110 The Dentists Diary

110 The Dentists Diary
What a difference a week makes, sport is such a funny, funny thing
to be involved with!!!! What a win that was yesterday, and what a
backs to the wall performance packed with passion and team spirit
we saw! If it was good on TV, it was electric at Odsal!
Two weeks ago I was writing our season off, and here we are at a
Semi Final again, and it’s Wembley to play for!
A fantastic and rare win at Odsal, a new Coach, a world class
signing and a great week at last, both on and off the field!!!!
That’s sport for you, just when you think all is lost, things turn round
and you’re on top of the world again. All those defeats, injuries and
problems off the field that haunted and embarrassed us over the
past few weeks added up making that such a sweet, sweet win!!
Our club have striven this week to shake off the down beat feel
around the place, and yesterday our players matched that! Although
our league position has not changed, our chances of winning the
Cup have, and once again there is a distinct air of optimism
amongst the fans you speak to!
I, as just an ordinary supporter, want to thank all the players and
coaching staff on duty yesterday for showing, for the second week
running, the passion and commitment I pay my money as an FC
fanatic to watch. OK we made mistakes, we gifted them field
position and the second half was like an attack defence training
exercise, but who cares because one thing got us through; the will
to win. Despite being in a rich vein of form and also being at home,
we wanted it more than the Bulls and for once we got what we
wanted and deserved.
Who was the first man onto the pitch to hug every FC player at the
final hooter, our new coach Richard Agar!!! The rest of the season
in the league may be down the pan, but we’re off to a semi
final!!!…..Oh…….. and the Dobbins ain’t!!!
In this weeks Diary we will look in detail at that immense
performance, at the players who stood up to the plate and the fans
who made the journey! There’s an in depth look at our new coach
and the reasons for his appointment, Balsawood at the KC?
Richard Whiting again, Peter Cusack, Charlie, the rotten tipster
Mullen, David Burns tip for the Cup final, Mr Fallous the pro from
Toullousse, Colonic Irrigation, pole dancing and some over the top
stuff about a certain semi final appearance from the Dentist!!!
Odsal, fridge of the north, on a wet dreary afternoon when most of
the Bulls fans stayed at home to watch the game on TV, so
confident where they of a win. The M62, a procession of the FC
Faithful travelling more in hope than expectation, it was dry all the
way there, and pouring down as we drove into Bradford! The scene
was set for another bleak afternoon!
Odsal hadn’t really changed that much at all, still a bit like Hull Fair
with a beer tent, and still boasting the dubious title of the only Super
League ground to have toilet chains in the gents. I was surprised
not to see some Bulls fans hanging from them by the end of the
game! Retro toilets as my pal put it!!
When you looked at the pitch, miles away at the bottom of the hill,
thoughts turned to all those defeats, and particularly that one in the
play-offs a few years ago, you just tended to wonder, again, what
you were doing there! Still, I told myself, it was better than listening
to Jonathan Davies on the box!!!
From the very first tackle we put in, it was obvious that we had lost
none of last weeks new found passion, and despite Mr Ganson,
whistling for something or other, every couple of minutes, we were
matching if not shading our hosts. Matt Sing got carted into touch
and I bemoaned the fact that he was finished and should go home,
then he ran 80 yards to score and I was chanting his name with the
rest of the crowd! Our try just before half time was a massively
creative thing and probably the best we have scored all year! It was
certainly the most significant anyway!
At half time I pontificated about the fact that the Bulls would come
roaring back and flatten us, and then up popped “My hero” Matt
Sing on the end of an outrageous forward pass to fly (really) in at
the corner!! Then it was backs to the wall stuff as they hit back and
once again we saw a fantastic display of how to execute the sliding
defence. On four occasions in our own half we lost the ball on the
first tackle and should have been punished, but still they could not
penetrate our defence and despite a couple of tries we were home
and (Almost) dry. How we all danced on the terraces as the hooter
went, we had waited all season for this!!! As a Rovers support
commented to me later in the pub, “The Cheats are through then”, I
reply “Yep your right we are cheats, but as you so rightly say,
WE’RE through!!” We are going to a semi final again!
