Minutes - Kingsteignton Parish Council

Mayor: Councillor J Foxwell
Deputy Mayor: Councillor C Meathrel
Councillors: B Austen, L Foxwell, R Harris, K Jones, A Lonsdale, J Morris,
R Peart, D Rollason, B Thorne, G Wickham
County Councillor T Dempster
District Councillor M Walters
PCSO Vanessa Pike
P C Graham Root
Town Clerk: Mrs C Lakin
Police Report
PCSO Pike introduced PC Graham Root to the Town Council who is
temporarily taking over as Neighbourhood Beat Officer from PC Lou Barlow
and working alongside PCSO Pike.
PCSO Pike said that January was a quiet month. She spoke to the council
about the Devon Youth Review and what a devastating impact this could
Cllr Meathrel asked if figures for shoplifting were taken into account with
monthly figures and if an increase had been seen in the number of offences
within the shopping precincts of the town. PCSO Pike said that there are the
odd incidents but nothing big.
DCC re: Devon Waste Plan Consultation – Andy Hill
Due to the adverse weather conditions Andy Hill, DCC was unable to attend
the meeting, but he emailed the following notes and said he would be happy
to answer any questions councillors may have either by email or phone:
Devon Waste Plan – Implications for Kingsteignton
The Consultation
Devon County Council is currently undertaking the final consultation on the
Devon Waste Plan before its submission to the Government for examination
by an independent inspector. Any responses should be forwarded to the
County Council by the end of Monday 24 th February 2014, preferably using
the response form available at www.devon.gov.uk/dwp2013 or through our
online facility at www.devoncc-consult.limehouse.co.uk/portal/.
Heathfield Landfill Site
The previous Waste Plan consultation in 2012 sought views on the suitability
of Heathfield Landfill Site for further landfill capacity. However, Viridor
anticipate completion of landfill operations by the expiry of the planning
permission in 2018, and the site is therefore not identified in the current
consultation report for any further landfill capacity.
Household waste from South Devon (including much of Teignbridge) will be
diverted from landfill later this year when the new incinerator at Plymouth
becomes operational. However, there remains a need for a facility to treat the
area’s business waste that cannot be recycled and which is currently
landfilled. A site at Heathfield for a potential energy recovery facility is
therefore included in the Waste Plan (one of five within Devon).
The term ‘energy recovery’ includes a range of different technologies that
treat waste and produce energy in the form of electricity and/or heat as a byproduct. These technologies include thermal methods such as incineration
and gasification, and the biological process of anaerobic digestion (which is
an alternative to in-vessel composting).
No decision has been made on which technology would be used if a facility
were to be developed at Heathfield. The Waste Plan places a cap on the
scale of facility at 80,000 tonnes per year, but this may be lowered at the
planning application stage if constraints on the site prevent that scale being
While development of an energy recovery facility at Heathfield would continue
to generate traffic to and from the site, this would be at a lower level than at
present as a large proportion of the waste currently tipped at the site will be
diverted to Plymouth.
Waste Consultation Zones
The Waste Plan is proposing the definition of Waste Consultation Zones
around operational waste sites, including Heathfield. These are solely to
ensure that the district council, in considering housing and other planning
applications, take account of the relationship of the development with the
waste site and consult the County Council. These zones do not imply that
further waste development will necessarily be permitted.
County Councillor T Dempster’s Report
Councillor Dempster said that the planning application for Bickley Ball had
been granted. DCC had suspended cleaning of gulley’s and the programme
for the Lenghtsman due to workmen carrying out cleaning up after the storms.
He said that a new site had been found for the Technical College and
informed councillors of a road closure on the A380 overnight on 22/23
February, 2013 to replace overhead optical cables.
Cllr Dempster said that the Town Council would be eligible for a discounted
price of 36.5% off the price of the CRC if they wished to make a bid on this
land and property. He said that the Town Council were never going to be
given the CRC free, but could put in a realistic tender which would have to
match any received from opposition.
Cllr Dempster said that a cabinet
meeting at DCC had been held about the CRC but they had not yet received
a report, but he believes that affordable homes are not on the books but the
provision of sheltered housing and the cost of the land would be approx. £1m.
Cllr Dempster spoke about the tree planting at Oakford Lawn and said he had
a colleague who has a wood and has said that the town council could take as
many saplings etc. that they needed to be planted on Oakford Lawn free of
charge. Cllr Peart said the council welcomed this comment and that Cllr
Rollason and himself were looking into funding for trees and that this matter
would be discussed at the Recreation Committee.
