GOVERNMENT OF ANDHRA PRADESH REVENUE DEPARTMENT RIGHT TO INFORMATION ACT INFORMATION HAND BOOK (U/S 4 (1) (B)) COLLECTOR’S OFFICE, VISAKHAPATNAM 1 CHAPTER – 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Back Ground and Key Objectives: In order to insure much access to information and to promote transparency and accountability in the working of every public authority the information is given which relates to the District Collector’s Office, Visakhapatnam. 1.2 Objective/ Purpose of this information: The purpose of this information is to create awareness among the public for easy access in respect of different functions, duties, powers of the officers pertaining to the District Collector’s Office, Visakhapatnam. 1.3 Who are the intended users of the Hand Book: All citizens, Public representatives, Officers, Employees of Public authorities including Public Information Officers, Assistant Public Information Officers, Appellate officers and Public / private Organizations. 1.4 Definitions of Key terms: JC Joint Collector DRO District Revenue Officer SDC Special Deputy Collector AO Administrative Officer Supdt Superintendent SA Senior Assistant JA Junior Assistant CC CampClerk 1.5 Chapter 2 to 18 1.6 Getting Additional Information: For getting Additional Information pertaining to this office, E – mail address: Collector_ vsk @ 1.7 Name and Address of Key Contacts: Sri N. Yuvaraj, IAS, District Collector, Visakhapatnam, Sri J. Nivas, IAS, Joint Collector, Visakhapatnam. Appellate Authority Sri K. NageswaraRao, District Revenue Officer, Visakhapatnam, Public Information Officer. Sri B.S. PrakasaRao, Administrative Officer, Collector’s Office, Visakhapatnam, Assistant Public Information Officer. 2 CHAPTER-2 ORGANISATION, FUNCTIONS AND DUTIES ( Section 4(1)(b) (i) Sl. Name of the No Organisation 1 Collector's Office, Visakhapatnam Address Functions Duties Maharanipeta, Krishna Nagar, Visakhapatnam Pin: 530 002 The business transaction by the Dept is as specified in the BSOs Volumes I to IV and A.P. District Collectors powers (Delegation Act) 1961 (Act No.32 of 1961) and also instructions issued by the Govt., of AP from time to time. Duties as specified in G.O.Ms.No.77, Revenue dt.22.1.1968 and GO.Ms.No. 611, Rev (DA_ Dept. dt.18.8.98 respectively. 3 CHAPTER- 3 POWERS AND DUTIES OF OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES (Section 4(1)(b)(ii)) 1. COLLECTOR & DISTRICT MAGISTRATE: He is the head of the District in the District Administration. He ensures implementation of all the policies and programmes and decisions of the State Government in the District. He has over all supervision and control over the District Officers/Divisional Officers/Tahsildar cadre in the District. Maintenance of Law and order and relationship with the Superintendent of Police (Powers under Criminal Procedure code) , Important fairs and Festivals involving Law and Order, and agrarian and Labour and other situations. Internal security, VIP, Personal files of all Gazetted Officers in other Departments and also Revenue Department including Tahsildars in the District. 2. JOINT COLLECTOR &ADDITIONAL.DISTRICT MAGISTRATE: In G.O.Ms.No.141 General Administration (Special)Department dt.3.11.1967, the Government have sanctioned one post of Joint Collector in the Senior time scale of IAS of each District so as to relieve the District Collector of the Revenue and Civil Supplies work and enable him to devote himself entirely to Development work. He exercises general supervision of Disciplinary proceedings against Gazetted Officers in the District and Appeals of Dy.Tahsildars against the Punishment awarded by the Revenue Divisional Officers and Special Dy.Collectors and also exercise other functions as prescribed by the Govt.orders in G.O.Ms.No.77 Revenue Dt.22.1.1968 3. DISTRICT REVENUE OFFICER & ADDITIONAL DISTRICT MAGISTRATE: He exercises general supervision and control over the staff and also supervision of day to day functioning of the Collector's Office. Discriplinary proceedings against Sr.Assts/Jr.Assts/Typists/Stenos working in the subordinate offices when the punishment proposed is beyond the competency of RDOs and Spl.Dy.Collectors and he exercise other functions as prescribed by the Govt.orders in G.O.Ms.No.77 Revenue Dt.22.1.1968. 4. ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER ( TAHSILDAR CADRE): The Administrative Officer is incharge of A.Sectioni.e, General supervision of Office Administration, Disciplinary cases of Employees, Revenue Officers conference, Induction Training course to the Revenue Employees, Establishment of Employees, Ex.Village Officers/Village Servants, Visits, Maintainence of Government Vehicles in Collectorate and requisition of Vehicles from other Departments, Maintenance of Govt.Circuit House, Providing Guest Houses to VVIPs, VIPs, Maintenance of Collectorate Library, Publication of Notification in the District Gazettes. He is responsible 4 all files related to the subjects allotted to A and B.Sections. He is directly responsible to the District Collector/Joint Collector/DRO under whom he works for the efficient and expeditious dispatch of business in all stages in his section. He should maintain discipline in his sections. 5. GAZETTED SUPERINTENDENT ( C ) ( TAHSILDAR CADRE): He is incharge of C.Section and general supervision of Law and Order including Co-ordination with Judiciary and Police, Strikes and Lockouts, Trade Union Act, Surrendered Extremists, Preventive Detentions Laws, Extremists Violance, Arms Act, Petoleum Act, Cinema Autograph Act, Legal Aid to Law Officers, Foreigners Indian Pass Port, Emigration, Attrocities against SCs and STSs, Pensions and Assignment of Land to Political sufferers, Minimum wages Act, Verification of Character and anticidents, Fixation of Minimum wages Act. Burma Repatriates, Pawnbrokers and Money Lending Act, Workmen’s Compensation Act, Indian Christian Marriage licence Act. He is directly responsible to the District Collector/Joint Collector/DRO under whom he works for the efficient and expeditious dispatch of business in all stages in his section. He should maintain discipline in his section. 6. GAZETTED SUPERINTENDENT ( E ) ( TAHSILDAR CADRE): He is incharge of E.Section and he is responsible and general supervision of subject relating to Assignment, POB Maintenance, Transfer of Land, Alienation of Government Land to APIIC, VUDA, Eviction of Encroachments, House sites, Forest and Tree Pattas,Education, Examinations, Computerisation of Village records, All Land matters, Evacue property . Escheats and Land Protection and other subjects allotted to the E.Section under him. He is directly responsible to the District Collector/Joint Collector/DRO under whom he works for the efficient and expeditious dispatch of business in all stages in his section. He should maintain discipline in his sections. 