Performance wise it is hard to know where to start. Firstly I have to
say that we have got to cut out the mistakes, and also stop back
chatting to the ref. however imbecilic he is!! I also have to say that
we have to create more, but on the other hand I would also note
that when we did create something yesterday we were ruthless in
our execution! We probably had 4 chances all afternoon and stuck
3 away! That’s a good conversion rate in anybody’s book!
Todd Byrne had another great game at the back, despite the fact
that they hardly broke our line at all, he returned the ball well and
did a “Briscoe” to score his try having run about 40 yards to get on
the end of Dykes’s pass. He has been a good signing!
On the wings Raynor made his usual excellent contribution, whilst
Sing had his best game for ages and showed with his second try
that he can still score quite easily, if given the ball one on one!
Yeaman had a solid game in attack and an excellent one in
defence, whilst the surprise inclusion of Graham Horne in the place
of Hall was a masterstroke by Richard Agar. He tackled everything
that moved and was still also able to show his ability with ball in
hand in the build up to Byrne’s try. At half back Washy was really
great and pushed hard for man of the match whilst Dykes, although
a little quiet at times was most pundits star of the day! He kicked
and organised well, really got the tackles in and his excellent
dummy on the sixth set up Sings second try!
If the backs were good, the Forwards were awesome. Every one of
them put in top-notch performances. Dowes drove hard and tackled
like a demon in probably his best performance of the year, whilst
Berrigan, because of the disruption of the Tommy Lee injury played
in about 5 different positions and well in all of them. Once again
Thackerey and Carvell where the difference though, they took the
game right into the faces of the massive Bradford pack and battered
them all afternoon. Manu had another big game full of big hits and
staggering runs with defenders dropping off around him. Tickle
battled really hard and kicked the goals when they mattered and
Radford, although unlucky to get ten minutes, was a bit
undisciplined at times for a Captain, but always in the thick of most
of the play!
Danny Houghton injected a lot of pace and guile round acting half
when he came on and completely equalled an in form Mr Newton at
hooker. Scott Wheeldon, dropped the ball on his first two drives and
could not have endeared himself too much to his possible future
employers, but still ran himself to a standstill as our brilliant sliding
defence constantly repelled the Bulls attacks. Sadly Tommy Lee
copped our mandatory injury this week and once again it looks
It was a fine win, played out with only three rotating players for most
of the game, and one that means if we get nothing else we will at
least experience a semi final again this year!!
The crowd from Hull numbered around 1500 and were amazing
with their support, outsinging the Bulls fans and at the end, the
team came over to clap them too! I should have known we would
win as our lucky mascot Emily who made the trip all the way from
the Midlands appeared in the crowd, and they always win when she
comes!!! I’m buying her a pass next year!
As the players stretched down after the game there were some of
the Faithful that just did not want to go home, we just stood there
and gapped! We were rewarded by Adam Dykes running to the
front of the terracing and waving his fists at us in delight!! Don’t ever
doubt that fellow’s commitment to the cause! It was a great
afternoon and after a hard, hard season so far, a good week and a
historic victory were just the tonic the flagging FC fans needed!!
So on to the week past, and Hey Presto we have a new man at the
top, as with almost unheard of speed, the appointment of Richard
Agar was made public last Tuesday and I for one, as always with
any new coach, wish him well!
We had only been without a head coach since the previous Monday
so things moved really quickly but, for an administration that has, in
the past, been ponderous to say the least, why all the haste? Well
we needed it sorting and perhaps he was the number one
candidate anyway, being earmarked as a future coach, way back
when Kear brought him to the club. Over in Lancashire he was also
known and appreciated by many. At the Warrington club in
particular, Simon Moran their owner, had long been an admirer of
our assistant coach. It is likely that no approach was made by them,
(We hope) but with the demise of Paul Cullen, it was good to get
Richard signed up!!
In last weeks diary I said that I was worried about an assistant
coach having his feet in both camps and finding the transition hard.
I also stated that I wanted to see the level of our director’s ambition
with regard to my club, and on both counts I have to say that I am
still a bit sceptical and perhaps just a tad underwhelmed. Like most
fans I want more than anything for it to be a decision made for the
right reasons, those of direction and progression, rather the wrong
ones, of cost and convenience. I really do want to believe they have
got it right and that Richard will be a big success! However, that
said he is now our coach and I know that I would rather have him
than a few of the names that were being banded about when
Sharpy went, such as, Karl Harrison, Graham Murray and latterly
Paul Cullen! (nooooooooooooooooo!).
