Canadian Contributions to Space Science PowerPoint Presentation

Canadian Contributions to Space Science PowerPoint Presentation
Your job is to research and create a PowerPoint presentation about a
famous Canadian and their contribution to space science and technology.
Use the Research Checklist to keep track of your research, the
Keeping My Research on Track sheet to help your organize your time and
the Information Gathering sheet to write your notes on.
Some suggested Canadians include:
-Marc Garneau
-Roberta Bondar
-David Levy
-Helen Hogg
-Doug Johnstone
-Dave Williams
-Chris Hadfield
-Bjarni Tryggvason
Marking Guide:
Title Slide – Include the name, birth date, death date (if applicable)
and a picture
Background Information – Other miscellaneous information on your
Contributions – List and describe the major contributions to space
science and/or technology that your person has had
Effective Oral Communication – Clarity of voice, volume, expression,
Effective Presentation – Stage presence, eye contact
Organization of Ideas – Catchy intro, written in your own words
Keeping my Research on Track – Completed and well organized
Research Notes – A good amount of notes written down