Cllr Wickham asked Cllr Dempster if he had any further news on the speed
limit being reduced to 30 mph at Lower Sandygate. Cllr Wickham said that
now the new roundabout was in position and speed signs have been removed
it would be a good time for the speed on this stretch of road to be
District Councillor Reports
Councillor Mike Walters
Teignbridge has led the field in Devon for recycling and for providing a cost
effective waste collection service. Teignbridge present recycling rate is 56%
and has remained in the top 20 Councils nationally for recycling performance
over the last 8 years.
TDC has consistently provided the cheapest waste collection service in
Devon over that time.
New legislation is expected in the not too distant future which will mean we
cannot continue to collect cardboard with our garden waste. Consideration will
be necessary to decide how we can collect cardboard as a dry recyclable to
maintain or improve our current recycling performance and service levels.
The Council’s current fleet of vehicles for the cleansing and waste collection
service is due for replacement. In considering which vehicles to procure
decisions need to be made about what the recycling system to be taken
forward will be.
Two main solutions are currently being considered against the following
Roll out costs
Pressure on Council Tax
Cost sustainability - the cost over the term of the vehicle
contract and into the future
Degree of alignment to a Devon wide scheme
Recycling performance
Longer term opportunities for additional savings
Environmental sustainability
Option A provides a fortnightly recycling service that includes cardboard and
mixed plastics alongside items currently collected. Food and garden waste is
collected fortnightly co-mingled. Residual waste continues to be collected
Option B provides a weekly collection of food waste and weekly recycling
that includes cardboard and mixed plastics alongside items currently
collected. Garden waste is collected fortnightly through a paid subscription
service. Residual waste continues to be collected fortnightly.
Both options are affordable
Both options offer an improved service with increased recycling rates.
Option B offers the additional benefits of weekly food waste and
recycling collections.
Option B is a bigger change but offers the most benefit in terms of long
term costs and enhanced recycling and alignment to a Devon wide
In December 2013 it was agreed by TDC Executive that the principle to
create a shared ICT service with Exeter City Council, TDC and East Devon
was to be investigated. To that end a conference was held in Exeter on 23rd
January involving Officers and the Leaders and P/H of the three authorities to
consider an implementation plan, its purpose timings and work streams. The
Plan C Company considered what it would look like and what was in it for
each person involved. A consideration was given to the naming of the
company where ideas were put together and the decision has yet to be made
from the numerous suggestions made. The outcome of the meeting
demonstrated a willingness of the three authorities to provide the service and
that the process should begin to put an action plan together with a view to
completing the plan by the end of July this year, subject to approval by the
The call-in on the Executive’s decision to sell the Shaldon Ferry Boat House
to the highest bidder was debated in the O&S Committee under the
community right to bid scheme and was referred back to the executive to
reconsider the situation. The Executive further considered the points raised
including the community interest factor, but stuck to the original decision to
sell to the highest bidder. A great deal of the debate centred on community
usage and the effect of allowing a large discount in favour of the Regatta
Association to set a precedent for all other sales of assets in Teignbridge. A
further call-in has been considered to be out of the equation as a meeting
between the Regatta Committee, Shaldon PC and the bidder resolved many
of the community use issues. All parties have agreed to accept the situation
as it stands.
The UTC projected move to the old Blacklers site required a contamination
report /treatment which was reduced to £100k from a projected £1m. A
planning application will have to be made in advance of the DfE report, to give
some leeway and allow for 10 weeks take-up of the process. The space of
approximately 500 sq metres is critical but not impossible as building up to 3
or 4 stories may be necessary. Delivery of the project is for 2015.
The future of CCTV in Newton Abbot is in the process of being confirmed as
demonstrated by a meeting of David Austin, Jeremy Newcombe has proved.
It is proposed that five trustees are found and that will include David, Jeremy,
NA Town Council and two others. The current “home” of the CCTV will be
leased and the equipment handed over to the new organisation. Future
operators will need to have CRV vetting as a safeguard.
The Local Plan is reaching the final stages for approval. The good news is
that 600 homes were delivered over the last year, which means TDC is ahead
of the rest of Devon apart from Cranbrook, Exeter. Energy efficiency is also to
be factored in through a monitoring of a strong carbon reduction strategy.