There are plenty, in our game, both supporters and pundits who call
for the directors of clubs to be bold and appoint young British
coaches. In doing just that at the KC, our directors have either gone
for one of two things. The quick fix, cheaper option (when I say
cheaper, it is not meant as a slight to Richard, but there are no
airfares, relocations, houses, compensations etc. to pay). Or, they
have been really brave and backed a young untried British Coach
who they have utmost confidence in, and who they believe will steer
our club to glory! On balance I think it is the second.
When you speak to folks around the country they have a great deal
of admiration for Richard and although he has been linked with
several other coaching jobs over the years (Leigh’s being the most
recent) he has stayed loyal to our course. He said last week, “I have
waited a long time for this and I thought it was never going to
come!” For me, that smacks of someone who wants it badly and
believes he can succeed! Then he said “I am not trying to put a spin
on things, we have dropped a few clangour’s as a club. Lets hope
that we have got off on the right foot and lets hope it continues,
because I don’t want any stuff ups during my tenure”. That, for me,
shows a person who is his own man, and who, only a couple of
days after he was appointed, has the confidence to warn the office
staff that he will not tolerate any shinnanikins or “dropped balls” in
the future!
I think we all have to sit tight and just see how it all pans out. We
should at least give him until this time next season to see how
things go! The main worry for me was his possible ability to attract
top quality recruits to our ranks, but then again, Steve Mac and
John Sharp have both managed to do it, so why shouldn’t he. It
doesn’t seem to have put Michael Crocker off; in fact it was Steven
Kearney’s words about Richard’s talents that helped swing the deal.
Crocker said of Richard Agar in the Aussie press “Richard Agar
gave me a call the other day, he’s is a good man and a good coach
and I’m looking forward to working with him”
I just wondered, however, when the announcement was made
whether we are to appoint, in the future, a Rugby Director type of
post to help Richard through that side of things. That might make
sense I suppose, depending of course, on how it goes, who it is,
and what remit they have. But that is, on my part, just conjecture at
present! For now I will give my 100% support to Richard and see
what happens. He certainly has the players behind him and so he
should also have all us fans! If Crocker is the last Southern
Hemisphere player coming for next season, and if the Chairman
and Chief executive are to now attract the right calibre of British
personal to the club, they will only do it by showing and proving
their ambition for the cause. Agar and Crocker are however a good
We shall just all have to wait and see!! But as the youngest British
coach in the Super league, Good Luck Richard just the same!
Incidentally by my calculations it’s the first time there have been
more British Coaches than Foreign ones in the Super League too!
Great to see the club giving Andy Last the deputy coaches reins at
present too. Many believe that in Richard’s last spell as stand in
coach it was Lasty that was the ‘power behind the throne’, in the
motivation department at least! He is FC through and through and
once told me that if he was not working for Hull FC he would be
doing something else completely away from rugby, he just loves the
club, Good luck Andy too!!
Talking of the Cullen “Walk out”, I am really glad that although
feelings were running high in some quarters about Peter Sharp, we
as a crowd never stooped to the embarrassing and personal insults
chanted publicly by the Wire fans during and after the Castleford
game last weekend! It was pathetic, and to a man who has given so
much to the club over the years! Personally I have never liked him
anyway, and we all get frustrated and passionate at these times,
but chants of “We all hate Cullen” and “Cullen Out” coming over on
the TV were a bit much even for this blinkered fan!
So what about Michael Crocker eh!!! That came flying out of the
ether and smacked the James and Kath “Holiday club” pundits right
in the mush!! All those people who had jumped on the bandwagon
of criticism about their trip down under, had to eat a bit of humble
pie on Tuesday when it was announced that we had brought one of
the best second row forwards in the world to the club. And done
that without a hint of it happening until the contract was signed and
in the safe! (I presume it is signed by the way!!!) Whatever you think
of our Chairman, she said on her return from Australia, “ I would
expect something to materialise in the next 4 weeks” She was
proven to be right there!
I am really excited by this signing because I have admired Crocker
for years, not just for his tenacity and strength but also, and for me
more importantly, for his presence as a leader on the field. At 27 he
is still youngish and although he has had a few injuries, I believe we
have signed another Steven Kearney here! Shaun Berrigan
perhaps dropped a hint at his role next year when he said, “ I will
look forward to playing for him next year”. He could be our new
captain then?
