant will be the designated grant holder. All payments for expenses will be submitted to Research Division as per the procedure for the administration of externally funded grants. 15. At the end of the award recipients must provide a brief report on the use of funds. This report must include details of external grant applications that have been submitted or are in preparation and estimated dates for decisions by those bodies. The report must be submitted within 2 months of completion of the award. 16. Understanding the impact of the Seed Fund scheme is important to the School, and the Research Division will work with grant-holders following the final report to ensure that details of external funding bids are recorded and made available to Research Committee and other School bodies as part of the ongoing work of assessing this scheme. 3 Annex A: RIIF Seed Fund application form Section A: Applicant information Name of lead applicant Academic title Name of lead department/centre/institute Details of co-applicants (if applicable) Name of Research Division staff member with whom proposal has been discussed Section B: RIIF Seed Fund project information Project title Amount applied for Project start and end dates Reason why department or centre RIIF or other funds cannot be used to support this application Section C: RIIF Seed Fund proposal details Please ensure that your response to this section does not cover more than one or two pages. Do not change the format of this form The principal purpose of the RIIF Seed Fund is to assist individuals and groups to secure large scale funding bids. Funding will be provided for seminars, conferences and workshops only exceptionally, where these are demonstrably necessary. 1. Please describe your proposed research project, including information on project design and research methods, objectives and the research context surrounding it. 2. Why do you require seed funding at this stage? 4 3. Have you applied elsewhere for financial support in relation to this proposal? If yes, please give brief details. 4. Are there any ethical implications arising from the proposed research? If you have answered yes, please contact in the first instance for further advice Section D: Project budget 1. Please provide an outline of your proposed budget. If you require any assistance with the preparation of a budget then please contact Daniel Fisher or your Grant Application Manager in the first instance. 2. Please provide a brief justification for your budget. Section E: Details of external grant applications supported by this project Please ensure that your response this section does not cover more than one or two pages. Do not change the format of this form. 1. Please describe the substantive project and its objectives, including information on project design and research methods, objectives and the research context surrounding it. 2. Please identify the sponsors and/or funding schemes that you intend to apply to following this grant. Please detail the amount of funding sought. 3. Please specify the relevant deadlines for the schemes identified in 2 above. 4. In what ways could the research identified in Section E (2) above be considered original and innovative? 5 5. Are there any ethical implications arising from the proposed research? If you have answered yes then please contact in the first instance for further advice. Section F: Statement of support 1. Please provide a brief statement of support from your Head of Department/ Centre/ Institute. If necessary, please attach any letters of support to this application form. 2. Please confirm that there will be adequate office space and resources to support this project if successful. 6