Building regulations will have to deal with this and consider reducing costs for
developers to maintain viability. We must also be aware of the problem of not
adopting the plan as this could set us back to start the whole process all over
again. This would give carte-blanche to all aspects of applications for
developments which we do not want at this moment in time.
The inaugural meeting of the new Governing Body (GB) for the United
Schools Federation of St Michael’s Kingsteignton, St Catherine’s Heathfield,
St Mary’s Brixton and Marldon Primary Schools took place on 23rd January.
The meeting commenced with the selection of a Chair and Vice-Chair and
was followed by the discussion of budgets, Headteachers’ reports, future
policies and allocation of responsibilities for members of the GB to specific
schools. I was given that task with Fr Mark Smith for St Michael’s School. In
that vein, I was asked about the development of the flats in 10 Newton Road
and I explained that they would not be occupied by a specific social group but
as general purpose housing as designated by the Nomination Agreement
held by TDC.
There was also a question about the future development of a new primary
school in Kingsteignton to provide for the new housing developments in the
town. Funding through the S106 Agreement is in place, but as yet, the
particular site has yet to be agreed and this will be subject to the confirmation
of the Local Plan. The new school would initially accommodate 210 pupils but
could allow for an extension to 420, should the need arise.
Street naming for the new B3193 as initiated by Sibelco is the responsibility of
the Address and Gazetteer Officer in TDC, who would consult with the Town
Council on the suggested name(s) when presented.
Councillor Beryl Austen
Teignbridge is proposing to keep Council Tax at the same level as last year.
£150.17 for a Band D residence. An increase is proposed in car parking
charges of nearly 5% and leisure centre income of nearly 13%. Provision of a
1% pay increase for staff or £250 increased pay allowance to continue for
lower paid staff if that is higher for them. Rural aid will be maintained at
£55,000. These figures are subject to approval by the Full Council.
Teignbridge has issued warning to storm watchers to stay away from the sea
edge as the severe weather continues this week. Advice has been given to
call Emergency Services on 999 and never attempt rescue oneself.
Trains are now cancelled between Newton Abbot and Taunton until the rails
are cleared of debris and repairs undertaken for the next few days.
All Appeals made to the Inspector for reversal of planning decisions were
dismissed in the past month and as some of those were recommended for
approval by officers and Planning Committee members refused to grant
permission, it was particularly satisfying to feel that sometimes we are
listened to.
Councillor A Lonsdale
Residents are being asked what they think of the budget proposals for 20142015. The survey has been sent to 700 or so members of the Residents’
Panel. I circulated this to KOTA members.
Household rubbish buried decades ago in landfill sites could be a fuel of the
future, according to energy Minister Michael Fallon. He said landfill mining
could be commonplace in the United Kingdom within 15 to 20 years. The UK
produces about 280 million tonnes of waste a year – nearly half of which is
buried in landfill sites.
An article in the Municipal Journal entitled “District View” by Nicola Bulbeck
mentions how a sound Community Resilience Programme (CRP) founded on
strong community links, solid relationships with county council and
Environment Agency partners and a proactive workforce help us to protect
our customers and environment from the worst of the weather. A clear,
focused and well communicated emergency plan, supported by seamless and
savvy cross team working involving environmental health, coastal and
drainage services and property engineers, helps deliver the CRP’s key goals
of anticipation, preparation, response and prevention. Ms Bulbeck also
mentions Waste Collection, cleansing and coastal and drainage teams who
braved the elements 24/7, during the Christmas holidays to fill more than
10.000 bags with 100 tonnes of sand, hand out or distribute them to
communities, clear up the worst affected areas and offer targeted advice.
2014 AT 7.35 PM
19/14 Apologies
Apologies were received from Cllr Moss who was unwell.
20/14 Declaration of Interest
There were no declarations of interest
21/14 Mayor’s Report
It has been very quiet this month. I have visited the Library and looked at the
siting of a cycle rack.
22/14 Minutes
The Mayor presented the minutes of the Full Council meeting held on 8
January, 2014.
The following amendments to the minutes were requested:
County Councillor Tony Dempster’s report - Speeding issues at
Lower Sandygate – awaiting a reply from Haycock should read HATOC
13/14 Garage Door - It was also agreed that if Mr Guppy does not
replace the garage door that he does not tender for any other work for
Kingsteignton Town Council, should be added to the end of this minute
17/14 Correspondence – For information, second paragraph should
read: “Cllr Rollason said that TGS Renewable will offer £1000 per
year ……” and not “Codex”
Following amendment of these alterations the minutes were adopted.
