11 E105 - Vocab Journal Assignment

ENGL 105 – Composition and Reading
Vocabulary Journal Assignment
One way to improve your vocabulary is to keep a vocabulary journal as you read. You don’t need to
write down (or look up) every word, but if you see a word several times or feel that it is important, write
it in your journal. Below are some ideas of things to include in your vocabulary journal.
You must turn in a minimum of 100 words and definitions by the end of the quarter (10 words over each
of the 10 weeks)
Journals are due at the beginning of class.
Word (part of speech) – definition
Parts of speech – noun (n.) verb (v.) adjective (adj.) adverb (adv) preposition (p.)
There are other parts of speech, but these will probably be the only ones you use.
Definition – tell what the word means, and make sure that the definition matches the part of speech.
Optional (you do not have to do these, but they will help your understanding of the word and its usage)
Sample sentence – It is very useful to include an example of how the word is used
Original sentence – you can copy the sentence that you found the word in.
Make your own sentence – you can try using it in a sentence and let me check it.
Whichever you do, make sure your sentence matches the part of speech and definition. You can
even do both!
Family of words – You can list some related words. Some people find it easier to remember words if
they can relate them to other words. For example, if your word is “horrible,” you could list
“horrify,” “horrid,” “horrific,” etc. When you’re doing a list, makes sure to include the parts of
speech for the family of words.
Alternatively, you could list some synonyms (words that have similar meanings) or antonyms
(words of opposite meaning).
Usage notes – you can make notes about how words are used.
Pronunciation – you could use IPA or another way of writing how the word is said.
Word stress – you could make the stress of a word, helping you understand your pronunciation
Picture – some people find it useful to draw pictures of their words.
Other ideas? Feel free to try them out!
ENGL 105
Composition and Reading
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Course Version 1.0 06/22/2010
Template Version 2.3
ENGL 105 – Composition and Reading
Sample Vocabulary Journal Entry
1. Pollute (v.) – to make something (water, air, etc) dirty.
Pronunciation: /pÉ™ lut’/
Beginning in the middle of the 20th century, a few people were worried about polluting the Earth’s air
and water (4).
There was recently a sewer leak in Hawaii that polluted the ocean.
Related words: pollution (n.), pollutant (n.), polluted (adj.)
Syn: contaminate
ant: clean, purify
Notes: make sure to use this word when you need a verb, not “pollution” – it’s a noun.
The only part that is required is the part in the box. The rest is helpful, but not required.
ENGL 105
Composition and Reading
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Course Version 1.0 06/22/2010
Template Version 2.3