The Programme of Events at Market Town Days in Žužemberk from 10 - 13 July 2009. Day 1: Friday, 3 July, venues: Multipurpose hall of the Fire Association PGD Ajdovec,Dom Frata Day 2: Saturday, 4 July, venues: Platform in front of the Fire brigade Hall PGD Hinje, Hinje Day 3: Sunday, 5 July, venues: Hendrik's vineyard cottage at the Mačkin hrib Hill, Trebča vas Day 4: Tuesday, 7 July, venues: Multipurpose cultural hall in Dvor, Dvor: Day 5: Thursday, 9 July, venues: Alojz Zupanc Memorial park, Šmihel pri Žužemberku Day 6: Friday, 10 July, venues: wine cellar, hall of the Žužemberk Primary School, presenters: KUD Žužemberk 19.00 19.20 20.00 21.00 the Žužemberk horn players announce the beginning, welcoming speech by the president of the Suha krajina Tourist Association, speech by the mayor, Franc Škufca, speech by the guest of honour, MA Darja Radič, appearance of folk singers in national costumes, folk-musicians, musicians and belly-dancers Opening of the art exhibition by the author Jože Lisac, a speech held by the president of the association, cultural programme by KUD Žužemberk Museum of established personalities of the Suha Krajina Region in the Žužemberk Primary School hall Concert of Elda Viler, Matija Cerar and group Lavanda Organizers: TD Suha krajina, municipality, KUD Žužemberk Organizers: KUD Žužemberk, TD Suha krajina Organizers: Municipality, OŠ Žužemberk Organizers: TD Suha krajina On Friday, Museum of established personalities of the Suha Krajina Region and research works will be on display for visitors in the Žužemberk Primary School from 7.30 p.m. till 9.00 p.m., on the market-square in front of the castle, a wine tasting will take place in organisation of the Suha Krajina Winegrowers Association. Day 7: Saturday, 11 July 2009, venues: roads, market-square, castle courtyard, wine cellar, presenter: Silvester Polak 08.50 09.00 09.20 10.45 11.00 13.10 14.00 15.00 15.10 15.40 16.20 16.30 17.50 Presentation of Žužemberk Radio Club, Welcoming speech held by the president, appearance of folk-musicians as a welcome for cyclists Start of a cycle-race »Through Suha krajina 2009 (youngs): Žužemberk– Gradenc–Hinje–Dvor–Sadinja vas–Veliki Lipovec–Ajdovec-Žužemberk Opening of a needlework exhibition in Lovska dvorana (The Hunter’s Hall), welcoming speech given by the guest of honour, Franc Žnideršič, appearance of DU Žužemberk women-singers Cycle-race finish followed by a welcome speech for best cyclists Opening and blessing of a new road section in Prapreče, address by the major and the honorary speaker, Patrik Vlačič, PhD, the Minister for Transport, the blessing, performance of Žužemberk horn players and folk singers Announcement of the cycle-race results Welcoming speech by Anton Anderlič, the member of NA, Performance of folk-musicians Opening and blessing of a new bus station in Žužemberk Address by the major, a welcome speech held by the honorary speaker Gregor Ficko, CEO of DRSC, cultural programme by KUD Žužemberk Opening of the Suha Krajina market with the presentation of delicacies by the Association of countrywomen With a song and accordion, a welcome speech held by Romana Jordan Cizej Phd, member of the European parliament, performance of the Žitni klas singing group, young accordion players and accordion players from Mirna peč Presenting awards to blood-donors Welcoming speech by the major and the guest of honour, the member of NA Ivan Grill, the President of CC Mojca Špec Potočar, MA, appearance of folksingers in national costumes Presenting awards to the best winegrowers Beginning of the 'Market Town' games between the village teams with a game of surprise Welcoming speech by the mayor and CEO of KGZS OE Novo mesto Presentation of the Dolenjska and Bela krajina Tourist Associations Welcoming speech by the president of the Dolenjska and Bela krajina Tourist Organizers: Radio Club, TD Suha krajina Organizers: KK Adria Mobil Novo mesto Organizers: DU Žužemberk, TD Suha krajina Organizers: KUD žužemberški rogisti, TD Suha krajina, residents Organizers: KK Adria Mobil, municipality, TD Suha krajina Organizers: Municipality, KUD Žužemberk Organizers: TD Suha krajina, Association of countrywomen Organizers: TD Suha krajina Organizers: Municipality, Chamber of Craft Novo mesto Organizers: Suha krajina Winegrowers Association Organizers: DPM Suha krajina, Municipality Organizers: TD Suha krajina 18.20 20.00 20.05 association Jože Barbo Announcement of the 'Market Town' games results and acknowledgement to all participants, performance of folk-singers and folk-musicians Organ concert by Milko Bizjak Public festival organised by the Žužemberk Fire Association PGD with music group Gamsi Organizers: DPM Suha krajina, TD Suha krajina Organizers: Municipality Organizers: PGD Žužemberk During the breaks, a local guide Janez Gliha presents the history of Žužemberk On Saturday from 9.00 a.m. to 7.00 p.m., the following events will take place: an art exhibition of Jože Lisac, a needlework exhibition in the hunter’s hall above the post office, presentation of amateur broadcasters on the market-square, a market of countrywomen’ delicacies from Suha krajina, medicinal herbs, souvenirs and tourist associations at the market-square in front of the castle, wine tasting organised by the Suha krajina Winegrowers Association, Museum of established personalities of the Suha krajina Region in the hall of the Žužemberk Primary School. Day 8: Sunday, 12 July 2009, venues: the Žužemberk castle, market-square, parish church in Žužemberk and Hinje, river