7. GAZETTED SUPERINTENDENT (F) (TAHSILDAR CADRE): He is inchargeof F.Section andhe is responsible and general supervision of Land Reforms, E.A.Act, Tenure of Lands, Agency Settlement, Inam Abolition Act, Suit call books, Agrl. And Urban Land Ceiling Act, Forest Act, A.P.ScheduledareaLand Transfer Regulation (LTR) Act, 1959 and A.P.Agency rules and other subjects allotted to the F.Section under him. He is directly responsible to the District Collector/Joint Collector/DRO under whom he works for the efficient and expeditious dispatch of business in all stages in his section. He should maintain discipline in his section. 5 8. GAZETTED SUPERINTENDENT ( G ) ( TAHSILDAR CADRE): He is incharge of G.Section and he is responsible and supervision of Land Acquisition, LAQs, Slum Improvement Act, YLMC, Thandava, Steel Plant, NTPC, HNPCL and SEZ Land Acquisition cases, Section-18 reference under LA Act and Social Welfare Land Acquisition and also other subjects allotted to the G.Section under him. He is directly responsible to the District Collector/Joint Collector/DRO under whom he works for the efficient and expeditious dispatch of business in all stages in his section. He should maintain discipline in his section. 9. SUPERINTENDENT ( B ) ( Dy. TAHSILDAR CADRE): Due to heavy work load to Administrative Officer, one Deputy Tahsildar post have been taken from RDO's Office, Visakhapatnam on deputation basis to supervise Salaries of Collectorate, Pensions, Audit paras, Advances, Stationery, Service Postage, Medical Reimbursement to Employees and and he is responsible for all files relating to the subjects allotted to the B.Section under him. He is directly responsible to the District Collector/Joint Collector/DRO/AO under whom he works for the efficient and expeditious dispatch of business in all stages in his section. He should maintain discipline in his sections. 10. SUPERINTENDENT ( D) ( Dy. TAHSILDAR CADRE): Due to heavy work load to Collectorate to attend Natural calamities and other Developmental Programmes, , one Deputy Tahsildar post have been taken from the Office of the Spl.Gr.Dy.Collector Land Protection , Visakhapatnam on deputation basis to supervise Land Revenue, NALA, Water Tax, Revenue Recovery Act, Jamabandhi, Prohibition and Exicse, Commercial Taxes, Irrigation, Water Cesses Act, IDB Meetings, Fire Accidents, Record of Rights, Natual calamities, rescue operations, Seasonal Conditions , Pollution, Public Health, Epidemics and relief measures like Apathbandhu, NFBS and CM’s Relief Fund etc. and other DevelpmentalProgrammes/Schemes in the Section i.e., D.Section. He is incharge of D.Section and he is responsible for all files relating to the subjects allotted to the D.Section under him. He is directly responsible to the District Collector/Joint Collector/DRO under whom he works for the efficient and expeditious dispatch of business in all stages in his section. He should maintain discipline in his section. 11. SUPERINTENDENT ( H) ( Dy. TAHSILDAR CADRE): Due to heavy work load to Collectorate to attend General Elections to APLA, HOP, Revision of Electoral Rolls, File Disposal, Refund of court fees etc., one Deputy Tahsildar post have been taken from the Office of the Spl.Tahsildar, Land Reforms , Visakhapatnam on permanent deputation basis to supervise the Elections, Photo Identify Cards, Arrangement of District Sports, Census, Computerisation of MRO’s Office, Revenue Saddassulu, File 6 Disposal, Stamp Act, Grants, Public Grievances, Janmabhoomi, Official Language, NIC etc. in the Section i.e., H .Section. He is incharge of H.Section and he is responsible all files relating to the subjects allotted to the H.Section under him. He is directly responsible to the District Collector/Joint Collector/DRO under whom he works for the efficient and expeditious dispatch of business in all stages in his section. He should maintain discipline in his section. 12. PS TO COLLECTOR/ PS TO JOINT COLLECTOR/ CC TO DRO: No original posts were sanctioned by the Government. But they have been taken on deputation basis from among Revenue Offices who are having short hand knowledge. The PS/CCs work for Collector/Joint Collector/DRO to do shorthand work to them and such other items of work as entrusted to them. STATEMENT SHOWING THE WORK DISTRIBUTION AMONG THE STAFF IN COLLECTOR'S OFFICE, VISAKHAPATNAM AS PER G.O.Ms.No.611, REV[D.A] DEPT., DT. 18.08.1998. DESIGNATION OF SUBJECTS DEALT WITH BY THE ASSISTANT THE ASSISTANT 1. Office Procedure 2. Inspection of Subordinate Offices 3. Establishment matters of Dy. Collectors &Spl.Gr. Dy. Collectors. 4. Disciplinary cases of other Dept./Dist. Officers 5. R.O's Conference 6. Collector's/Joint Collector's Conference 7. Joint Staff Council Meetings 8. Preparation Huzur Second Clerk and consolidation of Notes for presentation to VIPs/VVIPs Senior Asst.(A1) 9. Regional Conferences 10. Training of Gazetted Officers including Training Programmes of Pro.Dy.Collectors. 11. Maintenance of C.L. Account of Dy.Collectors/Spl.Gr.Dy.Collectors and other Dist. Officers. 12. Panel of Deputy Collectors 13. Attestation of Fair copies of 'A' Section. 14. Jurisdiction. 1. Establishment matters of Tahrs./Dy.Tahrs/Senior Assts. cadre 2. Panel of Senior Assts./ Dy.Tah. &Tahsildars 3. Appeals against Disciplinary Proceedings of Subordinate Officers 4. Appeals/Revisions/O.As and Writs of Senior Asst.(A2) Sr.Assts/Dy.Tahs. and Tahsildars 5. Estt. matters of I.A.S./ I.F.S including of Training of IAS/IFS/IPS Probationers 6. Training programme of F.R.Is/ Pro.Dy.Tahrs. 7. Vigilance Commission 1. All Establishment matters (both temporary & permanent) Jr.Assts/Typists/ Steno Typists/Supernumerary Junior Assistants/ Record Assts/Shoroff/ Drivers/Attenders/Other Class-IV Employees/ Contingent employees/ Surplus staff including Govt. Circuit House Estt. 2. Preparation and submission of Annual Estt. list of Rev. Unit of Vsp. Dist. 3. Senior Asst.(A3) Deployment of eligible J.As/ Typists/ Stenos for Survey Training. 4. Deployment of Sr.Assts/ Sr.Spl.RIs. for Maintenance Test. 5. Appeals against Disciplinary Progs. of Subordinate Officers 6. Maintenancce of Temp.Estt Register 7. Conduct of Group IV Services Examns. or D.S.C. including limited recruitment. 8. Training of Revenue Personnel. 7 Senior Asst.(A4) Junior Asst.(A5) Junior Asst.(A6) Junior Asst(A7) Junior Asst(A8) Junior Asst(A9) Junior Asst(A10) Junior Asst(A11) Junior Asst(A12) Junior Asst(A13) Junior Asst(A14) Roneo Operator Senior Assistant - B1 1. Village Officers Estt. including Suits & Appeals thereon. 2. Disciplinary cases against V.A.Os. including Embezzle-ment of Govt. money. 3. Visits of President/Prime Minister/Governor 4. Treasure Trove 5. Appeals against appointment of Village Assistants/ Village Servants. 6. Appeals against disciplinary cases of Village Servants/ V.A.Os. 7. Recruitment of V.A.Os, conduct of V.A.Os. Tests and Trainings 1. Visits of VIPs & Protocol Duties including APLA Committees/ Commissions/ Special Commissions etc. 2. Visits of the Chief Minister/ Revenue Minister 3. State Functions 4. Government Buildings 5. Allotment of Government Quarters. 