Model Essay #2

Model Essay #2
Persuasive/Argumentative Essay
Grammar and Writing Tips
Topic Prompt: Should recycling be mandatory?
According to Chief Seattle, an Indian who lived in the western part of North America
in the 1800s, “Man does not weave this web of life. He is merely a strand of it.
Whatever he does to the web, he does to himself.”
[This first part of the introduction includes a quote as a hook. A hook is a way to
capture the reader’s interest and add coherence to your essay.]
The main hooks to begin an essay with are
1. posing a question or two,
2. quoting a relevant proverb or saying,
3. mentioning a startling statistic or fact, or
4. telling a short story.
[‘an Indian who lived in the western part of North America in the 1800s’ is an
appositive. Appositives give more information and context about a person or
This statement illustrates the importance of taking care of the earth, not merely to
avoid global warming, but to preserve the natural balance of the planet.
[The sentence begins with ‘This statement illustrates the importance of taking care of
the earth’ to state the general idea of the essay.]
[‘to avoid’ and ‘to preserve’ must have parallel construction.]
[‘not merely… but’ is a variation of ‘not only… but also’ grammar.]
Some of the most pressing problems are the destruction of natural habitats, the
depletion of natural resources, and the polluting of rivers, lakes, and oceans.
[Many specific examples are given here to show the importance of the topic.]
One idea now debated is whether or not the government should require communities
to participate in recycling programs.
[This sentence introduces the central controversy of the essay, and ‘debated’ gives the
reader the idea that at least 2 sides are involved in the argument.]
Although some argue that individual communities are free to choose if they take part,
many people believe that due to the interconnectedness of the planet, governments
have an obligation to encourage and require communities to participate in the
recycling effort.
[This sentence is the thesis statement. The phrase ‘Although some argue’ shows that
some people disagree with the writer’s thesis. Notice that the writer does not say ‘I
think that’ or ‘I believe’. In academic writing, authors seldom use ‘I’ or ‘you’ when
writing argumentative essays. The author uses facts, examples, and statistics to
support the thesis statement.]
Some overly optimistic people contend that natural resources are for the most part
replaceable, such as trees, or too abundant to worry about, such as oil.
[The phrases ‘overly optimistic’ and ‘contend’ are used to demonstrate the author
disagrees with this view.]
However, the fact is that currently trees are being cut down faster than it is possible
to repopulate the forests.
[‘However’ sets up the contrast point. The information that follows contradicts the
first view and is what the author believes.]
Furthermore, water is a finite resource that is polluted from oil refining and the
creation of many modern products, for example plastic. In fact water shortages and
water pollution are both problems affecting most every country around the world.
Certainly, without clean, fresh water, life would not be possible.
[The rest of the sentences in the paragraph go on to support the author’s viewpoint
and further disprove the opponent’s perspective, as stated in the first sentence.
‘Furthermore’, ‘In fact’, ‘Certainly’ are all transition words to guide the reader.]
Some people assert that it is too difficult or complicated for citizens to recycle.
[The phrases ‘Some people assert’ and ‘too difficult or complicated’ are used to
demonstrate the author disagrees with this view.]
However, logistically recycling requires only a separate trash bin for tossing in plastic,
glass, aluminum and steel products.
[‘However’ sets up the contrast point. The information that follows contradicts the
first sentence and is what the author believes.]
Newspaper, cardboard and office paper can be collected in another box. Once set up,
recycling is as easy as throwing away materials in one trash can. The communities set
up collection to coincide with the trash pick up days, so it can be as easy as when not
recycling. Once people realize the importance and ease of recycling, they get involved
and change their trash habits. In fact, community members feel a sense of pride when
contributing to the betterment of the world.
[The rest of the sentences in the paragraph go on to support the author’s viewpoint
and further disprove the opponent’s perspective, as stated in the first sentence. ‘Once
set up’ and ‘In fact’ are more transition words to guide the reader.]
A few naysayers have argued that products will be recycled naturally by the earth over
[The phrase ‘A few naysayers have argued’ is used to demonstrate the author
disagrees with this view.]