meadow, presenters: Ljudmila Bajc 10.50 10.30 Organ concert with a recital of sacral arias performed by tenor voice Matjaž Kastelic, soprano by organ Beach-Volleyball tournament for national championship up to 18 years Organizers: Municipality and the parish in Hinje Organizers: OK Žužemberk Medieval Days at the Žužemberk castle 2009 09.00 09.15 09.40 10.00 12.30 13.45 14.00 14.10 14.35 14.45 15.00 Opening ceremony of the Medieval Days at the Žužemberk castle Sound of the fanfare announce the opening of the Medieval Day, speech by the Žužemberk Knights and the Lord of the castle, the medieval market opening and the parade of medieval ladies and gentlemen, knights and a medieval cavalry, presentation of the blacksmith’s craft, Trubar’s printing workshop, a castle writer and others Opening of the exhibition about the Andrej von Turjak and Trubar's printing workshop, performance of fanfare players The holy mass in the St. Mohor and Fortunat parish church Parish blessing and solemn mass at the event of the parish church whitewash Lunch and performance given by Gašper and Veronika, Trio Antorino Archery tournament - qualifications Performance of medieval dances by the Žužemberk Knight's Order Demonstration of knight's skills Performance of medieval dances by the Gašper Lambergar Knight's Order Presentation of the market stall merchants on the medieval market Presentation of knight's orders with the parade and a warm reception of Volk von Turjak from Struga, Seinsenbergensis Tumultus from the Žužemberk castle, the Žužemberk fanfare players, Association of Organizers: TD Suha krajina, Knight's Order, fanfare players, other knights and medieval groups, craftsmen…. Castle courtyard Castle tower No. 1 Castle courtyard, the market-square in front of the castle the parish church of St. Mohor and Fortunat Castle wine cellar Castle moat Platform above the castle wine cellar Platform above the castle wine cellar Platform above the castle wine cellar Market-square in front of the castle Castle courtyard, castle moat Medieval Lansquenet, Gašper Lambergar Knight's Order from Bled, renaissance dance group Lonca from Škofja Loka, Trio 15.15 15.25 15.45 16.00 16.30 16.50 17.05 17.15 17.35 18.00 18.30 Antorino, the knights of Vitezi Otoški, Group Galemberg Vaganti, the Andrej von Turjak Knight's Order, the Varuhi kladiva Knight's Order Adam von Smlednik Archery Order, the Zlate Ostroge Knight's Order, Ortenburg Knights and guests: 'Kegljevičeva straža' and 'Bratstvo svetog Mihovila' from Croatia, knight's group MALEDICTUS from the Czech Republic and others Demonstration of knight's skills by the Gašper Lambergar Knight’s Order Archery Tournament of top four archers Presentation of Czech knights, the Maledictus Knight's Group Presentation of medieval music, medieval and renaissance dances Galemberg Vaganti, Seisenbergensis Tumultus, Trio Antorino, renaissance dance groups Lonca from Škofja Loka, Galiarda dance group from Celje Acting performance of the Cizamo Theatre Presentation of Czech knights, the Maledictus Knight's Group Memorial dance performance by Seinsenbergensis Tumultus Acting performance of the Cizamo Theatre Presentation of Czech knights, the Maledictus Knight's Group Attack on the Žužemberk castle Festivity with the performance of Trio Antorino, comedians, Cizamo Theatre, joint performance of all dancing groups Castle moat Castle moat Platform above the castle wine cellar Platform above the castle wine cellar Platform above the castle wine cellar Market-square in front of the castle Market-square in front of the castle Castle courtyard Castle courtyard Castle moat Castle courtyard 19.00 20.20 21.00 21.45 23.55 Dinner and performance given by Gašper and Veronika, Trio Antorino Final performance and demonstration of knight's skills by Meledictus Castle wine cellar Market-square in front of the castle MUNICIPALITY HOLIDAY CELEBRATION; A SOLEMN AWARDING OF MUNICIPAL PRIZES, Performance of the Žužemberk horn players, closing speech by the mayor of Žužemberk, address by the honorary speaker, the Minister for Culture Majda Širca, performance of the singer Renata Novak Concert of the music group DMP Društvo mrtvih pesnikov End of the event with the fireworks From 9.00 a.m. to 7.00 p.m. the following events will take place: an art exhibition in the castle, Trubar’s printing workshop and exhibition about the Andrej von Turjak, a needlework exhibition in the hunter’s hall above the post office and a medieval market at the market-square in front of the castle and wine tasting in front of the castle organised by the Suha krajina Winegrowers association. Day 9: Monday, 13 July, venues: The Žužemberk castle, presenter: KUD Žužemberk 18.00 18.40 20.00 20.30 Laying a wreath at the memorial at Cvibelj upon the Drivers and Mechanics Day ZŠAM Slovenija, singing performance by the KO ZB Žužemberk Official handover of defibrillator to ZP Žužemberk Address of the mayor and CEO of ZD Novo mesto Milena Kramar Zupan, PhD, and Nataša Žagar Arkar, doctor of medicine Memorial hour in memory of Rozalija Sršen – Zalla Zarana, address by the mayor Franc Škufca, speech by the honorary guest Franci Kek, the member of Slovenian parliament Cinema performance or show The Yokel (director: James D.Davis, 1926) acted by Zalla Zarana, presentation of a short film in memory of Leon Štukelj Organizers: ZŠAM, Municipality, KO ZB Žužemberk Organizers: Municipality, ZD Novo mesto, Nataša Žagar Arkar Organizers: KUD Žužemberk, TD Suha krajina, Municipality THE ORGANISER RESERVES THE RIGHT TO CHANGES!!