Grading Rubrics for RE 2133 Introduction to Religious Education

Grading Rubrics for RE 2133 Introduction to Religious Education
Fall 2005
Assignment 1: Anthony Book Parts Response
100 points possible
Due: Sept. 28
After reading each part of Introducing Christian Education by Anthony, write a two page
response for each part. Remember that each part contains several chapters. In your responses,
find two to three ideas in each part that were meaningful to you. These ideas may be something
you have never thought about before, something that speaks to your personal church experience,
something you liked a lot, something that made you think a lot, even something you might
strongly agree or disagree about. Identify these two to three ideas and discuss what you learned
about them from the text. The total assignment will be about 10 pages long. Each part is worth
20 points for a total of 100 possible points when completed with excellence.
Identified and related significant ideas (20 points)
Good discussion of ideas (20 points)
Insightful and reflective (20 points)
Well-written with few to no errors in spelling, punctuation, grammar (20 points)
Followed syllabus instructions (20 points)
Total Points:
Assignment 2: Eldridge Book Questions
100 points possible
Due: Oct. 17
Download “Textbook Questions for Teaching Ministry of the Church questions from the website.
As you read the text book chapters, answer each question in a way that shows you have read the
material. Your answers should clearly reflect what you are learning in your reading and in the
classroom. There is no limitation on the maximum numbers of pages, but your answers will
likely be between one-half to one page for each question. Answer with clarity and thoroughness.
Answers clearly show an effective reading of the text (20 points)
Answers reflect student learning and insight (20 points)
Answers reflect the class room experience (20 points)
Well-written with few to no errors in spelling, punctuation, grammar (20 points)
Followed syllabus instructions (20 points)
Total Points:
Assignment 3: Student Choice Project
100 points possible
Due: Oct. 24
Each student may choose ONE of the following projects to complete. While you must do your
own original work with this project, you may use resources to give you ideas. However, you
must include those resources in your write-up so the professor will know what resources
influenced your thinking and planning.
Project 1: Interview a Pastor about Christian Education
The student will spend one hour with a pastor talking about Christian education in his church.
The pastor may not be a current college student or a relative. The student will create about 6-8
excellent questions that will help the student learn about the pastor’s attitudes, beliefs, and
participation in Christian education in his church. The student should record the conversation on
video. Then the student should write a five page reaction to the interview, noting any and all
elements of the interview that relate to the course and textbooks. The reaction should include the
student’s evaluation of the pastor’s understanding and participation in his church’s educational
ministry. The student will turn in the video recording (either on VHS cassette or on a DVD
compatible with Windows Media Player) and the reaction paper.
Project 2: Design a teacher training course
The student will design a teacher training course for teachers who work in a particular age group
(adults, youth, children, or preschoolers). The course can only be four hours long. The course
should reflect the content of this course and the textbooks. The student should include the title of
the training course, the titles of each of the sessions, a learning goal for each session, a detailed
outline of the content of each session, and a teaching plan including a motivational step,
examination steps, and application steps. The course should be written in a way that someone
else could pick up the plans and teach the course.
Project 3: Design a Bible Study
The student will design a Bible study for one age group: children, youth, or adults. The course
can only be four hours long. The course should reflect the content of this course and the
textbooks. The student should include the title of the training course, the titles of each of the
sessions, a learning goal for each session, a detailed outline of the content of each session, and a
teaching plan including a motivational step, examination steps, and application steps. The course
should be written in a way that someone else could pick up the plans and teach the course.
Project 4: Design a New Member Course
Pretend that your church has had eight adults become Christians in the last three months and
none of them have any church background at all. What should a new Christian know about living
the Christian life? You have the opportunity to teach a new member course for these new
Christians but you only have four hours. Plan a new member course. The course should reflect
the content of this course and the textbooks. The student should include the title of the training
course, the titles of each of the sessions, a learning goal for each session, a detailed outline of the
content of each session, and a teaching plan including a motivational step, examination steps,
and application steps. The course should be written in a way that someone else could pick up the
plans and teach the course.
Project 5: Design a Retreat Bible Study for Youth
Your youth group is planning a fall retreat. There will be four Bible study sessions of one hour
each during the retreat. Considering your youth group, what do they need to study? The study
should reflect the content of this course and the textbooks. The student should include the title of
the Bible study, the titles of each of the sessions, a learning goal for each session, a detailed
outline of the content of each session, and a teaching plan including a motivational step,
examination steps, and application steps. The course should be written in a way that someone
else could pick up the plans and teach the course.