1. Maintenance of Motor Vehicles of Cololectorate and Govt. Circuit House 2. Requisition of Motor Vehicles 3. Call Book 4. Maintenance of consolidated Pdl. Register including the chart showing programme for check of P.Rs/ Pdls./ Stock 5. Maintenance of Special Register of important references 6. Fax/Nicnet Message Register 7. Maintenance of Register showing the receipt of LokAyukta Petitions/LAQs/ LSQs etc. 8. Maintenance of Register showing the receipt of O.As/W.Ps/W.As/SLPs and Contempt cases. 1. Distribution of Tappa 2. Maintenance of Security Register 3. Inward Registered Tappals Register 4. Maintenance of Attendance Register 5. Maintenance of C.L. Account of the members of staff 6. Inward Telegrams Register 7. Turn Duty Register. 1. Maintenance of Record and Record Room with the assistance of Record Asst. 2. Record Issue Register 3. Forms(including Forms required by V.A.Os) 4. Distribution of P.Rs/PDL Registers etc. to the members of the staff 5. Gazettes filing 6. Fire Drill 7. Fire Service Appliances 8. Copy Applications 9. Library 10. Acknowledgement of disposals in N.C.Register. The files on the above subjects shall be routed through A1 Asst. to the Admn. Officer. 1. Printing of Dist.Gazettes 2. Maintenance of New Case Registers 3. Half Yearly Business Return and Abstract arrear list 4. Typewriters 5. Despatch Work: 6. Acknowledgement of Disposals in PRS. 7. Handing over of disposals to Record Room 8. Maintenance of Stamp DespatchAsst - I DespatchAsst - II DespatchAsst - III Telephone Operator Telephone Operator 1. All expenditure and budgeting purchases etc. 2. Budget estimates/Revised Estimates. 3. Distribution of budget to subordinate offices. 4. Pensions. 5. FBF/GIS/APGLI Claims. 6. Fixation of pay of permanent temporary establishment. 7. Sanction/recommendation of EL (Leave enclashment) of employees of being retired from Collectorate. 8. Office 8 Senior Assistant - B2 Junior Assistant -B3 Junior Assistant - B4 Junior Assistant - B5 Junior Assistant - B6 Shorff Senior Assistant - C1 Senior Assistant - C2 Junior Assistant – C3 contingencies. 9. Supply/Maintenance of Typewriters. 10. Operation of Permanent advance. 11. Office Audit. 1. Audit Paras under Expenditure and Receipts. 2. Gurajada centenary Fund (Utilisation of the Fund) 3. Union Home Minister's grants. 4. Military pensions. 5. Pension &gratuties of the Estate retained employees. 6. Petitions and appeals of Estate retained employees. 1. Permanent Establishment of Collector's Office. 2. Pay Bills. 3. Maintainance of Service Registers. 4. Sanction of increments. 5. Arrear claims. 6. Advance Pay / T.T.A./Festival Advance. 7. Number Statement. 1. Temp. Establishment of Collector's Office. 2. Pay Bills. 3. Maintainance of Service Regrs. 4. Arrear Claims. 5. Sanction of increments. 6. Advance Pay / T.T.A./ Festival Advance. 7. G.P.F. 1. Preparation of Pay bills of Gazetted Officers. 2. Preparation of T.A.Bills of both Gazetted and Non-Gazetted staff. 3. Counter Signature of T.A.Bills of Gazetted Officers of Other Departments. 4. Education Advance. 5. Reimbursement of School fee including administrative orders. 6. Processing of loan applications of Welfare Fund. 7. Marriage loans. 8. Vehicle loans. 9. Loans & Advances for House Building purpose. 10. Medical reimbursement Bills including Administrative sanction orders. 1. Stationary. 2. Organisation of Annual Dist. Revenue Sports. 3. Reconcialation of Accounts under expenditure and receipts. 4. Furniture 5. Telephones/ Telegrams /Water charges/ Electricity Bills etc. 6. Rents, Rates and Taxes. 7. Service Postage. Contingent Bills. 2. Maintainance of Treasury Bill Book / U.D.Pay Register / Cash Book etc. 3. Presentation and encashment of Bills. 1. Cinematography Act. 2. Dramatic performance. 3. Places of Public Resort Act. 4. Bench Courts. 5. Probation of Offenders Act. 6. Legal Aid to poor. 7. Habitual offenders Act. 8. Official Secrets Act. 9. Law Officers and Allied subjects 1. Foreigners. 2. Indian Pass Ports 3. Emigration 4. Attrocities against SCs & STs 5. Piligrimage to Haj. 6. Law & Order including co-ordination with Judiciary and Police. 7. Strikes and Lockouts 8. Trade Union Act. 9. Citizenship Act. 10. P.D.Act. 11. P.C.R.Act. 12. SCs, STs (POA) Act, 1989. 13. Magisterial Enquiries. 14. All Preventive Detention Laws. 15. Surrendered Extremists. 16. Extremists violance. 17. Solatium Fund Scheme. 1. Jails. 2. Mental Hospital 3. Children Act 4. Borstal School 5. Extradiction 6. Lunancy Act 7. Toombs and Archeology 8. Conferment of Magisterial Powers 9. Explosives Act. 10. Sulpher storage and related matters. 11. Lotteries Act etc. 12. Potassium Chlorate Storage 13. Issue of certificates to transport chemical fertilizers and verification of transport bills. 14. Juvenile Home 15. Premature release of convicts 9 Junior Assistant - C4 Junior Assistant - C5 Junior Assistant - C6 Junior Assistant - C7 Junior Assistant - C8 Senior Assistant – D1 Senior Assistant – D2 Senior Assistant – D3 Junior Assistant - D4 1. Arms Act and Rules. 2. Prosecutions under Arms Act Explosives Act, Petrolium Act. 3. Gambling Act. 4. Poisons Act. 5. Reward for Distruption of Wild Animals. 6. Exgratia relief to the victims of Wild Animals. 7. National Intigration pledge campaign. 8. Bonded Labour. 1. Verification of S.C./S.T./B.C. Social Status claims. 2. Appeals on Social Status Certificates 3. Permanent and integrated community, nativity and D.O.B. certificates of S.Cs/S.Ts and B.Cs. 4. Reference of false/Bogus/fradulent cases/complaints of community certificates etc. to the Dist. level scrutiny committee. 1. Petrolium Act. 2. Political Sufferers including Assignment of Land. 3. Pensions to Freedom Fighters including I.N.A.Personnel. 4. Pecuniary conditions of the families of deceased Govt. Employees. 5. Disbursement of pensions and gratuity to legal heirs of the deceased seamen. 6. Military Solvancy. 1. Minimum Wages Act. 2. Verification of Charactor and anticidents. 3. Fixation of Minimum Wages to N.M.R.workers in the Dist. 4. Industrial Disputes. 1. Burma Repatriates. 2. Panbrokers& Money Lending Act 3. Workmen's compensation Act. 4. Military Welfare 5. P.R.B.Act 6. Rent Control Act. 7. Seaward Artilliary Firing. 8. Indian Christian Marriages Act 1. Land Revenue/N.A.L.A. 2. Water Rate/Remission including appeals and other related matters. 3. Village/Taluk Manual of Accounts 4. Jamabandi 5. R.R. Act. 6. Collection of Sugar purchase tax 7. Collection of Training charges relating to I.T.I. 8. Recovery of E.S.I. arrears 9. Income Tax 10. Commercial Tax 11. Central Excise 12. Prohibition & Excise Dept. 13. Public premises(Eviction of unauthorised occupations) Central Act,1958 and A.P.Act 1961 and Collection of Govt. dues under the Act. 14. All recoveries 15. Beriz Deduction 1. Irrigation 2. Maintenance of M.I/Medium/ Major Irrigation Sources 3. Betterment Contribution Act 4. Water Users' Associationsincluding Appeals/W.Ps and other related matters. 5. Conduct of I.D.B. Meetings 6. R.O.R. 7. F & A Reports 1. Drought Relief Expenditure statement/Distribution of allotment and all other correspondence 2. Approval of drought relief estimates and allothercorrespondance with Deptl. Officers. 