San José State University
Math 107A Section 1 Explorations in Algebra (3 units)
Tuesdays and Thursdays, 4:00pm to 5:15pm, MH 424
Instructor: Dr. F. D. Rivera
Office: MH 317
Contact Number: (408) 9245170, (preferred)
Office Hours and Days: TR 2-4, 7-7:30, & by appointment
Description of the Course from the Catalogue: Comprehensive view of
school algebra primarily for the mathematical preparation of teachers. The
computer will be used to generate examples, investigate relationships,
explore algorithms and solve problems. Functions and relations used as a
unifying theme throughout.
Prerequisite: Math 106 (with a grade of "C-" or better), or instructor
Text: Math 107A Course Reader, available at Spartan Bookstore
Other requirements: Binder, paper, a graphing calculator (strongly
Learning Objectives: At the end of the course, you are expected to have
acquired an understanding of the following issues:
1. the nature of school algebra and targeted characteristics of algebraic
thinking at the elementary- and middle-grades levels;
2. the nature and function of variables in school algebra, that is: as
unknowns in equations and inequalities; as representing a range of
values, and; as parameters in certain equations;
3. the unifying role of functions and related concepts in school algebra;
4. the significance of patterns in the formation of mathematical skills
relevant to generalization and abstraction;
5. the significant role of graphing calculators and other relevant
manipulatives in algebraic thinking.
Course Requirements:
1. Extra credit for the entire class is possible, but is taken up in class if
needed. Do not ask for individual extra credits. The extra credit is given as a
form of accommodation. For example, if you miss an investigation, then you
can replace it with an extra credit work. But everyone should have access to
the extra credit.
2. Absolutely no late homework and investigation will be accepted. All
requirements are due in class on the day of the expected submission. If you
miss turning in a homework assignment or investigation, then you may use
the extra credit work to replace the missing requirement.
3. You are entitled to only one makeup exam subject to my evaluation. A
makeup exam is given only when you provide me with a reasonable written
proof or evidence that made it impossible for you to come to take the exam
on the expected date. For example, a doctor’s appointment on the day of the
exam is not valid (unless the appointment has already been scheduled
weeks before the start of the fall semester in which case I need to be
notified asap), while an emergency visit to a doctor is valid with a written
note from the doctor. Reasonableness of an excuse is entirely my judgment.
If you do not agree with my decision, then set up an appointment with the
Math Department Chair to discuss your issue. You may use an extra credit
work to replace a missed exam. Generally, makeups are harder. Note that
when a makeup exam has been scheduled and you are unable to come, then
you forfeit your chance to do the makeup.
4. Incomplete grades need to be completed within two weeks from the
last day of instruction. Any missed course component or requirement not
completed within the allotted two weeks is given 0 pts.
5. If you need course adaptations or accommodations because of a
disability, or if you need special arrangements in case the building
must be evacuated, please make an appointment with me as soon as
possible, or see me during office hours. Presidential Directive 97-03
requires that students with disabilities register with DRC to establish a
record of their disability.
6. Your own commitment to learning, as evidenced by your enrollment
at SJSU, and the University’s Academic Integrity Policy requires you to be
honest in all your academic course work. Faculty are required to report all
infractions to the Office of Judicial Affairs. The policy on academic integrity
can be found at Also, you are
responsible for understanding the policies and procedures about add/drops,
academic renewal, withdrawal, etc. found at
Grading Information:
Group Project
25 pts
Exams (3 @ 25 pts)
75 pts
Homework (3@ 10 pts)
30 pts
Investigations (6@ 10 pts)
60 pts
Final Exam
60 pts
250 PTS
(at least 225 pts)
– 89
(200 – 224 pts)
– 79
(175 – 199 pts)
(150 – 174 pts)
and below (149 pts and below)
Expectations About Classroom Behavior, Including Rights and
1. You are expected to be in class at all times. If you happen to have found
yourself in an emergency situation, you should email me to explain your
situation. You may also call, but I check my emails on a regular basis.
