
East Fremantle Community Garden (EFCG)
Interim Committee Meeting
14 February 2010
10am, 23a Irwin St
Interim Chair: Del Weston
Scribe: Rebecca James
Attendance: Del Weston, Rebecca James, Sheelagh Loss, Sophie Moller, Nancy Tucker
Invited Guests: Richard Crane (South Metropolitan Public Health Unit), Maria Rico (East
Fremantle Councillor-Woodside Ward), Dean Nardi (East Fremantle CouncillorWoodside Ward).
Apologies: Joanne Gamage, Eleanor Sgherza
Draft Scoping Document and Draft Management Plan circulated prior to meeting.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------SCOPING DOCUMENT
Stage 1
a/ Interim Committee has been established.
b/ Draft Management Plan prepared
c/ Draft Scoping Document prepared
d/ Requirements (list and cost estimates) – not commenced
Action: Del to seek advice from Maggie Lillith on Hilton Harvest model for
e/ Publicizing in wider community.
It was determined a letterbox drop to all East Fremantle residents is required to announce
the upcoming Public Meeting. Flyer to be black printing on yellow paper. Letterdrop to
occur one week before Public Meeting ie. 13/14 March. Fremantle Herald newspaper
also to be contacted. Letterdrop volunteers so far – Sheelagh, Nancy, Rebecca, Sophie,
Action: Joanne to provide flyer wording to Sheelagh.
Action: Sheelagh to finalise design/layout and send through to committee.
Action: Dean/Maria to produce enough flyers for all residents (approx 4000) and
provide to Nancy.
Action: Nancy to bundle up flyers into volunteer loads and allocate letterbox drop
areas (liaise with Maria over sourcing good map). Advise the time volunteers can
collect their bundles.
Action: Sophie to contact Fremantle Herald and get Public Meeting listed in Public
Notices (Herald contact Jenny D’Anger).
f/ Public Community Meeting
Meeting is to be held 10am March 21st 2010. Location is yet to be confirmed. Preferred
option is Sumpton Green and Del has enquired about using the venue. Other possibilities
are bowling club, Tennis Club or Lee Park (no toilets). It was thought that the format of
the meeting should be geared towards getting general feeling of what people want out of
a community garden, open up for ideas, gauge community support and engage more
volunteers. Decided to use ‘Visioning’ questionnaire and also contact details sheet that
also lists skills/interests. Suggestions for name and logo. Also ideas for future events.
Need to set date for next meeting. Sophie agreed to facilitate the Public Meeting and
Rebecca offered to assist. Richard Crane offered to work with Sophie to create a
‘running list’ for the day. Information from the meeting will be used by the committee to
finalise the objectives and Management Plan. After formal part of meeting, invite people
for possibly a sausage sizzle or to watch community garden relevant DVDs…
Action: Del to pass to Sheelagh the details of who to contact regarding use of
Sumpton Green. Sheelagh to follow up on venue in Del’s absence.
Action: Sophie to contact Richard ( 0406 996 045) to discuss ‘Running Sheet’.
Liaise with Rebecca over where she and others can assist.
Action: Print off Visioning Questionaire and Contact/Skills sheet – (Rebecca to see if
Dean is able to do this in addition to flyers).
Stage 2.
Interim Committee to meet Sun 25th April. Meeting to be scheduled to meet with ToEF
CEO one week later or as soon as all required documentation is ready. Sheelagh, Sophie
and Rebecca to attend (Del if back).
Stage 3
Incorporation process and applying for charitable status to commence in May.
It was determined that the committee would use the outcomes of the Public Community
Meeting to input into the Management Plan and finalise the document.
Maria advised that Town of East Fremantle’s probable concerns would revolve around
the issues of traffic, noise, odour, vandalism, liability, open space/available land and
zoning. These issues would need to be addressed in the management plan. It would be
good also to demonstrate the creation of a community hub in an underutilized space and
the social and environmental benefits for the community.
a/ Evaluation Plan – seen as important that an Evaluation Plan is developed early on for
the project. Richard advised he would assist the group by drafting up the original plan.
This needs to be added to the scoping document.
Action: Rebecca to send Richard draft Scoping Document and Management Plan.
b/ Council Funding – Maria provided the following information on how much other
councils have provided for community gardens in Perth (for noting):
Cambridge - $17,000
Vic Park - $9,000
Stirling - $20,000
Subiaco - $50,000
Swan – unknown
c/ Fundraising – Agreed that memberships would need to wait until we become
incorporated. Rebecca raised the possibility of using “Living Fundraisers” as a means of
raising some initial cash. This is where herb and veggie kits are sold and the group keeps
40% of the profits. Group unsure if this was too early or not but keen to find out more.
Richard stated that if the Public Meeting was set up to be correctly evaluated then his
organization may be able to contribute eg. Purchase one of the carry bags of growing
packs for a door prize for example. Rebecca has requested an information pack to be sent
Action: Rebecca to give details to committee of Living Fundraisers once information
pack has arrived and also liaise with Richard over possible contribution.
d/ Contact list – needs to be developed and circulated.
Action: Rebecca to put together interim committee contact details and circulate.
Also develop interested parties database.