The man is a living legend in Australia with 2 Premiership wins (1
with the Roosters and 1 with Storm). He also never lost a game in
his 29 matches at the Storm, and the demise of the Roosters after
he departed left their fans bemoaning the fact that it coincided with
his leaving, and some even put it down largely to Crocker’s
It was in the end, between Widnes and us for his signing and
apparently few other’s in Rugby League knew about it. Widnes,
where to use the signing to back their Franchise bid and tabled a
huge offer, but the contact made by our two travelling
ambassadors, Shaun Berrigan’s friendship and a guaranteed Super
League place was enough to swing the deal. He is a great, great
signing for our club, some would say the best second row in
Australia, and I am sure he will prove an excellent catalyst for the
younger players we are bringing through. Everyone says that he is
“Mr Motivator” when it comes to his team mates, and I just cannot
wait for him to arrive!!
The club took another massive step in the right direction last
Wednesday when they announced the latest “Pay Back” initiative,
the pass holders barbecue at Brantingham on 21st June. What a
great idea a free event like that is, and just the thing to get the club
and the players back where it belongs, with the fans. I shall be
going and I hope many other pass holders will do so too! It also
coincides with our under 18’s playing the Dobbins so that should be
good as well, and an opportunity to show Martin Dunn just what he
left behind! The only fly in the ointment is the distance there is to
travel for some folks who do not have their own transport. However
perhaps the club and East Yorkshire Motor Services could look at
that one! Otherwise a great idea, in what turned out, off the field
and on the field, to be a good week for the club.
The interview, last Thursday, with James Rule and our new coach
on KCFM was an interesting hour’s listening for this supporter and I
thought that Richard came across very well and already seemed
more at ease with the press than his predecessor. The Carvell stuff
was really handled well, and we were told that the club had tabled a
fantastic 3-year deal for him that they were leaving on the table, he
is popular with the club, the supporters and the players. However as
our new coach said, “If any player wants to go then they will, and
we will move on”. As for Gareth well a lot of us older, if not wiser,
supporters would point him in the direction of Andy Dannett, who
was another good prop who left a good offer at Hull to join Saints.
His experience there, after being at the Boulevard, was difficult to
say the least. He played for us for 10 years, took his benefit, turned
down a good offer and went to Saints. Two years later he was
playing down the leagues in NL1 with Rovers! At Saints he was a
big fish but in a big pool, it’s a cautionary tale indeed Gareth!
The rumour mill in Lancashire also had us linked with signing a
certain Mr “Balsawood” from Wigan last week, Oh dear, I thought at
first, I hope not, simply because his antics against us in the past
has ensured that he is certainly not on my Christmas card list. But
then I thought, he is lightening fast, really gets up defences noses,
and was a great and consistent try scorer at Leeds, perhaps he
needs a new club and we need a winger with true pace!!
Talking of rumours it was also alleged in some quarters that the
official club website was “hack jacked” last weekend, and an
announcement that we had signed a big name Aussie player
displayed on the front page. The player was of course Mr Crocker!
I just wonder if it was hacked, or perhaps someone fell asleep at
his or her keyboard and their head hit the send button with a story
they were working on for later in the week. We will probably never
know!!! It was an embarrassing time though for an old arch
Nemesis of ours from RL fans, who took great delight at laughing at
the “Hackers” tricks, and the gullibility of the FC fans, and did it on
Blunderside for all to hear. He said it was hardly likely Crocker
would sign for us, and we were stupid to even dream it would
happen. Then of course on Tuesday the news broke that Hull FC
has signed….., he, he, he!!
I know that many of the readers of the Diary have grow a bit tired of
reading all the negativity and dross that a minority of posters put on
RL fans, and some have even stopped reading it altogether. If that
is the case or if in fact you missed it, have a look at a thread entitled
“Ma and Pa Whiting…”. What a humbling experience reading that
was, and what a great family the Whiting’s are. They said how well
the club had looked after Rich when he got that horrendous break
to his leg, and how great it was that several Harlequins players
went to see him in hospital.