23/14 Clerk’s Report
The Clerk reported that the ceiling/roof in the Mary Hall Suite was still leaking
and that there had been no damage to trees in Oakford Lawn or Clifford Park
during the adverse weather.
24/14 Committee Reports
Community Hall/The Fountain Committee:
Cllr Morris presented the
minutes of the meeting held on 15 January, 2014. Cllr Morris proposed that
the minutes be adopted, seconded by Cllr Austen and agreed.
Recreation/Footpaths Committee: Cllr Jones presented the minutes of the
meeting held on 15 January, 2014. Cllr Jones proposed that the minutes be
adopted, seconded by Cllr Morris and agreed.
Finance Committee: Cllr Harris presented the minutes of the meeting held
on 22 January, 2014. Cllr Harris proposed that the minutes be adopted,
seconded by Cllr Meathrel and agreed.
Works, Services and Planning Committee: Cllr Peart presented the
minutes of the meetings held on 8 & 22 January, 2014. Cllr Peart proposed
that the minutes be adopted
25/14 Representatives Reports
Ball Clay Heritage - Cllr Harris reported that a committee meeting was held
on 16 January, 2014 which was the first since 28 February, 2013.
In addition to the usual agenda items, there was a presentation by two ladies
wishing to undertake an arts project using the archive and artefact collection
of the society. They aim to devise a temporary “pop up” museum that will
engage schools, colleges and the wider community, using lottery funding.
The committee agreed to be involved and has formed a sub-committee.
Seeing benefits for Kingsteignton, which owes much of its existence to the old
clay industry, I have volunteered to join the sub-committee and will report
back on any progress.
Stover Canal Society - Cllr Harris said that an Extraordinary General
Meeting of the society was held on Saturday 18 January, where members
voted to disband the society and merge its activities with the Stover Canal
Trust. This should achieve economies in running just one organisation. The
aims and objectives of the organisation remain the same i.e. to publicise the
history and preserve the line of the canal, and to restore it as an amenity for
the local community and general public. Work is continuing behind the
scenes to secure nominations from members to serve on the new
Management Committee which will deal with the “work” of the Trust. More will
become clear after the AGM on 8 March.
Following the demise of the Society, this will be my last representative report.
Further updates will be provided by Cllr Wickham as the councils’ Trust
Market Your Town – Report from Cllr L Foxwell attached
Accommodation Strategy - Report from Cllr L Foxwell attached
Teignbridge Archaeological Society – Cllr Meathrel said the last meeting
was very successful with a small attendance and that the next meeting is to
be held on 17 February, 2014.
26/14 Community Resource Centre
Charlotte Reynolds, DCC has written informing the Town Council that
following their bid for Kingsteignton Community Resource Centre as an
“Asset to the Community Value” has been made and approved. The
evaluation awarded the bid a score of 36.5% and on the basis that there is
another formal expression of interest in the site, DCC will proceed to an open
market disposal via competitive tender. Tender bids will be evaluated on full
market value, without any discount applied. Should the Town Council bid be
successful, a discount of 36.5% would be applied. Ms Reynolds said that
once NPS have prepared the particulars of sale a copy of the tender pack will
be forwarded to the Town Council.
Discussion took place and the following points were raised:
The Town Council should consult with residents on whether they would
like the council to put in a bid for the CRC
That the Town Council need to fully understand the procedure for
placing a bid for the land and building
That the site should be valued to give the Town Council an insight into
what sort of figure is expected for the land and building
That if the Town Council should be fortunate to acquire the land, that if
this did not work the land would revert to DCC
It was agreed that the Clerk would contact DCC to ask for information on how
the Tender system works and that the council would discuss the way forward
with the CRC at the Extra-Ordinary Full Council meeting to be held on
Wednesday 26 February, 2014. This meeting is also being held to revise the
Town Council Standing Orders.
27/14 Kingsteignton Youth Council
Cllr J Foxwell said that he is to meet the young people of Teign School who
have been elected to sit on Kingsteignton Youth Council and suggested that
the members should attend the next Town Council meeting.
28/14 KCPIG/KCPIG Town Centre Steering Group – Update
A copy of the last minutes, dated 14 January, 2014 is attached for
29/14 Elector Fund
Neil Aggett, TDC has informed the town council that CAB were not successful
in their bid for funds from the Elector Fund and, therefore, Kingsteignton
Town Council still had funds available in their allocation. Discussion took
place and it was agreed that the Clerk would contact CAB and KingsCare to
ask if they would like to put in new bids for funds from the Elector Funds for
discussion at the Full Council meeting to be held on Wednesday 5 March,
2014. Applications for funds from the Elector Fund have to be received by
TDC no later than 31 March, 2014.
