CSU Medieval & Renaissance Studies Certificate Spring 2015

HIST 3156I Intro to European History II, Medieval and Early Modern
Dr. Steven Gill, MWF 1:30-2:45pm – One Arsenal Place 325 (RiverPark Campus)
Prerequisite: Any 1000 or 2000 level HIST course. A diverse cultural approach to the High and Late Middle
Ages and the Early Modern Period. Topics will include the development of political institutions, religion, and
culture. Required course for Medieval and Renaissance Studies Certificate!
ARTH 3115 Medieval Art and Archiecture
Dr. Barbara Johnston, MW 4:00-5:15pm – Carpenter’s Hall 117 (RiverPark Campus)
This course examines developments in the art and architecture of the European High Middle Ages, especially
the Romanesque and Gothic periods (ca. 1000-1500 CE). Special attention is given to the historical, cultural,
and religious contexts of medieval art and, in particular, to the diverse of roles of art in the Church in structuring
religious experience in medieval society. (Course fee required.)
ARTH 3117 Italian Renaissance Art
Dr. Michele McCrillis, MW 11:00-12:15pm - Carpenter’s Hall 117 (RiverPark Campus)
This course examines the art of Italy in from the late-13th through the 16th centuries. It focuses primarily on the
art of Florence, Siena, Rome and Venice with a detailed discussion of the social, political, and cultural
background of the arts. (Course fee required.)
ENGL 3136 Renaissance Literature in Britain
Dr. Susan Hrach, TR 1:30-2:45pm – TBA
Prerequisite: ENGL 1102 and ENGL 2157 with a grade of "C" or better. Corequisite: ENGL 2155 and ENGL
2156 with a grade of "C" or better. Form, style, and content in the major poetry, prose, and non-Shakespearean
drama produced during the English Renaissance. Your own interests, within the parameters of course learning
outcomes, will determine our specific readings and discussion topics. Texts may address issues such as religion
and devotional life, travel and exploration, witchcraft, the status of women, manuscripts and print publication,
and the role of imaginative literature in a monarchical culture.
ENGL 4106. Shakespeare after 1600
Dr. Patrick McHenry, TR 3:00-4:15pm – TBA
Prerequisite: ENGL 1102 & ENGL 2157 with grade of "C" or better. Corequisite: ENGL 2155 and ENGL
2156 with a grade of "C" or better. A study of the principal works of Shakespeare written after 1600, including
comedy, tragedy, and romance. The course will introduce students to English culture in the Jacobean age.
ENGL 5166U History of the English Language
Dr. Shannon Godlove, TR 4:30-5:45pm – TBA
Prerequisite: ENGL 1102 with a grade of "C" or better. A study of the linguistic origins of English from AngloSaxon to Middle English to modern world Englishes, including an understanding of how varieties of English
convey cultural and political meaning.
CSU Medieval & Renaissance Courses – Spring 2014
HIST 5575U/G Selected Topics in European History: Tudor-Stuart Britain
Dr. Steven Gill, TR 3:00-4:15pm – One Arsenal Place 114 (Riverpark Campus)
Prerequisite: HIST3125 with a grade of C or better or consent of chair. An in-depth exploration of the history of
Britain during the reigns of the Tudor and Stuart royal dynasties.
PHIL 3115 Ancient-Medieval Philosophy
Dr. David Wisdo, TR 9:30-10:45am – TBA
Prerequisite: Sophomore standing or any philosophy class. A survey of the origin and developments in
philosophical thought from ancient times to the beginning of the Modern era (Renaissance). The doctrines of the
philosophers will be examined in relation to their cultural settings and for their relevance today.
SPAN 4117 Spanish Golden Age Theater
Dr. Bobby Nixon, TR 4:30-5:45pm, TBA
Prerequisites: SPAN 3170 and 4115 with a grade of "C" or better. This course gives students a general
panorama of Golden Age Theater, including the reading and analysis of some of the canonical works. The
selection of works affords students experience with a variety of subgenres such as epic, tragedy, comedy, and
the entremés. The study of each work will center upon the sociopolitical message of the text. (Course fee
THEA 3176 Theatre History/Literature 2: Renaissance to Romanticism
Dr. Becky Becker, MW 9:00-10:15am – One Arsenal Place 114
Prerequisite: THEA 1175. Interdisciplinary examination of dramatic literature and theatre history from the
Renaissance to Romanticism, studied in the context of important cultural trends of these periods.
Study Abroad Courses
CSU in Oxford, England (Summer Session I – June 23-July 9, 2015)
ENGL 3135 & 5545U/G Medieval Literature in Britain - Topic: 'Knights, Knaves, and Nuns: Literature
and Medieval English Society' (Dr. Shannon Godlove)
This course will focus on literary representations of medieval society from the Anglo-Saxon period through the
fifteenth century. Students will explore the major authors, texts, and genres of Medieval literature, such as
Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales and Old English Poems, while exploring this question together: How did medieval
people understand and write about themselves and their place in the world? Excursions may include visits to the
Tower of London, Bodleian Library, city of Canterbury and more.
Recommended Latin Courses
LATN 1002. Elementary Latin 2
Dr. Peter Parisi, MW 6:00-7:15pm, TBA
Continued study of Latin grammar and syntax begun in LATN 1001, with further reading and translation.