Mostly though it was about the messages of good will, E Mails and
“PM'’ they and Rich had received from the Faithful. But then again
they should know by now that Richard is the 100% effort, good club
man, nice guy and most of all Hull FC through and through, type of
player we will always take to our hearts! Mrs Rosenberg was gutted
when her favourite player was injured again, as were thousands of
the FC Fans. I have met Richards Dad on a couple of occasion’s at
the under 21’s and he is a great guy and I believe a reader of this
diary. Great post Mrs and Mrs Whiting and pass on my best wishes
and also those of all the fans, on to Richard. I can’t wait to see him
running off Crocker next season! Get well soon Richard.
It’s funny which incidents both on and off the field remind the
seasoned supporter of certain games and certain times. In Codgers
Corner this week I look back to the early morning of Sunday 3rd
October 1982 when I awoke in a railway carriage at Leeds City
Station, cold hungry and extremely hung over.
Playing Bradford in the Cup made my memory go back to some of
the monumental battles we had with them in the 80’s and 90’s.
They were always a tough team to beat. Yesterday it was the might
of the Bulls against the depleted ranks of Hull FC but back in
October 1982 we met them at Headingley in the Yorkshire Cup final
when those circumstances were almost completely reversed. The
amount of class and talent that our club amassed in the early 80’s
was the talk of the Rugby League, Hull FC were the team everyone
wanted to beat. Bradford on the other hand were going through bad
times, with us third in the League they were down near the bottom
and staving off the threat of relegation.
For my part I travelled to the game on the Halfway pub coach and
partook, as I usually did in those days, of a few bevvies at the Three
Horse Shoes Tavern before the game. We were really confident
that day, and with about 8000 FC fans making the trip out of a
record Yorkshire Cup final crowd of over 11,000, no one gave
Bradford a hope. However someone should have told their players
We had a couple of withdrawals before the game, as I remember,
with both Tony Dean and Dane O’Hara being injured. We just
brought in Kevin Harkin and Steve Evans, to replace them, as
strength in depth was our watchword in those great times. Bradford
Northern however had real problems. Their first choice scrum half
Alan Redfearn cried off with a busted rib, so Dean Carroll switched
from stand off, with rookie Kieth Whiteman coming in to mark none
other than David Topliss! They also brought in Steve Pullen to play
on the wing although he had only played 8 first team games over a
three-year period at the club. We had another problem though
because Arthur Bunting had too many top class back row forwards
to choose from and he finally picked Paul Rose and young Lee
Crooks, for the second row with Mick Crane at loose man and with
the great Steve Norton left out on the bench!
Bradford however had one secret weapon, their coach, the wily and
controversial Peter Fox. What a character he was, when he came to
the Boulevard with the Northern “A” team he really copped some
stick from the wags in the best stand and he, unlike most coaches,
who thought better of it, used to give just as much back, expletives
and all! Foxy put together an excellent game plan that was almost
our undoing that day!
The game started and it was soon obvious that The Bradford lads
had decided that they would, by fair means or foul, tackle
everything that moved in the Hull line. Their rugged defence led by
full back Keith Mumby had to be seen to be believed, and despite
an excellent Paul Rose try and then one he set up for Paul
Prendeville and a drop goal from Crooks we only led 7-6 at half
Bradford had gone ahead with a drop goal and then they scored a
great try ripping our defence apart down the middle to go in at the
corner with Carroll converting! The shock of the half time score
sobered me up no end!
The second half started with another drop from Crooks which was
quickly followed by one from Carroll and then Arthur Bunting
brought on Knocker Norton from the bench and the rest as they say
is history!
Knocker immediately drew the defence to the right before firing out
an immaculate inside pass for Rose to crash in for his second try,
Old Faithful rang around the South Stand and we were on our way
to our third Cup that year. Crooks converted and added a penalty
before Evans completed the scoring in the last minute and we lifted
the trophy!! We had really had a scare, and as supporters we were
drained by the end of the game. What a party we had afterwards
though, as Knocker and the lads joined us in the bar under the best
stand. Paul Prendeville sang us all a song, and we filled the cup
with Tetley’s Bitter and were all still there at 8-00pm.
It was then, through an alcoholic haze, that it struck me, I had
forgotten to re join our coach on the main road outside the ground
at 6-00pm as was intended, and so I had been left behind.