30/14 Pancake Race, Tesco Store, Kingsteignton
The Clerk received a telephone call from Janette Parker, Tesco Store,
Kingsteignton asking if the council would support a Pancake Race to be held
in one of the car parks at the Kingsteignton store. The event is to be held on
Tuesday 4 March, 2014 at 10.30 am. The Clerk said that the office were
entering a team and asked if councillors would support the event and would
also consider putting together a team. Cllrs Peart, Rollason, Thorne and
Lonsdale said that they would enter the event as a team.
31/14 Emergency Plan Committee
Cllr Meathrel said that he would like to ask approval from the council for Cllr
Rollason to become a member of the Emergency Plan Committee, which is
usually made up of the Chairman of all Committees, the Mayor and Deputy
Mayor. Discussion took place and Cllr Foxwell proposed that Cllr Rollason
join the Emergency Plan Committee but that the structure of this committee
should be look at. Seconded by Cllr Morris and agreed.
32/14 Teignbridge Green Infrastructure Strategy
The committee were informed that TDC were consulting on the refreshed
draft version of the Teignbridge Green Infrastructure Strategy covering the
coast, rural areas and the “Heart” of Teignbridge for a six week period closing
on 7 March, 2014 at 4.30 p.m. Discussion took place and it was agreed that
councillors would make their own comments.
33/14 Newton Abbot Neighbourhood Plan
This item had been referred from the January Full Council meeting.
Discussion took place and it was agreed that the Clerk would obtain the
boundaries of the Newton Abbot Neighbourhood Plan before discussion took
34/14 Representative for Teign School
Cllr J Foxwell said that he had discussed this matter with the Headteacher of
Teign School who is to come back to him concerning this. Cllr J Foxwell said
that Cllrs Morris and Thorne are listed as Governors on the Teign School
Discussion took place and it was agreed that a letter should be sent by the
Town Council to Teign School and St Michaels Primary School asking if the
Town Council could have a formal representative on their Governors Board.
35/14 Correspondence
Sibelco Uk – A letter has been received from Sibelco concerning the
opening of the B3193 and detailing the intended celebrations planned
for the 23 and 24 May, 2014. An email has also been received from
Mr John Stacey concerning the Ram Roasting Fair and the Street
Celebration. Mr Stacey says that he feels the Street Celebration is a
distraction from the Swimming Pool Street Fair and the Ram Fair, both
established events within the town. Cllr J Foxwell said that as the
organiser of the Street Celebration he will no longer be a councillor
when this event takes place and if the road is not ready to be opened
this event will not happen.
DALC – Membership of Healthwatch Devon. Councillors were asked
if anyone would like to become a member and Cllr L Foxwell said she
was already signed up as a member
Extra-Ordinary Meeting – for information there will be an Extra
Ordinary Full Council meeting on Wednesday 26 February 2014 to
discuss amendments to the Standing Orders and Terms of Reference.
Discussion will also take on the way forward with the Community
Resource Centre, Greenhill Road.
TDC – Recently adopted Enforcement Policy and Procedure document
for information
Late Correspondence
An email has been received from Simon Niles, DCC following his
presentation to the Town Council on Wednesday 29 January, 2014.
He said it was a good debate but said he had received feedback
concerning the delay in securing a school site, which is
disappointing and not the position. Mr Niles said that he explained
at the council meeting that Devon was unable to secure a school
site through the planning process and all parties, including major
land owners and District are working together and recognise this as
a priority. Mr Niles asked for this information to be clarified to the
Town Council members.
An email has been received from Peoples Services, DCC re:
consultation on future of youth services in Devon. This item will be
placed on the March Full Council Agenda for discussion
An email has been received from Tom Butcher, TDC re: Disposal of
Land at Calvados Park saying that he will seek clarification on the
species of tree that will be planted to screen the new portion of
garden the residents propose to purchase. Consideration will be
given to ensure any new tree does not impede the existing trees.
A letter has been received from Mr Tony Hogg Police and Crime
Commissioner in response to our letter to him re: issues raised by
Mr Grylls. A copy of this letter will be forwarded to Mr Grylls for his
The meeting closed at 9.17 pm
Signed:…………………………………………………. Dated:………………….