これはサンプルです. 投稿時にはこのヘッダーを削除してください. Electrochemical Corrosion Monitoring of Steel in RC Member Bonded with Conductive Strengthening Layers 論文 Phanuphan PIBOONSAK*1, Takashi YAMAMOTO*2, Atsushi HATTORI*3 and Toyoaki MIYAGAWA*4 導電性補強材を接着した鉄筋コンクリート中の鉄筋腐食モニタリング PIBOONSAK Phanuphan*1, 山本 貴士*2,服部 篤史*3,宮川 豊章*4 ABSTRACT: Half-cell potential (HCP) and polarization resistance (PR) measurement were applied to estimate the corrosion of steel in RC specimen bonded with conductive strengthening layer. Results obtained using 400 mm long specimen showed HCP readings were quite the same both in tendency and magnitude on every surface layer, but PR reading are in the same tendency but different in magnitude. 1200mm long RC specimens were employed in order to investigate the HCP readings distribution on different mix proportions. Results showed HCP readings on CFRP seemed to be uniform in all specimens at the age of 120 days. Keywords: Conductive strengthening layer, Steel corrosion, Half-cell potential, Polarization resistance 1. INTRODUCTION The corrosion of reinforced steel is a major factor in the deterioration of existing reinforced concrete (RC) structure. Therefore, steel corrosion monitoring technique is a necessary field that should be emphasized in order to know the condition of reinforced steel and also predict the life of structure. The half-cell potential (HCP) and polarization resistance (PR) are commonly used nowadays. At present, the use of fiber reinforced polymer (FRP) increases both in the construction work and in the repair and strengthening work. FRP sheet is commonly used to increase the ultimate strength and/or the ductility of concrete members. Then, in case of structural members wrapped or bonded with FRP sheet, the problem arises how we will know the reinforced steel corrosion’s condition inside concrete member under the FRP sheet. Therefore, FRP sheet with conductivity may solve the problem. This research aimed at studying the effect of conductive epoxy resin used for FRP sheet on the electrochemical monitoring, half-cell potential and polarization resistance, by measurement directly on the surface of the conductive strengthening materials. 2. EXPERIMENT OUTLINE In this research, the experiment can be divided into two parts. The first part is the measurement of HCP and PR on short concrete specimen, while the second part is done after the first part experimental result came out by investigating the HCP on long concrete specimen. 2.1 Short Specimens (1) Specimens The concrete specimens, measured 400 x 100 x 50 mm, were cast with placing 300 mm-long D10 steel at the center of the specimen, as shown in Fig.1. The experiment factors and concrete mix-proportions are shown in Table 1 and Table 2, respectively. The strengthening material was attached on the top surface of concrete specimen while the bottom surface was left as non-attaching (concrete) surface. In some specimens, the 60 x 60 x 2 mm size of plastic plate was embedded at the center on top surface in order to make the artificial gap. The artificial gap was introduced in order to investigate that the gap can be detectable by the corrosion monitoring or not. Hence, if the gap can be detectable, the value reading above the artificial gap may show some difference from those obtaining on the other. All specimens were kept in the plastic bag for 28 days for curing. Electrical lead wire Conductive layer Concrete SIDE Steel NaCl solution at top of steel TOP 50 300 25 25 400 50 CROSS SECTION Fig.1 Short specimen (unit in mm.) *1 *2 *3 *4 Dept. Dept. Dept. Dept. of Civil & Earth Resources Eng., Kyoto Univ., DC of Civil & Earth Resources Eng., Kyoto Univ., Research Associate of Civil & Earth Resources Eng., Kyoto Univ., Associate Professor of Civil & Earth Resources Eng., Kyoto Univ., Professor これはサンプルです. 