Abandoned by my mates in a strange City! In my rather “Merry”
condition, it seemed daft not to have a night out in Leeds and
having been told by a couple of local Leeds Rugby League fans that
the last train home was at 11-00pm, I went with some of my new
found friends around the pubs of Leeds. I arrived back at Leeds City
Station with five minutes to go and asked the chap at the barrier
which was the Hull Train, he said “Yes, there is an eleven o’clock
train, on every night except Saturdays, the last one went tonight at
10-30!” I was stuck!! I wandered around a bit and meandered down
the platform, before feeling really sleepy I tumbled into a darkened
railway carriage and fell asleep. It seemed a good idea at the time!
Perhaps it was just luck, or even the fact that it was Sunday next
day, but anyway, when I awoke the train, and I, were still in Leeds
Station and it was 7-30am on a cold Sunday Morning. I dusted
myself off, got off the train I was on, (which I noticed had started up
and had Hellifield displayed on the front), and got home by a
conventional service train to Hull!! They were all interested to hear
the outcome of my adventure when I reached the Half Way bar that
Sunday lunchtime. In the end, I finally arrived home at about 4-30
that afternoon, almost 24 hours since the final whistle sounded at
Headingley. I still had a bad headache on Monday Morning. It’s
funny what triggers your memory to remember certain games from
the past!
Quote of the week goes to Mr Lloyd at Blunderside who’se first
question to Lee Richardson after the game was “Were Bradford
Poor?” very positive stuff, about the second club in the City to get
one game off Wembley!! Still not to worry G, I expect that the FC
media ban will be lifted very soon!
Great to see Mr Fallous “The prop from Toullouse” signing for
Widnes last Friday, he will, I am sure, do a great job for them, he
did well for us under the circumstances in which he came, and had
a really good attitude I thought! Good luck to him at my favourite
NL1 team!
It is a well known fact that Rugby League is the second most
popular sport on Sky TV, and yet the BBC with only the rights to the
Challenge Cup, still, this weekend gave a much higher priority to
Onion! Last Sunday morning on Breakfast news they droned on and
on about Laurence Dellallio and the Union Cup final and hardly
touched on the Leeds v Wigan game. Then to add insult to injury
the weather came on and indicated that it would be raining at the
Rovers v Saints game at the KC Stadium that afternoon!!!!! As far
as the BBC are concerned, I believe myself, that it’s not about
viewing figures, but more about pandering to Southern audiences!!!
It was good to hear That “Johnny Come Lately” of the Rugby Media
world Charlie Mullen getting his comeuppance for being totally
biased against our club, from a listener to the Blunderside’s
Sportstalk on Friday!! That’s the same Mullen who backed Rovers
to win and Hull to lose this weekend!! He will no doubt be licking his
wounds with Justin, Phil and his other drinking pals in the Beach
Tree this week!!! As for David Burns and his tip for the Dobbins to
win the Cup, this week just gets better and better!!!
I get loads of E Mails and PM’s from readers concerning rumours
they have heard, some of these I pass on, but there are also plenty
of others with which I decide not to insult your intelligence. In that
category, for example, someone E Mailed me last Monday morning
to tell me that the reason that Dykes did not play against Saints was
because he had gone to Australia to sign, a certain Mr Foulkes as
our next coach! Later that day the news broke that Richard
However one rumour I received last week really took the biscuit,
you can decide whether you wish to believe it or not!! A good pal of
mine informed me that a hairdressing pal of hers said that to boost
moral at the club, before the cup game, the players had partaken of
a bonding session, and had all gone along for a session of colonic
irrigation!!!!!! Stranger things have happened at or club, but only
just!!!! However Thackerey still seemed full of whatever the
irrigation takes away, when he cheeked the referee yesterday!!!!
Next week, I hear, its pole dance classes, (hopefully not at
So it’s on to Friday and perhaps the most difficult away game of the
season at the run away leaders of the competition, Leeds. Quite
frankly we shall have to produce a lot more offensively if we are to
get a sniff at Headingley and I doubt whether our defence will be
anything like as effective as it was at The Bulls. Simply because its
such a short turn round time. Still who cares we are in the semi
finals of the Challenge cup and if in late July that Charlie Mullens
character dreams up the headline of “Wembley!!! first the Tigers
now the Cheetahs”, well that will do for me !!!!
Thank you all as always for reading the diary and sticking with it
through some particularly difficult weeks! It’s sometimes hard to
write, but occasionally just occasionally, like this week's, it writes
Dare to believe!!
Faithfully Yours