3. Natural Calamities including Fire Accidents. 4. Seasonal Conditions 5. Agriculture Statistics and correspondence 6. Rainfall statements 7. Kharif/Rabi campaign crops samplings 8. A.P.Agriculturist Relief Act 1938 9. Weekly seasonal conditions report. 10. Pollution 11. Houses gutted in Fire Accident and proposals as Pucca Houses under I.A.Y. Programme. 12. C.M's Relief Fund 1. Fire Accidents and other accidents 2. Public Health 3. Vital Statistics 4. Alteration of Date of Birth 5. Hospital Advisory Committees 6. Medical Concessions 7. Loans and Advances and N.W.S. 8. Pauper Stamp Duty incl. Pauper Suits/Family Court 9. Relief to HPCL Accident Victims 10. Epedemics. 10 Senior Assistant – E1 Senior Assistant - E2 Junior Assistant – E3 Junior Assistant – E4 Junior Assistant – E5 Junior Assistant – E6 Senior Assistant – F1 Senior Assistant – F2 1. Assignments including assignment appeals 2) Eviction of encroachments including road widening scheme and budget 3) Prohibition Order Book 4) Leases of Railway lands and leases under B.S.O. 15 (a) and 24(a) 5) Assignments/ House Sites/ leases in Visakhapatnam Urban Agglomeration area 6) Transfer of classification of lands dry to wet and vice verse (Ayan) 1. Alienation of lands in Vsp. Urban Agglomeration MandalsVsp.(U)&(R), Pendurthi, Gajuwaka, Pedagantyada, Anandapuram, Bheemili, Sabbavaram, Parawada and Anakapalli 2. Transfer of Govt. Land 3. Alienation of lands to APIIC/VUDA and other local bodies. 1. House sites 2. Assignment of lands/leases n the Dist. except Vsp.(U) (R), Pendurthi, Gajuwaka, Pedagantyada, Anandapuram, Bheemili, Sabbavaram, Parawada and Anakapalli. 3. Cattle, Ponds and Village Chavidies. 1. Alienation of lands in the Dist. except in Vsp.(U) & (R) Pendurthi, Gajuwaka, Pedagantyada, Anandapuram, Bheemili, Sabbavaram, Parawada and Anakapalli. 2. Bakish Water lands 3. Forests and Tree Pattas 1. Alienation of lands to Industries including Industrial Projects. 2. Education 3. A.U. Election Committees/Syndicate 4. Mrs.A.V.N.College Committee 5. Hindu Reading Room Committee 6. Industries and Commercial Exhibition Committee 7. Market Committee and other related subjects of Marketing Department. 8. Subrahmanyam Naidu Memorial Committee 9. Committee for Industrial Estate. 10. Visakhapatnam Port Trust 11. Meetings of Port Trust 12. Examinations of APPSC/UPSC and Competitive Examinations, SSC and Intermediate Exams. 13. Lease of Railway land and lease under B.S.O. 15(a) and 24(a) 14. A.P. Home Stead Act. 15. Ware Housing Act. 1. Regulation of encroachments under G.O.Ms.No.508. 2. Computerisation of land Records 3. Land protection 4. Prohibition of alienation of assigned lands and other relevant laws relating to the above subjects. 5. Evocue property 6. Railway lands protection 7. Relinquishments 8. Escheats 9. Lankas 10. Private lands 11. All other land related subjects 1. Estate Abolition Act,1948 2. Tenure of lands 3. Correspondence relating to payment of compensation U/s.5(1) of R.R.Act, 1947 4. Rent Reduction Act, 1947 5. Sec. 55(1) of the R.R. Act, 1947 6. Survey and Settlement errors 7. Shandies 8. Enquiries U/s.19 of E.A. Act 1948 9. Trade in allowance U/s.38 of E.A. Act. 1948 10. Wakf Board and other related subjects 1. Enquiries U/s.11(a) of E.A. Act, 1948 2. Sec. 11(Pro.) cases of the E.A. Act 3. Enquiries under Sec.15(1) of E.A. Act 1948 4. Enquiries U/s.3(d) of E.A. Act 1948 5. Muttadari System 6. Agency Settlement 7. Claims U/s.18(4) of E.A. Act, 1948 8. Enquiries U/s.20 of E.A. Act 1948 9. Correspondence U/s.2(4) of Rent Reduction Act, 1947 11 Senior Assistant – F3 Senior Assistant – F4 Senior Assistant – F5 Senior Assistant – G1 Senior Assistant – G2 Senior Assistant – G3 Senior Assistant – G4 Senior Assistant – G5 Junior Assistant – G6 Senior Assistant – H1 Senior Assistant – H2 Senior Assistant – H3 Senior Assistant – H4 1. Andhra Inams(Assessment) Act, 1948 2. Andhra (A & C into R)Act 1948 3. Suits Call Book 4. Agriculture land ceiling Act and Urban Land Ceiling 5. Any other land reforms laws. 1. Suits and legal matters 2. All suits and W.Ps/other than L.A. and Land matters 3. All suits/W.Ps./O.A.Ps etc. of other departments 4. A.P. Tenancy Act 5. Estate Duty Act 6. Forest and Tree Pattas 7. Forest Offences 8. VanaMahostavam 9. V.S.S. 1. A.P.Scheduled Areas Land Transffer Regulations, 1959 and Allied subjects 2. A.P. Agency Rules 1924 and Allied subjects 3. Agency Court work 4. Other Agency Laws/Suits & Legal Matters. 1. Land Acquisition cases of VUDA 2. Quinquennial valuation of Port Lands. 3. General Issues on L.A. 4. Periodicals on L.A. 5. L.A.Qs. 6. Slum Improvement Act. 7. L.A. Conferences. 1. L.A.Cases of NarsipatnamDivn. 2. General of Narsipatnam and Paderu Divisions. 3. Acquisition of lands for APIIC and Market Yards. 4. YLMC and Thandava projects in respect of NarsipatnamDivn. 1. L.A.Cases of Spl.Tahr.(LA) Rev.Divn., Vsp. including road Widening. 2. L.A.Cases of Visakhapatnam Seweage scheme. 3. R.L.C. and Konam Projects. 4. L.A.Cases YLMC in respect of Visakhapatnam Divn. 1. Land Acquisition Suits Register 2. L.A.Cases of Defence Dept. 3. L.A.Cases for Road widening in respect of MuncipalCorpn. 4. Cases of Steel Plant. 1. L.A.Cases of NTPC & HNPCL and common corrider. 1. Original Petitions, Cases U/s 18 of the L.A.Act. 2. Social Welfare Land Acquisition. 1. Electoral Rolls (Annual Revision) 2. Conduct of Elections to the Legislative Assembly and Parliament. 3. Elelctions relating to Panchayat Raj and other local bodies. 4. MPHS/PICs 5. Censes/House numbering. 6. Organisation of Annual District Sports. 1. Computerisation of MRO's Offices. 2. Revenue Sadassulu. 3. Fisheries. 4. Miscellaneous and any other residuary matters. 5. Pollution. 1. Files disposal 2. Social Security Pensions 3. Collector's Discretionary grants. 4. Distribution of gift articles. 5. A.P.Welfare Fund Relief other Social Services. 6. Review Committee of Stamp Duty. 7. Refund of spoiled stamps cost and allied subjects. 8. Miscellaneous subjects other miscellaneous matters. 9. Stamp Act. 1. Collector's Special Refs. 2. P.A.G.B. References 3. N.I.C. 4. C.M.Ps./Other References from Ministers/M.L.As/M.Ps. 5. Redressal of Janmabhoomi 6. Official Language 12 CHAPTER-4 Procedure followed in Decision-making process {Section 4(1)(b)(iii)} 4.1Describe the procedure followed in decision-making by the Public Authority: Activity Goal-setting planning Formulation Programmes, schemes projects Description & Decision-making process Designation of final decision-making authority -- -- -- - - - Recruitment/ hiring of personnel Recruitment of Junior Assistants/Typists/ Jr. Stenos/Record Assistants/Drivers/ Attenders The District Collector is Chairman for DSC and also Nodal Authority for filling up the vacancies under Compassionate grounds. After notifying the vacancies by the Unit Officers/ Appointing authorities, action is being taken to fill up the vacancies on Compassionate grounds and under Limited recruitment of SC/ST Backlog vacancies, as there is ban on general recruitment in Public service. District Collector, Chairman for DSC and Nodal