Delaware State University Department of English and Foreign Languages Executive Summary of Curricular Changes Effective fall 2007 At its October 29, 2007 meeting, the Curriculum Committee of the Department of English and Foreign Languages approved the following changes to the Foreign Languages Program curricula: BA Program in French Old Curriculum New Curriculum 1. 2. 16-100 is a 1st semester Freshman course FL 333 (same as 01-204) is a fall course it is a 2nd semester course is offered as 01-204 in spring 3. Has Junior Year 2nd Semester Abroad courses not listed in DSU catalog Study Abroad negatively affected course sequencing Study Abroad had a fixed list of courses Had FL 311 Has DSU-listed courses and electives Course sequencing has been corrected Study Abroad courses listed as electives Has 08-403, instead. 4. 5. 6. Old Curriculum Study Abroad Courses: Advanced Grammar, Classical French Grammar, 18th Century French Literature, 19th Century French Literature and Contemporary French Literature. Rationale for deleting Study Abroad Courses: Advanced French Grammar and Classical French Grammar not only overlap in their content, but they are unnecessarily tedious, redundant and old-fashioned courses that do not prepare 21st century students in any way; French 403 (The French Novel) is a synthesis of works of literature in French from the 17 th to the 20th centuries. Including it in the syllabus (which makes academic and intellectual sense) makes it redundant for students to take the rest of the Study Abroad courses; It is the purpose of the department to give students more flexibility as they study abroad. BA Program in Spanish Old Curriculum 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. New Curriculum 16-100 is a 1st semester Freshman course it is a 2nd semester course FL 333 (same as 01-204) is a fall course is offered as 01-204 in spring Had Junior Year 2nd Semester Abroad courses not listed in DSU catalog Study Abroad negatively affected course sequencing Study Abroad had a fixed list of courses Has FL 311 Has DSU-listed courses and electives Course sequencing has been corrected Study Abroad courses listed as electives FL 311 has been replaced by electives Old Curriculum Study Abroad Courses: Advanced Spanish Grammar, Spanish Literature of the 19th and 20th Centuries, Hispanic Literature: Poetry and Drama, and Contemporary Spanish Literature. Rationale for deleting Study Abroad Courses: Advanced Spanish Grammar is also unnecessarily tedious, redundant and old-fashioned. In addition, it does not prepare 21st century students academically, in ways other courses cannot; Not only do the next two courses overlap with the last course, but their contents would have been covered in courses such as 10-307, 10-304 and 10-308, thereby making them redundant for students; By replacing these courses with electives, we give students more flexibility as they study abroad. BA Program in French/Spanish Education Old Curriculum 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Did not mention Praxis II Multicultural Ed and Global Societies Did not include 12-112 Summer Study Abroad had fixed courses Required no Linguistics class New Curriculum mentions Praxis II in the appropriate place Multicultural Ed / Global Societies Includes 12-112, instead of FL Elective Summer SA consists of Electives/Ind. Study requires General Linguistics Rationale for the changes mentioned in 3-5 above: 12-112 is required of our English Education majors, it makes sense to require it of our Foreign Language majors, especially in view of its pedagogical worth; Having students select their own Study Abroad courses gives them the kind of flexibility that would help make their experience abroad very enjoyable; Language Structure is at the heart of Linguistics. Knowledge of language structure should be an integral part of the knowledge base of a well-prepared teacher. Therefore, It makes intellectual sense to add General Linguistics to the curriculum, especially since the course is taught in the department, once a year. These changes were further presented to the Curriculum Committee of the College of the Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences on November 8, 2007. They were unanimously approved. I hereby respectfully submit all changes to the Faculty Senators for their consideration. Thank you for your support. Abdul-Aziz Malik Diop, Chair Department of English and Foreign Languages