2. Please deal with your issues. I want you in class without those issues. In
particular, if your current situation makes you unable to come to come on a
regular basis, then find ways to work around it. Bear in mind the course
requirements. Coming to class late on a regular basis is unacceptable
3. If you were absent on a session when important documents have
been handed out, it is your responsibility to seek those documents yourself.
4. I reserve the right to make changes in the greensheet, including
the schedule and sequencing of course content. If and when this happens,
the whole class will be consulted. If you were absent on a day when a
decision is made about the course and its components, it is your
responsibility to get informed. For example, if a change in an exam time and
date has been made and you happen to be absent, you cannot use your
absence as a way out. Please be responsible.
5. For investigations: If you are unhappy with your group, then it is
your responsibility to inform me about it so I can make changes. I reserve
the right to change groupings. On an investigation session, do not expect me
to provide you with answers to all your questions. You have to decide as a
group. Asking me to validate your answers or solutions is unacceptable
Highest Score Possible
My Score
Group Project
25 pts
Exams (3 @ 25 pts)
75 pts
_____ + ____ + _____
Homework (3@ 10 pts)
30 pts
_____ + ____ + _____
Investigations (6@ 10 pts)
60 pts
__ + __ + __ + __ + __ + ___
Final Exam
60 pts
250 PTS
Course Outline and Schedule
Dates and Topics
Aug 25
1. Chapter 0 Graphing
Calculator Use
Aug 30 to Sep 27
2. Chapter 1 Algebra and
Algebraic Thinking
3. Chapter 2 Variables
3.1 As a placeholder for
specific numbers (“Fixed”)
3.2 As representing a range
of values (“Fluid”; Linear
Diophantine Equations)
3.3 As a parameter
(Parametric Equations)
Investigation 1 Take
Home due Aug 30
Aug 30
Read all six articles
Second half of
Aug 30 and Sep
1 (Equations),
Sep 6
Sep 8, Sep 13
Using TI-84, no
Read pp. 2-1 to 2-57. Do
homework 1a, 1b.
Investigation 2 on
Sep 15
Read pp. 2-58 to 2-71.
Do homework 1c, 1d.
Sep 20
Investigation 3 on
Sep 22; Review on
Sep 22
Read pp. 2-72 to 2-93.
Do homework 1e, 1f.
Sep 27 First Exam
Sep 29 to Nov 1
4 Chapter 3 Functions
4.1 Graphs
4.2 Domain and Range
4.3 Applications Through
Nov 1 Second Exam
Nov 2 to Nov 29
5 Chapter 4 Patterns
5.1 Formulating
generalizations (numerical
and figural strategies)
5.2 Recurrence relations
Homework 1 due on
Sep 27
Sep 29
Oct 4, 11
Oct 11, Oct 13
Investigation 4 on Oct
No investigation
Read pp. 3-1 to 3-32. Do
homework 2a, 2b.
Read pp. 3-33 to 3-42.
Do homework 2c, 2d.
Read pp. 3-43 to 3-48.
Do homework 2e, 2f.
Read pp. 3-49 to 3-88.
Do homework 2g, 2h.
Homework 2 due on
Nov 1
Oct 20, Oct 25
Investigation 5 on Oct
27; Review on Oct 27
Nov 3, Nov 8
Investigation 6 on
Nov 10
Read pp. 4-1 to 4-50. Do
homework 3a, 3b.
Nov 15, Nov 17
Investigation 7 on
Nov 22; Review on
Nov 22; Investigation
8 Take Home due Nov
Read pp. 4-51 to 4- 62.
Do homework 3c, 3d.
Nov 29 Third Exam
Dec 1, Dec 6 Fourth Exam:
Oral presentation of
readings from
TCM/MTMS/MT that focus
on algebra content
FINAL EXAM 2:45 – 5:00
Assigned Readings
from the CR
Chapter 0 (all)
Homework 3 due on
Nov 29
6 groups (25
minutes per
group of 5
Review on Dec 6