投稿時にはこのヘッダーを削除してください. Table 3 Measurement methods Table 1 Experimental factors W/C 0.45, 0.65 Surface Type Con: No attaching CER: Coating with conductive epoxy resin CF: Conductive CFRP sheet AF: Conductive AFRP sheet ST: Steel plate STG: Steel plate with art. gap CFG:Conductive CFRP sheet with art. gap 2 holes in specimen no.1 and a hole in Hole specimen no.2 (see Fig.2) Table 2 Concrete mix proportions w/c W/C W C S G NaCl AE WRA Unit (kg/m3) Unit (cc/m3) 0.45 170 378 834 916 5 2520 944 0.65 170 262 901 967 5 1744 654 Specimen no.1 1) HCP 2) PR by AC Impedacne method, Guard-ON 3) PR by AC Impedacne method, Guard-OFF 4) PR by Rectangular pulse method Note: 3 points both Note:The themeasurement measurementwas wasdone doneatat 3 points bothtop top (conductvie layer ) and bottom (concrete surface ) (conductive layer) and bottom (concrete surface) Table 4 Concrete mix proportions W C S C oncre te Mixe s G NaC l AE W RA 3 3 Unit (kg/m ) Unit (cc/m ) - 188 314 897 889 - 1256 785 - 188 314 897 889 5 1256 785 Cl free concrete Cl mixed concrete 600mm 600mm TOP 100mm Measurement point Conductive Layer 50mm Cl- free concrete Cl- mixed concrete Steel SIDE FRONT Specimen no.2 Fig.3 Long specimen -100 0 100 mm O: 6mm-diameter drilled hole on conductive layer to concrete surface, X: No hole Fig.2 Drilled hole of short specimens in series CER, CF, AF, and ST (For STG and CFG the central hole was not drilled) (2) Application of conductive layers The specimens were prepared for strengthening by removing the weak surface by scrubbing with sand paper. Once the surface was cleaned, the strengthening layer was applied on the concrete. The epoxy resin, used in this research, is conductive by additional mixing with 8% of carbon black powder and its resistivity is 5x10-3 K Ω .cm. For CER specimens, 350 g/m2 of conductive epoxy resin was applied on the concrete surface. For conductive carbon fiber reinforced polymer (CFRP) sheet and conductive armid fiber reinforced polymer (AFRP) sheet, 150 g/m2 and 200 g/m2 of conductive epoxy resin were applied below and above the strengthening material, respectively. In case of steel plate, only 150g/m2 of conductive epoxy resin was applied below the plate. The electrical lead wire was connected to the conductive layer, because the conductive layer also was used as the counter electrode in PR measurement (by double rectangular pulse method). After 1 week of curing, the holes were drilled on conductive layer, as demonstrated in Fig.2, in order to provide the direct contact between reference electrode and concrete surface. (3) Exposure condition In order to accelerate corrosion, 3 kg/m3 of Cl- was mixed in the concrete at casting. Moreover, the wetdry cycling (3 days-wet / 4 days-dry) at 20˚C was applied, by submerging the specimens into 3% NaCl solution. The height of 3% NaCl solution was just at the top surface of reinforcing steel inside concrete specimen (3 cm from bottom of specimen), as shown in Fig.1. (4) Measurements Two electrochemical corrosion-monitoring methods, HCP by using silver silver-chloride saturated reference electrode ((Ag/AgCl)KCl sat.) and PR, were employed, as written in Table 3. The measurements were done three points as shown in Fig.2, represented by O and X. HCP was automatically obtained when PR was measured by AC impedance method. PR was measured by 2 methods, which are double rectangular pulse method and AC impedance method. In case of AC impedance method, the effect of guard counter electrode was taken into account in order to investigate its effect of restricting working area on PR reading on conductive layers. Then both turning guard on and turning guard off were used (hereafter, call guard-on and guard-off, respectively). The measurement at hole was done by putting the small wet cotton into the hole, and placing the reference これはサンプルです. 投稿時にはこのヘッダーを削除してください. 100 0.65 CF/CFG Con CF CF-hole CF-gap -100 -200 Rp (K cm 2) HCP vs SSCE (mV) 0 -300 -400 -500 -600 -700 HCP vs SSCE (mV) 10 0.65 20 30 40 50 60 ST/STG Time (weeks) 70 80 Con ST ST-hole ST-gap -100 -200 -300 -400 -500 -600 -700 0 0.65 STG 10 20 30 40 50 Time (weeks) 60 70 80 Fig.4 HCP reading electrode right at the hole’s position. PR by AC impedance method was obtained on the first day of dry period while PR by double rectangular pulse method was obtained on the second day of dry period. Three points measurement was done on both top and bottom surface. 2.2 Long Specimens (1) Specimens The same of three specimens with 1200 x 100 x 50 mm dimension placing with 1100 mm-long D10 steel at the center were cast, as shown in Fig.3. The factor that was considered here is chloride content in concrete mix-proportion. Then, two types of concrete, which were Cl- free concrete and 3 kg/m3 Cl- mixed concrete, were used. Table 4 shows concrete mix proportion used in this experiment. (2) Application of conductive layer Only conductive CFRP sheet was chosen for long specimen following 2.1 (3). (3) Exposure condition 5% NaCl solution was sprayed on the Cl- mixed concrete region from concrete surface for corrosion acceleration and making the potential different between Cl- free and Cl- mixed region. The exposure temperature was room temperature. (4) Measurement HCP reading was obtained by using silver silverchloride saturated reference electrode ((Ag/AgCl)KCl sat.). The measurement was done every 10 cm as shown in Fig.3. 