Design and Access Statement Householder – Extension (in a Conservation Area) Re: 66A Princedale Road, W11 4NL Proposal: Additional new room at second floor level to serve the second floor flat. 1. Features of the existing site. The house is c.150 years old and built of London stocks with white painted sash windows and simple rendered features. To the top is a rendered parapet wall. The roof is a flat roof hidden by the parapet at the front, but showing a V-shape at the rear. 2. Access Internal access to the proposed new room will be from the existing bedroom at second floor level. 3. Layout The proposed room will be accessed via a new door created in the rear elevation of the host building. 4. Scale / Appearance The proposed new room will not be visible from the street or from neighbour’s properties. There is no change visible within the conservation area. The existing flat roof at first fllor level where the proposed room will be sited is surrounded on three sides by high walls and on the fourth by an existing 2 metre garden screen. The shallow sloping roof of the proposed room has been carefully designed to hide behind this screen so that the room is not visible from the road. The rear windows and doors in No 68 are all opaque glass. The existing window in the rear elevation of No 66 at first floor level is also opaque glass. As a result there is no overlooking or loss of privacy for any of the neighbours. A light well will be retained which provides light to an existing bathroom and existing kitchen on the first floor. Both these rooms also have only opaque privacy glass windows although they have no direct view of the proposed room. There is no loss of light to any windows because of the proposed development. 5. Landscaping N/A 6. Heritage Assets The property forms part of the Norland conservation area. It is felt that there is no impact on the conservation area and that the proposals do not contravene any of the council’s policies for conservation areas. There is only one view; from Pottery Lane where the NW elevation of the proposed room would be partially visible if it were not for the existing bamboo garden screen. As a result the proposals are not visible. Behind the room (in Pottery Lane) there is an existing grey zinc roof which shields any roof top views of the proposed room from neighbours. As a result the building has been carefully designed to minimize any impact on neighbours and the CA. The building is designed in reclaimed London stock bricks and a grey slate roof with white painted sash windows in keeping with the CA. 7. Street-view and Precedent for this type of development at neighbouring properties. The proposed room is already present on most of the houses in the immediate terrace in Princedale Road. The roof line in this area is already a varied collection of piecemeal extensions. Our proposed extension would add to this roof line and is not visible from the street. There is no alteration in the street-view in the CA as the proposed room is not visible from the ground.