LAGUNA BEACH HIGH SCHOOL Syllabus: Ceramics 1 & 2 2014-2015 Teacher: Somer Selway BFA, MS Ed. Phone: 949-497-7750 ex 1343 Room: 43 E-mail: Web URL: Ceramics/videos COURSE DESCRIPTION : Ceramics one is a yearlong introductory course to the ceramics arts that is designed for students with no clay experience and meets the UC admission requirments. The course is created to meet the National Core Art Standards, each unit incorporates the four components within these standards; creating, processing, presenting and responding to art, giving students a holistic process to art concepts - to construction - to art exhibition. Students explore three-dimensional design through practicing the five fundamental clay-building techniques, as well as many clay surface finishing effects. Both functional and non-functional forms in art history will be introduced. Instructional philosophy includes; group discussions, teacher lecture and demonstrations, student selfguided research/design and guided practice activities as well as class critiques and homework assignments. Students are expected to participate in class discussions appropriately using the elements and principals of art terminology. At the end of this yearlong course students will have completed the following course objectives meeting the NCAS: Effectively show quality in their work and understand how to successfully implement the elements and principles of art to the formal, technical and expressive means of being an art student. Expand and develop technical skills using advanced techniques in clay processes. Problem solve and independently analyze artworks. Develop a portfolio of work that shows original content. Apply artistic skills learned by emulating time management and social interactions of the visuals arts. SUGGESTED SUPPLIES NEEDED: All clay materials and supplies will be provided. In compliance with state law, students are not required to pay a materials fee. However a donation of $40.00 is suggest to the LBHS ceramics program to help offset the cost of ceramics materials that are intended to become students personal property. GRADES: A = 90-100% B = 80-89% C = 70-79% D = 60-69% F = 59% or less GRADE CALCULATION: Grades are determined by a grading rubric scale, which will be passed out to each student and visibly posted in the classroom. Points earned for assignments will be divided by the total possible points in that weighted grade category to determine a grade percentage. Students and parents are encouraged to log into Aeries to check grades and assignments. Assignments on Aeries are divided into three categories: 1. Projects: clay assignments = 50% 2. Daily Performance: attendance, in class contribution, classroom maintenance = 40% 3. Assessments: quizzes, midterm/final exam, sketches, vocabulary = 10% PROJECTS: Several ceramic clay projects will be assigned each semester and account for 50% of a student’s grade. Projects need to be bisque fired and glazed fired for a grade. No unfired work will be graded. **All projects will have specific size specifications, no projects over 10 inches in any one direction (height, width, depth) will be fired without prior instructor approval.** *The instructor reserves the right to dismantle or remove ANY project that is deemed inappropriate* DAILY PERFORMANCE: Performance points are based on the student’s daily activities performed in class. Sufficient performance in ceramics class is defined as: The student arrives to class ON TIME and is in their assigned seat before the tardy bell rings. The student while in class is ON TASK, and spends class time wisely WORKING on clay assignments. The student participates in classroom maintenance activities. The student has appropriate conduct that is conducive for a positive classroom environment. Due to ceramics class being primarily a daily working lab, in which minimal homework is assigned, it’s very easy to fall behind due to excessive absences. All EXCUSED missed work and missed performance points due to excused absences, can be made up at tutorial, or by appointment. If students know ahead of time that they are going to be absent for a prolonged period of time then it LAGUNA BEACH HIGH SCHOOL is recommended that you go on independent study. If students would like extra participation points, then it’s suggested to complete extra credit assignments when applicable. Students earn daily performance points by meting the daily work objectives and: 1. Student is always on task 2. Spends entire class time working on ceramics assignments and gives their best effort 3. Exhibits the characteristics of PRIDE 4. Student always cleans up the mess they made that day 5.They always achieve their two clean up duties to a satisfactory level. 6. Student always follows class rules and is respectful. 7.Student always has a positive attitude and appropriate conduct that contributes to a positive learning environment for others in the class, they try to problem solve independently first and foremost. ASSESSMENTS: There are various quizzes throughout the year on concepts covered in class. There is a midterm and final examination photo portfolio gallery on Haiku. STUDENTS ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR KEEPING A DIGITAL PHOT ALL PROJECTS THEY MAKE. These exams accounts for 10% of a student’s grade. NO LATE WORK WILL BE ACCEPTED. However students who turn in CERAMIC assignments ON TIME can remake and resubmit assignments for a better grade up until the semester grading cut off period. CLASSROOM RULES & EXPECTATIONS: **ALL LBHS SCHOOL RULES WILL BE ADHERED TO, please note student handbook for details of these rules.** The Laguna Beach High School discipline policies will be strictly adhered to. Students have the right to an unhampered learning environment. In order to have a learning environment that is conducive, creative and positive for all students, pupils are expect to: BE PREPARED: to work and learn by the last tardy bell. BE PRODUCTIVE: participate in classroom maintenance, assignments and activities. BE RESPECTFUL: to each other, the teacher, the tools and materials, use tools and materials appropriately. BE A PROBLEM SOLVER: Produce projects that are appropriate to a healthy artistic classroom. Positive Consequences 1.Keep all classroom privileges 2.Receive high-quality grade 3.Work on optional projects 4.Extra credit points, and various rewards Negative Consequences 1.Verbal warning, behavior contract 2.Loss of participation points, clean up duty 3.Loss of classroom privileges, lunch detention, contact home 4.Office referral Tardy Policy: TARDIES: The school wide tardy rules will be strictly followed. A student’s responsibility while at school is to be on time and be prepared to learn. Students must be in their seat prepared to learn and work BY THE LAST tardy bell, or they will be considered tardy. Every tardy will result in the student losing their daily performance point. CELL PHONES: and other electronic devices are NOT permitted during class time. If a student is seen using a electronic device during class time they will lose their daily performance point. If a student is seen more than 2 times with an electronic device, then it will be confiscated. If the student needs to make an important phone call, then please ask the instructor for permission to step out of class. Student class work competition wavier: The instructor reserves the right to submit any or all student class work to; shows, competitions, promotional material, promotional web sites and/or any other public forum. CERAMIC VIDEO: Throughout the year, various video demonstrations will be recorded and uploaded to the ceramics web page:, your student could be in a video. If you do not want your student to be in any videos please indicate in the space provided. *If you have any questions or comments about this course, please feel free to contact me at the number listed above or via e-mail. Parents and Guardians, I hope to provide a creative educational experience for your student. Sincerely, Ms. Selway LAGUNA BEACH HIGH SCHOOL ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I have read the ceramic syllabus carefully and agree to follow the rules and terms therein STUDENT: Student Name CLEARLY PRINT___________________________________Student Signature _______________________________ By signing the syllabus I agree to the classroom expectations and understand the consequences, I understand that I am not permitted to use a cellular device during class time. PARENT: I have read the course syllabus and understand the course outline and expectations of my child Parent/Guardian Name ______________________________Parent / Guardians Signature___________________________________ Contact phone numbers ______________________________________e-mail contact _____________________________________ ______ YES my student can be in ceramics demonstrations videos ______NO I do not want my student to be in any ceramic demonstration videos