3. RESULTS AND DISSCUSSIONS 3.1 Short Specimens (1) Visual Observation There were no cracks showed up on concrete surface of any specimens until the age of 78 weeks Con CF CF-hole CF-gap 0.65 CF/CFG 250 200 150 100 50 0 100 0 20 40 90 of 65 CFG OFF PR 0.65 ST/STGTime (weeks) 80 70 60 Rp (K cm 2) 100 0 0.65 CFG 0 500 450 400 350 300 60 80 Con ST ST-hole ST-gap 50 40 30 20 10 0 0 10 OFF PR of 65 STG 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 Time (weeks) Fig.5 PR reading by AC impedance method (Guard-on) (about 1.5 year). White crystal of NaCl came out at age of 1 year on concrete surface. The attached steel plate got severely corroded since age of 6 months while the others had the white substance, which might be the crystal of NaCl, on their layers at age of 1 year. (2) Moisture Content Moisture content was measured just before PR measurement was done by using moisture measure device, model HI 520, that was set for reading moisture of concrete material at depth 2.5 cm by autotemperature mode, by just placing it on concrete surface. Then the results were in a range 5-9 % for 0.45 w/c and larger than 12% for 0.65 w/c. (3) HCP The values obtained on conductive strengthening layers in every condition (hole, no-hole, art. gap) of all types were close to those obtained on concrete surface, as demonstrated in Fig.4. It may be said that the HCP measurement may be able to be successfully obtained through the conductive layers. Moreover, the condition that was done (hole, no-hole, artificial gap) had no effect to the HCP reading. Then, this lead to the possibility of the application of conductive epoxy resin into the real RC structure, and be able to measure HCP without window opening on the strengthening layer. From the results of HCP reading, the question arises what the obtained HCP represents. It represents the value of local HCP, or the value of HCP average over the whole specimen’s surface. Therefore, this reason leaded to the second experiment that investigate the effect of conductive layer on HCP reading on 2 region that have different potential in the same concrete specimen. これはサンプルです. 投稿時にはこのヘッダーを削除してください. 70 25 50 40 2 30 20 15 5 Rp (KΩ.cm 2) 30 40 50 60 ST/STGTime (weeks) 70 Con ST ST-hole ST-Gap 50 40 0 35 0 80 20 30 50 40 Time (weeks) 60 70 80 50 40 Time (weeks) 60 70 80 0.65 ST/STG Con ST ST-hole ST-gap Actual 25 30 20 10 30 2 763560 PR of 65 CFG 0.65 20 Corrosion loss (g/cm ) 10 0.65 CF/CFG 10 10 0 70 0 Con CF CF-hole CF-gap Actual 20 Corrosion loss (g/cm ) 0.65 CF/CFG 60 Rp (KΩ.cm 2) Con CF CF-hole CF-gap 15 20 10 10 5 0 0 0 10 7635 PR of 65 STG 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 10 0 30 20 Time (weeks) Fig.6 PR reading by double rectangular pulse method (4) PR by AC impedance method The results of PR reading by AC impedance method were quite similar both obtained by guard-on and guard-off. Therefore, the experimental results of guard-on are only demonstrated in this paper. The readings obtained on all types of conductive strengthening layers (CER, CF, and AF, but only the result of CF was shown here, because the results of CER and AF were similar to one of CF.) without hole had more fluctuation than one with hole in almost cases, as shown in Fig.5. The magnitudes were larger than one of concrete surface at the beginning, and then gradually decreased close to the one of concrete surface with time. But in case of steel plate, the reading on steel plate in all conditions were close to each other. Gap did not lead to obvious difference from one without gap. It shows that PR measurement by AC impedance on high conductivity material (steel plate) give closer reading than the lower conductive material (CER, CF and AF). And PR measurement by AC impedance method cannot detect the gap. (5) PR by double rectangular pulse method As shown in Fig.6, PR obtained on conductive strengthening layers with hole and without hole was steady and were in the same tendency with PR obtained on concrete surface. PR of one with hole was closer to one of concrete than one without hole. But PR obtained on the steel plate was in the same tendency