Even though recycling does happen naturally over time, some products never do,
such as batteries.
[‘Even though’ concedes part of the point to the opposing sides, but the author goes
on to support the opposite view. The information that follows contradicts the first
sentence and is what the author believes.]
Also, with the tremendous rise in global population and use of natural resources,
humans have to effectively combat these increases by recycling goods. In addition,
recycling saves not only the resources that go into creating products but also landfill
space when the products are tossed out. Some of the chemicals and materials that are
put into the ocean are poisoning the fish, for example. Since fish are part of the
human food chain, people are further poisoning themselves by eating polluted food.
[The rest of the sentences in the paragraph go on to support the author’s viewpoint
and further disprove the opponent’s perspective, as stated in the first sentence. ‘Also’,
‘In addition, and ‘for example’ are more transition words to guide the reader.]
Recycling is only a part of the solution, but it is an easy and important first step to
fight pollution. Recycling aids in maintaining limited resources and is not too difficult
to implement. People are happy to lend a hand in the deceleration of the global
warming process.
[These sentences summarize and restate the thesis and support.]
Overall, recycling supports the earth and supports life.
[‘Overall’ is a transition word that begins a summative statement.]
Chief Seattle said the world is interconnected, so taking care of the earth is like taking
care of our home.
[This last sentence ties the hook in the introduction to the concluding statement in
the conclusion, weaving the ideas together and adding cohesion to the essay.]
Model Persuasive / Argumentative Essay
Topic Prompt: Should recycling be mandatory?
Title: Recycling Renewed
According to Chief Seattle, an Indian who lived in the western part of North America
in the 1800s, “Man does not weave this web of life. He is merely a strand of it.
Whatever he does to the web, he does to himself.” This statement illustrates the
importance of taking care of the earth, not merely to avoid global warming, but to
preserve the natural balance of the planet. Some of the most pressing problems are
the destruction of natural habitats, the depletion of natural resources, and the
polluting of rivers, lakes, and oceans. One idea now debated is whether or not the
government should require communities to participate in recycling programs.
Although some argue that individual communities are free to choose if they take part,
many people believe that due to the interconnectedness of the planet, governments
have an obligation to encourage and require communities to participate in the
recycling effort.
Some overly optimistic people contend that natural resources are for the most part
replaceable, such as trees, or too abundant to worry about, such as oil. However, the
fact is that currently trees are being cut down faster than it is possible to repopulate
the forests. Furthermore, water is a finite resource that is polluted from oil refining
and the creation of many modern products, for example plastic. In fact water
shortages and water pollution are both problems affecting most every country around
the world. Certainly, without clean, fresh water, life would not be possible.
Some people assert that it is too difficult or complicated for citizens to recycle.
However, logistically recycling requires only a separate trash bin for tossing in plastic,
glass, aluminum and steel products. Newspaper, cardboard and office paper can be
collected in another box. Once set up, recycling is as easy as throwing away materials
in one trash can. The communities set up collection to coincide with the trash pick up
days, so it can be as easy as when not recycling. Once people realize the importance
and ease of recycling, they get involved and change their trash habits. In fact,
community members feel a sense of pride when contributing to the betterment of the
A few naysayers have argued that products will be recycled naturally by the earth over
time. Even though recycling does happen naturally over time, some products never
do, such as batteries. Also, with the tremendous rise in global population and use of
natural resources, humans have to effectively combat these increases by recycling
goods. In addition, recycling saves not only the resources that go into creating
products but also landfill space when the products are tossed out. Some of the
chemicals and materials that are put into the ocean are poisoning the fish, for
example. Since fish are part of the human food chain, people are further poisoning
themselves by eating polluted food.
Recycling is only a part of the solution, but it is an easy and important first step to
fight pollution. Recycling aids in maintaining limited resources and is not too difficult
to implement. People are happy to lend a hand in the deceleration of the global
warming process. Overall, recycling supports the earth and supports life. Chief Seattle
said the world is interconnected, so taking care of the earth is like taking care of our