Authority for Compassionate appointments. Release of funds Rs.35,000/- was released per each quarter towards Maintenance of vehicles Rs. 75,000/- was released per each quarter towards POL charges. Rs. 1,55,000/ was released for two quarters towards maintenance of Builings. After obtaining necessary inspection reports from the Transport/R&B Departments, processing the files to the DRO for necessary approval and clearing the bills. District Collector, Visakhapatnam. Implementa-tion/ delivery of service/utilization of funds Issue of Caste, Nativity, Residence, Income, legal heir, NOC for grant of permission for construction of Cinema halls/B.Formlicence/Enhance ment of Admission rates/permission for benefit shows/Gun licences/renewal of gun licences/licences for storage of explosive material/certified copies of settlement cases/Registration of tribal lands/tree cutting permissions/Refund of court fees/Christian Marriage licence/caste verification/Foreign contribution for NGOs/Exgratia for extremists violence victims/grant of additional relief to fire victims/grant of agriculture land on lease/alienation Counter Based services such as Caste, Income, and Nativity have been issued to the Public to ESevaCentres. Apart from this land owners certificates, Adangal copies also been issued on pilot basis. To achieve better administration an emergency cell was opened in Collector's Office, Visakhapatnam to attend 24 hours G2G services. District Collector Monitoring evaluation Supervision of Public needs A Gnandoot Call center was established for effective monitoring and supervision of public needs District Collector Visakhapatnam -- -- -- Gathering feedback Public of and & from 13 CHAPTER-5 Norms set for the discharge of functions (Section 4 (1) (b) (iv) 5.1. Please provide the details of the norms standards set by the public authority for the discharge of its functions delivery of services. Sl.No Functions/service 1 2 3 Sanction of pensions to employee Sanction G.P.F advances/final settlements Medical claims 5 @House Building Advance @ T.A.Bills 6 LIcences 7 -do- 8 -do- 4 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Norms/standards of performance set Timeframe Reference document prescribing the norms (citizen's charter, services charter etc As per rules One month APRP Rules 1980 As per rules One month with in office A.P. G.P.F Rules As per rules As per rules As per Rules NOC for grant of permission for construction of cinema hall Noc for grant of B licence for using ofcinema hall Orders forenhancement of admission rates of cinema hall Permission for running of benefit shows Grant of gun licence Renewal of gun licence For grant oflicence for storage of explosive material Grant licnse for manufacture and sale of explosive material Grant of noc for construction of underground storage tank forpetrolem products Christian Marriage licence Foreign contribution for ngo One month with in office One month with in office ApIMS Rules 1972 Housing Building Advance Rules 45 days 45 days 7days 2 days 45 days 7 days 45 days 45 days 45 days 30 days 30days 14 17 Exgratia for extremist violence victims Court fee Rs. 5/search fee one rupee per year No fee proposals through the sub Collector/MRO Proposals through the Sub Collector/RDO/MR O 30 days 18 Public copies of settlement orders 19 LTR cases (Registrations 20 Trees cutting permission 21 Assignment of Govt. lands to Landless poor and Ex-Service man Forwarding of application to the MRO 3 days 22 Assignment R.Ps Joint against Order No time frame It is quasi Judicial court Quasi Judicial court 1) Availability report from MRO 2) Regular alienation proposals One month Two months Pre requisition for alienation of Govt. lands 1.Appendix in form XXIX of BSO-24 2. land availability report 3. Gram Panchayat /municipality/ Municipal corporation resolution 4.prepartion of survey and sub division records 5.classification of the lands value prepared 6. Basic value particular to calculate the market value of the lands 7.consent of the requisitioning department to pay market value as fixed by the Government 8 Inspection report of the Divisional Officer/ Mandal Officer concerned 9. Remarks and recommendation of the Revenue Divisional Officer/ 15 days 15 days 15 days 15 days 23 Alienation Government lands of Collector RDO"s 24 NOC for grant of Mining lease 1.submission of report by MRO 2.Submission of recommend proposals by RDO 3.Issue of NOC to the MRO by the Collector 25 Refund of Court fee A.P.C.F. &S.V.Act 7 days 7days 15 CHAPTER-6 RULES, REGULATIONS, INSTRUCTIONS, MANUAL and RECORDES FOR DISCHARGING FUNCTIONS (Section 4 (1) (b) (V) & (Vi) ### Please provide list and gist of rules, regulations, instructions, manuals and held by public authority or under its control or used by its employees for discharging functions in the following format. 6.1 S.No. 1. 2 3 4 Description Gist of contents RULES AND REGULATIONS LA Act 1894 empowers the Govt. acquisition of private land for public purpose ( Defined Section 3 of the act Land Acquisition Act – 1894 ) This act is amended by Act-68 of 1984 which come in to force with effect from 24-09-1984 With a view to provide Record of Rights in the lands held by the Ryots an also to give title deeds, the ROR AP Record of Rights Act –1971 work is taken up in the state as per the ROR act 1971, as amended in 1980, 1989 & 1993 An Inam is a gift of land or land revenue. The origin of the Inam can be traced back to the times of Hindu & Mohammedan period of rules. The Act provided the The Inams (Abolition and Abolish the Inam tenure of conversion in to Ryotwari Act – lands and converted them 1956) in to Ryotwari lands. It applies to pre settlement Inam lands both major and minor Inams where a grant in Inam has been made, confirmed or recognized by Govt., not being an estate. A.P. Assigned Land (P.O.T Act1977) Act 9 of 1977 Act 9 of 1977 is a protective legislation which came in to force on 21-01-1977. The Act prohibits transfer of lands assigned to land less poor persons for the purpose of cultivation or as house sites and provides for restoration of such transferred lands to the original assignees and also for punishment to the persons acquiring such lands. Price of publication if prices It is available in market on price -do- -do- -do- 16 5. A.P. Encroachment Act –1905 6 AP NALA Act – 1963 7 Revenue Recovery Act 1864 8 A.P. Land Reforms Act – 1973 9 A.P. State and Subordinate service Rules, 1996 10 A.P. Revised Pension Rules, 1980 11 A.P.Leave Rules, 1933 12 Fundmental Rules An Encroachment means unauthorized occupation of Govt. land. Collectors, RDOs and MROs are vested with powers to enforce the provisions of Land Encroachment Act. The Act provides levy of assessment on lands used for non agricultural purposes. It came into force with effect from 1-71963. The A.P. Revenue Recovery Act 1864 enables the Govt. to recover (i) arrears of Public Revenue and certain other amounts due to the Govt. (ii) Dues to banks and notified public bodies (iii) Dues from persons from whom money is due by the defaulter. The costs awarded to the State Govt. by various courts can also be recovered as arrears of Land revenue under the provisions of Revenue Recovery Act. This act came in to force with effect from 0109-1975 to prevent the concentration of agriculture land in the hands of few persons and to arrest the speculation and profiteering in the Agriculture Land. To bring about socialization of Agriculture land to sub-serve the poor people. 