Project 6: Design a Witness Training Course
Your church is preparing for a crusade in your town. The goal is to have twenty people prepared
to effectively share their personal testimonies and to effectively present the plan of salvation to
people who respond to the invitation at the crusade. You must plan a witness training course that
will accomplish these two goals. You will have four hours of training. The course should reflect
the content of this course and the textbooks. The student should include the title of the training
course, the titles of each of the sessions, a learning goal for each session, a detailed outline of the
content of each session, and a teaching plan including a motivational step, examination steps,
and application steps. The course should be written in a way that someone else could pick up the
plans and teach the course.
Student demonstrated personal learning/skill development (20 points)
Interview or course seems effective and appropriate (20 points)
Project reflects course content and textbook information (20 points)
Well-written with few to no errors in spelling, punctuation, grammar (20 points)
Followed syllabus instructions (20 points)
Total Points:
Assignment 4: Sunday School/Bible Study Observances
50 points each; 200 points possible total
Due: Nov. 28
The student will observe Sunday School or small group Bible studies for preschoolers, children,
youth, and adults. Use the Bible Study Observation form found on the class website. Obtain
permission from the class teacher and other church leaders as needed (minister of education,
pastor, Sunday School director, etc.). Observe in a non-threatening and unobtrusive manner. The
student must observe the complete teaching session. The student will submit the completed
forms, one for each age group.
Grading will be based on the thoroughness of the observation and the evaluation of the session to
the extent to which it relates the content of the course and textbooks.
Assignment 5: Lesson Plans for Age Groups
50 points each; 200 points possible total
Due: Various Dates
The student will use a curriculum and plan sheets provided by the professor to create lesson
plans for each of the four age groups. This is an in-class activity.
Grading will be based on the thoroughness of the lesson plan and the use of the principles taught
and discussed in the class and in the textbooks.
Assignment 6: Book Report
200 points possible
Each student will select a book (or books) from the list provided below. The student will read the
book or books and write a five-page book report using the following outline:
Summary (about three pages)
Personal Reaction (about one page)
Application to a Church Setting (about one page)
The student will effectively summarize the major points of the book(s) in the first section. In the
second section, the student will write a personal reaction to the book(s). In the third section, the
student will suggest ways this book or books could be useful to the educational ministry of a
local church. This book report is due as the final exam. Each student will also present a brief oral
report about their book(s) to the class, following the same basic outline of the book, using about
five to six minutes and stating why fellow classmates from profit in ministry from reading this
The books appropriate for this assignment are:
Jesus the Teacher and Why the Church Must Teach
Nurture That Is Christian
Teaching for Results
Ministry Nuts and Bolts
Creative Bible Teaching
A History of Christian Education
Foundations for Christian Education
Ten Best Practices and Teaching the Jesus Way
The Kingdom Focused Church
The Seven Laws of Teaching
Effective summary
Thorough Reading
Personal Insight and reflection
Clear and reasonable suggestions for application
Critical and clear thinking and analysis
Related the book content to the course
Followed syllabus instructions
Stated the value and application of the book
Helped others become interested in the book
Class Participation
100 points possible
Instructor graded at the end
Each student will be subjectively graded on class participation. Class participation grade will be
enhanced by such actions as faithful attendance, regular and pertinent participation in class
discussion, evidence of preparation for class, thoughtful regard for and interaction with other
students, and insightful questions. Class participation can be decreased by such actions as lack
of preparation for class, poor attitude, lack of classroom participation, being late with
assignments, tardies, and absences.
Asks good questions/makes good observations (10 pts)
Evidence of thorough preparation (10 pts)
Shows respect for classmates (10 pts.)
Regularly engages in the class (10 pts.)
Integrates theology with class content (10 pts.)
Seems to show personal reflection on class content (10 pts.)
Seems to relate class content to current church experiences (10 pts.)
Seems to relate class content to other courses (10 pts.)
Seems to show signs of spiritual transformation (10 pts.)
Seems capable of transferring learning to new situations (10 pts.)
Number of absences: #_________ X 3 points
Number of tardies: #________ /3 X 3 points
Missed reading assignments: #_________ X 3 points