and magnitude in all conditions. Here again, gap did not show obvious difference from the layer without hole. In this case, it obviously shows that the PR reading on conductive layer with hole (CER, CF and AF) is closer to one of concrete surface than one without Fig.7 Corrosion loss hole. Therefore, it may be said that hole has the effect to PR measurement by double rectangular pulse method. That is different from PR by AC impedance method that hole does not play a role on the measurement. At the present, the reason to explain the different between the PR readings from those two measurements is not clear, but one thing that obviously seen is the difference of counter electrode used in each measurement. Gap also cannot be detected by this method. The conductive layer can be used as the counter electrode for PR measurement by double rectangular pulse method. (6) Corrosion loss (Cd) As shown in Fig.7, corrosion loss was calculated from the PR reading by AC impedance method by equation (1) below. Cd (t ) where Cd (t) m z Icorr F K Rp A t m zF t I corr dt 0 m zF t K dt (1) pA R 0 Corrosion loss at time t (g/cm2) Atomic mass of iron (=55.8g) Valence electron of iron (=2) Corrosion current density (A/cm2) Faraday constant (96,500A.s) Constant (general value = 0.026V) Polarization resistance (Ω) Measured area of reinforcing steel (47.12 cm2) Time (s) From the equation, it is straightforward from the equation that Cd is related to Icorr and Icorr is inversely proportional to PR. Hence the calculated results of Cd would be also inversely proportional to the obtained PR. Therefore, the calculated Cd from PR obtained on これはサンプルです. 投稿時にはこのヘッダーを削除してください. HCP vs. SSCE (mV) 100 0 -100 -200 -300 -400 100 0 -100 -200 -300 -400 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 Position (cm) Fig.8 Experimental Results of 7days Con CF 200 100 200 0 HCP vs SSCE (mV) 0 HCP vs . SSCE (mV) Con CF 200 HCP vs SSCE (mV) Con CF 200 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 Con 90 100 110 120 CF 70 80 90 100 110 120 Position (cm) 100 0 -100 -200 -300 0 -400 0 -100 10 20 30 40 50 60 Position (cm) -200 -300 Fig.11 Experimental Results of 120days -400 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 Position (cm) Fig.9 Experimental Results of 30days Con CF HCP vs . SSCE (mV) 200 100 0 -100 -200 -300 -400 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 Position (cm) Fig.10 Experimental Results of 60days the layer is lower than one calculated from PR obtained on concrete surface, as shown in Fig.7. In case of PR value on the layers, the new coefficient (K) should be introduced in order to adjust the obtained PR value to be equal to PR value from concrete surface. Moreover, the overestimate of the calculated value of corrosion weight loss may be come from the effect of high Cl- content in the concrete sample on the corrosion measurement as mentioned in previous studies by many researchers1). 3.2 Long Specimens The HCP reading between two concrete mix proportions just did not show the difference at 7days, but it started to be in the step function from age of 30 days, as demonstrated in Fig.8 to Fig.11. At 7 days, HCP reading in Cl- free region and in Clmixed region were in the same range both obtained on concrete surface and conductive CFRP layer, as shown in Fig.8. At age 30 and 60 days, the reading on concrete surface were in the step shape, but the reading on conductive CFRP layer, some were gradually decreased from left to right, or some seemed to be in the horizontal line (Fig.9 and Fig.10). In case of 120 days, the position of 5%NaCl spraying for specimen no.2 and 3 was changed to spray from the side (45 mm of concrete cover) from age of 60 days for making the same moisture content of top surface and bottom surface. Therefore, the reading from concrete surface showed the obviously different severity between them that was more severe in specimen no.1 than specimen no.2 and specimen no.3, as demonstrated in Fig.11. Moreover, the reading on conductive CFRP layer seemed to be constant in all specimens. From the experimental results of HCP reading on short and long specimen, HCP reading on conductive layers attached on short specimen was quite equal to one obtained from concrete surface while the HCP reading on conductive CFRP layer attached on long specimen was uniform and its value was in the middle between the HCP reading of Cl- free concrete and Clmixed concrete (at age of 120 days). It may say that the HCP reading obtained on the conductive layer represent the average value of the HCP reading over the whole concrete specimen. 