1. Appointments 2. Probations 3. Seniority 4. Promotions 5. Rules of reservations in appointments 1.Pensions 2. Family pension 3.Provisional pension 4.Gratuity 1.Earned leave 2.Half pay leave 3.E.O.L. 4.Study leave 1.Pay and allowances 2.joining time 3. Increments 4.Addl.Charge allowances 5.Subsistence allowances -do- -do- -do- -do- -do- -do- -do- -do- 17 13 A.P.Civil Services (CC&A) Rules, 1991 14 A.P.Civil (Conduct) Service Rules 15 A.P. Ministerial service Rules,1998 16 17 18 19 A.P. LGS rules,1991 appointmentsto the posts of Attenders, watchman, sweeper etc., A.P. \General Subordinate Service Rules (Record Assistants, Roneo operators etc) B.S.O. 15, 22, 24 A.P.Assignment (POT) Act 9/77 A.P. Mining Act 20 Cinematography rules under the Act 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 Place of public Resort Act Prohibition of Offenders Act Habitual Offenders Act Official Secrets Act Law Officers and allied subjects Foreigners Indian Pass Ports Emigration Trade Union Act Citizenship Act P.D.Act P.C.R.Act SCs STs (POA)Act, 1989 Children Act Lunacy Act 36 Explosives Act 37 Lotteries Act etc 38 Arms Act and Rules 39 Prosecutions under Arms Act, Explosives Act, Petroleum Act 40 Act 16 of 1993 41 Petroleum Act 42 Minimum Wages Act 43 Pawnbrokers & Money Lending Act 1.puniahments 2.Appeals 3.Revisions 4. Mercy 1. Movable and immovable property matters accepting gifts 1.Appointments 2. Probations 3. Transfers 4.qualifications to the posts 1.Appointments 2.probation 3.Seniority 1.Appointmenrs 2.Probations 3.promotions 4.Seniority Assignment/ Lease of Government lands Lease of Government lands Issues of License/NOC Payment of exgaria relief Issue of Explosive license for possession and sale and for manufacturing -do- -do- -do- -do- -doRs.800/- Rs. 10/Rs. 15/It is available in market on price -do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do- Issue of Gun license for self protection /Renewal of license Issue orders Prosecutions under Arms Act, Explosives Act, Petroleum Act Cancellation of fraudulent /Bogus caste claims Issue of NOC Revision of minimum wages for NMR/Daily wage workers -do- -do-do-do-do-do- 18 44 45 46 Workmen's compensation Act P.R.B. Act Rent Control Act 47 Indian Christian Marriages Act 48 49 50 51 Issue of Christian marriage license Grant of RyotwariPatta in Estate Abolition Act 1948 Estate lands This regulation was enacted to regulate the transfers of land in the Scheduled areas in the districts of East Godavari, West Godavari, Visakhapatnam, Srikakulam, Adilabad, Warangal, Khammam and Mehaboobnagar in Andhra A.P. Scheduled. Areas Land Pradesh. Transfer Regulation 1959 The transfer of lands in the Scheduled Areas prior to the enactment of APSALTR were governed by 1) The agency Tract interest & LT Act 1917 in respect of Andhra Area and to the tribal areas of Regulation III of Fasli 1359 in Telangana Division A.P.Forest Act, 1970 Cutting permission (Trees) Election Registration of Election Rules MANUALS Criminal Procedure Code (Cr.P.C.) Civil Procedure Code (C.P.C) Election Law RECORDS Any document relating to Election Election or Revision Electrolls -do-do-do-do-do- -do- -doRs/-100/ Rs/- 100/Through public copy 19 CHAPTER-7 CATEGORIES OF DOCUMENTS HELD BY THE PUBLIC AUTHORITY UNDER ITS CONTROL (Section 4(1)(b)v(1) 7.1 Provide information about the official documents held by the public authority or under its control: Sl.No. Category of document 5 NOC for grant of permission for construction of cinema hall Noc for grant of B license for using of cinema hall Orders for enhancement of admission rates of cinema hall Permission for running of benefit shows Grant of gun license 6 Renewal of gun license 1 2 3 4 7 8 9 10 11 12 For grant of license for storage of explosive material Grant of license of manufacture and sale of explosive material Grant of NOC for construction of under ground storage tank for petroleum products Christian marriage license Foreign contribution for NGOs Exgratia for extremist violence victims 13 Settlement orders 14 Refund of Court fee Title of the document Designation and address of the custodian (held by/under the control of whom) NOC C-1 /Joint Collector License C-1 / Joint Collector Enhancement of rates C1/ Joint Collector Benefits License Renewal of license C1/ Joint Collector C4/ Collector C4/ Collector License C3/ Collector License C3/ Collector NOC C6/ Joint Collector License C8/ Collector Registration C2/ Collector Relief C2/ Collector Ryotwaripatta under estate abolition act Joint Collector & Settlement Officer H3/Collector 20 CHAPTER-8 Arrangement for Consultation with, or Representation by, the Member of the Public in relation to the Formulation of Policy or implementation there of [Section 4(1)(b) VIII] 8.1 Describe arrangements by the public authority to seek consultation participation of Public or its representatives for formulation and implementation of policies ? S.No. 1 2 3 Arrangements for consultation with or Function/Service representation of public in relations with policy formulation 1. Prajavani Call Centre, Collector's Office, Receipt of the Visakhapatnam grievances 2. Tapal Clerk, A-Section, Collectors Office, Visakhapatnam All currents, petitions, complaints and e-mails at the Head quarter level and all the petitions at Mandal level/Divisional Level/District Level are Receipt of the being listed and receipt grievances duly showing receipt no. and date being handed over to petitioner or sent by e-mail when e-mail complaint received-mail Dial 1107, Receipt of the 2563121, 2563122, 2563123, grievances 2564426 Arrangements for consultation with or representation of public in relations with policy implementation District Collector, Visakhapatnam District Collector, Visakhapatnam District Collector, Visakhapatnam 21 CHAPTER-9 BOARDS, COUNCILS, COMMITTEES AND OTHER BODIES CONSTITUTED AS PART OF PUBLIC AUTHORITY Section 4 (1) (b) V(iii) *** 9. Please provide information on boards, councils, committees and other bodies related to the public authority in the following format Name of Board, Council, Committee, etc Mandal Assignment Committee Gram Panchayat Composition Powers &Functions Hon'ble MLA, Approval of list of RDO, MRO, eligible Sarpanch, M.P.P., beneficiaries or Z.P.T.C other wise Resolution/Consen t of the Gram Sarpanch and Panchayat for ward Members alienation of Government Land. Whether its Meetings open to public/Minutes of its Meetings accessible for public Yes Yes. 22 CHAPTER 10 DIRECTORY OF OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES [SECTION 4(1)(B)(IX)] 10.1 Please provide information on officers an employees working in different units of offices at