The GAP year?

The GAP year?
That year between…
Well…a Gap Year is a tradition in
which many Europeans engage. . .
Between their high school graduation
and college
 OR between college graduation and
starting a full time job
The Gap year is…………..
New graduates spending time - up to a
year - pursuing interests, trying out new
things, and following their heart and
 A gap year is constructive time out - it
can be anywhere, anytime, doing
Do you wish you Woulda…
Had an Internship?
 Studied Abroad?
 Taken a foreign Language?
 Chosen a Minor?
 Applied to Graduate school earlier?
It is a Journey
That can lead to
It Has Its’ benefits
It Has Its’ Worries
How will you be insured?
The basic things to check whether
policy covers:
Medical, medical conditions
Working abroad
Do they provide a 24-hour helpline
Are there any exemptions
Hazardous sports: It is important to make sure that
you are covered for the activities you are likely to
take part in-Be aware that companies may make a
distinction between doing a hazardous sport once
(and spending your whole time doing them
There is a name for people who do thisGappers
The Gap Year is really LegitThere are websites dedicated to this
Our own SU Gap website
Gap Year Jobs
Escape Artist
RealGap Experience
What can you do during a Gap Year?
 Have an Adventure
 Get a one year Internship
 Get a one year job
 Help Yourself
 Help Others
Have an Adventure-in the US or Overseas
Adventure Jobs $$$
Get an Internship that last ONLY one year
Internships Abroad
 Look to the Federal Government
 *Global by SU
Alumni, Steven Reilly. Places students
exclusively in internships.
 AustraLearn
Get a Job that last ONLY one
Teach English Overseas $$$
Job Opportunities Internationally
(it last 2 years) $$$
Transitions Abroad
Get a Job that last ONLY one
year-in the US
A network of national service
programs that engage more than
50,000 Americans each year in
intensive service to meet critical
needs in education, public safety,
health, and the environment.
AmeriCorps members serve through
more than 2,100 nonprofits, public
agencies, and faith-based
organizations. They tutor and mentor
youth, build affordable housing,
teach computer skills, clean parks
and streams, run after-school
programs, and help communities
respond to disasters. Created in
Get a US Job for one year
City Year unites young people of all
backgrounds, ages 17-24, for a
demanding year of community service
and leadership development in 16 U.S
communities and Johannesburg, South
Helping Others-Abroad
Volunteer Abroad
 You will find a variety of needs
 Varying lengths of time
 Some cost $
Some are religious
The St. Vincent Pallotti Center
American Friends Service Committee
Helping Others-at Home
 America’s
Communities of Service
Help Yourself
Study for the GRE
 Study a foreign language
 Take prerequisites to get
into grad school
 And couple it with volunteering
To Be a Successful Gapper
Write a preliminary goal statements for
your year off. Include strategies for
monitoring and assessing your progress.
 Be prepared to answer questions that
will potentially be asked by employers or
graduate school admissions personnel.
You can Gap and Thrive!