4. ANALYTICAL INVESTIGATION (FOR LONG SPECIMEN) 4.1 Analytical model The commercial program for first order triangle element in 2D FEA for steady DC conduction analysis, which bases on Laplace’s equation as shown in equation (2), was used in the analysis. これはサンプルです. 投稿時にはこのヘッダーを削除してください. 50mm -50mV CER Layer 200 600mm Cl- mixed concrete -130mV Con CER 100 Steel Fig.12 Analytical section and boundary condition HCP (mV) 600mm Cl- free concrete 0 -100 -200 -300 -400 0 Table 5 Boundary conditions. Outward flow of current is equal to zero on the surface, Jn = 0 Electric resistivity (ρ): Assume ρx = ρy ρConcrete 40 and 20 Ω.m for Cl- free and Cl- mixed concrete, respectively. ρCER 5x10-5 Ω.m ρSteel 9.71x10-8 Ω.m where U ρx ρy 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 Position (cm) Steel bar’s potential: The HCP reading on concrete surface at age of 60 days was used as the steel bar’s potential in the analysis that are -50 mV in Cl- free concrete and -130 mV in Cl- mixed concrete. 1 U 1 U 0 x x x y y y 10 (2) Potential (V) Electric resistivity in x-direction (Ω.m) Electric resistivity in y-direction (Ω.m) Analytical section and boundary condition are described in Fig.12 and Table 5. The value of HCP used in the analysis is from the Fig.10, the experimental results of specimen no.1 at 60 days. Only the resistivity of CER is an available one. Therefore, CER was chosen to use in the analysis, and also its behavior was much closer to conductive CFRP sheet than steel. The analysis was done to simulate the HCP distribution of the specimen at age of 60 days. Therefore, the potential boundary condition was described as in Table 5 as same as one of the experimental result in Fig.10. 4.2 Analytical Results Fig.13 shows the potential distribution of the analytically longitudinal section. The HCP reading on the concrete surface is in the steps function that is –50 mV in Cl- free concrete, and then changed to –130 mV in Cl- mixed concrete at the middle of the section. While the HCP reading on CER layer seems to be a straight line in between –50 mV and –130 mV. Therefore, it shows that the conductive layer has the effect on HCP reading by giving the average value of HCP reading of the whole steel, not the local value. By comparison the experimental results and the analytical results, the HCP reading obtained on conductive CFRP sheet at 60 days was quite uniform Fig.13 Analytical result of HCP but nobler than one of concrete surface that is different from the analytical result. 5. CONCLUSION (1) HCP From two experimental results and the analytical results, it can be concluded that HCP reading on the conductive strengthening layer represent the average value over the whole surface of concrete specimen. (2) PR PR reading by AC impedance method that obtained on conductive strengthening layer is bigger than one obtained on concrete surface both in case of the layer with hole and the layer without hole. While PR reading by double rectangular pulse method that obtained on conductive strengthening layer is also bigger than one obtained on concrete surface, but the layer with hole give the reading closer to one obtained on concrete surface than one of the layer without hole. The artificial gap does not show any obvious effect. Therefore, the application of conductive strengthening layer may be used in the real situation to measure the HCP to some extents. For example, In case of constant condition such as moisture and corrosion, For the preliminary classification of the corrosion state. In case of PR reading, more experiments need to be investigated in order to get more information. REFERENCES: 1) For example, Baweja, D., Roper, H., Sirivivatnanon, V.: Improved Electrochemical Determinations of Chloride-Induced Steel Corrosion in Concrete, ACI Materials Journal, pp 228-238, 2003 2) Piboonsak, P., Yamamoto, T., Hattori, A. and Miyagawa, T.: Electrochemical Corrosion Monitoring of Steel in Reinforced Concrete Member bonded with Conductive Layer, Proceeding of JSCE Conference, V096, pp 189-190, 2004 3) Piboonsak, P., Yamamoto, T., Hattori, A. Miyagawa, T.: Preliminary Test for Application of Half-Cell Potential on Long Concrete Specimen Attached with Conductive CFRP Layer, Proceeding of Kansai Division of JSCE Conference, V-32, 2005