different levels and their contact addresses in the following format (including officers in charge of grievances redressal, Vigilance, audit, ets.) S.No. 1. Telephone & Name, designation & address Name of office/ Fax Office of Officer/Employees administrative unit Tel.Residence Sarvasri Tel. Fax. Administrative B.S. PrakasaRao 9849903838 Officer 2. Sr.Asst. – A1 Vacant 3. Sr.Asst. – A2 T. Sudheer 9000914615 4. Sr.Asst. – A3 D. Rajendravarma 9000617618 5. Sr.Asst. – A4 G. Ramakrishna 7207213111 6. Jr.Asst. – A5 P. Sudheerbabu 7382231263 7. Jr.Asst. – A6 B. Sudhakar 9059479052 8. Jr.Asst. – A7 I.Ramana 8897660590 9. Jr.Asst. – A8 Vacant 10. Jr.Asst. – A9 R. Bharathi 9885526040 11. Jr.Asst. – A10 P..K. Sowjanya 8977643189 12. Jr.Asst. – A11 Kondalarao 8179818132 13. Supdt. – B K Vijay Kumar 9505536364 14. Sr.Asst. – B1 P. Sailaja 9652236555 15. Sr.Asst. – B2 Vacant 16. Jr.Asst. – B3 K. Yashwani 8985437570 17. Jr.Asst. – B4 P. Bhagyalakshmi 9912015579 18. Jr.Asst. – B5 Vacant 19. Jr.Asst. – B6 Y. Sivakumar 20. Shoroff Vacant 21. Typist D S Murthy 9247446043 22. Supdt. – C K.V. Ramalakshmi 8897295679 23. SR.Asst. – C1 G. Rajesh 9000621622 24 Sr.Asst. – C2 A.Siddhardha 8712111131 25 Jr.Asst. – C3 K.Koteswararao 8886011784 26 Jr.Asst. – C4 Vacant 8096160780 9985122522 23 27. Jr.Asst. – C5 T, HariPrasuna 7075639951 28. Jr,Asst. – C6 K.VeerabhadraRao 9440126486 29 Jr.Asst. – C7 P.Sravan Kumar 9963684709 30 Jr.Asst. – C8 Vacant 31 Supdt. – D Ratnam P.V. 9849913705 32. Sr.Asst. – D1 B.Sreenivasarao 9848408278 33. Sr.Asst. – D2 G.V. Kumar 9849658010 34. Sr.Asst. – D3 Ch. Rajasekhar 9848503373 35. Jr.Asst. – D4 Sk.Farjana 9848758303 36. Typist K KarunaKumari 9866841051 37. Gaz.Supdt. – E P. Narsimhamurthy 9849903840 38. Sr.Asst. - E1 C.H.V.Ramesh (i/c) 9849911018 39. Sr.Asst. – E2 Sk. Rehematulla 7730939383 40. Jr.Asst. – E3 T.Pradeep Kumar 9052133787 41. Jr.Asst. – E4 Y.Venkatesh 8086656651 42. Jr.Asst. – E5 Vacant 43. Jr.Asst. – E6 Vacant 44. Jr.Asst. – E7 M.Sunitha 9000123801 45. Gaz.Supdt. – F P. SeshaSailaja 9989765402 46. Sr.Asst. – F1 Vacant 47. Sr.Asst. – F2 N.Prasad 8019147916 48. Sr.Asst. – F3 M,J.D.L. Livingston 9989192506 49. Sr.Asst. – F4 B.V.V.S. Tulasi Lakshmi 9248179460 50. Sr.Asst.F.5 Vacant 51 Gaz.Supdt – G B.V. Ramani 9949903854 52. Sr.Asst. G.1 J. Nagajyothi 8790071936 53. Sr.Asst.G.2 K. Chandrasekhar 9177606185 54. Sr.Asst.G.3 D.Rama 9885995195 55. Sr.Asst.G.4 Vacant 56. Jr.Asst. G.6 Vacant 57. Typist Vacant 58 Supdt. – H BVSN Murthy 9849903830 59. Sr.Asst. – H1 Vacant (A.Ravibabu, D.T) 9703056123 24 60 Sr.Asst. – H2 Vacant 61 Sr.Asst.- H3 Vacant 62 Typist Vacant 63 PAGB Supdt. P. Shyam Prasad 9949867842 64 Sr.Asst. M.D. Chayareddy 9963629673 65 Typist S.Seshagirirao 9490084547 66 Typist S. Meenakumari 9959016552 67 CC to DRO R. Sarat 9494421528 68 Jr.Asst. M. Vinai 8333831289 69 Dy. Tahsildar (RTI) S.S.V.P. Rama Seshu 8985376797 70 Typist (C-8) A.KrishnamRaju 9494374948 25 0 CHAPTER-11 Monthly Remuneration of Officers & Employees including the system of compensation as provided in Regulations. Section 4 (1) (b) (x) Monthly Remuneration received by each officer & official in Collector's Office, Vsp. SL NAME DESIGNATION NET SALARY NO 1 2 3 4 1 N. Yuvaraj, IAS., DISTRICT 26 COLLECTOR JOINT COLLECTOR 2 Pravin Kumar, IAS., 3 D.V. Reddy ADDL. JOINT COLLECTOR 85156 4 K. NageswaraRao DRO 70325 5 B.S. Prakasarao A.O. 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Sr.Asst. – A1 Sr.Asst. – A2 Vacant T. Sudheer Sr.Asst. – A3 D. Rajendravarma Sr.Asst. – A4 G. Ramakrishna Jr.Asst. – A5 P. Sudheerbabu Jr.Asst. – A6 B. Sudhakar Jr.Asst. – A7 13 Jr.Asst. – A8 I.Ramana Kanaka Tarangani J 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Jr.Asst. – A9 R. Bharathi Jr.Asst. – A10 P..K. Sowjanya Jr.Asst. – A11 Kondalarao Supdt. – B K Vijay Kumar Sr.Asst. – B1 P. Sailaja Sr.Asst. – B2 Vacant Jr.Asst. – B3 K. Yashwani Jr.Asst. – B4 P. Bhagyalakshmi Jr.Asst. – B5 Vacant Jr.Asst. – B6 Y. Sivakumar Shoroff Vacant Typist D.S. Murthy 26234 (depution) 25082 17517 20241 18543 16243 18006 34999 (depution) 25615 18243 18006 20241 37169 27 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 Supdt. – C K.V. Ramalakshmi SR.Asst. – C1 G. Rajesh Sr.Asst. – C2 A.Siddhardha Jr.Asst. – C3 K.Koteswararao Jr.Asst. – C4 Vacant Jr.Asst –C5 T, HariPrasuna Jr.Asst. C-6 K.VeerabhadraRao Jr.Asst. C-7 P.Sravan Kumar Jr.Asst. C-8 Vacant Supdt. – D Ratnam P.V. Sr.Asst. – D1 B.Sreenivasarao Sr.Asst. – D2 G.V. Kumar Sr.Asst. – D3 Ch. Rajasekhar Jr.Asst. – D4 Sk.Farjana Typist K KarunaKumari Gaz.Supdt. – E P. Narsimhamurthy Sr.Asst. - E1 C.H.V.Ramesh (i/c) Sr.Asst. – E2 Sk. Rehematulla Jr.Asst. – E3 T.Pradeep Kumar Jr.Asst. – E4 Y.Venkatesh Jr.Asst. – E5 Vacant Jr.Asst. – E6 Vacant Jr.Asst. – E7 M.Sunitha Gaz.Supdt. – F P. SeshaSailaja Sr.Asst. – F1 Vacant Sr.Asst. – F2 N.Prasad Sr.Asst. – F3 M,J.D.L. Livingston Sr.Asst. – F4 B.V.V.S. Tulasi Lakshmi Sr.Asst.F.5 Vacant Gaz.Supdt – G B.V. Ramani J. Nagajyothi Sr.Asst. G.1 36581 24636 22065 18543 17517 25490 18006 (depution) 26071 26671 22065 17517 33 49365 (depution) 21765 17217 18006 45535 46626 23424 45592 26465 28 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 Sr.Asst.G.2 64 65 66 67 68 69 Supdt. – H-2 Sr.Asst.G.3 Sr.Asst.G.4 Jr.Asst. G.6 Typist Supdt. – H Sr.Asst. – H1 K. Chandrasekhar D.Rama Vacant Vacant Vacant BVSN Murthy Vacant (A.Ravibabu, D.T) Sr.Asst. Vacant Vacant P. Shyam Prasad M.D. Chayareddy Typist S.Seshagirirao Typist S. Meenakumari 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 CC to DRO Jr.Asst. R. Sarat M. Vinai Dy. Tahsildar (RTI) S.S.V.P. Rama Seshu Typist (C-8) A.KrishnamRaju Jamedar 86 87 88 O.S P. Ramu Srinu Swathi Kanakaraju Sivasankar DV Ramesh D Simhachlam P Venkatarao N Sreenu S Nirmala G.V. Nagaraju M. GowriSankara Prasad B. Ashok R. Varalakshmi Leelaraj Sharma K Sr.Asst. – H3 PAGB Supdt. O.S. O.S O.S O.S O.S Sweeper Sweeper O.S. O.S. O.S. O.S. O.S. O.S. (depution) (depution) (depution) (depution) 48478 (out sourcing) 17020 (depution) 17020 33495 14072 (contingent) 20280 21435 33237 18410 13491 15189 14733 14322 14320 14320 13741 29 CHAPTER-12 BUDGET ALLOTTED TO EACH AGENCY INCLUDING PLANS ETC., { Section 4(1)(b)xi} 12.1 Provide information about the details of the plans, Programmes and schemes undertaken by the public authority for each agency 12.2 Provide information on the budget allocated for different activities under difference Programmes /schemes/projects etc. in the given format. Head of Account Budget allotted for 2053-District Administration 093-District Administration SH.03 – District Officers & Collector’s Establishment. 020-Wages 111-TA 25,960.00 1,95,000.00 131-Utility payments 132-Other Office Expenditure 133 – water & Electricity 140-Rents, Rates & Taxes 160-Publications 8,57,700.00 20,00,000.00 8,58,000.00 30,000.00 13,875.00 200- Other Administrative Expenditure 240-Petrol Oil & Lubricants 281-Pleaders fees 284- Other payments 30,810.00 3,48,075.00 0.00 13,82,000.00 300-Other Constructual services 503-Other expenditure 510-Motor vehicles 312 – other Grant in aid Total of 2053 0.00 6000.00 2,71,371.00 48,000.00 60,66,791.00 M.H.2070-Other Administrative Services M.H.115-Guest Houses and Govt. Hostels Etc. S.H.(06) – State Guest Houses. 020-Wages 111-TA 131-Utility payments 525.00 1260.00 4,81,248.00 132-O.O.E. 133 – water & Electricity 54,498.00 4,53,990.00 140-Rents, Rates & Taxes 15,498.00 200-Other Administrative Expenses 240-Petrol, Oil & Lubricants 19,494.00 1,15,785.00 503 – other expenditure 510-Motor vehicles 0.00 1,94,625.00 Total of 2070 13,36,923.00 30 CHAPTER- 13 Manner of Execution of Subsidy Programmes (Section 4(1)(b) xii) 13.1 Describe the activities/Programmes/schemes being implemented by the public authority for which subsidy is provided. 13.2 Provide information on the nature of subsidy, eligibility criteria for accessing subsidy and designation of officer competent to grant subsidy under various Programmes/schemes. Name of Programme/ Activity the Nature /scale of Eligibility subsidy criteria for grant of subsidy Designation of officer to grant subsidy NOT APPLICABLE 13.3 Describe the manner of execution of the subsidy programmes. Name Programme/ activity of Application Procedure Sanction Procedure Disbursement procedure NOT APPLICABLE 31 CHAPTER-14 Particular of Recipients of concessions, Permits or Authorization granted by the Public Authority (Section 4(1)(b) xiii) 14.1 Provide the names and address of recipients of benefits under each Programme/scheme separately in the following format. INSTITUTIONAL BENEFICIARIES Name of programme/Scheme: Sl. No Name & address of recipient institutions Nature/quantum Date of Of benefit of grant granted Name & Designation of grant authority NOT APPLICABLE Sl. No Name & address of recipient institutions Nature/quantu m Of benefit of granted Date of grant Name & Designation of grant authority NOT APPLICABLE INDIVIDUAL BENEFICIARIES Name of programme/Scheme: Sl. No Name & address of recipient Beneficiaries Nature/quantum Date of Of benefit of grant granted Name & Designation of grant authority NOT APPLICABLE Sl. No Name & address of recipient institutions Nature/quantu m Of benefit of granted Date of grant Name & Designation of grant authority NOT APPLICABLE 32 33 CHAPTER-15 Information Available in Electronic Form (Section 4(1)(b)x(iv) 15.1 please provide the details of information related to the various schemes of the department which are available in electronic formats (Floppy, CD, VCD, Web site, internet etc., Electronic format E-Mail service Description site address/location where available Contents or title <> A.P. Mail Designation and address of the custodian of information (held by whom?) District Revenue Officer, Visakhapatnam CHAPTER -16 Particulars of Facilities available to citizens for obtaining information (Section 4(1)(b)xv) 16.1 Particulars of Facilities available to Citizens for Obtaining information dissemination mechanisms in place/facilities available to the Public for accessing of information. Description ( Location of Facility/Name etc. Facility Notice Board Collector's Office entrance News paper reports Public Announcements Information counter Publications Office Library Websites A-Section, Collectorate A-Section, Collectorate http:// Details of information made available. Notifications published by various Departments Cyclone warnings, Psunami, District officers addresses etc., Acts, Manuals and BSOs etc., District information 34 CHAPTER-17 Names, Designations and other particulars of Public Information Officers (Section 4(1)(b)xvi) 17.1 Please provide contact information about the Public information officers and Assistant Public information officers designated for various offices/administrative units and Appellate Authority/Officer(s) for the Public authority in the following format. PUBLIC INFORMATION OFFICER (S): Sl.No. 1. Name of office/administrative unit Name & designation of Public Information Officer Collector's Office, Visakhapatnam Sri K. NageswaraRao, District Revenue Officer & Additional District Magistrate, Visakhapatnam Office Tel: Residence Tel: Fax: 9849903820 2564426(o) & fax 2563121(o) 2533937® ASSISTANT PUBLIC INFORMATION OFFICER (S): Sl.No. 1. Name of office/administrative unit Collector's Office, Visakhapatnam Name & designation of APIO Sri B.S. PrakasasaRao, Administrative Officer Office Tel: Residence Tel: Fax: 2564426(fax ) 2563121(o) 9849903838 APPELLATE AUTHORITY: Sl.No Name and designation & Address of Appellate Officer 2. Sri J. Nivas, IAS., Joint Collector and Additional District Magistrate, Visakhapatnam Jurisdiction of Appellate Officer ( offices/administrative units of the authority) Collector's Office and District Offices under his jurisdiction in Visakhapatnam District. Office Tel: Residence Tel: Fax: 2562565 2562522 35 CHAPTER-18 OTHER USEFUL INFORMATION (Section 4(1)(b)xv ii) 18.1 Please give below any other information or details of publications which are of relevance or of use to the citizens. 1. The District Administration is committed to improve transferency and accountability in the system which can be achieved by introducing the right to information project. It has been decided to start this project first with all the officers available in the district. For the project, one Deputy Collector (District Tourism Officer) is designated as Public Information Officer. Each Department is supposed to appoint one information officer who will report to the District Public information Officer. Any citizen who wants any public documents will apply in the E-seva center with fee of Rs. 10/-. The DIPO will ensure that within 15 days a zerox copy of print document to supplied to the person by post. Because of any reason it is not possible for the Govt. to share that information (mainly because of security reasons or otherwise), Govt. is prepared to save the information, that reply will be sent to the individual clearly stating the reason, why it can not be shared. ii. On every Monday a Spandanaprogramme is being conducted in Collectorate, Visakhapatnam by the District Collector in the presence of all District Officers and to receive representations/grievances from the Public and redress the petitions. 18.2 To implement the Citizen charter effectively and to fix up the accountability and ensure transferncy, it has been decided that the applications for issue of Caste, Nativity, Residence, Income, legal heir, NOC for grant of permission for construction of Cinema halls/B.Formlicence/Enhancement of Admission rates/permission for benefit shows/Gun licences/renewal of gun licences/licences for storage of explosive material/certified copies of settlement cases/Registration of tribal lands/tree cutting permissions/Refund of court fees/Christian Marriage licence/caste verification/Foreign contribution for NGOs/Ex-gratia for extremists violence victims/grant of additional relief to fire victims/grant of agriculture land on lease will be routed through E-seva center. Further, responsibility was fixed to the DRO and AO, Collector's Office, Visakhapatnam to coordinate with e-seva and other officers for making this process successful. 36